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Blood Sacrifice: Vampires of Blood and Bones

Page 3

by B. A. Stretke

  He finished at near five o’clock and figured he’d head to a local restaurant for dinner, the one where supposedly a vampire had attacked a person in the restroom, and DuCane’s people covered it up with what they called their “clean-up crew” according to the letter.

  It sounded absurd, but he would check it out along with the one person who seemed to echo the letter’s allegations in one obscure note that Sheriff Korbin had kept. It was a man by the name of Edward Boone. A man who just happens to be the partner of one of Louis DuCane’s security people. Again, he didn’t know what it all meant, but he needed to speak to everyone involved.

  He stuck his head into Sheriff Keller’s office and thanked him for the use of the office and equipment. “You’re welcome to use that space while you’re here if you like. Also, if you want to speak with Mr. DuCane or any of his people, contact Bastian, and he will arrange it.” He said with a pleasant tone but all business.

  “Thank you, Sheriff.” Theo left and headed over to his car. He got in and called Lisa. He needed to bounce a few things off her before going to dinner.

  “One of DuCane’s men was present during the interview with Sheriff Keller. Keller fobbed it off as being new to town and that Bastian DuFort might be better able to assist with questions.

  “What a name, it sounds French, is he?” Lisa’s weird interest in Bastian’s French heritage rubbed Theo the wrong way for some reason.

  “Yes, he is, and apparently he’s on the City Council and works for DuCane Industries.” Theo quickly got back to the subject, not wanting to discuss Bastian in such a way. It felt too seemly. He would not discuss his stunning looks or how he made Theo feel.

  “I don’t have anything on a Bastian DuFort, but I’ll see what I can find.” She told him. “Is he as handsome as his name?”

  Damn, there she goes again. “Really, you’re asking me that?” He was getting irritated, but Lisa took it in stride and started to laugh.

  “Come on, this is a ridiculous case alleging ghost and goblins, and the only reason you and I are investigating is because our superiors see their chance to get a look inside the DuCane compound.” She got serious and frank. “The billionaire recluse Louis DuCane is the only reason you are there, and you know that as well as I do.”

  “There may not be ghosts or goblins here, but there are some inconsistencies and strangely well-organized files.” Theo countered.

  “Well organized files? That’s all you got?” She shot back.

  “Bastian gave me a strange vibe.”

  “Bastian is it.” She teased, and he ignored it.

  “I don’t think he was there at the Sheriff’s office by accident. I didn’t alert anyone that I was coming, but I got the feeling everyone was waiting for me.” Theo explained.

  “My take on this whole thing is that Arlo Korbin got pissed because he was fired for his incompetence and decided he needed to cause the town’s most renowned citizen some grief. He wasn’t particularly creative, so he fell back on the childhood tendency to go with the supernatural as the cause for all his problems.” Lisa was sarcastic but concise, as always.

  Theo let out a long drawn out breath before responding because he needed the time to come up with a retort. Lisa’s take on it was probably correct, but Theo still felt that nagging feeling of having missed something. “My gut tells me there is something here. I don’t know if it’s a coverup or criminal activity, but they’re hiding something I’d bet my life on it.”

  “He wouldn’t be a billionaire recluse if he wasn’t hiding something,” Lisa responded as quick as ever.

  “It’s more than that, Lisa.” Theo got serious.

  Lisa paused for a moment before responding. “I trust you, Theo. If you have a bad feeling, then you need to pursue and find the source.”

  “Thank you.” He appreciated her support. “For now, I’d like for you to find what you can on Bastian and Edward Boone and see if you can locate Arlo Korbin. I want to talk to that man. Hold off joining me maybe come later in the week, I’ll let you know. I don’t want to alarm anyone or get them concerned that another Agent has joined the investigation and have them shut down on me.” Theo explained, and Lisa understood.

  “They’re being helpful?”

  “As much as you would expect. At least they’re not actively working against me as far as I know.” He considered that for a moment and then added. “Bastian DuFort is going to arrange a meeting for me with Louis DuCane, or at least the offer was alluded to. I’m going to call him this evening and see if he can set up a meeting for tomorrow.”

  “You have his phone number?”

  “He gave me his cell number after our meeting today. In case I had further questions.”

  “That is being helpful. You didn’t ask for it, he offered?” She clarified.

  “Anyway,” He dodged having to answer. “Have a good evening, and I will call you tomorrow. Goodbye Lisa.

  All he heard was Lisa barking a laugh as he closed the call. She could be as serious as a heart attack when need be, but she also knew how to lighten up, and that’s what made her so easy to work with.


  Bastian went straight to his car after meeting Agent Theo Hawke and just sat there for a few minutes. He noticed no one watching, and he had a sixth sense for such things, so he was confident that he had the time to sit and collect his mind and emotions.

  Six hundred and eighty-seven years he had waited for this man, and now here he was, his beloved, in town investigating Bastian’s Master and threatening the safety of his entire people. He was a government man, a Federal officer trained, focused, and dogged, so what were Bastian’s chances of persuading him to understand and accept the reality and secrecy of the paranormal before the man blew the lid off everything?

  “Fate, you filthy bitch.” He barked. “I love you, and I hate you.” He couldn’t help but crack a half-smile as he pulled away from the station and headed to the Palace. He needed to report the current development to his superior, and he preferred to do it in person. He pulled out his phone and hit call.


  “Yes, General.”

  “I’m leaving the station, so keep a watch on Agent Hawk. I’ll be at the Palace for a few hours.” He was about to close the call but then added. “Just watch him, don’t engage under any circumstances unless his life is in danger. I’ll explain later.”

  “Okay, got it.” Bastian closed the call and thought about how best to handle this case forward. He couldn’t threaten him, couldn’t lose him, and mind control was completely off the table.

  He met with Ismael in his office with Silas, also present. “I was with Sheriff Keller when the Agent arrived, and I was allowed to stay to help answer questions.” He began. “I watched Agent Hawke as he arrived at his Motel but was far enough away that I did not get a read on who he really is.” He paused for a beat, and Silas reacted before he could finish.

  “Who is he apart from a Federal Agent?” He asked abruptly.

  “My beloved,” Bastian stated calm and clear but with a hint of perplexity. All three men sat in silence for several seconds. It was Ismael who was the first to speak.

  “That makes things significantly more difficult. Fate would not have marked him if it weren’t possible for you to win him over to our side.” He told him with more confidence than Bastian was feeling, but he appreciated the reminder that destiny does not make mistakes.

  “Yes, I’ll continue to monitor his movements and play it by ear until I feel the time is right to pull him into the secret. The only concern I have is will my timing be correct. If I read this wrong, it could blow up, and we would end up with Federal personnel crawling all over us.” Bastian voiced his concerns, not seeing any point in hiding his thoughts at this point. He was going to need all the help he could get to contain this investigation and win over his beloved in the process.

  “Where is he now?” Ismael asked.

  “Reviewing the cases outlined in the letter. Kass set him up
with an office and a computer. I have Rawl watching him in case he leaves the station.” Bastian continued and gave a complete report. “Terence is back at the motel monitoring his room, phone, and car. He’s planted devices that are undetectable, but so far, there’s nothing we need to make a move on. The guy is just speculating and deciding how seriously to take the complaint.”

  “What do you think will be his next move?” Silas spoke.

  “He wants to speak with Master DuCane. He’ll contact me soon to arrange it. Kass has put the suggestion in his ear, and I gave him my number before leaving. It won’t be long.” Just as he finished the sentence, his cell phone went off. “That would be Agent Theo Hawke.”

  Ismael gave him leave to answer the call, so he did while keeping direct eye contact with Ismael. “Hello.” He stated. By the time he ended the call, a meeting between Agent Hawke and Louis DuCane had been set up for the following day at two o’clock.

  “I’ll pick you up. It will be more expedient than trying to direct you.” Thankfully he didn’t have to press that point too hard for Theo to agree. “Very well then, I’ll see you tomorrow.” He closed the call.

  “What should we prepare for?” Silas asked.

  “He has questions about Lawrence’s death and Sawyer Dawson's relationship to Lawrence. He also wants to discuss the death of Deputy Arron Clark that occurred very near to our property.” Bastian paused. “I also believe he is going to bring up the incident at the restaurant and Eddie’s claims. He didn’t indicate such, but it follows his pattern.”

  “So, we’ll meet with him and see what he wants. If he’s following the information in the letter, he may bring up the paranormal.” Ismael stated, and Bastian nodded.

  “He made reference to Master DuCane being a vampire, but it was simply to get a reaction he didn’t believe it,” Bastian reported.

  “If there is anything else that arises, let us know.”

  Bastian nodded added as the two men stood. Bastian also stood and turned towards the door, intending to return to staking out his beloved when Ismael spoke. He turned back just as he reached the door.

  “Congratulations, Bastian. Fate has been smiling upon us for a few years, be thankful that she chose you for the greatest happiness of all.” His words were heartfelt, and Bastian was touched by such tender words of encouragement coming from a man like Ismael.

  “I am, sir, and thank you.”


  Theo entered the Italian restaurant and was quickly seated. Since he was alone, they placed him at a small table for two near the back. Probably better suited for a romantic dinner. After making his choices and placing his order, he pulled out his notebook and studied the notes he’d taken regarding Sheriff Keller, Bastian DuFort, and the files he’d reviewed.

  His mind wandered to his call to Bastian. He sounded positive and eager to assist, and Theo could not get over how the sound of his voice had made his body tingle. It was a sensation that made his earlier arousal spring back to life. He was definitely affected by this man, but he wasn’t sure what to do with it.

  He tucked his notebook back into his pocket when he realized he wasn’t paying any attention to the things he was reading. Instead, he glanced around at the patrons nearby but recognized no one. He was feeling the sense of being watched once again but could not determine that anyone was giving him any particular interest.

  It needled at him until his dinner arrived, which turned out to be quite good. He enjoyed Italian food, and this restaurant did not disappoint. He noticed a young man busing the table adjacent to him and decided to try and get some information.

  “Do you know Edward Boone? I was told he worked here.” Theo addressed the young man with the question. The guy looked up at him perplexed for a moment and then answered.

  “Eddie doesn’t work here anymore.” He said and then went back to gathering dishes.

  “Do you know where I might find him?” Theo knew he was pressing and not explaining himself, but he hoped the guy just gave him something in order to end the conversation. He clearly was not enjoying the exchange and wanted to be left alone.

  “He lives with his boyfriend on the DuCane estate. I don’t see him in town very often now since his best friend moved to France.” The guy left it there and hurried away before Theo could form another question.

  Theo finished his meal while keeping a keen eye on his surroundings. The feeling of being watched was becoming more pronounced, and he had the urge to get out of there. He paid the bill, adding an extra tip for the busboy, and walked out onto the sidewalk. He waited wondering if someone would follow, but no one did.


  He returned to the motel just before eight. His neighbors on the left didn’t appear to be back from the conference, although their lights were on. The room to his right was still unoccupied. The feeling of being watched remained as he got out of his car and looked around at the other units on either side of the lot.

  Directly across from him were four units all occupied and several on the left and right that were vacant. He couldn’t get a good read on where his reaction was coming from. After a few seconds, he walked into his room and closed and locked the door.

  Once inside and settled, he ran the plates of every car across from him and to either side. Nothing of interest was found just a medical equipment salesman, a family on vacation, a man in town for a job interview, and a couple passing through apparently on their way home to Ohio. It was what you’d expect from an inexpensive motel. Everything he’d encountered so far was as would be expected, that in itself was suspect in his mind—too much normalcy.

  Theo suddenly threw his head back and started laughing. Too much normalcy, was he actively searching for support for his assumptions and not just letting the truth come to him? He wanted to find boogie men and monsters under his bed. He wanted the supernatural, the paranormal, to manifest. He laughed again and sat down at the small desk by the window and stretched.

  He was studying the little coffee maker on the corner of the desk, intent on making himself a cup and irritated by the fact he hadn’t thought to pick one up before returning the motel when his cell rang. “Hello, Lisa, what do you have?” He knew she was calling with new information; otherwise, she would have waited till tomorrow to call. He continued to fiddle with the coffee pot as he listened.

  “I did a background on Bastian DuFort.” She began, and his attention was captured. “He was born and raised in the Normandy region of France. He moved to the States twelve years ago and has been working for DuCane Industries in different capacities ever since.”

  “How old is he?”

  “35 on his last birthday, which was November 3rd. He’ll be turning 36 this year, or so he claims.” Lisa’s tone took a skeptical turn. “I found that the name Bastian DuFort goes all the way back to at least the fifteenth century in France. That Bastian DuFort started life as a child soldier and rose to the rank of General in a middle ages army of death and brutality. He appeared again in a few well-known battles throughout Europe and the U.K. over several centuries.” Lisa paused, hoping for a comment, but Theo didn’t know what to say.

  “Come on, Theo. Bastian could be the vampire you seek.” Theo chuckled.

  “You read too much fantasy.” He chided, but privately in the recesses of his brain, the idea that Bastian was something other than human was thrilling to consider.

  “It’s a fun thought, admit it.” She pushed.

  “Yeah, fun, but we have reality to deal with and an investigation to finish and a case to close.” He groaned loudly before stating his real feelings. “This is a fool’s errand. You’re right; it’s the curiosity around Louis DuCane that has fueled this investigation. It was never about the complaint.”

  “Just do your duty and wrap this up as soon as you can.” Lisa broke in.

  “I’m meeting with Louis DuCane tomorrow at two. Bastian is driving since he claims it would be too difficult to give directions.” Theo tried to sound unaffected, but it was

  “He offered to drive you and gave a lame excuse to make you agree. I think he sees something he likes.” Lisa once again was upbeat and joking.

  “I doubt that.”

  “He’s gay, I found that out in my research but hasn’t had any long-term relationships. Probably focusing on his career just like you, Theo.” The fact that Bastian was gay made Theo’s day one hundred percent brighter.

  “What do you have to lose?”

  “My self-respect.”

  “You’re both mature adults. I say you might as well have one good memory from this wild goose chase, they sent you on. I believe that Bastian DuFort would be a one-night stand for the ages.”

  “Good night Lisa. I’ll call you tomorrow.” And with that, he closed the call and tossed his phone on the desk. Thoughts of the tall, dark, gorgeous man accompanying him in his motel bed played through his mind and left a very salacious smile on his face. After a few minutes, he got up and headed for the bathroom, intent on taking a nice long shower and settling in for the night.


  Bastian returned to the room across and to the right of his beloved. He left his car parked a few blocks away in a public lot and entered through the back. He kept the lights off as he focused on the lighted window of Theo’s room.

  He could feel his beloved moving about in that room. The connection they had was weak, but with concentration, he could touch the man’s essence. He hoped that Theo felt it too, for it would aid him in gaining the man’s trust.

  He received a report from Terence indicating that Agent Hawke was not convinced that the complaint had any veracity and planned to finish his investigation as soon as possible. That would have been good news yesterday, but not today.

  The lights dimmed in Theo’s room, and he felt his beloved relax. He was settling in for the night. Bastian remained at his window hidden in the shadows, intent on keeping watch over his newly discovered beloved.

  He knew that Terence and Rawl were monitoring Theo’s every movement, but still, he needed to reassure himself that his beloved was safe. It was not logical but necessary for his vampire’s peace of mind, and he never questioned his vampire instincts.


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