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Blood Sacrifice: Vampires of Blood and Bones

Page 6

by B. A. Stretke

  “O’Reilly went out on a drunk and disorderly call at two forty-three. It was downtown called in by the owner of the Zen Bar.” The Sheriff was professional in every word he spoke, and his face betrayed nothing.

  “Anything in or around the Skyline Motel last night around midnight?”

  “No, why was there trouble?”

  Theo paused and just regarded the man for a few more seconds before responding. “I’ll let you know later once I figure you all out.” Theo smiled wearily, more than ready to get out of there.

  “You do that, Agent Hawke.” Theo stood, eyed the Sheriff one more time, and then left the office. He had just stepped outside when Bastian pulled up to the curb. He got in, and they took off.

  “Did you find what you were looking for, Agent Hawke?” Bastian inquired.

  “Call me Theo and no, but I’ll figure it out. Things will fall into place sooner or later.” He relaxed for a few moments, and then a question surged to the front of his thoughts.

  “John Bruni, Mr. Dawson’s lawyer, shredded the evidence against him rather easily in mere minutes of taking the case. If it was that obvious, how could the Sheriff not be aware of what his deputy was doing?” He glanced over at Bastian, who was keeping his eyes on the road and did not respond, so Theo continued.

  “Is it your understanding that Sheriff Korbin was in on the cover-up and perhaps even orchestrated it, and if so, why was he not prosecuted? I understand why the others weren’t. I believe someone went to great detail and effort to paint the picture of innocent and unaware deputies, but why was that extended to Korbin, who should have been overseeing everything?” Theo wanted to just let it go and believe the evidence as written, but he couldn’t. A few subtle inconsistencies normally wouldn’t concern him, but it was the number of subtle inconsistencies that he found to be the problem.

  Lisa told him he was being referred to as the vampire hunter back at the office, and the case was being seen as a hoax and a garbage assignment used to gain access to DuCane’s private compound. His superiors would be expecting his final report on Friday with plenty of inside information on the Palace. If he stayed longer, he would have to justify it with new evidence of which he had none because the Agency didn’t accept gut feelings and strange nights as evidence. He was pulled from his thoughts when Bastian answered his question.

  “The Council determined that he had no knowledge of the cover-up. He trusted Deputy Lawrence, who had presented himself as a decent and capable officer for years, so he didn’t second guess his work.” Bastian stated flatly, never taking his eyes off the road ahead and that fast the lightness that had existed between them earlier was gone. The atmosphere was now heavy with accusations. Theo suddenly wanted the ease that had been present between them when he got into the car, the ease that was there on their ride back from DuCane’s.

  Why did he persist in hammering Bastian with his questions knowing the man was going to give him the company line, and what else did he expect? Did he think Bastian was going to tell him everyone was in on it, and yes, the paranormal is running this town and a good portion of the state if not the country. He was getting sloppy, asking questions without any direction or expectations, just throwing everything at the wall.

  “I’m sorry,” Theo said, finally not wanting to risk Bastian shutting down on him. “I’m just repeating myself trying to make something out of nothing, I suppose. Last night I experienced something, and I know it wasn’t a dream or a hallucination. Something happened I just don’t know what or how it impacts my investigation, if at all.”

  “What happened?”

  Theo didn’t respond immediately but rather thought about just what he was willing to share. Bastian pulled into the parking lot of a nice-looking steak house restaurant and parked. He turned off the car and shifted in his seat to give Theo his complete attention.

  “I don’t remember all of it, and what I do remember is hazy.” He began and then decided it was too bizarre and fragmented and didn’t know how to present his memories without sounding drunk, high, or asleep at the time. He shook his head and turned away from Bastian to stare out the side window of the car. “It was probably a dream, vivid, but still just a dream.” He turned back and had a smile in place. “Let’s go eat, I’m starving. I haven’t eaten since breakfast.”

  “Well, come on then.” Bastian slid out of the car and came to stand next to him. “Benson’s steakhouse is guaranteed to fill you up. It’s on me, so enjoy it.”

  “Am I your date, Mr. DuFort?” Theo joked.

  “Yes, you are and call me Bastian.” Bastian slipped his hand to Theo’s back and once again rested his palm on the small of Theo’s back. He was beginning to appreciate the contact. Bastian’s warmth and support were tangible in his eyes and in his touch, and Theo was undeniably finding himself falling for this man. It was a mistake, a huge mistake, but Bastian DuFort might be worth the mistake.

  The lightness returned to their conversation, and Theo found himself soon relaxing and enjoying the evening. The steak was excellent, as was the service. They were seated near a bank of windows that looked out over a narrow river giving him the impression of being in the wilderness. Bastian talked of his life and job when asked direct questions about it, but he primarily listened. Theo found himself sharing things he never thought he would share with anyone, let alone a virtual stranger.

  He spoke of his interest in ghost hunting and studying the paranormal, vampires, and werewolves. He described a few of the ghost hunts he participated in and their findings. As he was animatedly telling him of incidents of possible contact, he began to realize how off the wall he may be perceived.

  These were things personal to him, and he never spoke of them to friends or co-workers for fear of scrutiny or dismissiveness until now, apparently. Bastian had a way of getting to the core with very few words. It wasn’t as if the man was prying, he just listened and didn’t appear to judge, and Theo couldn’t stop talking.

  “Damn, I’ve been talking all evening.” Theo finished his wine and placed his napkin on the table, suddenly feeling silly for having gone on so long. “I’m not as a rule, so verbose. I apologize for dominating the conversation so much.” He stood, and Bastian stood with him.

  “I enjoyed hearing of your interests and experience, and I would like to someday accompany you on a hunt.” Bastian sounded polite, but Theo needed to get away for a moment, so he stepped back from the table.

  “I have to use the bathroom.” He stated and hurried off towards the back of the restaurant to where the bathrooms were located. They were well away from the main floor and hidden off in a corner.

  It was a place he could hopefully compose himself and forget that he talked garbage to the man for the past hour. Ghost hunting, fuck, who the hell cares. Damn, if he’d stayed out there any longer, he probably would have told him about the weekend he spent in the Olympic Forest in Washington State with a sasquatch researcher looking for proof of the existence of the beast. He rubbed his hands roughly through his hair, feeling all kinds of ludicrous.

  He stared at himself in the mirror for several minutes before running the water and splashing a little into his face. His credibility around here was finished. They wouldn’t take anything he said seriously. Bastian was probably on his cell, letting everyone know that the Federal Agent was a lunatic. Shit, what the hell came over me? Why did I go there?


  Bastian could feel the anxiety, the embarrassment coming off his beloved in waves. He hadn’t meant to share his hobby or his interest and was now clearly sorry that he had. Bastian had no issue with it and would not tolerate his beloved feeling bad for having shared something he enjoyed. Besides, he was on the verge of experiencing a whole new world and finding out many of the beings he spoke of do indeed exist.

  Bastian got up and followed Theo. He stopped at the door to the men’s room and reached out to his beloved and felt the tension and uncertainty overtaking him. Bastian opened the door, stepped inside, and t
hen closed and locked the door behind him while never taking his eyes off his surprised lover.

  “You did nothing wrong, my love.” He said as he slowly walked towards Theo, who was still leaning on the counter and staring at himself in the mirror.

  Theo slowly turned to look at him but avoided eye contact. “You trying to convince me I didn’t sound like a raving idiot out there talking about my ghost hunting videos, pictures, and logs?” He rolled his eyes and then dropped his gaze back to the sink before him.

  “I’m honored you trusted me enough to share your interests with me.” Bastian was careful with his words. Theo was no fool and wouldn’t be placated with a few simpering platitudes. He placed his hand on Theo’s shoulder, feeling the tension gradually begin to release under his pressure.

  “Anything personal that you share with me will stay with me and go no further. If its case related, then I have to inform my superiors, but if it’s just you and me, then it stays between you and me.” Bastian stepped up behind Theo and took hold of his shoulder, turning him around, so they were face to face.

  “Do you believe in ghosts, vampires, and werewolves Bastian?” Theo asked, his words dripping in sarcasm. Bastian looked down into Theo’s soulful blue eyes and memorizing this moment.

  “Yes, I’ve been on this earth too long not to have experienced many things.”

  “Right,” Theo smiled. “According to the battles you mentioned, you would have to be around six hundred years old.”

  “Six hundred eighty-seven years old as of November 3rd last year,” Bastian stated casually and then took a chance and dropped a kiss to Theo’s forehead as he pulled him closer into an embrace. Theo watched him looking for disingenuousness as if waiting for the joke to be dropped. “I believe in a lot of things.” He added, and this time he bent and took Theo’s lips in a kiss that quickly consumed them both. It was a kiss they both seemed to be waiting for.

  He instantly went deep, having denied himself too long the taste of his beloved. The chaste kiss of last evening only fanned the flames of the desire that was now burning him alive. Theo actively participated, evidently feeling the pull as well as Bastian. He held onto Bastian, fighting for control, but Bastian wasn’t handing it over, not yet.

  Bastian plunged his tongue into Theo’s eager mouth, mapping and tasting the interior of the heaven he looked forward to enjoying for eternity. Reaching up, he tunneled his fingers through the back of Theo’s hair and pulled his head back just enough to establish complete dominance at this moment.

  Deeper and deeper the kiss progressed until Theo pulled to the left enough to drag in a couple of ragged breaths while gripping Bastian’s upper arms like a lifeline. Bastian held fast and trailed the kiss down Theo’s throat fighting his urge to take a deeper taste.

  “I want more, Theo.” He said and slipped his hand down to lightly caress the firmness straining against the fabric of Theo’s well-fitting pants. He adjusted his stance to let that delicious cock ride his thigh, giving Theo a modicum of satisfaction.

  “I want more Bastian,” Theo repeated Bastian’s words and reached around, cupping Bastian’s ass in a salacious grip bringing a pleased and hungry look to Bastian’s eyes. Bastian held Theo’s stare as he popped the button and then lowered the zipper of Theo’s pants, letting the back of his hand skim the surface of Theo’s warm, hard cock, feeling it twitch and strain for release.

  He was thrilled by the fact that Theo was one to forgo underwear, something he too embraced. It was skin on skin as he wrapped his fingers around Theo’s thick cock and began a slow stroking rhythm. Theo held his ground, but the way his eyes burned into Bastian’s said it all. He wanted more.

  Bastian dropped to one knee and pulled open Theo’s fly dragging the pants down below the curve of his delicious ass and freeing that beautiful cock to Bastian’s expertise. Gripping the base, he eagerly took it to the root swallowing it down as Theo began to tremble, waves of pleasure rippled through him. Bastian held Theo by the hips supporting and controlling his movements as Theo began to instinctively thrust, needing to heighten the pleasure Bastian was giving.

  With a firm squeeze to the base, Theo groaned and stilled his movements and followed Bastian’s rhythm. He took him to the base over and over, picking up speed and sucking hard, giving him the pressure he desired as his pleasure built to a level of rough pants and desperate pleas for more.

  Bastian played him like a fine instrument pushing his limits and taking his own indulgence as well. He felt the rise in Theo’s need and the edge of his release. On a downward stroke, he pricked the thick vein running down the hard shaft to taste his beloved and begin to solidify their bond.

  He took his cock deep as Theo stiffened and began to tremble harder as he fought the release. But he barreled over the edge as Bastian held him as he came filling Bastian’s mouth and throat with his sweet, sweet release. Theo’s hands were on Bastian’s shoulders, and his grip tightened, digging his nails in as he burst forth, giving Bastian all that he had.

  Bastian continued to swallow and then lick his beloved clean before standing, and with great care, he tucked him back inside and fastened his pants once again. He made sure Theo was straightened and tucked before cupping both sides of his lovely blissful face and kissed him again. This time he was marking what belonged to him. The taste of his beloved’s release and the taste of his blood so sweet and energizing was still on his tongue as he took those plump, perfect lips in an embrace that devoured.

  When he finally released him and took a half step back, he was gratified by the breathlessness of his beloved and the look of complete satisfaction. “I’ve wanted to do that since I first saw you in Keller’s office. You make my blood burn Agent Hawke.”

  Theo looked up at him with an ease Bastian was coming to cherish. “If I could play it coy, I would, but we both know I enjoyed every minute of that.” Theo was blunt and truthful as ever.


  Theo was baffled, mystified by how the evening had gone down. He wasn’t regretting the intimacy but was puzzled as to how it had happened. He was on an assignment, and a blow job in a public washroom usually wasn’t a part of any assignment.

  He was always able to maintain a distance and keep his objectivity until now until this man. How in the world could he be objective when his mind was consumed with the man sitting next to him with the way he looked the way he made him feel? This man who was his liaison to Louis DuCane, one of the principles in the complaint.

  When Bastian pulled the sleek black Lexus into the parking area of the motel, Theo so badly wanted to invite him inside to and get another taste. He had a good hunch that the evening would be memorable, but he had to pull it back a little and grab for some measure of objectivity if not dignity.

  “I’d invite you in, but I think I need to slow this down and focus on why I’m here.” He turned to Bastian and regarded him directly, looking into those eyes that seemed to own him with every glance. “I have a job to do, and I need to finish it.”

  Bastian reached over and took Theo’s hand in his and raised it to his lips, placing a soft kiss to his knuckles before releasing him. “Understood.” Was all he said, but Theo could feel the burn of his stare as he watched him get out of the car and enter his room. Once inside, he dropped down on the bed and ran his hands through his hair several times as he tried to get a handle on what was happening to him.

  His entire body was still buzzing with the sensations left by the embrace of Bastian DuFort. He needed some calm clarity and a return of focus, so he pulled out his cell and called Lisa.

  “Do you think you’ll have this wrapped up by Friday?” Was her first question.

  “Why, are you not wanting to come and help me ferret out the ghost and goblins of Mt. Pleasant?” He forced a light joking manner into his tone and hoped it passed as genuine.

  She barked a laugh and then asked. “How’s it going with Mr. DuFort?” Lisa changed the subject, and Theo wished she hadn’t. “Is he an ancient vampire intent on
making you his sire?” She laughed.

  “No, not yet. I guess I’m not sire material.” He struggled with their usual banter as just the mention of Bastian’s name filled him with need and left him hard and uncomfortable.

  “I met with DuCane and his people today, but nothing really came of it. They have no idea why the author of the complaint, presumably Arlo Korbin, would make such outlandish claims, and there isn’t anything I can find to support any of it.” He laid back on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

  “The investigation was a bit sloppy in places but nothing blatantly criminal or out of the ordinary for a rural Sheriff’s office. Yes, there are missing persons, but as was eloquently pointed out to me, no more than the average small town in America. There is nothing here that I can get ahold of that would warrant that I drag this out much longer.” Theo knew this to be true regardless of the nagging of his intuition that something was wrong, there was nothing solid, tangible that he could report to his superiors.

  “So, you’re going to write this up and be home by the weekend?” Lisa probed, making sure she didn’t have to hop a plane to Mt. Pleasant.

  “Yes, I believe so unless something comes to light in the next couple of days. You’re off the hook, my girl. Relax and have a drink on me.” He chuckled when she shouted, thank heavens. “Did you find anything on Korbin or any of the other principles?”

  “Nothing that doesn’t fit right in with the information you already have. Oh, hey, by the way, what was it like at the DuCane compound. You have to tell me, was it amazing, out of this world, worthy of a centuries-old Master Vampire myth?” She pressed for details.

  “It was nothing more than your average country estate, not anything you haven’t seen before. The garden was nicely kept, and there was plenty of parking but nothing remarkable and no points of amazement.” He wasn’t sure why he was lying to Lisa about the Palace, but something left him feeling an urgency to keep the secret, for now anyway.


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