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Blood Sacrifice: Vampires of Blood and Bones

Page 9

by B. A. Stretke


  Theo used plenty of lube and stretched himself while Bastian watched and stroked his hard cock keeping it in a firm grip that threatened to take him over the edge at any moment. He couldn’t wait to have Bastian inside him, stretching and straining him to ultimate satisfaction. All thoughts not supportive of him reaching that climax were banned from his mind as he kept a steady focus on stretching and not falling over the edge too soon.

  He moved, positioning himself over Bastian’s throbbing cock and lowered himself just enough to tease the head and see the reaction light up Bastian’s eyes. They were turning red as they had when Bastian was in the thick of battle. He also saw the fangs slowly growing longer until they peeked out from Bastian’s top lip. He should be scared or at least cautious, but he was neither.

  Bastian held still, not thrusting just letting Theo take it at his own pace. Slowly he lowered himself an inch at a time, letting his channel expand and accept the size and girth without pain. He kept his gaze focused on Bastian as he suddenly slammed down, taking the last few inches in one thrust and tightening his channel and thighs holding Bastian inside.

  He rolled his head back against his shoulders and reveled in the fullness and the sensation of Bastian pulsing inside of him, filling him and stretching him to the limits. After a moment of sweet silent adjustment, he began to rise and fall, taking him inside and then sliding free only to capture and hold him once again.

  The gentle tease was showing in the hard lines on Bastian’s face as he fought not to take over and thrust to completion. Keeping this man on such a brittle edge was an amazing feeling of strength and control, and Bastian was giving this to him. The sweet sensation of the tight drag in and out continued to build the excitement and push him further to the edge as Bastian began a gentle thrust. He was allowing him to take all that he wanted, but now he wanted it hard and fast and wild.

  Theo slammed down hard once again, demanding more, and Bastian instantly obliged, plunging deep on the next thrust and gripping Theo’s hips to hold him in place as he pounded into his tender aching ass. He drove his large cock inside with a force that stretched and burned and sent shock waves through Theo’s system. It was messy, wild, and rough, and Theo loved every second.

  The pounding was relentless, and Theo found himself soaring on the endorphins pinging around his brain and holding on as Bastian increased his speed and force. He could feel that he was losing himself and just let go. Bastian slammed deep inside, filling him full, stretching him tight, and then came stream after stream of hot seed filled his channel, sensitizing and lighting Theo on fire.


  Bastian was at this limit and could hold back no longer the enticing grip, and the salacious sounds of his lover were too much for him to resist. He slammed home and came with such force he jerked and trembled as he filled him fully, marking him as his own. Then unable to stop while in the those of such elation, he pulled Theo down and held him close as he sunk his fangs into that pulsing vein at the base of his throat. It was startling and pure ambrosia that poured over his tongue. The taste and power of his beloved’s blood was energizing and invigorating, stimulating his body to come once again.

  Theo held tight to Bastian’s sides. The bite of his grip added to the overall excitement stimulating him further as he drank his fill. Bastian felt Theo stiffen and come as his warm seed pooled between them. Bastian finished and licked the wound closed, healing it to a fine scar. He held his beloved tight to his chest as they both fought to catch their breath.

  They were bonded connected on a spiritual level, heart to heart, and soul to soul, and that truth settled his mind. He felt his cock jerk again as it fought to come back to life once again. The thrill of this coupling was amazing, and the bond was now completed filling him with the thoughts and emotions surging through his beloved. They were a jumble at present, but Theo would settle, and together they would find their balance.

  He continued to hold him as Theo lay on top, breathing hard and bringing his body back under control. After a few minutes, he reached over and grabbed some tissue, and tilting Theo ever so slightly, gave them both a cursory cleaning. He couldn’t release his beloved yet. He had to keep him close until the fervor calmed, and their bodies relaxed for the contact kept them grounded as their souls aligned.

  “Relax, my love. Sleep and enjoy the night, and tomorrow we will talk.” Bastian gathered him close and drank in the sweet aroma of his beloved.

  “Tomorrow,” Theo said on a soft breath and quickly fell asleep.


  When Theo woke, he was alone, although he could hear people talking in the outer room. He no more than sat up when the door opened, and Bastian stepped in with a smile that went straight to Theo’s cock. The man was so fucking gorgeous. Instead of the sleek black suit that he always wore, today, he was dressed casually in a pair of dark jeans and a blue pullover, but he still looked as if he ruled the day. Those dark brows and piercing eyes never gave any quarter.

  “Did you sleep well, my love?” He said and walked over to place a sweet kiss to Theo’s dry lips. He sat on the edge of the bed and leaned closer and kissed the new scar on the side of Theo’s neck, sending an electrical charge of sensations through his body.

  “What was that?” he said, breathing heavily and leaning into Bastian for more.

  “You bonding scar. It will always be sensitive to my touch.” Bastian kissed him again.

  “I’ll never grow tired of that,” Theo commented on a sigh.

  “Rawl picked up your things from the motel and brought them here, so if you’d like to shower, I’ll order lunch.”

  “Thanks, yes, that sounds good.” He sat quietly for a moment, just taking in the man before him. General Bastian DuFort, a vampire warrior from the middle ages, was there taking care of him and promising him forever. “My world has changed so much. There are moments when I wonder if this is all real or if I’ll wake up in a hospital bed with a bump on my head, having imagined it all.”

  “It’s real, my love. Your world hasn’t changed, it’s just gotten bigger.”

  “I can feel your words. It’s as if they have texture and meaning beyond sound.”

  “That’s the bond. We are one in many ways now. Just as you can feel my thoughts and feelings, I can also feel yours. It’s how Fate allows us to always be there for one another. I will know if you need me.” Bastian explained briefly.

  “You can read my thoughts?”

  “No.” He shook his head. “Not anything that intrusive. I can read your feelings and state of mind but not specific thoughts unless they are laced with heavy emotions such as fear.”

  “I got a lot to learn.” Theo moved to place his legs over the edge of the bed.

  “You have centuries to get it right.” Bastian stood, and with another quick kiss, he turned towards the door. “Meet me in the kitchen when you finish.”


  Bastian returned to the kitchen, where Rawl was waiting. He’d stopped by to deliver Theo’s things and to give Bastian a rundown on the situation with Korbin and the mutant shifters.

  “The two shifters were from out of town just like the one that showed up at the motel. They don’t have anything in common except Korbin. Both were near him shortly before shifting and going after Theo. Korbin’s scent was still on them and in the cabin, so he had to have been there not long before your Theo arrived.” Rawl accepted an offered cup of coffee and leaned against the counter.

  “He left no trail?” Bastian poured himself some coffee.

  “It faded a few yards away from the cabin. We had a rough direction to follow, but so far we haven’t found him or further evidence of him.”

  “The area was oppressive. The air thick with negativity and a feeling of hopelessness. The possibility that Korbin is dabbling in magics is getting stronger. There is no other explanation for how easily he’s evading us. He could never be that skillful on his own” Bastian glanced back at the bedroom door, thinking of how cl
ose he came to losing the man twice because of Korbin’s interference.

  “Is your beloved well?” Rawl saw the gesture and asked.

  “Yes, I think he will adjust in time and find his life here with the coven to be fulfilling. We’ve bonded, so that will help in his acceptance of this new life.” Bastian spoke thoughtfully.

  “Accepting that he cannot return to his old life, I’m sure won’t be easy,” Rawl commented and finished his coffee, placing the cup in the sink. Bastian hadn’t had that talk with Theo yet, not wanting to overwhelm him with everything right out of the gate.

  He would have to present it carefully for a man like Theo Hawke would not appreciate someone trying to control him. But the FBI could not be brought into the inner workings of Coven DuCane, not in any capacity. He would have to forego his career as a Federal Agent, and Bastian hoped that Theo came to love him enough to make that sacrifice.


  Theo walked near the bedroom door as he grabbed one of his bags from the motel. He needed some fresh clothes and was picking a couple things from the bag when he heard his name being spoken. He couldn’t help but stop and listen as the two men in the outer room discussed his future.

  This new life apparently didn’t include anything from his old life. The way Bastian spoke of acceptance sounded uncomfortably like assimilation. Did he bond with Theo simply to force him into becoming a part of the DuCane Coven? Was this all planned as a way of shutting down his investigation? Then it hit him, Sawyer Dawson, a loose end married off to DuCane’s driver. Eddie Boone, another loose end married off to a Coven guard, and now him the last of the loose ends handed off to Bastian DuFort, DuCane’s General.

  Theo would have preferred Bastian to just clear his mind like everyone else rather than leave him tied to someone who is just doing their job. There was no beloved, no connection, just a man’s duty to his Master. Fuck, that hurt like hell. It was all just a smokescreen to achieve suppression.

  The heartache hit him fast, and he had to do something, or Bastian would feel his mood swing, that part of their bond was clear to him. Unsure how to stop the emotional pain, he slammed his fingers into a drawer hard in order to cover his sadness with physical pain. The pain was sharp and excruciating and drowned out the ache that was flooding his heart. The door opened immediately, and Bastian was by his side in an instant.

  “Oh, sweetheart, what did you do to yourself?” Bastian asked as he pulled him toward the bathroom and stuck the injured fingers under cold water. The throbbing eased off as did the pain more quickly than he’d expected.

  “It was an accident.” He said and kept his eyes on his inured fingers because he really could not look at Bastian right now.

  “It’ll ease off shortly. With our bond also comes accelerated healing. Is it feeling better?” If Theo didn’t know better, he would fall for the seemingly genuine care and concern that Bastian was pouring over him. He managed to put a block in his mind shutting out the thoughts that would spawn the depressed attitude and emotions that Bastian would be able to read. He didn’t want him wise to the fact that the fish was off the hook.

  “Yes, it’s feeling better. I’m fine now, sorry for making such a scene.” He stuck a bunch of words together and hoped he came off as believable. All he wanted at this moment in time was to be left alone. Bastian turned off the water and dried Theo’s hand with a soft towel. The theater of the whole thing was quite impressive now that he was in the know and could look at it from a spectator's point of view. Bastian was the loving, attentive lover he’d always hoped for, or so he portrayed.

  He kissed Theo’s fingers with a tenderness that sent an unwanted thrill through Theo’s system. It was going to be hard resisting this man on a physical level. Theo found that his body was in a constant state of betrayal with Bastian so near.

  Bastian let him know lunch would be arriving soon and left him alone to finish getting ready. Theo let out the breath he’d been holding and wonder how he was going to get out of this. He wasn’t going to settle for being anyone’s duty. Did Bastian even enjoy the sex they’d shared, or was it all just part of the job?

  He would never divulge their secret to anyone, the world just wasn’t ready for that truth, but he was sure as hell not staying here to become some sort of demented Stepford wife. He just had to figure out how he was going to get out of here.


  Bastian felt the unease of his beloved but chalked it up to everything going on and the fact he just slammed his finger in a drawer. Tension still hung in the air, but he was confident that once Theo sorted it all out, he would be okay. His beloved was a smart man and a companionate man, and he would see that his place was here at Bastian’s side.

  Bastian looked forward to having him as part of his team, not just because he wanted his beloved near him, which he did, he recognized the man’s skills and knew they would enrich his team. He heard the shower turn off, so he placed their order for lunch and prepared his lover a cup of coffee.

  Having bonded last night gave Bastian a deep comfort that had been missing in his life. He never thought he could love someone so fast and so deep as he has come to love this man Theo Hawke. Theo was still somewhat restrained in his desire to accept Bastian, but that would come as their time and proximity continued. His beloved was marked and claimed, and their connection would steadily grow.

  He’d witnessed it when Ismael found his beloved Easton and when Silas found his beloved Wolfe. There were times of stress and difficulty, but they always found their way back to one another. The bond would secure the connection for all time. With that thought firmly in his mind, why did he find a touch of insecurity nagging at the edges of his awareness?

  Bastian glanced over his shoulder at the closed bedroom door just as his phone rang. He kept his eyes on the door as he answered. “Hello.”

  “We have a trail to follow, General,” Rawl stated, somewhat breathless. He was obviously on the move. “The team checked in, and they have Korbin’s trail. A real lead, and they’re on it now.”


  “A mile and a half Northeast of the cabin. I’m heading out now and will keep you informed, sir.” Bastian was torn. He wanted to find Korbin and confront that bastard for the things he did to Theo. But he had his beloved to consider. Theo was confused, off-balance, but Theo wasn’t a child, and he was here within the protection of the Coven. He hesitated for a moment.

  “Wait, I’m coming with you.”

  “Yes, sir,” Rawl answered, and Bastian closed the call. He had to be there when Korbin paid the price. He had to know the threat was over. His beloved was safe and secure here in the Palace. Theo was a soldier in his own right, so he would understand. Bastian grabbed his jacket and weapons before walking over to knock on the bedroom door.


  Theo was pulling on his shirt when he heard the knock. “Come in.” Bastian stepped in, and he looked like he was going somewhere. The jacket and the urgency in his expression spoke to his need. He came over to stand directly in front of Theo and cupped his cheek in one palm, lilting Theo’s face up to his. It was a gentle gesture, but Theo wasn’t falling for gestures.

  “I have to leave for a few hours.” He said as his eyes kept searching Theo’s. “Will you be okay here on your own?”

  “Yes, I’m sure I’ll be fine. I doubt any of those mutant cougar shifters would ever make it this far inside the DuCane compound.” Theo just barely disguised his sarcasm. Being left alone was the break he was hoping for, so he needed to play this as natural as possible.

  “I’ll have my phone, if you need me for anything, call, and I will answer.” Bastian was pressing for something, but Theo wasn’t sure what it was.

  “Sure, yeah, I have your number.” In the next second, Bastian pulled him abruptly to him and kissed him like he cared. The kiss was hot and demanding and pushed all of Theo’s buttons. Bastian had done his homework and knew which buttons to push to get the desired effect. Everything was so damn clear now that he k
new the score.

  The kiss ended, and Bastian stepped back. “Lunch is being delivered, and I’ll return as soon as possible.” He turned towards the door and looked uncertain for just a moment as he turned back. “You may leave this apartment if you wish, but don’t leave the Palace.”

  “Alright.” Theo stepped towards him a couple of steps, feeling pulled towards him and then stopped. “Hurry back.” He said for nothing better came to mind.

  “I will. I made you a cup of coffee. It’s on the counter, and there is more in the pot. Help yourself to anything you want.” Theo nodded. Bastian still looked hesitant but turned back towards the door. He paused for just a beat as if he were going to say more but instead left the room, and Theo listened until he heard the outer door open and close.

  He would have to wait until after lunch was brought, but he started putting a plan together immediately. If Bastian would be gone a few hours that would give him time to. . . what? They checked him out of the motel, assuming he would be overwhelmed by Bastian and never want to leave, so they probably returned his rental car as well. He walked out into the main living room and looked around.

  The first thing he saw were the keys to the Lexus that Bastian placed on the counter by the corner wall. Okay, nice beginning, he thought as he stepped into the kitchen and saw a cup of coffee there waiting for him. He smelled it first and appreciated the richness of the aroma. Then he took a drink and set it back on the counter.

  The doorbell rang, and when he answered, he was greeted by a pleasant young woman who rolled a tray inside and parked it by the dining room table. Theo assured her he could handle it from there, and she left. There were a variety of offerings on the tray, but he found he had very little appetite, so he covered it all back up and placed it in the refrigerator. He couldn’t abide waste. He went back to his coffee and put his plan together.


  Bastian rode with Rawl out to the area north of Korbin’s cabin. The trail had been discovered past the ridge, and he was believed to be on foot, but there was no telling where this chase would lead. Korbin had turned from an incompetent sheriff into a nearly untraceable villain. None of it made sense.


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