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The Tree and the Tablet (The St. James Chronicles Book 1)

Page 14

by Kathryn O'Brien

  She nodded in comprehension and said, “Mommy, will you stay forever?”

  Andrea smiled, “I’m not sure how long I have, Pumpkin. I’ll stay as long as I can.”

  Kelsey started to cry, “Don’t leave, Mommy. Please?”

  This was killing me.

  Andrea soothed, “Hey, this is not the strong girl I raised. You’re my little angel and I love you no matter where I am. Do you understand?”

  Kelsey nodded and sniffled loudly. “Okay, Mommy.”

  Jaxon had been perched on Kelsey’s shoulder and he flew up into the tree. Andrea seemed to be listening as Jaxon started making odd sounds for a bird to make. It was kind of like clicking and grunting noises combined with tweets and other bird sounds. Andrea glanced up and said, “Okay, honey.” Looking back at Kelsey, “Sweetie, Daddy said that he’ll be here as long as he can, too.”

  Kelsey’s face lit up, “Really?”

  “Yes, my love.” One of the branches moved slowly through the air until it was a short space from Kelsey’s face, a petal moved toward her and gently caressed her face. “Butterfly kisses, love. I need to rest now, okay? It takes a lot of energy to show myself to you.” She yawned.

  “I love you, Mommy. Get some sleep.” The face vanished, and the tree shuddered to a standstill. Kelsey turned to me, “Can I put up a tent outside?”

  Tenderly, I watched this child whom I loved beyond words, “We can talk about that later, alright?”

  Seeing that I wasn’t about to discuss it right now, she nodded and said, “I’m gonna go draw a picture of Mommy and Daddy.

  Deciding to let it go, I put my hand on her shoulder and said, “Okay, sweetie.” She was smiling and humming the entire way into the house

  Turning to Daniel as Kelsey closed the door to the house, I said, “What’s happening that I need to know about?”

  Just then the tree shuddered again, and Andrea said, “Maggie, is Kelsey in the house?”

  Glancing at the closed door, I said over my shoulder, “Yes.”

  Sounding relieved, “Good!”

  Since she sounded worried, I asked, “What’s happening, Andrea?”

  “Maggie, our time is short. You have to find the tablet. Put Kelsey somewhere safe. Take Daniel with you. He knows the area.” She sounded frantic.

  Moving closer to the tree, I asked, “Whoa. What’s going on?”

  Daniel stepped up, “Andrea, talk to me. What’s happening?”

  “Daniel, the amulet gives me limited energy, but it also shows me things. I know that my time is limited, but I also knew that by burying it under the tree, I’d be able to communicate. I don’t know how I knew. Maggie, if you look on the ground, you’ll see that my flowers are shedding. When the last petal falls, I won’t be able to communicate with you in this way. I’m not sure how they are linked but this tree is special.”

  Remembering what Bobby had said about the tree being special, I asked, “Wait, what are you saying?” Glancing over to Daniel and then back to Andrea, “You want me to go off into the woods with this man that I don’t really know, and look for something that I don’t know how to find?”

  Daniel spoke up, “Maggie, that’s why I’m here. I came because my team that was scouting and searching for Mr. Maxwell, found his backpack and his journal as they were tracking someone or something through the woods, but he’s missing.”

  Turning toward him, I asked, “And you think I’ll be able to find him?”

  “No, I think you’re the key to the prophecy he wrote about in the journal.”

  Now who’s crazy? Giving him a sideways glance, “How do you know it was about me?”

  He cocked his head to the side, mimicking me, and gave me that infuriating look. Like he expected me to just believe him. Choosing to ignore him, I waved my hand in the air, “Never mind.”

  Looking back at the tree, Andrea said, “He’s right, Maggie! I don’t know why, or how I know this, but you’re an important key to solving the riddle. You need to go with him.”

  Flabbergasted, I threw my arms in the air, “Well, alrighty then. If you say so, then I’d be crazy not to listen to a talking tree proclaiming to be my sister and a strange man who says he’s here to help me.” A little more flippantly, I remarked to the air in general, “What have I got to lose, besides my mind of course.” A fake laugh was followed by an exaggerated sigh. My stomach rumbled and deciding I was done with the conversation, I stated firmly, “I’m hungry,” abruptly walking toward the house.

  As I stepped up to open the door, I could hear Andrea saying, “See, Daniel, she can be reasonable, but I think she’s still struggling with it all.”

  Sensing his eyes on me, I spat out, “I can hear you,” as I opened the door.

  Daniel chuckled and responded, “I think she’ll be fine.”

  Choosing not to storm back over to give them both a piece of my mind, I closed the door and went in search of food. As I rummaged through the kitchen and located the fixings of a great omelet, I couldn’t help but think that it could be a little exciting to enter into an adventure with Daniel, who I now liked to think of as Captain Mysterious. Giggling, I reveled in the new nickname I made up for him. But then again, what am I thinking? There isn’t an adventurous bone in my body. I could die out there and then who’d take care of Kelsey? It would be so nice to be able to wrap my head around this thing.

  Kelsey entered the kitchen and brought me out of my thoughts, “I want to go with you.”

  “Go with me where, sweetie?” The question left my lips, but I already knew the answer and eyebrows raised, I asked, “So, you were listening?”

  Scrunching up her face and giving me a sideways glance, uncertainty crept into her voice as she asked in a worried whisper, “Well, a little. Are you mad?”

  Turning and lifting her into the chair at the end of the island, I looked her in the eyes and said, “If, and I mean If, I decide to go help Daniel, you have to stay with Sherri.” She started to interrupt me, but I placed a finger across her lips, “Shhhh. I said, If.” She nodded. “Besides, we won’t be leaving for a bit, and you’re supposed to start school soon. You can’t go off into the woods with me if you need to go to school.” Her eyes started to tear up. Changing tactics, I decided to play on her heartstrings a little. Feeling guilty over using such a tactic, I knew it was the right way to approach it. In a very soft and soothing voice, I asked calmly, “Who’ll look after the tree and the robin for me, if you go with me?”

  Kelsey’s eyes lit up and she excitedly responded, “Okay, I’ll stay.”

  A brief smile lit my face before I asked, “You want some food?”

  She jumped down and said, “No, I’m still full from breakfast. I’m gonna go play with my dolls.” She skipped off to her room. A movement caught my eye and shifting my view, I saw that Daniel had silently entered the room. A soft look shone through his eyes as he watched our little exchange, or maybe that was my perception.

  “You’re very good with her,” his voice rumbled low in a soothing tone as he spoke.

  “Mmm-hmm.” As I turned back to fixing my amazing omelet, I couldn’t help but wonder when I was going to get used to him just appearing like that. Sneaky, sneaky.

  Finishing up the omelets, I placed one in front of Daniel, he looked away from his view out the window and smiled his appreciation. No words were necessary as I set the plate down and slid into my seat. Just as I was going to place the first bite of food in my mouth, a blood curdling scream pierced the silence and my heart fell to my knees.

  Turning toward the sound, one word escaped both of our lips at the same time, “Kelsey!” Daniel and I jumped up to run down the hall the instant the word was uttered. As we reached the doorway, the window was hanging open where we could see the little man, Bobby Roberts, was driving away with Kelsey’s tear-streaked face looking out the window.

  My world crashed down around me, and I crumpled to the ground. What I didn’t see at that moment was that Daniel had leapt over my sobbing form to
dive out the window trying to get to Kelsey. A thick fog had rolled in and by the time Daniel got to his truck to follow, they were gone. As I glanced out the window to where he’d gone, he seemed to be swallowed by the fog.

  Crawling across the floor and fighting to see through the veil of tears falling from my eyes, I peered out the window, waiting. I didn’t hear the truck engine start. Where was he? The only sound that met my ears was like the flapping of large wings, but it was probably my imagination. Then, he was there. As if he just appeared out of thin air. Startled, I jumped, but then realizing it was him, I watched him as he walked up to the window without her. Shaking his head and looking lost, his eyes met mine and my world slipped away as I was drawn into an abyss like none I’ve ever known. A river of tears flowed across my face as I abruptly sat on Kelsey’s bed and allowed the new pain to wash over me.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Why, Daniel? Why did Bobby take her?” Unable to pull myself from the edge of Kelsey’s bed, I floated in a haze of anguish as I tried to grasp the reason why the tree-man would return to take Kelsey.

  Daniel sat next to me. “Maggie, do you know who that was?”

  Glancing up at him through the waterfall of tears that blurred my vision. “Yes, that was Bobby Roberts. He delivered and planted Andrea’s tree.”

  Daniel now looked perplexed. “No, that was Mr. Maxwell.”

  My mouth dropped open. Stammering in confusion, “But...How? And why?” In a panic, I jumped to my feet and turned toward the door, “I’m calling the police!”

  Daniel took hold of my arm firmly and stopped me in my tracks, “That’s not a good idea.”

  Looking down at his hand holding firmly to my upper arm, I spat out, “Let me go! They can help! Why wouldn’t we call them?” Wiggling and pulling, I tried to break free. My eyes met his, pleading, "Daniel, we're wasting time. Let me go!"

  He faced me full-on and grasped my other arm with his free hand to keep me more firmly in place. “Maggie, No!”

  My eyes drifted back to his hands. “Daniel?” My mind reeled as I tried to figure out why he wouldn’t let me call the police or try to find my niece. Everything in me cried to move quickly as each second was a nail in her coffin. On the verge of full-blown hysteria, I cried, “Please?”

  Calmly, with a deep sympathy in his voice, he looked into my soul as he held me firmly in his grasp, “I need you to stop and listen for a minute.”

  Daggers shot from my eyes as I willed him to release me. “You really need to let me go.” Teeth clenched together in a show of mind over matter, I gritted out in a low growl, “Now!” He finally caught the hint and as soon as he released me, I started toward the doorway.

  Sighing heavily, “Maggie, stop.” His voice was calm and rich as he held me with his eyes, “Please, think carefully about what you’d tell them.” His breathing was slightly ragged with emotion. “I understand your pain. I lost a sister when I was young. But you need to take a deep breath and think about everything that's happened. What will you say to the police?” He waited a moment and searched my face for what? Understanding?

  Stopping in my tracks, a moment from walking through the threshold of Kelsey’s bedroom door, I stared at him and let the words he spoke sink into my subconscious. Thinking about all the events of the past couple days, my eyes widened in comprehension. I choked out, “Oh, Dear, Lord, Even George will have a hard time with all of this.”

  “George?” Another look of confusion crossed his face.

  Waving my hand dismissively, “Never mind, not important.” Remaining frozen in place, I tried to think of some way I could explain to the local police what was happening and why Kelsey had been kidnapped. Frustration coursed through me and I grunted in acquiescence, “But what are we going to do? I need to find her.” Fear for her safety made the tears start again, “She must be so scared.”

  He simply nodded. His words were filled with compassion, “I understand. The police will think you’re crazy or that you did something to her. Our chances of finding her are better on our own. I can promise that I’ll do everything in my power to find her.” His voice trailed off as he focused his attention on something beyond my vision.

  Watching Daniel, he looked over to the bed and leaning over, picked up a piece of paper that was sitting on the edge of the bed. His eyes narrowed as he read it aloud. “Bring me the tablet or she dies. You have three days. I’ll be in touch.” Daniel crumpled the paper up and held it tightly in his clenched fist. “I have to make a phone call.” A determined expression on his face, he turned and left the room.

  It was as if I were suddenly released from quicksand, but my feet felt like they carried the caked on remnants of heavy soil as I walked over to close the window. Thoughts were spinning in my head. As if my limbs had a force of their own, I followed him into the living room.

  He was on the phone staring out the window. “Yes. He just left here. Get here by morning. Alright. No, I’m staying put for the night. Okay. Bye.” He placed his phone in his pocket and turned to me. “I’m staying here tonight. I don’t think it’s safe to leave you here alone.”

  Nodding absently, I asked, “There’s others?”

  “Yes. It’s just a couple of people that I trust, but we’ve been actively searching for Maxwell since I was contacted by Andrea and Jaxon.”

  “Oh.” Trying to keep myself busy, I started cleaning up.

  “Hey, don’t put that away.” He motioned toward the food I was reaching for. He walked toward me, “I’m still hungry.”

  Looking at him as if he were crazy, I asked, “How can you eat at a time like this?”

  A serious expression on his face, he leaned forward and reached for his plate, “Maggie, I can’t imagine what you’re feeling right now, but, no matter what, I need to keep my strength up and so do you.” Sitting down in front of his plate, he patted the seat next to him, “This next couple of days are going to be very trying for both of us. I suggest you fill your reserves. You’ll be no use to Kelsey if you starve yourself.”

  Picking up his fork to dig into the food that had grown cold, I couldn’t help but feel a little out of sorts. Looking around, I suddenly noticed that I didn’t hear Peanut alert me when Kelsey was taken. Where was she? Alarmed, I called out for her, “Peanut! Peanut?!? Peanut, come!”

  Setting down his fork, he recognized my anxious calls. Looking down the hallway, Daniel asked, “Would she hide?”

  Shaking my head slowly, I started walking from room to room calling her. Daniel suggested we look outside in case she’d tried to follow Kelsey. A curt nod in his direction and we headed outside. The fog had lifted slightly, but a chill was in the air as I stood in my driveway, my arms clasped around me. Looking around and calling for her again, I shivered but it wasn’t from the cold.

  It was one of those deep in the bones, foreboding type of shivers. Silence floated on the breeze and I focused all my energy on listening, but I didn’t hear anything. No barking or whimpering or any other type of response met my ears. The lack of sound was deafening. Daniel was over by the window, kneeling down. Reverently, he touched the ground and then looked as if he were following a line in the earth.

  He stood up and turned to me. Holding my breath, I waited in anticipation. “She went with Kelsey.” It was a statement made in confidence.

  Exhaling, I asked, “How do you know?”

  Pointing to the ground, he stated matter-of-factly, “There are her paw prints in the gravel. If you follow the trail, you can see that her prints stop right near where the vehicle was stopped. If I’m right, she jumped into the vehicle when he opened the door to put Kelsey in the truck.”

  Spinning on my heel to face the road and peering off into the distance my voice was low as I pleaded with the heavens, “Dear God! Please protect them and keep them safe.”

  Daniel wrapped his arms around me from behind and said softly in my ear. “He wants the tablet, Maggie. With all that I’ve learned about Maxwell, I’m sure they’ll be okay.” />
  Every fiber of my being ached with defeat. The agony of not knowing where they were or how we’d find them. The uncertainty of all the “what if’s” circled in my head filling me with an emptiness and dread like I’d never known. Feeling crushed from the inside-out, I turned into his embrace and cried.

  Being held in his arms felt so good. The smell of him filled my senses. It was calming. Taking a deep breath, I decided that this is the last time I was going to cry, if I could help it. Standing to my full height, wiping the tears from my eyes in embarrassment, I whispered, “Thank you.”

  Turning from Daniel, I walked into the house and went straight to the back door. He followed me.

  Guessing my intent, “Maggie, are you sure you want to tell them?”

  Half turning toward him as I walked through the doorway, “No.” I continued to the tree. Bracing myself, I called out, “Andrea. Something’s happened. Kelsey’s gone. She’s been taken.”

  The tree shimmered and fluctuated as it came to life with a horrendous cry. “Nooooooo! Not my baby.” Jaxon was perched in the tree and at the same moment of her agonized cry, he took flight, spinning and twirling in the air as if he were a broken kite being battered by gale force winds. He finally settled down and landed on the tree again. He made awkward sounds and Andrea replied, “Yes, my love, find her.” He flew away like lightning was on his tail feathers.

  Andrea spoke calmly and hesitantly, as if she were trying to reign in her emotions. “Jaxon will be searching for her. If he finds them, he’ll return here if it’s safe or send his thoughts to me if he’s not too far away.”

  Daniel spoke up at this point, “I already tried to find them.”

  Andrea responded, “I sensed Maxwell nearby. It was him, wasn’t it?” The tree quaked slightly, “I don’t know what happened to him, but I sensed something strange about him and it was like a whisper in my mind.”


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