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The Tree and the Tablet (The St. James Chronicles Book 1)

Page 28

by Kathryn O'Brien

  No longer small enough to hold

  Speaking the words, Duck began to stretch and shimmer. With a puff of smoke, there he was, as large as a full-grown bull elephant.

  Looking at him in surprise, I asked, “Did you grow, or did I do that?”

  Flexing his superior, now larger, wings, he smiled and said, “I’m not sure which has happened, but it appears that I am definitely larger and magnificent.” His voice was actually much deeper, and the end part was in a voice of awe. He was turning this way and that, admiring his new massive wingspan and trying them out which was causing my hair to blow back away from my face. As I laughed at his antics, a thought crossed my mind though.

  “Duck?” He continued to flex his wings. “DUCK!” I said loudly to get his attention.

  He stopped flexing and looked at me quizzically. “Yes, Mistress?”

  “Where are Phenryr and Falomere?”

  “Once you went through the wall, they disappeared.” He gnashed his great fangs together, testing their strength. Slightly distracted with his new and improved self, he continued, “Poof! They were gone.”

  “Do you think they were transported back in time? Back to where they were when everything happened?”

  Stopping his preening, he looked at me earnestly. “I don’t know, but it seems likely since they were cursed back in the time of Serena.”

  “Ahhh, that’s a shame. I would’ve liked to get to know them better.”

  Kelsey drew Duck’s attention with her curiosity, and he was happy to oblige her. He glowed under Kelsey’s admiration while Andrea stood by smiling at the pair.

  The tablet was emitting a soft green light. A voice came from behind me as if it were an echo from my hurting heart and stirred on the wind, “Maggie.”

  My heart was playing tricks on me. Looking up at the group that was suddenly silent and looking behind me, my heart stopped. Slowly exhaling, I could feel the blood rush from my face as I turned to face my dreams and nightmares all in one. The sound of my broken heart escaped my lips in the form of an agonized moan. There he stood, bronze and beautiful. Liquid pools of hope stared back at me. Suddenly, my heart hurt as if it were being pulled right out of my chest.

  Daniel, the son of Ellandra, the sworn enemy of the house of Valor, stood a short distance away from me. That evil sneak. It was too much. Sitting down right where I’d stood only moments before, my aching ribs, my sore face, my broken heart. My body couldn’t take it. My mind reeled and the pain overwhelmed me. A flare shot out from the tablet which began to pulse in rhythm to my heartbeat. It engulfed me in a white-hot light. A strange voice in my head, as if it were all around me but inside me as well, spoke softly, “Sleep, child.” The last thing I heard was Andrea and Duck talking above me in concerned voices as my body and mind caved into the sweet oblivion that was sleep. Absolutely nothing else mattered as I melted into the soft earth beneath me like a puddle of ice cream on a hot day.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Soft light filtered through billowing curtains greeted my eyes as I awakened to a new day. A gentle breeze swirled around me and I smelled the most delicious scents carried on the air. Like lilacs and roses, lilies and freesias, closely followed by the faint smell of a campfire burning in the distance. It was so lovely. Above me was a canopy of iridescent material that moved with the gentle wind causing the colors to shift. Home. It was all just a horrible nightmare.

  Sitting up in my bed, I looked around. Reality crashed into me with the force of a wrecking ball. This wasn’t my home. Furthermore, I was in what looked to be some sort of fortress made of the most beautiful white stone. It reminded me of the tablet. Panicked, I looked around quickly and slightly calmed myself when I saw it sitting unassumingly on the bedside table. Murmuring voices were heard from the doorway and someone shushed the others as I heard a hand upon the doorknob. An elderly woman entered the room. She looked exactly like the one from the vision I’d had in the cave. It was the woman who gave me the rose.

  She entered and gently closed the door behind her. Turning, she looked up and smiled at me. “Good. I’m glad you are awake. I was beginning to wonder if you were going to drift in the land of Kerr forever, or if your heart would allow you to rejoin us.” Her voice sounded paper thin as she spoke, but very kind and sweet.

  As she approached the bed, I felt like I was watching an old movie with the Greek goddesses. She was dressed in a tunic of soft blue and her silver hair flowed gently down her body toward the floor. A rope of silk was tied around her waist. Her hair was so long, it was almost touching her ankles. The softest, kindest, blue eyes smiled down at me. She was just as tall as I remembered. On her head was a small but beautifully carved tiara, set with the most amazing stones of a stunning opalescent blue. Guessing at my thoughts she said, “You are in the Castle Valor.” She smiled. “I am the living relic, Shalandria, sworn never to rest until my daughter is avenged.”

  The air left me in a whoosh as I stared at her with my mouth hanging open. I knew she was old, but how old?

  Again, she spoke, waving her hand dismissively, “I am too old to count.” She laughed at my look of shock. “I have the ability to read your thoughts before you speak them.”

  Snidely, I thought, “What’s the point of vocal cords?” Then I thought, “Get out of my head. My thoughts are private property.”

  Again, she spoke, but this time, it was in my head, without a single movement of her lips. “Maggie, I know your heart is hurting still, but your mind is sharp, and your body has healed. Your family awaits you outside this very room. You have the ability to right so many wrongs, but you must overcome your hurt pride and your emotional pain.” Her eyes sought mine.

  Looking into her eyes. The anger and frustration began to fade and leave my body. The blue in her eyes seemed to have the effect of clouds parting on a sunny day and for some reason, it calmed my spirit. Watching as her frail hand sought to push a stray lock of hair behind my ear, something about it reminded me of my mom. Her soft eyes spoke volumes and she didn’t have to project words or a voice into my head. I understood. There was much to be done still. Her presence in my mind retreated and I felt the loss but enjoyed the freedom it afforded me.

  “Maggie, this is greater than us and your family. There is much more at stake than you know. Two worlds depend on your ability to close a rift by returning the Great Spirit tree to its rightful place.”

  Testing the absence, I thought about what she’d said for a moment, but when there was no response, I knew she was respecting my wishes by withdrawing from my mind. My thoughts drifted outward to see if I could read her mind, but it felt like there was a wall in front of me, keeping me from going any further. She smiled knowingly but said nothing. “But how do I return the tree to this land when I don’t know how it was taken,” I asked out loud.

  “I suspect it is much like the way you brought Kelsey and Peanut here, but I have never seen it done with a tree or inanimate object before. However, the Great Spirit tree is not merely a tree but a life source of all the land. It harbors a great power of its own.”

  She turned and walked to the window. Looking outside, “Even now, the darkness approaches. There are many creatures who will suffer, and our world will die.” She bowed her head. Turning to face me, the sorrow was evident in her expression. “Many of our people left and went to other lands, but I remained, hoping to find a way to heal this wound. The darkness will consume our world and enter yours through the rift that was torn if we don’t find a way to replace the tree and repair the damage.”

  Placing my feet on the floor, testing my strength, I found that I felt remarkably strong and fit.

  Smiling, she said, “Your dragon friend and the tablet of power healed you. Here are some clothes that you may find more similar to what you are used to.” She laid the clothes that she had draped over her arm onto the bed. It looked to be a pair of pants, a shirt, and a jacket. It appeared that my boots were cleaned and sitting on the floor at the end of the bed. My other cl
othes were on a bench at the end of the bed. The only thing missing was the torn shirt that Maxwell had destroyed. Quickly, I changed my clothes while she was looking out the window.

  After lacing my boots, I stood, walking strong and surefooted to the window. Moving aside the gossamer curtains, I was faced with a devastating view. As far as the eye could see, there was darkness. It stopped when it reached a creek of water that had a strange green color to it. It was almost like emeralds, clear and bright. It looked like a fire had ravaged the land and stopped on the other side of the creek. Duck lay sleeping on the soft earth just below my room.

  The sight of the devastation meeting the beautiful water filled me with sorrow. Instantly I felt an overwhelming sense of doom and fear. What if I couldn’t find a way? What if I failed? Everything in this land would die. It suddenly dawned on me that this wasn’t just about the land, but if it was destroyed and everything died, then Kelsey and Andrea wouldn’t be able to be together. Andrea would be gone forever.

  No. I won’t let that happen.

  Suddenly, I remembered that right before I’d succumbed to the mind numbing sleep inflicted by the tablet, I’d seen Daniel. Turning to Shalandria, I opened my mouth to ask, when the door opened to usher in Kelsey and Andrea. My heart filled with love for these two precious people. There were many questions in my heart, but the most important thing right now was to fill up my aching heart with the love of the two people who could help me. I knelt down, tears blurring my vision and opened my arms. “Kells!”

  “Auntie!” Kelsey ran across the room and jumped into my outstretched arms. She felt lighter than I remembered, but I was never so glad to have her close to me. Peanut came running into the room just then and nipped my fingers. Laughing we separated. Scooping up Peanut,I cuddled her close.

  Shalandria walked toward the door, “If you are well enough, we will be having our meal in the breakfast room shortly.”

  Looking up from Kelsey and Peanut, I smiled, and replied, “Yes, thank you.” She nodded and left the room.

  Andrea stepped up and held Kelsey by the shoulders, she looked at me concerned, “Maggie, are you okay?”

  “Yes, I think so.”

  “We were so worried about you.” She sighed.

  “‘Drea,” —My heart raced, and I steadied it for the question I had to ask. — “What happened to Daniel?”

  “Daniel?” She let Kelsey go to play with Peanut over by the window and looked at me confused. “I’m not sure. Duck said that he showed up in the cave and tried to take the tablet from you but you grabbed Kelsey and Peanut and transported them here.” She frowned. “He said he had no idea what was going on, only that you were in a lot of pain. We assumed it was your physical pain." Tears were welling in her eyes, "Maggie, I had no idea what you went through to get Kelsey back.” Her voice shook, “I mean, you’re so much stronger than I thought. Every time I think about what that man did to you...” A sob escaped her as she stepped forward and took me into her arms. “I’ll never doubt you again.” She whispered into my ear as she hugged me fiercely.

  Stiffening in her arms. “What do you mean?” She pulled back to search my face. “Andrea, Daniel was in the Glenn with us. I saw you and Duck. You looked right at him.” Confusion rolled through my head and I pulled away from her. Why is she hiding things from me?

  “No, Maggie, he wasn’t there.” Seeing I didn’t believe her, she insisted, “We were looking at you.” I shook my head. “Maggie, ask Duck. Why would I lie?”

  Turning away from her, I took a deep breath, trying to figure out what had happened. “But, I saw him.”

  “I’m not sure what you saw.” She was speaking softly and gently now. “Maggie, Duck sensed something and turned to look at you. His expression was so scary, I couldn’t help but look too. Then you moaned and fell to the ground. He said he’d be back and lifted you in his talons. The last time I saw you, he was flying away with you. He brought you here and then came back for me and Kelsey. Shalandria has been the only one allowed to come in and care for you for the past two days.” Placing her hands on my shoulders, she slowly turned me toward her. “I swear it.” She looked back to the window. “Dragons aren’t allowed in the castle, so he’s been keeping watch outside your window.” She smiled.

  Shocked, I said, “But I feel so strong for someone who’s been in bed for two days.”

  “I agree that it’s strange, but there are so many strange things that have happened, I don’t question it anymore.” She smiled reassuringly. “Maggie, let’s go get some food and you can talk to Duck.”

  Glancing over at the window, I could see that Kelsey was laughing and waving at something. As I moved closer, I wasn’t surprised to see Duck flapping his great wings and floating just a mere ten feet from the window. “Duck! Look at you flying around,” I exclaimed. “I’ll be down in a bit to see you.”

  He was so excited he stopped flapping for a moment which caused him to plummet toward the ground. He flapped his wings once right before he hit the ground which served to stop any damage. He laughed, “I’m okay.” he looked up and smiled. “I’m so happy to see you are awake.” He turned in a circle like an anxious dog trying to catch his tail. “I’ll wait here.” He spun once more. “Please hurry, I missed you.”

  “Okay, calm down.” His antics made me laugh. Still so much like a puppy. “I need to get something to eat and then I’ll be right out.”

  “Okay, okay, okay!” He repeated as if he was trying to reassure or calm himself then promptly sat down and a puff of smoke escaped his lips.

  Turning, I took Kelsey’s outstretched hand and smiling at Andrea, we went down to get some food. Not even sure what time it really was, but I could eat anything right now since I was famished. Peanut followed along and wiggling her little nub, she raced down the grand spiral staircase in front of us.

  Someday, I’d explore this place. It was so beautiful with its white stones and flowing design. It reminded me of waterfalls and forests. Columns and open spaces were filled with blooming flowers hanging from grand pots. Brightly colored rugs that looked like moss were spread across many of the open areas. As we entered the breakfast room, which was off the main hall, I was struck by a sense of cozy comfort. There were strange fruits and what looked to be bread and some type of rolls all over the table. Finding a chair, I sat down to eat.

  Shalandria was seated at the round table in the seat that was closest to the windows, which were opened and allowed a soft breeze to flow through the room. We all sat and ate quietly. It was delicious. Many of the fruits looked different but tasted the same as what we would eat at home. The breads were light and flaky, like pastry, but had a floral note to them. The Zanta butter-spread was the biggest surprise. Curiously, I looked to Shalandria and asked, “What is a Zanta?”

  “It is the large pink two-legged creature that grazes in the fields. We use their milk to make many different things in our diet. It is very delicious and very good for you.”

  The butter, made from the milk, was so smooth and creamy but slightly salty with caramel flavored. It reminded me of a salted-caramel latte. There were some fruits that looked like mango but tasted like oranges. It was very odd.

  As we finished eating, a young boy, about twelve entered the room and started clearing away the dishes. He looked like he had jaundice and his hair was bright orange. His eyes were the oddest things. They looked like marbles that were very large for his face. Like the ones that have swirly colors in them. His ears were similar to those that might be found on an elf with pointy tips but they were cupped out away from his head and turned like a cat where each one could move independently to pick out sounds. His nose was close to his face and when he turned and smiled at me, it reminded me of the Cheshire Cat.

  Shalandria noticed my interest and introduced us, “Maggie, this is Eurok. He is a Fellini-child.” She looked sad for a moment, “He is the last of his kind here in Nohad.”

  Returning his smile, I held out my hand, “It’s nice to meet you,

  He swiftly bowed his head down and ran his face along my hand letting out a soft purr. My eyebrows scrunched together in confusion.

  Shalandria chuckled, “He does not speak. He is similar to a cross of a cat and a human.”

  “Oh.” Slightly embarrassed by my assumption, I grinned at him. He looked at me and blinked his too large eyes. Reaching over, I rubbed the top of his head. He closed his eyes briefly. His right ear twitched and turning toward the window, he hissed and ran from the room. Duck’s snout came through the opening of the window, causing me to giggle, “Duck, I’ll be right there, you goof.” He apologized and removed his head from the window. Andrea and Kelsey left the table to go clean up.

  As I stood, making my excuses and thanking my hostess for the lovely meal and the excellent care, I turned and was frozen to the floor. Standing in front of me with a devil-may-care expression, was Daniel. Reaching behind me to grab a knife from the table, I turned back around to find that there was no one there. Deflated and concerned, I promptly sat back down in my chair as the blood drained from my face and the tears slid across my cheeks. What was happening?

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  “What has happened, Maggie?” Shalandria’s concerned question pierced my agonized thoughts. She had moved around the table to sit in the chair next to mine as she spoke. Taking my hands in hers, “Please share with me. Maybe I can help.” She smiled reassuringly.

  “I can’t explain why or what is happening, but I keep seeing Daniel, the man who helped me find Kelsey.” I was shaken to the core.

  Nodding thoughtfully, she said, “Duck shared with me what happened in the caves.” At my surprised expression, she raised her brows slightly. A sigh escaped me and she thoughtfully responded, “Maggie, the only explanation is that your destinies are intertwined in some way.”

  Swallowing the hard lump in my throat, I suddenly felt devastated by my admission and what it would mean. Looking up at her, I felt my heart thud in my chest. “Yes, we’re sworn enemies now.” Rolling my eyes, bitterness crept into my voice, “I’m not sure, but I think I’ve fallen in love with him.” Frustrated, I turned to stare out the window at Duck chasing some strange bird, “Maybe it’s just lust, but there’s definitely a strong connection that I can’t overcome.” The pain was flowing through me now at his betrayal, “No matter how much I want to hate him for what he’s done, I find myself longing to be near him. So much so, that I see him when he isn’t here.” Glancing back to look into her eyes, I asked, “How do I go on, knowing that everything is a lie between us?” My voice shook as I looked back up to her steady gaze.


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