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For Blood and Beast: Tomas, For Blood (Garko Book 1)

Page 12

by Gia P. Leonne

  "Let's eat I am starving."

  I just bet you are, you fucker.

  "So, tell me how your relationship with Ernesto is. I know he is your grandfather." He has won and he knows it hopefully in his gloating he is vulnerable.

  "Ernesto and I are reworking our relationship. It's hard not to love him, he feels the same, I'm sure and this will never change. However, disappearing the way I did, and not staying dead. Caused problems. He wants me to fix them, now."

  "Can you fix what you broke?"

  "I like the way you talk plainly, straight without pretense. This is only one of the things I admire about you."

  "Well, answer the question, you Beast."

  "What do I need to do to become Tomas to you again?"

  "Start by answering my questions."

  "Si, I can and will fix what I broke."

  "How soon?"

  "You are very interested in my relationship with my family. What is this about?"

  "Well, I'll tell you, in the plain-speak you adore. If you are going to become Boss of New York again, I have some decisions to make concerning my future. I have applied to the clerk position at the state legislature and the justice department." I lie. "I am also searching for a building to start a free legal aid clinic with my friend, Cynthia."

  "I see, and your affiliation with a rumored mob Boss might be taken as a negative."

  "I will be vetted as well as those reported close to me. Maybe not for the clinic, neighborhood people will think I am a crook and therefore able to help them beat the system. The legislature and the Justice Department ... I don't know how much they care about La Familia, anymore." His jaw ticks. I have hit a nerve by questioning his family's relevance.

  "My family will survive as it has in the past and rise beyond its current state. Soon I will embrace my legacy."

  Okay, I am glad to hear it. Satisfied his move with La Familia is imminent and coming soon, I uncover the elephant in the room and attempt to remain in control of what I can.

  "Just wondering, my job prospects look favorable; maybe by next month I will be accepting or turning away offers. I guess … I … where is this going, this thing between us."

  "Why don't we move this conversation to the house?"

  He makes his move.

  Am I ready? Dunno.

  Several unrealistic, drawn-out seduction scenarios swarm in my head like any horny virgin girl, none of them begin the way this visit began.

  And Tomas... he would settle for a moment and a tryst then boot me out in the morning. Not one of my scenarios ends this way. That will not satisfy.

  The best for me today is to show a little skin, pull back, leave him wanting, and get my ass the hell out of here.

  I've waited for this opportunity; I can wait a little longer. Virgins we have been told win the bigger prize; if not love, we can barter for more.

  Mother Dearest taught love is for fools, anyway—while my dad sat at the Christmas table—" just look at the divorce rate. Cry divorce too many times in this family, you will discover yourself fertilizer for the backyard." That year my father missed coming home for Easter, and her birthday.




  Tomas advances slowly, treating me like a skittish animal ready to flee.

  "You have skills."


  "I'd love to get you in the ring sometime. I'll go easy on you."

  Oh, in the ring, right.

  "I'm a man of exquisite taste. Ti ho volute dal primo momento che ti vedi." I've wanted you since first I saw you.

  Words sensual, voice deep, accent thick, Oh, my, my, I giggle and bite at my bottom lip. I'm easy, I know.

  "We'll take it slow, no need to rush."

  Slow, is this why we took the less scenic route, a backdoor staircase leading directly to his bedroom quarters because houses like these have bedroom suites. We are in the adjoining room to his sleeping room.

  "I want you more right now than my next breath." The warm air against my ear tingles. I quiver. Oh, yes right there. Please, my mind begs, just one touch, a little nibble on my ear.

  He has yet to touch me but lingers ever so close. I inhale, his scent is clean and familiar. Lemon… Jasmine… He smells like herb fields of our family estate. Oh shit, my family, my mother, and her fucking rules. I force brain cells to activate and back away, waving my hands out no, until I am far across the room.

  "Come back here!" He frowns and advances a step.

  "Stop! We need to talk." I plead

  "I am hard as a rock and talk is all we do! You're all I think about. Come let me …."

  "Seriously, come on now Tomas, if we are going to continue, we need to get some things straight."


  "I need to know exactly where this is going." I cannot forget what is riding on Tomas doing right by me after he requisitions my cherry. My mama's words ring "you had better be damned sure your beau is going to put a ring on it." Is it too much effort to pull the old, okey-doke, take a trip to Vegas and literally, drug em' to the chapel? This particular ruse may not work with Tommie boy here; he has fresh knowledge of staged Vegas weddings.

  "You're over twenty you already know where this is going. You had me send my... he stops ... my employees away. They are gone, we are here. You followed me up here to my bedroom... willingly— he cocks his eyebrow— help me out here, what's on your mind."

  I'm going to pocket the hesitation, on 'willingly' and therefore my questions, for the sake of the problem at hand. And ignore the, you're over twenty, until another day.

  "I'm looking for a snapshot of the future, I guess. Tell me what happens after..." I can't even say it.

  "What would you have me say? Do you need a proposal to have sex?"

  The look on his face says he thinks the idea is ludicrous.

  However, my mind screams, hell yes.

  "No," I lie "but, I, well …" I let out a harsh breath.

  "Be careful with me," I say and look his way.

  "Okay, but I will not insult your intelligence, sweetheart. You and I talk straight. Hmm? My main goal here is to see you naked, beneath me, on top of me, whichever you prefer but I am a hard man. Gentle not so much you've seen me. I believed you

  knew this… wanted this, too."

  Oh my…

  I am aware suddenly how unready I am for this grown-up, friends with benefits proposal Tomas offers. I need to get the fuck outta here. The heavy petting, the masturbation, the hours and hours ... ughem of porntube has done nothing to prepare me for what this man wants from me.

  In college, I got by with middle school dry humping while my goodies stayed in the jar. I do not see Tomas giving leniency to fully clothed interludes. His effortless charm makes it very easy to forget he is an ex-mob Boss, ex-convict, slash brutal beast.

  Right now, I am staring at a large identifiable bulge in the crotch of his slacks. The imprint is impressive. Notable in fact, so much I hope he is a shower, not a grower. Any bigger and it's likely to tear me in half. A glutton for punishment I salivate. I purse my lips to keep my tongue from slipping from my mouth and try to regain some dignity and help my cause. A cause I don't quite remember at this moment. Oh right, my family expectations.

  "You are right I want this with you, but you just want another link in your chain." I sigh... did I just quote the late, Aretha, "let's be clear, I am not a one-night stand kind of girl. And until you prove you understand who I am, you Beast... well, umm…"

  He looks at me strangely. Not thinking I blurt out nonsense, what a young girl believes a man would want to hear, "Maybe I can just suck your cock. I'm pretty amazing." I smile. "Call it a taste test, like a beginning in trust, no."

  He lifts his chin, nose flared, as he inhales deeply, he does that a lot. Did that anger him, wait no, jaw twitching,

  impending stroke, or...

  desire rising?

  Naively, I still have not figured out, he brought me here to fuck. I am not gett
ing out of here, hymen intact. Like an idiot, I ramble on.

  "I am not just throwing out false claims about the blowjob; I have had mad skills since I was thirteen."

  His eyebrows raise, to his hairline, his mouth to an open circle. He decides to sit. Terrific, I have shocked him into submission with my filthy mouth.

  Tomas jerks back to the present, when he recovers and replies, "I told myself when I saw you at the lounge, this girl is a nut, I said it then, and now I know it."

  I think he's talking to himself now. He's risen and pacing.

  "Why in the fuck I don't listen to myself... allowing my cock lead me… that is some young man bullshit. I'm a fucking Bos—"

  "You wait just one damn minute; you have some nerve. Me… you callin me crazy? I just watched you beat a man to death for sport a month ago. You are overly aggressive, bossy... you ... you are a violent beast, is what you are!"

  "You keep wagging your unruly tongue and I will grant you a wish and ram my cock down your throat. You won't be callin' anyone Beast then, sweetheart."

  I swallow hard as submissive notions run through my mind. I could drop to my knees, mouth open wide, or turn and run? Who says shit like unruly tongue and ram my cock down your throat, and make it sound like a solid endeavor? A beast that's who.

  "Get out." He calmly says.


  "You heard me, get the fuck out of my house!" speaking more gravely this time.

  "But I didn't drive here. You live in the middle of nowhere."

  "I'll call my driver."

  "Good, I need to get the fuck away from this crazy shit."

  "We'll go on then." He points to his door.

  "I don't know the way. We didn't come from there."

  Dragging his thick fingers through his thick perfect hair, something else, he does often, he exhales.

  "I'll find my way."

  "No… wouldn't want you to get lost or any of my things."

  Was that another dig at me stealing? I am not a thief. I realize at that moment he has no idea that I'm not a thief because of a failed attempt to get his attention. You know from one criminal to another. A botch, like this day ... like me and my crazy family ... oh shit, my brain doesn't handle failure very well, or at all... oh shit, no not now, please not, now...

  I fuckin suck in air like a deep-sea diver with no respirator... deeply enough to enter a space long left vacant, dilapidated, but familiar. Hello, hello honey I am home, it's fantastic to be here, nice, and comfortable. I realize I haven't been here since I found that pearl knobbed lighter, was I fourteen, well I'd had matches stored everywhere, but the lighter was a new ball game. It clicked, snapped, and clicked easily gaining my attention away from whatever shit, had me upset now. This is when, not breathing for extended periods to escape—especially when passing out was always a possible outcome— was cast aside, in place of the more socially acceptable flick of a Bic, which easily claimed my attention. Transported my focus, to the inferno, the world of chemistry and electrical schematics intricate explosives required more conscious thought, oh how sweet the possibilities.

  This moment was a rare setback and one thoroughly freaking someone the hell out. Someone who was shaking my body, interrupting, oh, that's Tomas screaming. He does not scream, never heard him yell. What is he saying? I wish he and I could work things out, it would benefit everyone. I just need some control, I need assurances, someone to stick around, and allow me to relax and breathe. He is shaking me. Now he's holding me rocking us back and forth.

  "What the fuck? What are you doing? Evelyne, fucking breath… breath my messed-up girl. Please, tell me what's wrong? Or don't, but fucking breathe." I have traumatized the mob boss. He'll not want me now; he sees how deep I'm damaged. I cough up a lung while I regain my composure. He frees me from his vice grip, puts me back on the ground, and lets me stand. He's confused. I'm embarrassed. No one says anything…

  So, I run.

  I have no idea where to, but I run, to a hallway, through a lounge straight out to a balcony. I stay there motionless for however long; time is unimportant.

  I could jump; end it all, my humiliation, my loneliness, my failures, my fuckin virginity all would mean nothing. They'd miss me too dammit. Hopefully. My papa and Cynthia would. I glaze over my mountains, how in the hell am I getting out of here.

  "The fall wouldn't kill you, but you'd break bones for sure." I look back at him. He smiles his hand held out. I could play at being difficult, but honestly, I am weary of my crazy. And his smile is infections.

  I laugh and go to him.

  "You're a mess, little rabbit. You are smarter, more beautiful than most, and ambitious, but something drives you to madness. Are you going to tell me the truth… let me in?"

  I am enclosed in a bear hug and soft paws caress my head, promising safety.

  "It's you ... you Beast."

  "Beast huh? I have been known as Beast, but we renamed him Force."

  "Force...El Forzaaa ... I mimic the underground announcer from the fight night."

  "Yeah, that's me. You liked some of it?"

  "I did."

  "I've fought underground, sparred, junior semi-pro, and I know how to kill a man with my bare hands. That night, I was never going to kill Diablo. I was teaching him a much-needed lesson. When he reaches a higher syndicate, he will be ready. He's a respectable fighter but he was soft and didn't know it; mismanagement from his coaches and his entourage kissing his ass using him for a meal ticket and to get into clubs for fucks sake. He's fired them all I hear."

  "You weren't stopping."

  "He kept getting up. As long as you rise, you fool yourself into thinking your next shot might have turned things around. Not so."

  "I'm sorry. I thought..."

  "I know what you thought. One day you'll be right. I'm not a good man, Evee. I still want to fuck you. I still don't know if I'll want to see you next week, in a month, in a year. I'll take care with you tonight, though." His breath brushed my ear. It smelled like the cinnamon stick we had with the chocolate.

  Ahh, tonight.

  He was never going to allow me to dictate terms. His arena, his rules.

  Resting on a chair, suited to accommodate two of him, I am without my undies. And I am quite sure I wore some here. Standing over me, Tomas leans forward; resting his hands on the arms of the large chair, spread his limbs wide. He dips his head lower, his shadow covering me, as he blocks out the entire background, all I can see is his beautiful face, his barrel of a chest, muscled arms straining on each side still waiting. My brain freezes for second, many ideas trying to express themselves but unable to connect, exploding into nothingness.

  "Breathe Evee," his breath lathers my ear and neck. Up and down his lips trail my eyelids, my cheeks, left to right, with a hint of pressure he teases brushing his lips across mine. I take a deep breath, opening for him and his tongue enters my mouth. No longer gentle as if he needed permission before he takes now, claims my mouth hard, twisting, plunging sucking my tongue showing what his cock promises. A naughty wave of pleasure descends slowly through my body taking roll call,

  Lips ... parted,

  Nipples ... standing at attention,

  Stomach ... flipping,

  Clit ... swelling, and

  Pussy ... wet.

  He releases the attack and smiles.

  I of course melt under this simple expression, he could ask for my liver, a kidney even, what do I need with those silly organs, anyway. When I have a large hand cupping my exposed sex, promising me enlightenment. Wanton I push against his palm. Shamelessly… an impure and illicit pulse run through my entire body, never have I been this excited, revved up, and I moan biting my bottom lip.

  "Do you feel that Evee?"

  "Yes," I whimper.

  "That's me, sweetheart— he grabs my chin forcing my eyes to meet his—that is me reaching so deep inside you; you'll never be able to pull me out."

  A couple of swipes across my clit and his fingers enter me.
I shudder all around his hand, rocking back and forth as I brazenly ride on the wave of my orgasm in his chair.

  "Oh yes, yes. Umm, Force." I moan, and whisper, "Force."

  He doesn't let me come alone. He wets his cock with my soaking, convulsing pussy and releases my chin, to yank my hand to his hard member.

  "Stroke me Evee." I hold on to his girth. "That's it, girl. Yes, just like that." He says as I stroke him and my juices back and forth across his length. "Ahh, Fuck!" He says and his seed erupts all over my hand.

  He laughs satisfied at the end.

  "Well, that was some serious high school shit right there. But fuck Evee you're hot as hell." His mega white smile beaming like headlights.

  I gasp. His fucking cock is jutting toward my nose, in all its pierced glory and the fuckers huge at half-mast! When I gave him the hand job, I was quite busy coming myself, in a lustful frenzy, I missed it. And secondly,

  high school shit?

  As in virgin shit, I guess.


  Embarrassed. Angry. Trapped.

  I look for an exit. My eyes shifting back and forth he follows. His expression changes confused; his smile has turned upside down. He goes for me but I'm too fast.

  "Evee no, not fuckin again."

  I'm gone. This time I have a destination, just a couple of obstacles in my way. And I fucking roundhouse somersault onto the bed, land on my feet on the other side, and dive in the bathroom. I lock the door and fall to the beautiful terra cotta floor.




  What just happened? She springboarded over my bed with the speed and agility of an Olympic Gymnast going for the gold. Fucking her will be more physically stimulating than I anticipated.

  If I can catch her.

  I remind myself again, she's fuckin' nuts. I knock on my bathroom door. "Um, sweetheart you want to talk?"

  "I want to 'Withdraw'."

  I am not accustomed to this voice. My little rabbit is anxious, busy, but never scared.

  "Did you just say you want to Withdraw?"


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