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Page 25

by J. M. Madden

  “Noted,” she whispered. Wriggling, she lifted the tight bra up over her head and let it fly into the darkness. There was light from the moon and the light in the hallway, but at some point the men would be coming in and he would need to close the door. He wanted to watch her as long as possible, though.

  Jordyn had turned from him partially, and he caught sight of the burns down her side. Gently guiding her shoulders, he turned her away, then surveyed the damage. They ran from her upper neck all the way down her right side, almost like she’d laid in fire. “Damn, girl. That strong woman thing? Yeah, you just keep impressing the hell out of me. That had to have been excruciating.”

  She turned her head to him and he could see her perfect profile, but it was the damaged side. Without hesitation he pressed a kiss to her imperfect ear, and the fringe of odd hair growing around it. Then he kissed her cheekbone, and his lips caught salt. She was crying.

  Fontana’s heart ached with sympathy as he wrapped as much of his body around her as he could as she cried. You’re going to be all right, he told her over and over again. I think you’re beautiful.

  Her hands had been stroking the length of his arms over and over again where they cradled her, and the tears eventually stopped. “Thank you, Drake. I haven’t felt that exposed for a long time. I guess I needed some affirmation.”

  “We all do sometimes. You helped me on the trail, you and Payne. I have a feeling you’re going to have to help me more, too, if you hang around.” He cleared his throat. “Or let me hang around.”

  “Hang around, huh? What does that entail?”

  With his arms wrapped around her, he felt when she stopped breathing, and her heart began to race.

  “Well, you know. Being together and learning about each other. Maybe … learning to love each other.”

  He felt her draw in a shuddering breath, and he was very conscious of how he held her against him, her lush ass pressed into his groin. She seemed to realize it as well, because her breath sped. Cupping his hands in her own, she guided them to hold her breasts again, and he was very happy to do that for her, scraping his thumbs over her hard nipples. Jordyn groaned and began to sway her hips against him, very subtly. Then harder.

  Fontana loved her breasts, but he wanted more. Running his right hand down her bare midriff, he skirted it beneath the elastic of her panties. With no hesitation, he slipped a finger between her puffy folds. She was hot and wet and gasped as he sank his finger in. Then he moved that finger in a searching sweep.

  Jordyn gasped, her own hand coming down to cover his on the outside of her panties. Then she seemed to get frustrated. Shoving the panties down her thighs, trying not to dislodge him, she held his hand to her as she kicked the fabric away. Then, aligning their fingers, she showed him what she liked. Her hips began to move, riding his hand, and it was all he could do to not grind himself against her ass. No, her first. Always her first.

  Moaning, her hips contracting, Jordyn’s body got wetter and wetter, but he knew what she needed. He angled his middle finger up just slightly, catching the hard bud of her clitoris. He flicked his fingertip over it, and she cried out long and low, her body dancing in his arms as she orgasmed. She would have fallen to her knees if he hadn’t held her.

  When she could hold her feet, she turned in his arms, her hands immediately going to his shirt. “Get rid of this.”

  He did as he was told, his body jerking as she went to his waistband. She unfastened his cargo pants and tried to push them down his hips, but he had to kick off his boots first. His erection throbbed as he bent over to untie the laces, and he finally ended up just ripping them off his feet. Jordyn laughed as he kicked them away and went back to pushing his pants down his thighs. Fontana kicked them away as well. Then her hands were on his cock, outlining his shape beneath the thin fabric of his athletic shorts. If she stroked him right like that, he could come within just a couple of minutes, he knew. It wouldn’t take much.

  With a direct look, she sank to her knees in front of him, and he knew the time had just shortened significantly. She began kissing him through the fabric, and he felt his body contract. Then she drew the fabric down over his body and down his thighs. Gripping him in her hand, she kissed the tip of his cock and he had to wonder how the fuck he was going to last if she did this. “Not a good idea, babe. Seriously.”

  She paused, then her tongue reached out to loop around the head of him. “Babe, huh? I might be able to get used to that.”

  Fontana almost went to his knees then as she drew him into her mouth as deeply as she could and fisted the rest of him. His hips contracted and he worried about hurting her, but she didn’t seem to mind. She took him deep only a dozen or so times before he had to pull back from her touch. His body quivered, aching for release, but he had to be inside her. It felt like it had been forever since he’d been dreaming about her.

  For the merest second, as pulled her up and guided her onto the mattress, he felt her emotions, just to make sure that she didn’t have any anxiety about what they were about to do. There was no hesitation there, or worry. Only joy and peace and need. She’d had the appetizer, now she wanted the meal.

  She produced a little square packet from somewhere and blushed a little. “I think Zero knew something was going to happen because he made me take this.”

  Contraception hadn’t even occurred to him. “Thank you, Zero,” he said fervently, ripping the thing open and rolling it on. He kicked the door shut and turned back to her. Then, unable to wait any longer, he lowered himself into her waiting arms. For a moment he just looked down into her shining eyes. They fluttered shut as he leaned in to kiss her, and she reached down to guide him inside her soaked body. She stroked herself with the head of him several times before positioning him to sink deep. Shuddering, he tried to acclimate to the feel of her body gripping his. She was so fucking tiny beneath him that he worried that he would hurt her, but she only pulled him tighter as he tried to brace above her.

  “You’re not going to break me. I want you to make love to me, damn it.” Breathing into his ear, she nipped at the skin of his neck. For the first time in a long time Fontana let his body go, plunging and withdrawing. Even with the layer of rubber inhibiting feeling, he knew his orgasm would be quick and hard. Gripping her lush ass in his hands he angled her hips up, looking for that magical spot women had. She had to come with him.

  Jordyn cried out beneath him, her orgasm coming easier than he’d expected when he hit her G-spot, and the feel of her losing herself beneath him sharpened his own need. He could feel the release coming up through his balls, and he slowed to savor the rush. Even as Jordyn continued to twitch beneath him, Fontana tried to be in every second as the orgasm washed over him. He thought it would be quick and hard, but it was actually slow and hard, arching his spine and making him clench his teeth. Jordyn’s movements beneath him drew the orgasm out, until he slammed into her as deep as he could one final time.

  The room was dark when he opened his eyes enough to notice. He’d rolled off to the side, enough to not crush her with his weight, but he still held her in his arms. He didn’t want to let her go, but he knew they had practical things that needed done. The rubber was in danger of leaking if he didn’t take care of it, and he couldn’t risk that.

  The light from the moon was the only illumination, and it caught the flash of her grin. She ran her fingers up through the curls along his neck and he shivered. “Are you going to blow the lightbulbs every time you come?”

  Fontana jerked his gaze around. “Did I do that?”

  She nodded, still smiling. “I think the bed shook too. Do you make things shake?”

  “Sometimes. It’s your fault,” he groused, kissing her on the nose. “You make me lose control.”

  She kissed him, licking at his mouth as if she couldn’t get enough. “You make me lose control as well,” she whispered, and her smile faded. “You make me feel more than any man ever has, Drake Fontana. And I love it. I don’t want to freak you o
ut or anything, but I’m totally falling for you.”

  His heart stuttered in his chest and he didn’t have to drop his shields to feel what she was feeling. It was there on her face and in her arms and her eyes. Throat tight, he rested a kiss on her lips. “I think I’ve already fallen for you,” he admitted.

  A tear streaked down her cheek, just a flash in the moonlight. “I thought you were going to be a pain in my ass.”

  “Likewise,” he chuckled.

  They held each other for a long time in the night, until Fontana had to get up. They were going to be laying in a puddle if he wasn’t careful.

  The light bulb was indeed shattered over the bathroom sink. He would have to clean that up first thing in the morning.

  When he returned, Jordyn held her arms open for him, easily and naturally, and he sank against her just as easily. They fell asleep as one unit, holding each other as tightly as possible.


  Leaving the next morning was bittersweet. Her uncle enjoyed the men, and she worried he would be lonely after they all left, but he waved her worries away. “The neighbor and I get along well. Maybe one day she will invite me for breakfast.”

  He glanced significantly to Fontana, then back to her. Jordyn felt her skin flush, and she grinned, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “To quiero, Tío.”

  “Love you too, niece.”

  Fontana held her hand as they climbed onto the Terberger corporate plane. They chose two seats together, and the other men seemed to sense that they wanted to be alone. Zero had given her a questioning look when they’d joined everyone for breakfast, and she’d given him a wink, letting him know that she was okay. Everything was good.

  For a few blessed hours today she and Fontana would be able to just be together, without a lot of outside interference.

  She’d woken with Fontana’s talented fingers between her thighs, teasing her to a slow morning orgasm. Then she’d had the pleasure of returning the favor. They were out of condoms until they got back to the States but creative nonetheless. They’d showered and dressed and cleaned the mess up in the bathroom, and she wondered if she was going to have to Fontana-proof her apartment. Maybe she needed to invest in more candles.

  The thought made her smile as she leaned toward him in the seat. He met her partway and they kissed. She had to force herself to back away, because she just wanted to learn every single thing about him. She almost told him she loved him, but it was too soon. Their relationship was too new, and they’d gone through a lot of shit together in a short amount of time, which might be influencing what she was feeling. Jordyn would give it some time, but she had a feeling she was well and truly hooked on Drake Fontana.

  The CIA basically promised to kiss the Dogs of Wars’ asses for eternity if they agreed to turn federal witnesses.

  It was strange walking into a room where so many people were happy to see him. Duncan and John shook his hand first, and quiet Shannon actually gave him a hug. Actually, she gave everyone a hug all down the line as she welcomed them back.

  After a backslapping hug, Aiden had waved them into chairs around the conference room table. Then he slid a document across to Fontana. Everything that Fontana and Jordyn had mentioned was in there, smothered in legalese, plus more. In addition to prosecuting Damon Wilkes, they wanted a promise from the men that they would help convict anyone else connected to the situation in any tangential way.

  “They really want to take these fuckers down,” Fontana murmured, leaning over the document in front of him.

  “They’re covering their bases,” Aiden confirmed. “In the two years since Shu’s information was valid, I’m sure they’ve brought others in to keep the program running.”

  Fontana’s gaze drifted down the page. “We’re going to be reinstated? Or offered other accommodation?”

  “Yes,” Aiden said slowly, “But not immediately. There are so many military suspects tangled up in this they don’t want to send up any red flags by messing with our records until the hammer drops on them all and I completely agree their reasoning. For the moment, we will be listed as government contractors attached to the CIA.”

  Big Kenny guffawed, slapping the table. “Oh, that’s rich. As much as you complained about the ‘fucking spooks’.” The rest of the men laughed as well, then quieted.

  Fontana grimaced. “This isn’t what I expected, Will.”

  Aiden shrugged. “I think it’s more than we could have hoped for. We’re not being drained in a government lab and injected with things meant to try to kill us.”

  Yeah, he was right about that. He really didn’t have anything to bitch about.

  There were protections in place retroactively to protect Lost and Found, and an allocation that they would be brought in as consultants as well when it came time to place the survivors. There was also a notation that the Dogs had discretion to hire whoever they needed to in order to complete their tasks.

  “Flip to the second page,” Duncan told him softly.

  Fontana flipped the page. The contract was signed by the President of the United States, as well as several other high-ranking officials. Even CIA Officer Rose had signed the paper though Fontana wasn’t sure how the man had gotten back to Washington so fast.

  “Wow,” Jordyn breathed, leaning into his arm. She squeezed his leg beneath the table. “I don’t know how you can ask for anything more than that.”

  There were two lines waiting to be signed. Wulfe had scrawled his name on the third line.

  “He signed it in Washington, before it was couriered to Colorado. He’s lost contact with his informant, so he’s trying to locate him.”

  Fontana nodded and reached for the pen in front of him. He scrawled his signature across the line and pushed it back to Will. He signed the paper as well, and Shannon took them from him. “I’ll make copies for everyone. The courier is waiting downstairs for the response.”

  Damn. The courier had waited?

  “Time is of the essence,” Aiden said, obviously feeling his surprise. “So far Damon Wilkes is hiding out. His wife gave a small press conference yesterday, but she didn’t really say much. Just that he’s dealing with some issues behind the scenes and that they’d recover from this tragedy stronger than ever.”

  Fontana rolled his eyes. “Of course, they will.”

  “In the meantime, we’re researching and standing by as back-up if Wulfe calls for us. Team Alpha needs to go home and catch up on sleep and food and whatever else you need.”

  Fontana’s eyes drifted to Jordyn, and she smiled. Sex? She asked mentally.

  Will’s head jerked around and he stared at Jordyn, his mouth falling open. Then he looked at Fontana. Did she…?


  And you and she are…


  Fontana grinned, loving that he’d surprised his buddy.

  I’m happy for you, Fontana.

  And he could feel that through their connection. Thanks, Will.

  They got up to leave the conference room, and Fontana realized he had nowhere to go. He’d been sleeping on Will’s floor since he’d gotten into town. He leaned down to whisper into Jordyn’s ear. “Can I come to your place? I’m kind of between apartments.”

  She laughed but nodded. “Of course, you can. I would love to have you there. Just be warned, I have a puppy coming soon.”

  He frowned at her. “As in dog?”

  She grinned and shrugged. “I thought it was time to settle down and Flynn and Willow have new babies from a stray they took in. They’re looking for homes for them. I said I’d take one.”

  Fontana blinked, thinking. Then he grinned with her. “I’m good with another dog in the house.”

  Laughing, she leaned up on her tiptoes for a kiss.

  Again, he could feel that acceptance and excitement flowing from her, and it made his heart ache. He didn’t know how the hell his fortunes had changed, but he appreciated that they had.

  “We better pick up a box of condoms on the way,” he

  “Or two,” she said, giving him a significant look.

  Fontana shivered, and grinned. “And maybe some Swedish fish. And Oreos. Man, I’ve been craving them.”

  They were laughing as they walked out through the conference room door. For right now they would get themselves healthy and settled and learn what they could about each other. Because tomorrow they needed to be ready for the exposure and implosion of the Silverstone Collaborative.


  Stay up to date with my releases and cover reveals by subscribing to my newsletter!

  I expect to release Wulfe’s book, Retribution, in January!

  Also by J.M. Madden

  The Dogs Of War





  If you would like to read about the ‘combat modified’ veterans of the Lost and Found Investigative Service, check out these books:

  * * *

  The Embattled Road ( FREE prequel)

  Duncan, John and Chad

  * * *

  Embattled Hearts-Book 1 (FREE)

  John and Shannon

  * * *

  Embattled Minds-Book 2

  Zeke and Ember

  * * *

  Embattled Home-Book 3

  Chad and Lora

  * * *

  Embattled SEAL- Book 4

  Harper and Cat

  * * *

  Embattled Ever After- Book 5

  Duncan and Alex


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