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The Chronicles of the 8th Dimension - Limited Edition Box Set (4 Books): A Supernatural Thriller Box Set

Page 55

by Carissa Andrews

  I close my eyes and exhale a ragged breath.

  We were just— We could have been…

  A sob erupts from my lips, but I slam my lids shut, forcing the tears to break away. I’ve been beside many charges who were on the brink of death, but none that mattered so much to me at soul level. Not one.

  I should have been here. I should never have left. Not when the Throne Angel spoke of Judgement.

  What was I thinking?

  I should have been protecting his future. His legacy.

  This could change the fate of everything…

  Liam sputters again, coughing up blood that splatters against the steering wheel and part of the dashboard in a sound that makes my skin crawl. His spirit begins to pull itself from the pain and anguish his body endures and hovers like a cloud around his crumpled form.

  “No, no—not today,” I whisper, eyeing the growing mass. “Wait, Liam. You have to give me some time.”

  I pull back and bring my hands into prayer position and tap my lips with the tips of my fingers as I try to process. If he passes—if he dies—I’ll have to cross him over to the heavenly plane. His destiny won’t be fulfilled—not fully—and it will be all my fault. Once he’s gone, he’ll be locked from my access as his memories and experiences are absorbed into the collective consciousness of the Universe. His unique consciousness will be set aside and reincarnated into a new body; maybe to restart everything over again, but he’ll never be the same. He’ll be bound by the new genetic memories of the body he inherits, and he’ll forget everything between us.

  I’ll lose him forever.

  My eyes pop open, and I swallow hard.

  I don’t even have my elemental sword. I can’t cross him over—

  Feeling sick to my stomach, I close my eyes, and place a hand against his forehead. If only I could resurrect the dead the way an incubus can. Then none of this would matter, I could just—

  I raise my head and my mouth drops open.

  The incubus.

  I may not have the kind of power to help Liam, but he sure as hell does. It’s not the best of options, but it’s all I have. Without my sword, he won’t be able to cross over. If he crossed, I’d lose him. This is all we have, and there’s no time to question it.

  “Liam, I need you to help me to help you. I need you do to a tiny favor. Can you do that for me?” I say, willing his essence to stay tied to his body just a little longer.

  He gurgles something unintelligible, but his head bobs slightly.

  I take it as a yes and continue. “In your mind, I want you to call upon the demon who joined us earlier—the incubus, to be specific. You don’t have to speak anything out loud—simply calling upon him in your mind will bring him to you through intention. Can you do that?” Leaning in, I wait for his response—anything to show me he’s still here with me. His body is motionless, but I can see his chest rise and fall in short, quick breaths.

  “Please, Liam. I can save you. I know I can,” I whisper urgently. “But you need to help me.”

  Again, he sputters something quietly. I can’t make out a word of it, but the ghostly material of his spirit shifting from one plane to the next continues to strengthen to the point where I can hardly make out his face.

  “Hurry, Liam. You don’t have much time,” I say, swallowing hard and swiping at the tears managing to leak from my eyes.

  His movement is faint, but as I tune into his mind, I sense he’s still here with me. For now. Glancing up, I survey the area around us, waiting for the arrival of the creature I would have died to protect Liam from.

  “Call the incubus,” I say, louder this time. Despite trying to keep us both calm, my voice squeaks. Holding my breath, I place my hand against his shoulder, trying to comfort him and stabilize my own anguish. “Come on, come on,” I say, repeating the mantra out loud.

  Moments expand and I lean over the seat again to check on Liam’s condition.

  “Well, geez—you’re all sorts of excited, aren’t you?”

  My heart jumps into my chest, and I spin around to see the incubus sitting in the backseat of the Yukon. His arms are splayed wide across the tops of the seats as he leans back. The wound on his cheek is already starting to heal, and a sense of power radiates off him like a demon who has clearly fed recently. Shuddering to myself, I shake away the thoughts of all the people he has in his chain of devotees.

  “I don’t have time for coyness. I need your help,” I say, dropping any pretenses.

  Without batting an eye, the demon snorts, “And why in this everlasting universe would I want to do such a thing?”

  “Because your life depends on it, demon,” I fire back.

  “Is that so?” he says, quirking an eyebrow, clearly not fussed.

  “It is. I need you to resurrect Liam—I need you to do your thing to keep him tied here. Help him. Save him,” I plead.

  The incubus chuckles and leans forward, placing his elbows on his knees. His turquoise eyes narrow into slits and he finally says, “You’re telling me you’re perfectly fine accepting this bag of flesh will be my sexual servant, not yours, from now until I tire of him?”

  “I will accept anything but this fate for him. He can’t die. I won’t—” I glance back at his limp body, and press my lips into a thin line, “I can’t let him.”

  The incubus leans back again, exhaling loudly. “This puts a crimp into all my plans, you know. I mean, adding a human to my pantry is great and all, but I was going to see some explosive fireworks when I turned the two of you in,” he says, turning his hand over and looking at his fingertips.

  “None of that will matter if he’s dead. They won’t care at all,” I say, gritting my teeth.

  “Pity,” he says, boredom spreading across his features.

  “What more do you want from me?” I spit.

  Desperation seeps through every cell of my being, but I’m completely incapable of stopping it. I’d give anything to save Liam. I’d hand over my own soul if the demon demanded it.

  “You know it will take time for him to heal. Ages before he’s up and running again. What use is that to me? I’d wager it’ll be a good six months to a year before he can even get it up again,” he says, raising his gaze to mine.

  Clenching my jaw, I push myself from the front seat to the back. Straddling the incubus, I summon forth a tiny blade with no innate magical powers other than the ability to cut through demon flesh. Placing it against his throat, I lean in close enough for him to feel my breath against his cheek.

  “How’s this for a proposition,” I whisper, all emotion leaking from my essence until I’m more calm than I’ve ever been, “Do as I say and I’ll allow you to live. Continue to play coy and I’ll kill you here and now.” I dig the blade against the fleshy part of his throat at the same time I summon another knife in my left hand and jab the tip of it into his groin. “Or perhaps I should just put you out of commission to see how long it takes you to grow back this appendage.”

  His eyes widen, but he collects himself quickly.

  “Well, this a bit dramatic. Don’t you think? I mean, wow. ”

  Digging the second blade a bit deeper, he squeals.

  “All right—all right. Move out of the way and I’ll do what I can,” he says, flailing his arms forward.

  “No funny business,” I snap. “Just save him.”

  Sliding off of his lap, I take the seat beside him so I can move out of his way.

  “Yes, ma’am,” he says, giving me a salute.

  Shifting forward, the incubus climbs over the middle console and takes a seat opposite Liam.

  “He’s in rough shape, you know. Practically dead already. I don’t know if I’m going to be much help at this point,” he says, assessing the situation.

  “Well, stop talking about it and try, dammit,” I say, clenching my jaw.

  He nods curtly, giving me a final sideways glance before reaching out and placing one of his hands along Liam’s exposed forearm. I twist around in the sea
t, trying to get a better vantage point.

  The energy in the Yukon shifts slightly, amping up a powerful explosion of heat and desire that even I can feel. Squirming in my seat, I exhale from its beckoning.

  “What’s happening? Is he responding?” I ask.

  “Shhhh. Geez, woman. Will you let me work? There’s a certain finesse to this, you know. It’s not just ‘wham, bam, thank you ma’am,’ despite popular belief,” he says, shooting me a look of irritation.

  “Come on, Liam. It’s okay, it’ll be okay. I promise,” I whisper, reaching around and stroking the top of his head. “Just give in to him.”

  “What is it about this one?” The demon asks, briefly flitting his eyes in my direction.

  My gaze returns to Liam’s crumpled form, searching for any changes. Instead, his essence seems more distant than ever. My heart flutters, and I suddenly feel like being sick.

  “I don’t know. He’s just—he’s special. I have no other way to explain it,” I say, swallowing hard.


  “What?” I demand.

  He shrugs, “Nothing. It’s just—you’re an odd duck, you know? You both are.”

  “Thank you for your assessment,” I say, firing back my irritation at him. “What’s happening? Why isn’t it working?”

  “I don’t know. He should have at least opened his eyes by now. I’m not sure why it’s taking more. Maybe because of all the damage you inflicted on me earlier,” he says, making a face. “I’m weaker than I should be when attempting necromancy.”

  “Don’t even think of blaming this on me. You know I did what I had to,” I say.

  “Sure, sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night,” he says, waving a hand dismissively. “Look, it’s not working. Maybe he’s just too far—”

  “Eva—” Liam groans, lifting his head.

  I grope at the back of his seat, pulling myself forward.

  “I’m here. I’m right here, Liam,” I say, placing my hand along his arm and hoping it will give him a sense of calm.

  Suddenly, as if sucked from his body by a powerful vacuum, Liam’s soul completely vacates the physical realm. His entire essence vanishes before my eyes in a powerful, colorful sweeping arc as his final word lingers in the air.

  My heart sinks and the weight of everything tumbles down on me.

  “What did you do?” I cry, turning to the incubus.

  “What did I do?” he says indignantly as he scampers back into his seat. “What the hell did you do? I’ve never seen anything like that before.”

  “Well, if you didn’t do it, then who did?” I say, scanning the interior of the vehicle and then beyond into the space outside. “He can’t go until I’ve crossed him over. I don’t even have my elemental sword thanks to you—”

  If someone has taken his soul, I swear…

  A voice rings out, permeating the entire space of the vehicle as if it were emanating from a loudspeaker, “Evangeline, you have gone against the Guild’s Creed of Separation by attempting to enlist a demon to circumvent fate. You must come at once to face your own Judgement.”

  My mouth pops open, and I drop my hand from Liam’s body.

  “Ooooooo, you’re in trouble now,” the incubus chuckles.

  Chapter 7

  Creed of Separation

  My hands fly upward, covering the entirety of my face.

  No… this cannot be happening… none of it. I have to be in a bad, horrible, awful dream…

  “Looks like we know who put the kibosh on the flesh bag’s resurrection,” the incubus says, laughing under his breath.

  “His name is Liam,” I say through clenched teeth.

  “Whatever. Ya know, if I didn’t know better, I’d say someone already tipped off the Guild’s troops about you and wannabe lover boy.”

  I drop my hands. “Did you—?”

  “Psh, not me,” he says, waving is hand in front of him. “I needed to feed first. Had half my face and fingers ripped off. Remember?”

  Releasing a slow, deliberate breath, I stare at the back of Liam’s driver’s seat. On the other side are the remains of all he was. The remains of the only love I have ever really known—and likely ever will. My body shakes uncontrollably, and I don’t know whether to do as I’m told or crumple into my grief and let it consume me. His dark hair flitters in the breeze from the crushed window, tousled the way he usually had it—but there will never be a usual way again. Not anymore.

  “Leave us—” I say, tears brimming in my eyes and threatening to fall.

  “Don’t need to tell me twice,” the incubus says, vanishing with a snap from his good hand.

  The eerie silence inside the vehicle stretches until it’s the only thing I can hear. Too afraid to move to the front seat again, I hold my breath and wait. Wait for the oncoming storm of tears. For the inevitable pull of the Guild when they find out a charge of mine has passed before his time. And worse… that it was never meant to be. Judgement will come and collect its payment from me, too.

  Suddenly numb, tears stream silently down my cheeks and for the first time in my entire existence, I don’t care what happens to me. I don’t care what happens at all, really. I had a glimpse of what could be, and now that’s all gone.

  “I’m so sorry, Liam. I’m sorry I couldn’t save you. That I couldn’t protect you. I should have been here—I should have seen…” My words cut off as my breath hitches in my throat and the onslaught of emotions catch up with me. “This is all my fault. I’m so, so sorry,” I whisper.

  Had I been less preoccupied with my own desires and more concerned about the protection of Liam, I would have seen this coming. Or at least been here to prevent it. I should have realized there could still be openings. The vengeance demon was just doing its—

  Anger wells up inside me, turning my tears acidic.

  “Rachel—she called the vengeance demon to Liam,” I whisper; a plan formulating in my mind.

  My jaw sets and I look up, allowing my gaze to extend beyond the hood of the vehicle.

  She needs to pay.

  She needs to suffer the way she’s made Liam suffer—and so does the demon.

  My muscles tense as I prepare to strike my own vengeance. Before I can make a move, I’m pulled from the Yukon, my body broken apart like the seeds of a dandelion. The pieces of me flitter in the wind until one by one, each piece coalesces.

  When my consciousness melds back into place, I take a step back and look up at the enormous podium made of mahogany and precious stones all inlaid gold. Atop the high seat, a Throne Angel with an air of power and authority peers down at me. Clearly, the High Justice. His high cheekbones and wheeled eyes put me on edge immediately.

  Flitting my gaze around the rest of the space, a sea of my peers have been gathered in a circle of seats high above me. I stand in the center—an angel officially on trial.

  Swallowing hard, I hold my chin high and will my heart back into my chest. Despite the significance of this situation, I fight back tears for Liam and the grief I can’t even allow myself to truly move through. At least, not yet.

  “Evangeline, Guardian of the third Order, do you know why you have been summoned here?” the High Justice asks.

  My nostrils flare, but I tip my head in acknowledgement.

  “You have been charged with defying the Creed of Separation. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you this is a serious matter and one we do not wish to take lightly. Do you understand?” he asks, pulling his shoulders back as he peers down at me.

  “I do,” I say, straightening my back and lifting my chin higher.

  “How do you plead?” he asks, an air of gravity surrounding his words and sucking me in.

  My tongue grazes my lower lip and my stature falters. “The Creed of Separation dictates we act first and foremost in the best interest of our charges,” I say.

  “Indeed it does,” the Throne Angel says, waiting for me to continue.

  “I did what I felt was necessary for the protection of m
y charge, Liam Henry Mattson,” I say, pressing my lips into a thin line.

  “Did you now?” he says, tilting his head to the side.


  Technically, it’s true. Everything I did for him was in what I felt was his best interest. All Guardians are allowed to express a certain amount of discretion when it comes to their prime directive.

  “Evangeline, are you aware of the regulations surrounding Declaration Twelve within the Creed?” he says, calmly leading me down the direction I was afraid of.

  Breathing in slowly, I nod. “Of course.”

  “Can you repeat back to me what Declaration Twelve entails?”

  Shifting my gaze again to the sea of angels around me, I sigh. They’re making an example of me—it’s the only reason such a gathering has been assembled.

  “Declaration Twelve dictates no Guardian Angel shall develop a personal tie to their charges. They must remain a neutral observer while offering guidance and protection when the needs arise. This includes protection against demons,” I say, trying hard to make my voice strong. I’m not sure I succeed.

  “This is correct. Our law is very specific, however, going on to Section D of Declaration Twelve, it states no personal affairs—such as those of the heart, can be established between a Guardian and human charge. Do you remember Section D, Evangeline?”

  I flinch, but slowly nod.

  “At what point did the protection and guidance of Liam Henry Mattson turn into a personal affair?”

  I bite my lip and peer around the room. Angels all around me bend in, talking to the ones beside them. My shoulders sag and I lower my chin. If I lie now—if I try to say it isn’t true, I could be condemned to death for treason, should they reveal otherwise. But if I answer honestly, my life will be forfeit anyway. I’ll lose the ability to be a Guardian and any good I could do here in this stupid, wretched world will vanish. Either way, I lose. But what does any of it matter? I lost the one thing that mattered anyway.

  “I’m uncertain what you mean,” I say, lifting my gaze.

  Disappointment sweeps across the Throne Angel’s features and he raises a hand. Before the entire congregation, a large screen appears. It flickers to life and my mouth pops open.


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