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An Unexpected Thing

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by Marcy Jacks


  Cursed Dragons 3

  An Unexpected Thing

  Marek has been feeling weird. Ever since the warlocks came to his dragon clan for peace talks there's been one warlock in particular that he can't stop thinking about.

  So why not break the rules and fly out to see him?

  Jason can’t help but be suspicious of the dragons. Especially when one dragon in particular flies in, kisses Jason so passionately, and claims they are fated mates.

  As if he would ever believe that. Yet why can’t he stop himself from kissing Marek back?

  Despite the peace, his coven doesn't trust the dragon on their property, and Jason is treated as little more than a traitor for being caught with him. Stripped of his magick, and with Marek in chains, when a new clan attacks their coven, both will have to work together to get out of this alive before they have the chance to figure out where each of them stands in their true feelings for each other.

  Genres: Alternative (M/M, Gay), Contemporary, Fantasy, Paranormal, Shape-shifter

  Length: 25,583


  Cursed Dragons 3

  Marcy Jacks


  Siren Publishing, Inc.


  An Unexpected Thing

  Copyright © 2019 by Marcy Jacks

  ISBN: 978-1-64243-735-5

  First Publication: April 2019

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2019 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


  Marcy Jacks lives and works in Ontario Canada with her loyal hound, she loves video games, crafting, reading and writing about hot guys in love. You can read more of her books at

  For all titles by Marcy Jacks, please visit



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven


  Cursed Dragons 3


  Copyright © 2019

  Chapter One

  Jason didn’t know what the hell he was supposed to be doing when the dragon kissed him. Well, he did. He was a warrior warlock for his coven. He wasn’t supposed to be letting a dragon kiss him. He wasn’t supposed to be tilting his head and shivering when he felt the man’s fingers threading through his hair, gently scratching at his scalp.

  He was supposed to be blasting the man away with a shot of ice magick or fire. Anything. He was supposed to be taking charge here.

  Shit. He dropped his staff. He couldn’t reach it now because the dragon was sliding his tongue into Jason’s mouth and…

  Oh God, Jason shivered. His knees felt weak, and he knew he was lost.

  The dragon shifter pulled back from him. His eyes seemed dilated, but when Jason really looked, he saw they were in their diamond shape. Maybe more oval because of the dilation.

  The guy looked high as a kite, but that hadn’t been there when they first started this. He’d clearly been sober, so something else was doing this.

  Surely not the kissing.

  The beautiful, sensual, intoxicating kissing.

  What was his name again? Mark? No. Marek. That was his name.

  A fine name.

  “You’ve been thinking about this since you left, haven’t you?”

  Jason immediately tensed. “No!”

  Marek grinned. “Liar.”

  Why the hell did his lips have to look so full when he smiled like that? Why did he have to look as though he had Jason right where he wanted him?

  And why did Jason have to feel so helpless while the guy held him?

  “What spell is this?”

  Marek frowned. “What?”

  Jason growled, trying to maintain some form of control over his senses. “You know what I mean. I would never let you kiss me if you didn’t do something to me.”

  “Or you just wanted to be swept away by a handsome male with real charm.”

  “Uh huh, you’re entirely naked. I don’t know much about charm, but I’m pretty sure that doesn’t qualify.”

  “You don’t know anything about being charming. I’m going to remember that you said that.”

  The man held him tighter, and Jason was going to ignore that he liked it. That he wanted more of it. Right now.

  The fact that Marek was naked just made him want these things that much more. He could see the man’s cock from the corner of his eye. It was hard, pulsing in time with his heartbeat. Jason itched to reach out and grab it. He wanted to feel what that cock was like in his hand, how warm it would be, and if it would throb when he touched it.

  If it would throb in his mouth when he sank to his knees and let the guy face-fuck him.

  And holy shit, why the hell was he letting his thoughts wander like that? This was a dragon he was thinking about. It didn’t matter if they made peace with the dragon clan. He was still a dragon, and he was on territory where he should not be.

  “You want me,” Marek said, his eyes dancing now. He had an eager air about him, his body thrumming with an energy that just buzzed sexuality around him.

  As if he knew where this would go if Jason let him.

  And Jason was really close to letting him.

  “You can’t be here.” He was a professional. A warrior. He was not about to let himself be taken over by this kind of lust when he had better things to be doing.

  “But I am here.”

  “Yeah, I can see that.”

  “And you want me.”

  “That doesn’t mean you’re getting anything out of me.”

  Even as he said it, Jason couldn’t help but feel as though it was all just words. His words were paper-thin, they had no strength to them at all, and if he wasn’t careful, this dragon was going to blow them away and take what he wanted.

  And Jason would be begging him for more.

  “So, what was the spell? What did you do to me?”

  “You’re the warlock here. I should be asking you what you did to me,” Marek said it with a light growl in his voice, looking at Jason for the first time with a hint of suspicion in those golden eyes.

  Jason snarled at the man. “Don’t even think about it. I didn’t do a fucking thing.”

  “Uh huh. Says the warlock.”

  “Fuck you.” Jason tried to shove the man away from him, but it was like pushing against a stone slab. There was no moving it. At least not without the aid of magick.

  “You can if you want.”

  Jason rolled his eyes. “So
meone is going to come by and see us. You can’t be here.”

  Marek let his hands slid up Jason’s waist. He pushed up his robes a little, not enough to actually show anything, but Jason still felt the heat of that through the fabric. “So, cast a spell on us that will hide us or something.”

  Jason couldn’t believe he just heard that. “You know that’s not as easy as it sounds, right?”

  But then Jason hardly cared about how easy it was or was not, because Marek’s lips attached his throat, as Jason was helpless to do anything against it other than hold on for the ride. He grabbed onto Marek’s shoulders, the heat pouring into him and making it impossible to think of all the reasons why this was a bad idea.

  Because it felt too good. Anything that felt this good couldn’t be a bad thing.

  Marek lifted Jason’s robes a little higher up, but then the dragon growled when he realized Jason had jeans on beneath the robes.

  “What the hell is this?”

  Jason glared at the man, but it was weak at best. “What, you thought we all ran around naked beneath these?”

  “I was hoping so right about now, yeah.”

  Jason couldn’t believe it. “Well, I’m not naked, and you’re not having sex with me out here. Other warlocks are patrolling around here, you know.”

  But Marek didn’t seem dissuaded. In fact, he seemed more eager than ever. “We need to be quick then.”

  “What?” Jason couldn’t believe it, and the other man was undoing Jason’s belt and his fly.

  He really wanted to do this, and the more of Jason’s clothes the other man loosened up, the more he thought, why the fuck not? It would just be for a couple of minutes. Just long enough to get off and have a good time, and then he could send the dragon on his way.

  That was what he told himself as he grabbed at his robes and yanked them over his head, letting them flop to the ground.

  Marek smiled when he saw what else Jason had on beneath them.

  Aside from his jeans, nothing. He was bare-chested without his robes on.

  “It gets hot wearing too much beneath them, all right?”

  “I am not complaining,” Marek said, his mouth coming to kiss and suck on one of Jason’s nipples, and then, holy God, he was flying high. Jason’s eyes popped wide open before they slid shut.

  The pleasure was exquisite. Marek was barely doing anything to him and it already felt like Jason hadn’t touched himself in months. As though he had a buildup that needed to be expunged.

  The more Marek touched him, the more his hands explored, the more Jason felt like his entire body was on fire. And he wanted that fire. He wanted to be burned by this man.

  Marek worked his lips on Jason’s other nipple, his hand tweaking the other, giving him pleasure from both at the same time before he sank to his knees.

  Jason groaned, a spike of excitement rushing through him as Marek wasted no time in sinking his mouth around Jason’s cockhead.

  Jason had to put his hands to his mouth, otherwise he would have groaned way too loud and someone would have come to check on him. That would not have been the best thing in the world to happen when he had a naked dragon shifter going down on him when Jason was supposed to be protecting their property.

  As though he’d jinxed himself just by thinking that, Jason heard voices coming. His eyes popped wide. He looked down at Marek just as the other man pulled his mouth away from his cock.

  “If they see us,” Marek said, leaning to the side and having a peek for himself.

  Jason knew what would happen. They would try to capture Marek. Even with the fragile peace, they might accuse him of trying to attack Jason, even though Marek was currently the one on his knees.

  Would they know Marek was even from the dragon clan they’d made peace with? It wasn’t as though all the warlocks where they lived knew what the dragons from that clan looked like in their human forms.

  And Jason was rock hard with his dick out and inches from Marek’s mouth. He was so fucked.

  Marek looked at him. “Can you really make us vanish?”

  Oh shit. He was serious.

  The others were getting close. At least two of them. Could he and Marek take them? Would Jason be able to fight his own off while Marek escaped?

  Jason put his hands to his heart and focused. An invisibility spell was difficult, depending on the level of invisibility one needed. There were the easy incantations, which just made it harder to notice someone standing in a corner, watching, but these guys were getting closer and closer. They would walk right by. Jason didn’t just want to go unnoticed. He didn’t want these men to see him, full stop.

  So, when they rounded the corner, Jason froze, so did Marek on his knees.

  There are three of them, one of them was an elder.

  Oh shit.

  One of the warriors sighed. “Where the hell is Jason?”

  Jason thought his heart was going to burst right out of his chest.

  “Will someone go and find him?” asked the elder, annoyed. “We need to get Arthur here before his father notices.”

  “Right away, sir,” said the two warrior warlocks. They rushed off to find Jason since they couldn’t see him, and the elder shook his head, as though he were irritated with the whole thing before he walked off.

  Marek waited a moment before speaking. “Those two guys, they friends of yours?”

  “Yeah, I guess so. Why?”

  “They’re a couple of ass kissers.”

  “What?” That was random. “Where the hell did that come from?”

  Marek looked up at him, his expression unamused. “Did you see the way they ran off to do as they were told? They’re a couple of little ass kissers. You’re friends with them?”

  “We don’t hang out, but we work together. We get along. They’re just doing what our elder is telling them.”

  “Do you do what your elder tells you?”

  “Of course I do.”

  “But do you do it like a trained dog?”

  Jason groaned. “No. I don’t think so.”

  He hoped not. Jason never thought about it, because he didn’t particularly care, but now that Marek had pointed it out, Adrien and Jeremy were a little more eager to please the elders than anyone else. Jason always assumed it was their drive to climb the ladder. They had been promoted to warrior class early, just as Jason had been, so of course they would want to continue with their career paths as defense warlocks.

  But now that Marek had sneered at their behavior, Jason found himself hoping he didn’t act like that in front of the elders, or when he’d been to the dragon clan back when they had been in discussions for getting Arty to come home after his kidnapping.

  Which reminded him all the more of why he shouldn’t be here, about where his loyalties really needed to lie.

  “I need to go. We shouldn’t be doing this.”

  “Yes, we should.”

  “I’m a warlock. I just cloaked you from being seen on warlock property.”

  “So? I’ll leave when I’m done. No one will even know I was here.”

  “But…” Jason trailed off, another shiver rippling through his body as Marek went back to licking around the head of his dick. It felt so stupidly good that it made him stupid. It made Jason not care about the consequences of his actions, about what this would do to his prospects as a warrior.

  Everything he’d worked for would be fucked, and he would have to wait years more before he got his chance again.

  But that didn’t matter when Marek put his whole mouth around Jason’s cock.

  The man didn’t deep throat him, but he seemed to be trying his best to make it happen. He’d definitely done this before. Jason could tell by the lack of teeth, and the way he fluidly pushed forward and pulled back.

  This was not a first-time blowjob.

  Which made it that much harder to resist it.

  “All…all right. Just this once. And then you’re gone.”

  “You’ll beg for me to come back
,” Marek promised, and Jason was a little worried he might be right.

  Christ, what was doing this to him?

  “I will never beg you to come back to me after this.”

  Marek just smiled at him, as though he were accepting a challenge.

  Jason figured he was more than a little screwed on this.

  Chapter Two

  Jason leaned back against the tree he’d been standing in front of when Marek walked out of shrubs. He began thrusting gently into the man’s mouth, but then, when he couldn’t take anymore, he picked up the pace.

  Marek had to grab onto his hips, stopping him before he could push too deeply into the guy’s mouth.

  It made Jason a little glad. He didn’t know much about Marek other than he was a complete fool who was way overconfident in everything he did, so knowing he wasn’t a total sex god when it came to this kind of thing made Jason feel just a little better about his position.

  Because even though he was the one standing, and Marek was the one with Jason’s dick in his mouth, there was something about this that made Jason feel as though he were the one being dominated. As though he were the one who was giving something up.

  It just seemed that the more he fought it, the more he sank into the other man’s trap.

  Whatever it happened to be.

  The worst part was when more of his friends came by to check up on him. Dylan appeared at one point, as though making sure for himself that Jason was not at his post. Again, Jason was forced to put up the invisibility spell, and each time he did, his blood froze at the idea that he was doing it wrong.

  After all, the only way for a warlock to really know if an invisibility spell was working was to wait for the person he didn’t want to see him to shrug and move on.

  That was especially difficult when his cock was out.

  “You’re doing so well. God, you’re amazing with that,” Marek said, his voice a clear purr.


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