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An Unexpected Thing

Page 4

by Marcy Jacks

  Dylan seemed all right with that. He cleared his throat as Jeremy unlocked the door.

  “He’s not supposed to be having any visitors right now, so make it quick,” Jeremy said. “And if any of the elders come by and find out you went in there, I am a hundred percent going to lie and say you snuck in there without my permission.”

  Jason nodded. “Got it.”

  He stepped inside.

  Chapter Five

  The room inside wasn’t uncomfortable to be fair, but the walls were concrete, it wasn’t exactly warm, and with only a chair to sit on…

  Yeah, maybe it was uncomfortable for Marek to be in there.

  When Jason saw the man, however, something within him lurched.

  Marek immediately stood. He’d been put into a warlock robe so he wasn’t naked, but he was chained. With a real, physical chain, not the magickal kind that Jason wore around his wrist. They pulled him back when he tried to step forward. The chains were pegged into the floor, keeping Marek in one place. He had maybe three feet of room to get around.

  And Jason was furious.

  “What the fuck? Are they kidding?”

  “Are you all right?” Marek asked, ignoring his words. “Did they hurt you?”

  Jason couldn’t believe it. He stepped forward. “You’re chained to the floor and you’re asking me that?”

  He took Marek’s wrists, examining the shackles.

  They looked to be the same thickness as the one around Jason’s wrist. The only difference was that this was designed to contain physical strength. It was barbaric. “How long have you been like this?”

  “Since I woke up, and you didn’t answer my question.”

  The tone of his voice nearly threw Jason for a moment. He looked up into those eyes, saw how intense they were, and he realized how close he really was. He wasn’t supposed to get so close. He was supposed to stay back, keep a distance.

  Even a man in chains could do damage if one got too close to him.

  Jason had forgotten. Ten seconds after coming in here, he’d forgotten.

  He tried to step back.

  “No.” Marek grabbed his arms, holding him in place.

  “Let go.”

  “No,” Marek said again. His fingers held higher to Jason’s arms, and Jason couldn’t bring himself to pull away, though he knew he should.

  He should be scared. He definitely felt stupid for getting as close as he did, but now that he could see Marek was all right, that he was standing here and everything seemed to be in one piece, he could breathe a little easier.

  “Were you scared?” Jason asked. “When you woke up here? I can’t imagine it was pleasant not know what happened.”

  “I am a warrior for my clan, it would take so much more to scare me than a few uppity warlocks asking about Arty. I was more worried about you. I didn’t know where you were or what they’d done to you.”

  Marek looked down at the shackle locked around Jason’s wrist. He frowned, touching the padlock. “What is this?”

  Jason felt all kinds of guilty for how concerned Marek sounded for him, and half of what Jason had been stressing out over was losing his chance at becoming a warrior for his coven.

  He swallowed hard. “It’s a shackle.”

  Marek raised a brow at him.

  Jason rolled his eyes. “It’s not the same as the kind you’re wearing. It’s stunting my magick. I can’t even light a candle wearing this.”

  Marek smiled, as though pleased. “Is that all? Well…I know you must not like it, but at least you still have mobility. You can move around freely, fight if you have to.”

  His reaction was so different from Dylan’s and Jeremy’s. No one who practiced magick would treat losing it so flippantly.

  Which meant there was no way Marek had cast any sort of spell on Jason to make him behave like this. These feelings had to be real. There was no other explanation. His feelings were real, but as for Marek…that was another story entirely.

  Not even a warlock could read minds, and even if Jason could, the stupid shackle was preventing it.

  He had honest to God feelings for a dragon warrior, and he was pretty sure thing guy just thought it was exciting to be getting hot and heavy with a warlock. After all, his clan leader had done it with Arty, so why wouldn’t he want to give it a try himself?

  Jason groaned, and he found himself leaning his forehead against Marek’s chest.

  Marek paused. “I’m sorry. I guess magick is important to someone like you.”

  “That wasn’t what I was thinking about, but yeah, it is.”

  Marek held onto his shoulders. He wrapped an arm around Jason’s back, and it felt, pleasantly enough, as though Jason were being hugged. He liked it.

  “If there was something I could do to make them take that off you, I would. I would say it. But I don’t know where Arty is.”

  Jason believed him. He probably shouldn’t regardless of what he felt, but there it was. “Arty will be back. I think,” Jason said. “Honestly, I wouldn’t be shocked if he went back to see your leader. Keagan.”

  Marek nodded. “Yeah, something was definitely happening between those two, something that went beyond any spell Arty cast, and he seemed so bad at spell casting.”

  Jason laughed. He knew he shouldn’t. This was his friend they were talking about, but he couldn’t help himself. “Yeah, he is, isn’t he?”

  Marek kept right on smiling with him, and he looked so handsome that Jason couldn’t help but be pulled into him. He leaned up, pressing his mouth to Marek’s, initiating the kiss.

  God, it felt so good. That kiss, the sweet warmth of it, went right down to the bottom of his toes. Jason shivered, and that sweet pleasure from before returned with a raging fire inside him that he couldn’t stand.

  With a growl, Marek pulled back, though he continued to hold Jason close.

  “How much longer do you have before you have to leave?” The heat in his eyes made it evident what he wanted, and Jason wanted that, too.

  He wanted to continue right where they’d left off before they were interrupted.

  “About five minutes.”

  Marek slumped, pressing his forehead against Jason’s shoulder. “Not enough time,” he muttered.

  He was right. For what Jason wanted, there was not enough time. If they had more time, maybe they could make it work without any kind of lubricant, and Jason was only thinking like that because of how fucking desperate he was…

  “Maybe there’s something we can do.”

  He pulled back from the man, and it was a testament to how much Marek trusted him that he let Jason go.

  Jason went back to the door of the storage shed. He opened it, though only a crack, getting Dylan’s attention.

  “You about done in there?”

  “No,” Jason shook his head. “I need you to get me something.”

  Dylan lifted a brow, suspicious. “Uh, get you what?”

  Jason couldn’t believe he was about to say this, but he had to get it out there if he was going to do this. “I need some lube. Even some hand lotion will do it, just get it for me, please?” he asked as Dylan shook his head.

  “Are you fucking kidding me right now?” Dylan hissed, leaning in close. “Are you for real? You want to…oh Christ.”

  “We’ll be quick. I need this, come on.”

  “What’s going on?” Jeremy came over, and Dylan was forced to explain what Jason wanted of him.

  Jason didn’t know who was more embarrassed, himself or the two of them.

  Jeremy swore a little, but then he walked a few feet away, leaving the decision up to Dylan, who continued to shake his head and look incredibly unhappy.

  “Please?” Jason asked again.

  Dylan glared at him. “You’re going to get me demoted right along with you.”

  He didn’t keep fighting Jason on it, though. He turned and walked away, and Jason breathed a sigh.

  He didn’t have time to feel guilty for Dylan’s sake a
s he closed the door and turned back to Marek. “All right, Dylan’s going to grab us something we can use.”

  Marek’s bright green eyes danced, and the smile on his face was all kinds of impressed. “Did you really just do that?”

  Jason nodded, grabbing Marek by the collar of his robe and yanking him forward, as far as the chains would allow him before Jason leaned up and kissed him on the mouth. “Yeah, I did.”

  Maybe Marek really didn’t care, but honestly, why should it matter to Jason if he did or not? That didn’t mean they couldn’t have a little fun, after all.

  While waiting for Dylan to hurry it up and get his ass back here, Jason took it upon himself to learn all he could about the taste of Marek’s mouth, what his tongue felt like against his own, and how heated his body could become as they stood flush against each other.

  Marek, obviously, had nothing on beneath the robes he wore, and Jason could make out very easily the feel of his hard cock beneath the fabric.

  Jason hadn’t thought about it beforehand, but now that he could really feel the strength behind Marek’s hands, the way the man dominated the kissing, and the growl in his throat and strength of his body, Jason got the distinct impression that he was not the one who would be taking charge of this situation.

  He’d had previous boyfriends, yes, but he’d only bottomed for one of them, and while he didn’t want to be unfair to the guy, Jason hadn’t liked it, which was why he hadn’t done it since. He doubted Marek would let him do the topping, and considering he was the one in physical chains, it didn’t seem right to ask.

  “What’s the matter?” Marek’s voice was breathless when he pulled back, and Jason jumped, though he wasn’t sure why it surprised him that Marek would notice not everything was all right.

  Jason shook his head. “Nothing.”

  He grabbed the back of Marek’s head and pulled the man back in for more kissing. He wasn’t about to explain it to Marek what his thought process was right now. Not when kissing him seemed like such a better idea.

  To be honest, the eager roaming of Marek’s hands across his lower back and ass felt pretty damned good, too. Good enough to make Jason forget all about any anxiety he might’ve had about this entire thing.

  Until there was a soft knock at the door.

  They paused what they were doing, eyes wide, staring at each other with their mouths still connected as Dylan called out to them.

  “Uh, Jason? I’ve got the…thing you asked for.”

  Grinning, Jason pulled back from Marek, who smiled eagerly in return as Jason went to the door. He opened it just a crack once more, reaching out and taking the bottle offered to him with a small thanks before shutting the door one more time.

  Marek whistled, shaking his head. “I think your friend is going to feel a bit used if you keep that up.”

  “I’ll make it up to him later,” Jason promised, noting with pleasure that Dylan had brought him the real deal. It was actual lubricant. Not some hand cream or what-have-you. New, too. He had to open the plastic seal as he approached Marek.

  “All right, we’ve got to keep this quiet, so no insane dragon kinky shit, you got that?”

  Marek took the lube from his hand, snorting. “What the hell do you actually think I am here?”

  Jason didn’t know, and he didn’t even really know what Marek wanted, or how much Jason was willing to go along with those wants when they were made known.

  “Just make sure you’re good, or I’m never letting you do this again.” He did partially mean that. He didn’t know how dragons fucked to begin with, so this seemed like an important thing to be thinking about.

  Marek lifted a brow at him. “Do you really think I would hurt you?”


  That came out way more defensive and louder than he meant it to.

  Marek knew it by the look on his face, and the door opened suddenly as Jeremy popped his head in to see.

  “Oh!” He looked shocked to see them standing there, still fully clothed. “I just heard…I was just making sure…never mind. Carry on. I guess.” He pulled back out, closing the door behind him, and when Jason heard the lock slide into place, he felt only somewhat better.

  Though still embarrassed.

  He knew he had to keep it down. Yelling out the word no, after what Jeremy originally thought of Marek, was probably one of the stupider things Jason had ever done.

  Marek certainly didn’t look all that pleased, even though the tenting happening around his groin suggested he was still good to go.

  “If you don’t want to do this, don’t let me stop you from leaving.”

  “That wasn’t what that was.”

  “Are you sure? Speak now or hold your peace, because unless you flat out tell me you don’t want this, I’m going to take it to mean that you do, so I would like to hear it.”

  “Do you really think I would accuse you of something after the fact?”

  Marek took one step closer, the chains clinking as he pulled hard against them, the muscle of his arms bulging. “A couple of the people in your coven already seem to think I’m guilty of hurting you, so I’m not taking the risk.”

  Jason winced. “Fair enough. No, I don’t think you’re going to hurt me, and yes, I want to do this, and I’d really like to do this right now if we could before I did realize how stupid this is and change my—hey!”

  He didn’t get the chance to say another word as Marek suddenly reached out, grabbed onto him, and yanked Jason hard against his chest. The wind was practically knocked right the hell out of him.

  Marek grinned at him, that wild look back in his eyes. “I thought you’d never say it.”

  The man crushed his mouth to Jason’s one more time, and Jason melted into it.

  Right, if they were going to do this, then they needed to do it now before something else happened. Like the elders finding out and another interruption, because if Marek didn’t get Jason off, and soon, he was going to implode.

  Chapter Six

  It was shockingly not all that difficult to find a good spot for this. Jason had only ever fucked in the usual places. Bed, shower, floor of the kitchen, and once a bathroom stall when he got hammered after a bad break up, but that didn’t count.

  This, however, was a little different, and even though it was not the most ideal setting, in a cold room that smelled of bleach, Marek still managed to get Jason out of his robes and clothes and keep him hot and wanting, to the point where all those other little things faded away. They weren’t important. The only thing that mattered was the buzzing of his body, the way his blood thrummed when Marek reached down and stroked his hand over Jason’s cock.

  Jason shivered, moaning softly, but then he stopped when Marek put his hand over Jason’s mouth.

  “You need to be quiet,” he said, and even so, he smiled. “Not that I don’t like hearing it, but I don’t want someone else walking in on us. It’s getting kind of old.”

  Jason nodded as Marek pulled his hand back. “Yeah, it is.”

  Marek slowly stroked his palm across the length of Jason’s cock again. He didn’t wrap his fingers around the shaft like Jason would have wanted him to, he seemed more interested in teasing, in testing Jason’s limits.

  “Are you sure you’re all right? You won’t make any more noise?”

  Jason clenched his teeth. The fucker was going to do everything in his power to draw out those noises, and Jason would have no choice but to keep them back, regardless of how much it pained him to do so.

  “I’ll keep quiet. Are you going to be quick enough that no one comes in and bothers us? Time is still limited here.”

  Marek wouldn’t stop grinning, as though everything Jason was saying to him played into exactly what he wanted from him.

  “I normally like to take my time, but I can get you off as quickly as possible if you need me to.”


  But at least he was willing to play ball.

  “All right then, hurry it up there, ti

  Marek lifted a brow at him, but then he did as he was told, which was nice.

  The lack of foreplay wasn’t something Jason thought he would need so much. He normally needed a lot of foreplay to get to something even close to enjoyment out of the sex he’d had. When he was bottoming. Every time he’d ever topped, he’d tried to bring his lovers to the brink before breaching them just because he’d known how much that could help with the overall pleasure of the moment.

  This was different. Jason thought he was would die if he didn’t get Marek inside him.

  Right now.

  So, even though the dragon shifter had barely touched him, when he spun Jason around, forcing him to face the wall, Jason couldn’t help but sigh with relief as he felt his feet being kicked apart, and Marek easing up behind him.

  Marek cursed briefly about the noise the chains made, but then he put more of his focus back where it belonged, on Jason.

  “You’re tense. Relax.”

  “I am relaxed.” Jason forced his muscles to not be so tight. Why was he so nervous? It was just sex, and he did want it.

  A lot.

  But it was like there were some heavier meaning to this that had his muscles bunching up. He was eager, so what exactly was this feeling?

  “Have to be quick,” Marek said, as if Jason needed a reminder of that.

  In fact, it seemed to take the man too damned long before Jason finally felt the press of his fingertips against his asshole.

  When he did, it was a shock, but it was so good it made him sigh.

  “That’s what I want.”

  Marek said nothing else to him as he pushed his fingers deep inside. Jason had to snap his lips shut, if only to keep himself from making any noises he shouldn’t.

  This was…oddly good. He didn’t think Marek would hurt him, but Jason also hadn’t expected the sex to feel this nice, either. He pushed back against those fingers as they slid deep, allowing them to go as far as they could go.

  Jason gasped a little when he felt Marek’s fingers scissoring him, touching everywhere that could be touched.

  Marek leaned in close, his chest flush against Jason’s back. “Remember, you have to keep quiet.”


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