war opposition and, 23, 54, 274n19
See also abolitionism
Emancipation Proclamation, 44–45, 54, 166–67, 202, 274n19, 276n25
Encyclopedia of Cleveland History, 15
Erie Canal. See Ohio & Erie Canal
ethnic Germans
Ohio politics and, 27–28
Republican party and, 8, 9
See also ethnic German soldiers
ethnic German soldiers
Barlow’s disgust for, 122
immigrant backgrounds, 5–6, 7, 10, 16, 27
motivations of, 6, 7–8, 12, 16–17
nativism and, 3, 17–18
Ohio regiments, 24–25
as scapegoat for Battle of Chancellorsville, 2–3, 7, 17–18, 102–4, 102, 105–7, 149, 218–19, 220–21
Sigel as inspiration, 25–26, 25, 31, 53
See also 107th Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment; volunteer recruitment; specific people
ethnic regiments, 24–25, 103, 218, 220
See also ethnic German soldiers
Evans, Thomas, 89–90, 92, 95, 98
Ewell, Richard Stoddart, 129, 130, 136
Fairfax Seminary hospital, 51–52
Fair Oaks, Battle of, 81
Faust, Drew Gilpin, 270n1
Feederle, Richard, 6
Feldkamp, Henry, 177, 210, 213
field hospitals, 108, 139–40
See also illness
54th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment, 86, 122, 196
54th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, 154, 166, 189, 198
55th Ohio Infantry, 86, 88, 92, 95, 103, 104, 219
56th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment, 196
Finegan, Joseph, 170
Finkenbiner, Henry, 14, 194–95, 195, 214, 221, 238
Finkenbiner, Jim, 240
Finley, Ebenezer, 228
1st New York Light Artillery, 133
First Corps, 114, 115, 117, 125, 130
First World War, 37
Fischer, William, 127
Flora, Harrison, 142, 210
Florida. See 107th Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment in Florida; Seymour’s Florida expedition
Flory, John, 34, 35, 240
Flying Dutchmen, The (Suhrer), 241
Foell, John, 177
Folly Island encampment, 153–54, 155, 156–58, 160, 162–65, 167, 169, 200
Foote, Francis, 102
41st New York Infantry Regiment, 286n23
Foraker, Joseph Benson, 234–35
Fort Clinch, 180–81, 238
Fortress Monroe, 152, 191, 192
Fort Sumter, Battle of, 21, 28, 154, 156, 165
Fort Wagner, Battles of, 154, 189
Foster, John Gray, 154
4th Massachusetts Volunteer Cavalry, 192
14th Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment, 29
Fredericksburg, Battle of, 54–55, 63, 109, 112, 269n24
French, Martha, 93
French, Wilson, 221
Fugitive Slave Act, 27
furloughs, 67, 74
Furlow, Charles T., 220
Gano, Jacob, 220
Garland, William, 192, 196, 304n36
Garner, Alfred, 185, 239
Garnett, Robert Selden, 30
Geipel, Julius, 133, 135
Geissler, John, 166, 222
General Order No. 38, 161
Gentner, Burkhart, 135
Georgetown, 199
German Citizens’ Military Committee, 26
German Corps. See Eleventh Corps
German immigration, 5–6, 7, 10–11, 17, 27
See also ethnic Germans; ethnic German soldiers
Gettysburg, Battle of
battlefield vestiges of, 237–38
casualties, 31, 121, 125–26, 127, 136, 138–42, 139, 141–44, 157
Cemetery Hill, 116, 126, 128–33, 132, 134, 135–37, 228–29, 288n40
Confederate march to, 109, 110–11, 113–14
Culp’s Hill, 129, 136–37
Eleventh Corps leadership, 115–16
Eleventh Corps march to, 110, 111–13, 114–15
histories of, 233–34
Houck’s Ridge, 130
Lee’s escape after, 144–45, 146–47
Little Round Top, 129, 130
location of, 113, 117
107th Ohio monument, 227–29, 229, 234–35
prisoners of war, 124, 125–26
Seminary Ridge, 125
Siffert’s paintings of, 236–37
third day pause, 128–29
Union victory, 137–38
Wheatfield, 130
See also Blocher’s Knoll, Battle for; 107th Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment at Gettysburg
Gettysburg Battlefield Memorial Association, 228
Giddings, Edward, 147, 148–49
Gillmore, Quincy Adams
Charleston encampment and, 201
Potter’s Raid and, 188, 189, 303n32
Seymour’s Florida expedition and, 167, 168, 170
Siege of Charleston Harbor and, 154, 155, 159, 200
Glanz, Charles, 86
Glendale Cemetery, 239
Gnau, Peter, 204
Goepp, Charles, 106–7
Gordon, John Brown, 119, 123, 124–25, 178, 179, 193–94, 197
Grand Army of the Republic, 18, 230, 232, 239
Grant, Ulysses S., 111, 175, 176, 193, 197
Greeley, Horace, 176
Greiner, Joseph, 160
Gusman, Leon, 135
Halleck, Henry W., 154, 185
Hallowell, Edward Needles, 189, 191, 195, 200
Hamlin, Augustus Choate, 219–22
Hammet, W. J. N., 193
Harper’s Ferry raid, 22
Harper’s Monthly, 67
Harper’s Weekly, 57, 102–3, 102
Harris, Andrew, 131, 132, 133
Harrison, Benjamin, 215
Hartford Evening Press, 102
Hartman, Anna, 94
Hartman, Charles, 33, 35, 52, 94, 214, 267n18
Hasenboeller, David, 159
Hasenboeller, Joseph, 159
Hasman, Theobald, 207
Hatch, John, 86
Hay, John, 167
Hays, Harry Thompson, 119, 130, 133, 135
Heed, Abe, 88
Heiss, Catherine, 143
Heiss, William Henry, 143
Hemmerling, John, 210
Hessenmueller, Edward, 26–27
Heth, Henry, 38, 114
Hildt, George, 214
Hill, Charles, 26, 44–45
Hoagland, Tom, 206
Hof, Jacob, 139
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr., 224
homefront correspondence, 13, 58–59, 79, 157, 264n35
homefront support, 12–13, 35–36, 52–53, 141–42
Honey Hill, Battle of, 184, 189
Hooker, Joseph
appointment of, 66–67
Battle of Fredericksburg and, 269n24
Chancellorsville Campaign and, 80, 82, 84, 85, 88, 96, 97, 113
ethnic Germans as scapegoat and, 104
replacement of, 111
Sigel and, 81
Hose, Jacob, 31
Houck’s Ridge, 130
Howard, Oliver Otis, 81
appointment of, 80–81
Battle of Gettysburg and, 114, 115–16, 125, 126
Chancellorsville Campaign and, 85, 88–89, 218, 219, 220
South Carolina railroads and, 188
Humiston, Ransom, 36
Huy, William, 40
hygiene, 44, 52, 174, 265n3
illness, 17
Brooke’s Station encampment, 77, 272n15
Camp Delaware, 44, 45
demobilization and, 204, 206
encampment near Washington and, 52
Florida, 181
Folly Island encampment, 158
homefront correspondence and, 59
pension claims and, 215
Siege of Charleston Harbor and, 158
nbsp; typhoid fever, 4, 61, 143, 158
Battle for Blocher’s Knoll, 13–14
pension claims and, 212–15
sensations of, 13–14
veteran experiences and, 206–7, 210–11, 231–32, 233
See also amputations; casualties
Jack Leland’s Band, 204
Jackson, Joseph Warren, 131
Jackson, Thomas Jonathan “Stonewall”
advance to Chancellorsville, 84–85
Battle of Chancellorsville and, 2, 118
Chancellorsville flank march, 86, 87, 89, 220
injury of, 96–97
Shenandoah Valley campaigns and, 26
Jacksonville, 172–73
Jacobs, Michael, 234
James, Jacob, 194–95
Jenkins, Albert Gallatin, 111
“John Brown’s Body,” 137, 184, 197
Johnson, Edward “Allegheny,” 130
Johnston, Joseph E., 175, 193, 199
Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War, 63, 269n24
Jones, Hilary Pollard, 118
Judah, Henry Moses, 40
Julian, George, 162
Jungling, Frederick, 210
Kapp, Friedrich, 106
Kappel, Godfrey, 95
Kastner, Charles, 47
Kauke, Cary, 58
Keeler, Justin, 92
Keichner, Michael, 177–78
Kettell, Thomas, 218
Kieffer, Joseph, 207, 212–13
King, Horatio, 221
Kissel, Valentine, 263n27
Klement, Frank L., 274n19
Klingaman, Henry, 47, 211
Knaus, John, 174, 201, 214
Koch, William, 80, 143
Kuemmerle, Jakob, 62
Landon, Emlen, 211
Lang, Anton, 69–70
Lang, John, 29
Lash, Levi, 45
Latimer, Joseph White, 129–30
Lee, George Washington, 192
Lee, John Calvin, 88
Lee, Robert E.
Battle of Gettysburg and, 129, 136, 137
Battle of Saylor’s Creek and, 193–94
Battle of the Wilderness and, 175–76
Chancellorsville Campaign and, 82, 84, 85, 86, 96, 97, 113
Confederate mistreatment of African Americans and, 111
escape after Gettysburg, 144–45, 146–47
march to Gettysburg, 109, 110–11, 113–14
surrender, 197
Leffler, John, 213
Leland, Jack, 204
Lemon, George, 214, 309n20
Libby Prison, 98–99, 98, 99, 107, 121, 164, 171
Lichty, Jacob, 31, 53, 156, 157–58, 159, 160
Lincoln, Abraham
African-American soldiers and, 45, 108
assassination of, 199–200
Battle of Chancellorsville and, 97
on Battle of Fredericksburg, 54–55
critics of, 23
day of prayer and thanksgiving and, 149
election of 1860, 8, 28, 106
election of 1864, 161, 181–82, 302n20
Emancipation Proclamation, 44–45, 166
Hooker and, 66
on Lee’s escape after Gettysburg, 146–47
McLean on, 56
on Ohio politics, 165
prisoners of war and, 108
Seymour’s Florida expedition and, 167
Siege of Charleston Harbor and, 154
Vallandigham and, 161
Linderman, Gerald F., 267n17
Little Round Top, 129, 130
Longstreet, James, 130, 136
Longstreet, Pete, 129
Lopendahl, Nicholas, 210
Lossing, Benson J., 219
Lost Cause, 238
Loutzenheiser, Isaac, 174
Lutz, John, 144, 163, 214, 228, 234
Mackowski, Chris, 273
Mainzer, Anthony, 159
malaria, 181
Mallory, Shepherd, 152
Army of the Potomac winter encampments, 68
Battle for Blocher’s Knoll, 120
Battle of Chancellorsville, 91
Cemetery Hill, 134
Chancellorsville Campaign, 83
Department of the South, 151
Eastern Theater, 60
Jackson’s flank march, 87
Ohio, xiv
Potter’s Raid, 190
Marble, Dustin, 216
Marye’s Heights, Battle of, 54, 63
Mason-Dixon Line, 72, 110
May, Philip, 209
McArthur Democrat, 164
McClellan, George B., 50, 64, 81, 181, 183, 200, 302n20
McCormick, Jacob, 136
McGregor, Archibald, 29, 46
McKinney, Lanson, 207, 239
McLaws, Lafayette, 84
McLean, John, 55
McLean, Nathaniel Collins
background of, 55–56
Chancellorsville Campaign and, 88, 89, 220
departure of, 109
Meyer and, 39
See also McLean’s Brigade
McLean, Wilmer, 197
McLean’s Brigade, 55, 84, 86, 92, 95, 97, 103, 104, 220
McQueen, William Alexander, 192, 196
Meade, George Gordon, 109, 111–12, 113, 114, 145, 147, 150
Medary, Samuel, 162
Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion, 230
Meier, Kathryn Shively, 265n3
Meigs, Montgomery, 202
Metzler, Conrad, 76
Meyer, Edward, 29, 75, 94–95, 107, 122, 183, 186, 302n20
Meyer, Jacob, 27
Meyer, Marcus, 29
Meyer, Maria Anna, 27
Meyer, Seraphim
background of, 27–28
Battle of Gettysburg and, 121–22, 126–27
court-martial of, 145–46, 147–49
Covington deployment and, 39–40
death of, 227–28
drunkenness accusations, 40, 46
McGregor and, 46
morale and, 77
as prisoner of war, 94–95, 97, 98, 99, 122–23
recruit training and, 32
regimental history by, 218
on regimental leadership, 284n7
resignation of, 145, 170–71
troop cattle cars and, 47
volunteer recruitment and, 4–5, 27, 28–29
western Virginia battlefield visit, 30
Meyer, Turenne, 29, 30
Meysenburg, Theodore, 85, 146
Middlebrook, James, 92
Military Committee of Stark County, 29
Military Dictionary (Scott), 3
Miller, Samuel, 232
Milo B. Stevens & Company, 214
Milroy, Robert Huston, 111
Mitchell, Reid, 51
Monfort, Elias Riggs, 221
Moore, James, 218–19
Battle of Chancellorsville and, 101–2, 104
Battle of Fredericksburg and, 55, 63, 269n24
Brooke’s Station encampment and, 69, 77
Camp Delaware deployment and, 46–47
casualties and, 62
Covington deployment and, 40
Mud March and, 63, 64–65
training and, 44
Morgan, John Hunt, 38
mortality. See casualties
Mud March, 63–66
Mueller, Charles, 70, 101, 127
National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 210, 221
nativism, 3, 9, 17–18
Neely, Mark E., Jr., 266n14
Nelson, Chris, 240
Newark Advocate, 49, 72
New Hampshire Sentinel, 103
New Market, Battle of, 175
on Battle of Chancellorsville, 2–3, 93, 94, 97, 102–3, 102
on Battle of Fredericksburg, 54, 55
on Battle of Gettysburg, 141, 142–43
on Battle of Shiloh, 4, 23
/> on Battle of the Wilderness, 175–76
on Cincinnati defense, 38
Confederate surrender and, 197
on election of 1862, 49
on morale, 63
on Mud March, 64
on officer drunkenness, 46
on Ohio politics, 49
on 107th Ohio demobilization, 204
on 107th Ohio reenlistments, 171
Potter’s Raid and, 193
on Reconstruction, 207
as soldiers’ reading material, 57–58, 67
on soldiers’ voting rights, 164
veteran experiences and, 309n20
volunteer recruitment and, 6, 22, 26, 29, 31
war opposition and, 67, 70–71, 72, 75
on war progress, 176
New York Herald, 64, 175
New York Times, 55, 63, 66
New York Tribune, 176
New York World, 67
Nichols, George Washington, 122
9th Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment, 24–25
19th Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment, 3, 38
Noble, William H., 220–21
Norwalk Experiment, 57
Notes on the Rebel Invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania (Jacobs), 234
Nussbaum, Fritz
Battle of Gettysburg and, 126, 133, 135, 138, 288n40
Cole’s Island encampment and, 165
enlistment, 32
homefront correspondence, and, 58
illness, 52
Siege of Charleston Harbor and, 157
training, 34
Oakleaf, Philip, 61, 62
Ochs, Ambrose, 5–6
Official Records of the War of the Rebellion, 18, 230
Ohio, map of, xiv
Ohio & Erie Canal, 6, 8, 27
Ohio politics
election of 1862, 49–50
election of 1864, 183
elections of 1863, 160–65
homefront correspondence and, 59
Meyer and, 27–28
volunteer recruitment and, 22–24
war opposition and, 70–72, 71, 74–76, 161–62
Ohio Repository, 27–28
Ohio State Fair, 37, 263n25
Ohio State Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Home, 210–11
Olds, Edson Baldwin, 24, 74–75
Olmstead, Edwin B., 162
Olustee, Battle of, 170
102nd United States Colored Troops, 189
106th Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment, 25
107th Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment
Ames as brigade commander, 109
Battle of Chancellorsville and, 2–3, 7, 13, 17–18, 89, 90, 92–96, 99–102
Battle of Dingle’s Mill and, 194–97, 214
Brooke’s Station encampment, 68–70, 76–77, 100, 104, 108–10, 272n15
Camp Delaware deployment, 42, 43–47
Chancellorsville Campaign and, 78–80, 82, 84
Charleston and Savannah Railroad operation, 185–87
Charleston encampment, 200–202
Cole’s Island encampment, 165–66
Cooper command appointment, 185
Covington deployment, 37–40
demobilization, 202, 203–9
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