Department of the South transfer, 149–50
discharge papers received, 202
election of 1864 and, 182–83, 302nn19–20
elections of 1863 and, 162–65
Eleventh Corps and, 53, 55, 67
Emigration Society proposal, 207, 307n9
encampment near Washington, 52–53
Folly Island encampment, 153–54, 155, 156–58, 160, 162–65, 167, 169, 200
historical inattention to, 14–15, 240–41
homefront welcomes, 204–5, 207–9
immigrants in, 3, 7, 262n21
Lincoln assassination and, 199–200
march to Camp Judah, 41–42
march to Charleston, 187
Meyer court-martial and, 147, 148
Mud March, 63–66
officer drunkenness, 40, 46
plundering by, 191, 201–2
Potter’s Raid and, 17, 188, 191, 194–97, 198–99, 214
reenlistments, 171
regimental histories, 18–19, 218, 225
regimental society, 215–17, 222–24, 232, 312n44
Sherman’s March to the Sea and, 186–87
Siege of Charleston Harbor and, 149–50, 152–60, 165–66
Sigel inspection, 53
soldier backgrounds, 5–6, 8–9, 10, 27–28, 32–33
South Carolina feint, 168–69
southward march after Gettysburg, 144–45
special orders, 108–9
Stafford Court House encampment, 57–59
Stafford Court House march, 53–54
training, 32–33, 34–37, 43–44
travel to Washington, 47–49
volunteer recruitment, 4–5, 6, 21–22, 26–27, 29, 30–32
Warrenton encampment, 147
See also Eleventh Corps; 107th Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment at Gettysburg; 107th Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment in Florida; veteran experiences
107th Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment at Gettysburg
advance to Blocher’s Knoll, 1–2, 5, 8, 118
Battle for Blocher’s Knoll, 10, 13–14, 121–23, 142–43, 228–29
casualties, 13–14, 125–26, 127, 136, 142–44, 157
Cemetery Hill, 128, 129–30, 131–32, 133, 135–36, 288n40
initial flank position, 117, 118
monument to, 227–29, 229, 234–35
retreat from Blocher’s Knoll, 14, 124–26
Siffert’s paintings and, 236–37
Union victory, 137–38
107th Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment in Florida
African-American soldiers and, 177–78, 179
Camp Milton assault, 178–79
Fort Clinch garrison, 180–81
inactivity, 174–75, 176–77
Jacksonville arrival, 172–74
as Seymour’s expedition reinforcements, 170–71
skirmish near Camp Finegan, 178
split assignments, 179–80
116th Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment, 50
124th Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment, 36
153rd Pennsylvania Regiment, 86, 121, 122
157th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment, 196
pacifism, 11, 12, 13
Palmer, Benjamin Franklin, 207
Palmer, Daniel, 136
Parks, James, 45
peace appeals. See war opposition
Pea Ridge, Battle of, 26
Peck, Albert, 220
Pendleton, George Hunt, 162, 181
Pension Bureau, 213, 214, 215
pension claims, 212–15, 230, 232, 309n20
Perrin, William Henry, 17, 235
“Personal War Sketches,” 232
Pettigrew, James Johnston, 114
Pfister, Samuel, 222
Philadelphia Inquirer, 64
Philippoteaux, Paul, 237
Pickett, George Edward, 136, 137
Post, 67
postwar experiences. See veteran experiences
Potter, Edward Elmer, 188–89, 192, 194, 195, 197, 198
Potter’s Raid, 17, 188–89, 190, 191–99, 214, 238, 303n32
press. See newspapers
Preston, William E., 214
Price, Rebecca Lane, 142, 160
prisoners of war
Battle of Chancellorsville, 14, 94–95, 97–99, 98, 99, 107–8, 122–23
Battle of Gettysburg, 124, 125–26
psychological impacts
Battle of Chancellorsville, 95–96, 99–101, 112
casualties and, 61–63, 157–58, 270n1
veteran experiences and, 211–12
racism, 23–24, 28, 56, 177–78, 217
Radical Pietism, 10
“Rally ’Round the Flag,” 197
Reconstruction, 207, 217
refugees from slavery, 152–53, 180, 191–92, 197, 304n35
regimental surgeons, 214, 267n18
regiments, 24
See also specific regiments
Regula, Adam, 177
Republican, 29
Republican party
election of 1860, 8, 9, 28, 56
Hartman and, 33
nativism of, 9
in Ohio, 22, 49, 160–61, 163
veterans and, 230, 233
See also newspapers
Resaca, Battle of, 175
revolutions of 1848, 5, 16, 25–26
Reynolds, John Fulton, 114, 115
Rhodes, Elisha Hunt, 65–66
Richardson, William Pitt, 88
Richmond, Battle of, 38
Rich Mountain, Battle of, 30
Rider, Alfred
background of, 8–9
Battle of Gettysburg and, 14
enlistment, 9–10
Gettysburg histories and, 233–34
Gettysburg regimental monument and, 227, 228, 234
grave of, 240
illness, 52
on Lincoln assassination, 199–200
pension claim, 215
as regimental postmaster, 79, 140
as undertaker, 140
training, 33
veteran experiences, 210, 215, 217, 232, 233–34
Rider, Daniel, 233
Rider, Jacob, 8–9
Rider, Mary Ann, 210, 233
Rieker, Christian
background of, 10
Battle for Blocher’s Knoll and, 124
Battle of Chancellorsville and, 90, 92, 93–94, 95–96, 97, 101
Battle of Gettysburg and, 14, 124
on death, 62
death of, 227
demobilization, 206, 210
enlistment, 12–13, 31, 32
grave of, 240
homefront correspondence and, 58
homefront support and, 52–53
on Kuemmerle, 62
morale, 46–47, 77
as prisoner of war, 14, 124
training, 33, 34, 45
Rieker, John, 13
Rieker, Mary, 13, 34
Riley, Robert, 89
Ripley Bee, 72
Ritz, Elias, 76
Rocky Face Ridge, Battle of, 175
Rodes, Robert E., 116–17
Roedel, John, 96
Rosecrans, William Starke, 30
Rothermel, Frank, 207
Sacramento Daily Union, 97
Salvor, 203
Sandusky Register, 57, 143
Sarbach, David, 213
Savannah, Union capture of, 186–87
Saylor’s Creek, Battle of, 193–94
Scherag, Philip, 240
Schieb, Peter, 207
Schimmelfennig, Alexander, 117, 158, 163–64, 168, 220
Schofield, John, 205
Schreiber, Gerhard, 46
Schreiner, Christian, 73, 74
Schuler, Silas, 132
Schurz, Carl, 88–89, 102, 109, 110, 116, 117, 130, 137
Scott, Henry Lee, 3
Second Battle of Bull Run, 56, 57
Second Corps, 135
Second World War, 37
tzer, Philip, 206
Seminary Ridge, 125
Separatists, 10–11
17th Connecticut Volunteer Infantry
Battle of Chancellorsville and, 92, 95, 103, 220
Battle of Gettysburg and, 118, 121, 124, 132–33
Chancellorsville Campaign and, 86, 88
election of 1864 and, 183
enlistments of, 56–57
march to Gettysburg, 112, 115
in McLean’s Brigade, 55
Seymour’s Florida expedition and, 173–74
Seven Days Battles, 109
75th Ohio Infantry Regiment
Battle of Chancellorsville and, 95, 219, 221
Battle of Gettysburg and, 123, 125
Chancellorsville Campaign and, 86, 89
ethnic Germans as scapegoat and, 104
Shenandoah Valley campaigns and, 56
76th Ohio Infantry Regiment, 10
Seymour, Truman, 167, 168, 169–70
See also Seymour’s Florida expedition
Seymour’s Florida expedition, 167–71, 172–75
Shambs, Clara, 45–46
Shambs, George, 45
Sharpsburg, Battle of, 44
Shaw, James, Jr., 178
Shenandoah Valley campaigns, 23, 26, 56, 183
Sheridan, Philip Henry, 193
Sherman, William Tecumseh, 175, 184–88, 199
See also Sherman’s March to the Sea
Sherman’s March to the Sea, 184–87, 192–93
Shields, Joseph, 38
Shiloh, Battle of, 4, 10, 23
Sickles, Daniel, 82
Siege of Charleston Harbor, 153–60
aftermath of, 200–201, 201
illness and, 158
107th Ohio Cole’s Island encampment, 165–66
107th Ohio transfer to, 149–50, 152–54, 155
surrender, 187
See also Folly Island encampment
Siffert, Alfred, 10
Siffert, Joseph, 8
Siffert, William O., 236
background of, 8
demobilization, 204
election of 1864 and, 182
enlistment, 9–10
Gettysburg regimental monument and, 227, 234
grave of, 240
injury of, 14
newspapers and, 57
training, 33
veteran experiences, 232–33, 236–37
volunteer recruitment and, 158
Sigel, Franz
Battle of New Market and, 175
elections of 1863 and, 162
Eleventh Corps command, 44, 53
as inspiration for ethnic German soldiers, 25–26, 25, 31, 53
resignation of, 81–82
Silliman, Justus, 183
Sisterhen, Peter, 31
68th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment, 121, 122
Democratic Party and, 8–9
Dred Scott v. Sandford, 56
refugees from, 152–53, 180, 191–92, 197, 304n35
See also abolitionism; emancipation
Sledge, Eugene, 37
Slocum, Henry, 129
Slutts, John, 76
Slutz, Mahlon, 31, 124, 168, 169, 239
Smith, Edmund Kirby, 38
Smith, Jacob
on Battle of Gettysburg, 124, 125–26, 128, 136, 138, 144
on Brooke’s Station encampment, 69
on Camp Milton assault, 179
on Cole’s Island encampment, 165
on Covington deployment, 40
on demobilization, 205–6
election of 1864 and, 182
on Emancipation Proclamation, 45
on homefront correspondence, 59
as hospital clerk, 181
illness, 77
on Lincoln assassination, 200
on Meade, 111–12
on Mud March, 65–66
newspapers and, 58
on Potter’s Raid, 197
on recruit training, 36, 37
on reenlistments, 171
on refugees from slavery, 107
regimental history by, 18–19, 225
on Seymour’s Florida expedition, 169, 170, 173, 174
on Stafford Court House encampment, 57
on travel to Siege of Charleston Harbor, 153
on travel to Washington, 48
on war opposition, 51
on war progress, 51, 53, 69
Soldiers’ Aid Society, 35
soldiers’ homes, 210–11
Soldiers’ National War Claim Agency, 214
South Carolina. See Charleston and Savannah Railroad operation; Potter’s Raid; Siege of Charleston Harbor
Southerton, William, 54
Spangler Farm hospital, 139–41
Spooner, Jesse, 95
Spotsylvania Court House, Battle of, 176
Staats Zeitung, 31
Stadelbauer, Edward, 185–86
Stadelbauer, Joseph, 185–86
Stafford Court House, 53–54, 57–59
“Stampede of the Eleventh Corps, The” (Waud), 102, 103
Stark County Democrat, 29, 46, 54, 65, 142
Stark County Republican, 29, 30, 75, 157
Starkweather, Hamilton, 90, 96
Star of the West, 29
Steiner, Barnet, 31, 61, 89, 127, 142, 157
Steiner, William, 142
St. Louis Riot, 26
Stoneman, George, 82
Streum, Arnold, 33, 209, 214
Strong, George Templeton, 72, 103, 275n22
Stuart, James Ewell Brown, 84, 97
Suhrer, Andrew, 241
Suhrer, Fernando, 90, 135, 241
Summit County Beacon, 6, 46, 143
Sumter Watchman, 197
Surburg, Samuel, 31, 78, 163, 164
survivor guilt, 62
Talley, James, 86
Talley, Lucy, 86
Taylor, Zachary, 28
3rd New York Light Artillery, 185, 189
32nd United States Colored Troops, 189
37th Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment, 25
Third United States Colored Troops, 177–78
Tod, David, 24, 26, 27, 38–39, 47, 74–75, 162
Tonsing, Frederick, 206, 207
Townshend, James, 152
training, 32–33, 32
Tribune, 67
Trollope, Frances, 5
Turnverein, 8
Tuscarawas Advocate, 93
Twelfth Corps, 129
25th Ohio Infantry Regiment
Battle of Chancellorsville and, 92
Battle of Gettysburg and, 121, 133
Chancellorsville Campaign and, 86, 88
ethnic Germans as scapegoat and, 104
Potter’s Raid and, 189, 198, 303n32
28th Ohio Infantry Regiment, 25
typhoid fever, 4, 61, 143, 158
See also illness
United States General Hospital (St. Augustine), 181
Vallandigham, Clement Laird, 50, 59, 70–72, 71, 73, 161–62, 163, 275nn22, 24
veteran experiences
chronicles and histories and, 18–19, 217–22, 225, 233–34, 235–36
colony proposals, 207, 307n9
deaths, 222–23
injuries and, 206–7, 210–11, 231–32, 233
interpretations of the war, 224
lifelong connections, 240, 314n27
pension claims, 212–15, 230, 232, 309n20
psychological impacts and, 211–12
Reconstruction and, 217
regimental societies, 215–17, 222–24, 232, 312n44
sentimentalization and, 18
soldiers’ homes, 210–11
work, 209–10, 229–30
Vicksburg, Battle of, 111, 149
Vietnam War, 37
Vignos, Augustus
arm amputation, 14, 123, 127, 142, 160
Battle for Blocher’s Knoll and, 5, 14, 123, 127
Battle of Chancellorsville and, 104
Battle of
Gettysburg and, 5, 14, 123, 127
Battle of Shiloh and, 4, 23
command of, 171, 180
Folly Island encampment and, 160
Fort Clinch garrison and, 180
Gettysburg memorial, 228
Gettysburg regimental monument and, 227, 228
grave of, 238–39
illness, 52
marriage of, 229
in 19th Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment, 3–4
Ohio politics and, 160
regimental society and, 223
resolutions of, 104
Seymour’s Florida expedition and, 169, 171
training, 33
veteran experiences, 229–30, 232
volunteer recruitment and, 31
Vignos, Blanche, 234
Vignos, Henry Joseph, 230
volunteer recruitment, 6
ethnic regiments, 24–25
Meyer and, 4–5, 27, 28–29
military organization and, 24
Ohio politics and, 22–24
107th Ohio, 4–5, 6, 21–22, 26–27, 29, 30–32
recruit motivations, 6, 7–8, 12, 16–17, 31–32
Siege of Charleston Harbor and, 158
Sigel as inspiration, 25–26, 25, 31
training and, 32–33, 32, 34–37, 43–44, 263n28
war opposition and, 23–24, 31, 75
von Gilsa, Leopold, 86, 90, 118, 119, 121, 122, 131, 286n23
von Gunden, Christian, 74
von Steinwehr, Adolph, 116
Wadsworth, James, 116, 117
Wainwright, Charles, 130, 137, 138
Wang, Philip, 33, 135, 148, 215
War Department, 18, 146, 148, 167, 199
war opposition
casualties and, 54, 75, 182
conscientious objectors, 13, 307n10
election of 1862 and, 49–50
election of 1864 and, 181–82, 183
elections of 1863 and, 161–62
General Order No. 38 and, 161
homefront correspondence and, 79
homefront support and, 35
Olds and, 74–75
racism and, 23–24
seasoning of soldiers and, 51–52, 266–67n16
soldiers’ responses to, 49–50, 51–52, 70, 73–74, 76, 273–74n19, 275n24
Vallandigham and, 59, 70–73, 71, 275nn22, 24
volunteer recruitment and, 23–24, 31, 75
Warren, William, 88
Washington Chronicle, 58
Waud, Alfred, 102–3, 102
weapons, 37, 263n27
Weber, Jennifer L., 274n19
Weed, Thurlow, 205
“Weeds of the Army, The,” 222–23
Welles, Gideon, 154
Wesendonck, Hugo, 105, 106
Western Reserve, 22
Whig Party, 9, 22, 27
Whisler, Eliza, 212
Whisler, Laban, 212
White, Jonathan W., 302n19
Whiting, Lorenzo, 212
Whitman, Walt, 61–62, 225
Whitmer, Daniel, 206, 213
Wiedrich, Michael Nicholas, 133, 135
Wild, Edward, 154
Wilderness, the, Battle of, 80, 175–76
Wildman, F. A., 57
Wildman, Samuel, 189
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