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Biker Next Door

Page 10

by Sam Crescent

She pressed a finger to his lips. “Don’t. You know about the baby and you’re in love with me?”

  He nodded.

  “How? When?”

  He kissed her again, deepening the kiss and running his hands down her body to cup her generous ass. “I wanted you to get pregnant. I didn’t want this to end and I was worried once you realized who I am, and what I mean to the club, you’d walk away.”

  “I … I thought you were trying to break up with me. I feel like such a fool.”

  “You’re not a fool. Not even close.” He took possession of her mouth. “I love you so much it fucking hurts. I couldn’t stand being away from you. I didn’t want to. I never thought I’d find a woman to love with all my heart and soul, but I have. You’re that woman. You’re the woman I want for the rest of my life.”

  “Oh, Rix, I love you too.” She started to cry.

  “When you profess your love to a man, it’s usually supposed to make you really happy.”

  “I am.” She laughed. “I am really happy.”

  “Then what’s the matter?” he asked.

  “I’m just. I’m so…”

  “Marry me,” he said before she got a chance to finish.

  “Marry you?”

  “Yes. I want you to be my wife. The mother of all of my children.” He pressed a hand to her stomach. “I can’t wait to see you big with my child.”

  “Yes, I’ll marry you. Yes, I want it all with you. Every single bit.” She wrapped her arms around his neck. “I never want a moment to go without being with you.”

  He kissed her hard and smiled.

  “Good, because I have everything ready.”

  “Wait, what?”

  “I have the priest, the witnesses.” He moved her toward the window and opened it up. “All of them are waiting for you.”

  “Oh, my.”

  He’d completed the backyard so they could get married within the clubhouse.

  “Anna-Beth, you will be mine. You’ll be part of the club. You can never talk to anyone about what goes on here.”

  “I get it.”

  “It’s not always going to be fun.”

  “I know but I love you and that’s all that matters.” She giggled, pressing her head against his. “I love you and yes, I want to marry you.”

  He stepped out of her arms, hating to leave her. He opened the wardrobe. “Elizabeth’s idea. I figure you pick which one you love, and I’ll be downstairs. I don’t want to jinx us.”


  “Yeah, baby.”

  “I love you.”

  “I love you too. I’ll be at the altar.” He winked at her. “Don’t keep me waiting long.”

  Elizabeth was outside the door with a smile on her lips. “Hello, handsome. So who has the best ideas in the world?”

  “You do.” He pulled the older woman into a hug. “Thank you.”

  “Don’t mention it. I won’t. I’ll go and help our bride-to-be.”

  All of the club was waiting outside. Night was right beside him at the altar. “Do you think she’s going to run?” Night asked. “Isn’t that what all people fear at stuff like this?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “You know this is really romantic of you, don’t you? No one is going to be able to take you seriously after this,” Night said.

  “If anyone has an issue with my authority, bring them to me. I’ll make sure, with my fists, they realize who they are dealing with.” He checked the time. He’d been waiting thirty minutes.

  What if Anna-Beth had changed her mind?

  Fuck, this wasn’t going how he’d hoped.

  Running fingers through his hair, he tried not to panic.

  Rock music suddenly played and he turned to find his woman. She’d picked a thin-strapped white dress. The bodice clung to her until it got to her hips, then it flared out. She looked stunning, beautiful, and he watched as Elizabeth walked her down the aisle. The dogs, they followed as well.

  The boys adored the older woman, and they even had a leather cut made for her. She and her casseroles were welcome there any time, in fact, they would even have a room for her. The dogs and Elizabeth had been laid claim to by the club. She would be part of them.

  Anna-Beth looked stunning and the smile on her face took his breath away.

  “You take care of her,” Elizabeth said.

  “You know I will.”

  Holding his woman’s hand, he turned toward the priest. This was what he wanted. He didn’t even realize he was looking for love, but it had found him.

  He didn’t believe in the houses or curses. No, he believed in love and that was what he could trust with all of his heart.


  Three months later

  “I don’t want you doing any heavy lifting,” Rix said, taking the box she’d been holding and handing it over to Night.

  “I told you, I’m fine. Women have been carrying stuff through everything. Wars, and you know, lots of kids.” She frowned. “Don’t laugh. They do.”

  “I know they do, but those women are not my wife.” He put a hand to her stomach. “We’re moving Elizabeth. I said you could come. Sit with her while we empty her house.”

  Elizabeth was moving into the clubhouse with them.

  Releasing a sigh and seeing even his men won’t allow her to help, she found Elizabeth sitting in the middle of the street, staring down it.

  “Seriously, you’re watching the houses?” Anna-Beth asked.

  “I told you, I believe in them. You and Rix have your reasons, but you’re together. The moment you got married, the realtor called to say you had a potential buyer. Tell me that doesn’t make you curious.”

  “I’m not. I can see why you are so invested in this.”

  Elizabeth sipped at her iced tea.

  Rolling her eyes, she rested her hand on her swollen stomach. So far, their little baby had been way too shy to show them whether it was a boy or girl. She didn’t mind. Either one would work for her.

  Humming to herself, she couldn’t resist watching the two old houses.

  She and Rix had sold them on the same day. She didn’t even know that Rix had put his house on the market. It turned out he hadn’t been able to sell either. It was a little spooky. Rix had sold his house to a young woman, twenty years old. A scared little thing.

  “Who did you say your guy was?” Elizabeth asked.

  “He’s in security.” She couldn’t recall the man’s name and he hadn’t exactly been very forthcoming with it either. In fact, Rix hadn’t liked her being alone with the man. He had his suspicions about the guy being a hitman, but that couldn’t be possible. Those kinds of things only happened in the movies.

  “Look, look,” Elizabeth said.

  Following the woman’s gaze, she saw the young woman who had bought the house from Rix leave, just as the guy she’d sold her house to did.

  They both paused.


  “Are you to ladies turning into stalkers?” Rix asked.

  “Please, I’m no stalker but I’m highly invested in how this one plays out. Do we think he’s a hitman then?” Elizabeth asked. “Also, be a dear, tell one of the boys to get me some popcorn.”

  “Darling, you’re not going to be around to enjoy this show. Your house is packed up, and the boys are already taking it to the clubhouse. Remember, your spaghetti casserole is on the menu.”

  Anna-Beth laughed. Getting to her feet, she stepped into Rix’s arms. “Hello, honey,” she said.

  “Should I be worried you’re paying more attention to them than you do to me?” he asked.

  “I’m just curious if they are going to find happiness like we did.”

  “I don’t know. Don’t care. Whatever happens, I know you’re mine, and our baby is going to be so loved!”

  He drew her close, slamming his lips down on hers.

  She knew it as well, deep in her heart.

  The End

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  Other Books by Sam Crescent:

  If you enjoyed this book, you may also like:

  The Payment by Allyson Young

  Wicked Kingpin by Winter Sloane

  Ivar’s Escape by N.J. Walters




  Curvy Women Wanted, 24

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2020

  Sample Chapter

  “Excuse me?” Rose Miles asked, looking at her husband and not the heavily inked man wearing slacks and a crisp white shirt with the sleeves rolled up.

  The mystery man held up the wedding band she’d given to her husband two years ago. At times, she truly believed it was the biggest mistake of her life. Sean Miles hadn’t exactly been loyal, loving, or kind. There were many nights when he didn’t come home, and she was grateful until the debts started to roll in. He’d stopped paying the rent, the electric, and the money disappeared from their joint account, and he never told her why. What Sean didn’t know was she’d opened a separate bank account and in recent weeks, she’d been looking at a possible divorce.

  She didn’t want to live with him anymore. This wasn’t the married life she wanted.

  “You’re mine,” he said.

  “Okay. So, you come in here at two in the morning and tell me to pack up because my husband decided to put me up for sale in a card game.” She laughed. “You think I’ll consider this legal?”

  “It is legal and binding,” he said.

  “Just go with them, Rose,” Sean said.

  “Hell, no. Selling a person in a card game is not legal. I don’t give a crap.”

  “Do you have a million dollars?” Sean asked.

  “What?” There was no way she heard that price. Surely? It would be crazy, even for her husband.

  She looked at the man who was supposed to be the love of her life but had actually turned into one giant disappointment.

  “How? What?”

  “It’s what he has to pay. The rules of the game,” the man said.

  “How can you even join a damn thing like that when you don’t have that kind of cash?” She clenched her hands into fists.

  “Damn it, Rose, just go, okay? Do it. You know you want to.”

  She looked at the man. “Who are you? I don’t even know you.”

  He stared at her for a few seconds. She hated his perusal. It made her nervous.

  “Jared Cain.” He didn’t offer his hand.

  She put her hands on her hips, trying to calm her nerves. “I’m guessing that if I don’t go with you, bad stuff happens?”

  His brow rose.

  That was all.

  Glaring at Sean, she nodded. “Fine. I guess I’m your property for however long this happens to be. Do I get to go and pack a bag?” Maybe she could escape out of the window, even if she was afraid of heights. Any height, that was. She couldn’t stand to be near a window. Opening the curtains was a challenge if she allowed herself to look down.

  “No,” Jared said. “You come with me now.”

  She scoffed. “And I’ve got to do as I’m told?”


  She shook her head. “At least you’re honest.” Glancing at her husband and then at her owner, she couldn’t believe this was happening. As she stepped toward him, he put a hand at her back. Then she noticed the three other men in her home. They all looked dangerous, like they’d stepped right out of a gangster movie. Only this wasn’t some source of entertainment. This was her life and they were part of it.

  Nibbling on her lip, she averted her gaze as Jared urged her forward.

  Why was she agreeing to this? This wasn’t her debt. She stopped.

  “If you think you can argue with this, think again. You’re married to him. Whatever happens to him for not paying a debt will come down on your shoulders.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding, right?” she asked.


  “Who are you?”

  “Your husband thought he could play with the big boys. He’s going to realize he is nothing more than a child in the scheme of things. He thought he could bluff his way to the top. There is no such thing.” He pushed her forward and rather than put up a fight, she followed him out of their home, and into the night. There was a black car waiting; of course there was.

  Another gangster type stood holding the back passenger door open.

  She thanked him and climbed in. Being polite had been drilled into her when she was a child. Her parents hadn’t believed in rebellious children and any out-of-turn speaking was met with a slap.

  Pushing those thoughts to the back of her mind, she put the seatbelt on. She glanced at Jared to find him watching her.

  Tense, she quickly faced forward. “It’s rude to watch people,” she said.

  “I’m just staring at what now belongs to me.” His finger traced down her cheek, going to her neck.

  She grabbed said finger and held it. “Don’t.”

  He chuckled. “You think you’re in any position to tell me what to do?”

  “You’ve got yourself a wife. Don’t you know there’s no touching, not even any talking, or anything like that when it comes to being married?” She gritted her teeth. That was her marriage, even after the short time they’d been together.

  “I thought that was after fifty years?” he asked.

  “Then you’re very much wrong.”

  “Sean doesn’t satisfy you?”

  “This isn’t a conversation I want to have with you.” She slid her hands beneath her legs.

  She was in a car with a stranger. A man she didn’t know, and he’d touched her face. That one touch alone had done … something to her. Staring out of the window, she tried to ignore him.

  “It will be because as far as I’m concerned, you’re going to be riding my dick the moment we get back to my place. I’d like to know who I’m dealing with.”

  His words made her jerk and she looked at him, shocked. “Excuse me?”

  “Your husband sang your praises. Said you were worth a million dollars as he put this very band in the center of the table. He told us all that your pussy is like gold.”

  She frowned. “That’s not possible.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because … me and him, ugh!” She growled. The sex between her and Sean had been crap. What did this man expect from her?


  Jared expected the injustice, the anger, the resilience. After all, he’d just gone and told a strange woman that she’d become his. She now belonged to him. Every single part of her was nothing short of curvy perfection. The moment Sean put his wedding band in the ring and showed a picture of his woman, Jared had known he wanted her. Who wouldn’t with those big tits, full hips, and rounded ass? Every part of her called to him to possess. He wanted to fuck her, to hold on to those generous hips as he pounded inside her.

  He’d felt an instant heat in his cock and the need to see her in person, to take her, well, it had only gotten stronger. What he found even more fascinating than her indignation was her curiosity. Rose wanted him, or at least her body did. The shirt she wore molded to every single curve and the tightness of her nipples were a calling to be sucked. When he first saw her tonight, he thought he was going to have to go easy on her, but there was something between husband and wife, something he wasn’t quite sure of.

  What Rose Miles didn’t realize was the true extent of ownership he now claimed over her. The moment Sean had placed the wedding band within the circle, lawyers had been called, documents already signed. All he needed to do now was get Rose to sign them, and of course, the necessary paperwork was being drafted for her to become his in every sense of the word.

  He closed the door beh
ind him and watched as she stood, hands clenched at her sides, waiting for whatever instruction she needed. Along with the marriage documents, he’d organized a full background check so he could know everything there was to know about his wife.

  She glanced around the apartment.

  What was she thinking? She bit her lip. Those white teeth sinking into the flesh but not drawing blood. He wanted to run his thumb across her lip, to know everything about her, and this was indeed a unique situation.

  Most women kept his attention for only a few minutes. He could fuck them and forget them just as fast. There was no doubt he was damn good in bed. When it came to the opposite sex, he never went out of his way to make them comfortable.

  Walking past her, he went straight to his whiskey stand and poured them both a small glass. He didn’t say a word as he moved back to her. She still stood in his corridor. Placing the glass in her hand, he stared at her, waiting.

  She took a sip, wrinkled her nose, and downed the rest.

  Smiling, he took the glass from her and moved toward his kitchen, putting them in the sink. He gripped the edge of the counter, realizing he had two options here. One, leave her alone and allow her to become accustomed to what was happening, while getting blue balls in the process. The second, go out and see if his suspicions were correct.

  He stared at the wall ahead of him.

  This wasn’t like him. He wasn’t a nice man. To get what he wanted and where he was, he’d hurt people, and he had no remorse about that.

  Slamming his hand down on the edge of the kitchen sink, he then moved out to where she still stood.

  She looked at him, and he kept his gaze on her.

  Time stood still.


  He closed the distance, sinking his fingers into her hair. He didn’t talk, tilted her head back, and slammed his lips down on hers.

  She gasped and as she stepped back, he followed, pinning her up against the wall. He lifted her hands, pressing them either side of her head. Tracing his tongue across her bottom lip, he heard her moan and he shoved his tongue into her mouth, tasting her. He swallowed down her moan, teasing her.


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