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Her Client- The Complete Series

Page 5

by Sally E Xander

  “I’ll get him some lunch and put him down for a nap.” That comment earned me a moan from Ethan that had us all smiling. “Can I make anything for you guys?” I asked.

  They both looked at each other then Mark said, “I’ll make us something in a little bit. We’re going to stay out here and catch up.”

  Grateful for a reprieve, I wrapped Ethan in a towel and carried him inside. We changed clothes then worked together on making macaroni and cheese with hotdogs. To my amusement, Ethan fell asleep mid bite.

  Just as I went to pick him up, Mark and Jeffrey stepped inside. “I got him, Angel. Why don’t you get some studying done while monster boy naps.”

  I loved that we had our weekend routine. Mark needed someone around during the day mostly for a just in case situation. But more often than not, I had plenty of breaks during the day to study.

  “Thanks, Mark.”

  When Mark disappeared down the hall with a sleeping Ethan in his arms, Jeffrey and I faced each other. “Sorry,” we said at the same time. I smiled at him as he shook his head grinning back at me.

  “I…” he began to say at the same time as I said, “If…”

  He waved a hand for me to finish what I was saying. “If you want to cancel our appointments now, I would totally get it.”

  He shook his head, all seriousness returned. “I don’t.”

  Feeling a lightness in my chest, I said, “Okay. I wouldn’t want to make things weird between you and Mark or between us. He means a lot to me.” I stared into his eyes, so he knew that I was serious. “This job means a lot to me. They are like my family.”

  He took a step closer and reached out for me but dropped his hands before he could touch me. “He doesn’t have to know.”

  “Thanks. I appreciate it.” For more than one reason.

  Jeffrey relaxed and took a seat at the kitchen bar. “Maybe someday you’ll share with me how you ended up doing…what you’re doing.”

  “I will.” I looked down at the hall to make sure mark wasn’t in ear shot. “But not here.”

  He nodded. “I get it. It’s not like I want to tell him I have to pay someone to have sex with me.”

  Have to pay?

  I doubt he would have to work every hard to find a willing woman to sleep with him.

  Now that that was settled, I really did need to study. As I lifted my bag onto the counter and began pulling out my laptop, Jeffrey asked, “So, you’re a college student?”

  “I am.”

  “We’ve got a Brainiac on our hands,” Mark said with humor in his voice as he reentered the kitchen. “This girl is graduating in June with honors.” I blushed at the pride in his voice. Even my parents weren’t as excited about it as Mark.

  “Wow.” I wanted to fidget under Jeffrey’s stare. He was learning a lot about me and yet I still didn’t know much about him.

  “Right? Like I said, I have the best nanny on the planet. She’s smart, sweet, she’s teaching Ethan how to swim, and she’s always reliable.”

  “That’s me, Reliable Angel.”

  Jeffrey laughed but his stare intensified.

  “If you need some peace and quiet, Angel, you can use my office to study.” I sighed with relief. There wasn’t going to be much studying happening if I stayed in the room with Jeffrey.

  Right as I plopped down on Mark’s comfy office chair, my phone chimed with an incoming text.

  Bev: Jane would like to meet an hour earlier tomorrow night.


  I had managed to go hours without thinking of Jane, but now she was back in my head. How was I supposed to concentrate on studying knowing that I was going to be seeing my new obsession tomorrow night?

  Dropping my head on the desk, I swore that God was punishing me for all my sins.


  Lifting the back pack from my shoulder, I dropped it on the floor but not before scraping my tender skin. “Oww!” I cringed. After another day playing in the pool, my skin was slightly sunburned.

  The burn wasn’t so bad that I needed to reschedule my evening with Jane. In fact, it was all I could think about today. It was probably why the day felt like a week even though I had fun with Ethan today.

  Unlike the day before, Mark locked himself in his office all day, so it was just Ethan and me. The only break I got was during his nap time. Not that I was complaining. I loved being Ethan’s nanny, and I wasn’t exaggerating when I told Jeffrey that Mark and Ethan were like family. They always made me feel right at home and one of the family. I found myself missing them during the way.

  Checking the clock for the hundredth time today, I realized I needed to get a move on if I was going to meet Jane on time. I had taken a shower earlier at Mark’s and even did my hair and makeup, so all I had to do was pick out clothes.

  Mark teased me about my date tonight completely ignorant of what the best nanny was up to this evening.

  “Hey, roomie!” Becky stepped inside my bedroom then dropped on my bed. “Who are you banging tonight?”

  I rolled my eyes and mumbled “Jane,” pretending that it wasn’t a big deal. Becky’s eyebrows bounced as she said “Ooooh. Some more girl on girl action,” she joked. I smiled hoping she didn’t see through my façade. With my emotions all over the place when it came to Jane, I didn’t want to talk about it. Most of all with Becky. Not to sound dramatic but my time with Jane felt personal and intimate. I didn’t want it ruined by Becky’s commentary.

  “Yup,” I said as casual as I could muster.

  “You never told me how last week went. Are you into pussy now?” Becky teased.

  My stomach tensed. I didn’t want Becky talking about Jane’s pussy or my feelings about her. Because, yes, I was into pussy. At least Jane’s. I was also into Jane’s perky breasts and dark nipples and her long sexy legs that I laid between when I sucked on her clit.


  It took only a few seconds of thinking about Jane to make me need to change my panties. The situation made worse because of Becky who would have loved to tease me about it.

  I stared into my closet, not seeing the clothes because I was concentrating on not giving away my feelings. “It was okay. I like her,” I stated. After pulling out a dress I hadn’t worn in a while, I pressed it against my front then asked, “What do you think of this?” I hoped it would distract Becky from asking about Jane.

  “Hot. Wear that.”

  “I think I will.” Turning my back to her, I undressed then slipped into the dress while Becky talked about something. I didn’t eve know what because I couldn’t focus on her words, only my anticipation of what would happen tonight.

  “Do you need a ride tonight?” Becky asked.

  It took her sighing for me to realize she was expecting me to answer something.

  “I’m sorry, what?”

  Sitting up she rolled her eyes. “Do you need a ride or not tonight?”

  “Oh. No. I’ll call for a car.” I looked over my shoulder and smiled. “Thanks, though.”

  That seemed to ease her annoyance with me. “That’s probably a good thing because I won’t be able to pick you up.”

  Ignoring Becky’s clear lead in for me to ask her what her plans were, I said, “Then I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Becky slumped against my bed with a frown while I ordered a ride. I pretended not to notice her pout as I moved around my bedroom making sure I had everything I needed for tonight.

  With one more twirl in front of my mirror, I wished Becky a good night and left with my body buzzing with excitement.

  Jane had managed to get one knock on the door before I had it open. Seconds later, our mouths pressed together with so much need we almost knocked teeth.

  Somehow, I had managed to close and lock the door before we stumbled to the living room. We tumbled onto the couth in a fit of giggles and kisses. God. I had missed the taste of her mouth. Her soft tongue pressing against mine as our hands were working on removing each other’s clothes.

  In a moment of frus
tration, I lifted my head. Her lust filled eyes watched me as I focused on the line of buttons down her front. “Why do you insist on wearing clothes with so many buttons,” I teased. She giggled while trying to help me rove her blouse. With each button she undid, I kissed the now exposed skin. “God, you are so beautiful!” I declared not even realizing I said it out loud until I heard her sigh.

  With each press of my lips to her body, her breathing became more ragged. I loved her like this, so vulnerable and needy.

  Then I had to ruin it.

  As I unzipped and pulled off her skirt, I asked, “Are you afraid someone might find out how sexy you are?”

  Jane stiffened beneath me. “Honestly? Yes.”

  Looking in her devastated eyes, I felt her pain as much as saw it. Wanting to soothe her, I caressed her body and left kisses in random spots until I was above her once again, face to face.

  “I’m sorry, Jane. I…”

  “No. Angel. Don’t be sorry.” Her fingers dug into my hair then she pulled me down until I was lying on top of her. With passion, she had never show before, she kissed me. But it was so much more than a kiss. She was expressing everything she needed and wanted, and I gave it to her.

  Jane grinned against me. I placed my knee at the juncture of her thigh and let her rub against me. Her movements became hurried, and her breath quickened as our kiss intensified. I couldn’t breathe, and I didn’t care. If breathing meant not having her lips on mine, then I would die a happy woman.

  I ran a hand down her chest, taking a moment to play with her nipple until it hardened. I felt her heart race as I slid my hand further until I reached her silky panties. Her breath caught when I slipped my hand into her panties and used the tip of my finger to circle her clit.

  In return, Jane raked her nails down my back-causing pain where I had a sunburn. I managed to hold back a cry of pain determined to not take away from this moment. I wanted to give her whatever she needed.

  Her back arched as she pulled her lips away from mine. A second later, she screamed my name as her desire dripped onto my leg that was still pressed between her thighs. “Angel,” she whispered.

  Jane was killing me. Her coming on my leg was the sexiest thing I had ever seen. But I was literally in pain and not just where her nails most likely left a mark. My pussy ached with need. I needed Jane to touch me.

  “Shhh.” Ignoring my pain, I moved my knee higher, just enough to help pull out the last of her orgasm. As her body shook from her release, I sucked on the spot where her neck met her shoulder.

  I didn’t know when or if she would request to see me again, so I wanted to send her home with a reminder. If I had it my way, she wouldn’t have left the hotel room until she had several physical reminders.

  After watching her come, I wanted as much needed to see her again, and I hadn’t even gotten off yet. I had no doubt it would happen before she left.

  As Jane’s breath evened out, we adjusted ourselves on the couch until I was no longer on top of her. It wasn’t until we were facing each other that I noticed her bra and panty set. I had been so distracted by having her here that I didn’t appreciate the sight before me. Last time, she was in a plain bra and panty and tonight, she was the epitome of a sex goddess.

  Her small breasts and hard nipples pressed against her lacy bra. The tiny panties she wore were more of a tease. They barely covered her beautiful cunt from me. I had every intention of enjoying stripping her of the last of her clothing because we had just begun.

  “You are way too over dressed,” she pointed out as she leaned towards me kissing me again. Unlike our frantic make out scene from earlier, this time, our kiss was slow and languid. I sighed in her mouth as she pressed her body into mine. Jane slid her hand down my back until she reached my ass where my dress had ridden up in the back.

  “I need to touch you,” Jane whispered against my lips. Though I hated to move away from her inviting body, I needed to remove my dress, so I slipped off the couch. I took my time removing my dress, exposing my body a little at a time. She groaned when I lifted it over my head, and I stood in front of her in only panties. My nipples hardened as she took me in front top to bottom. The way she looked at me was like a caress that left me wanting.

  “Tease.” She giggled as she pulled me back onto the couch. I tumbled on top of her until we were chest to chest. My nipples rubbed against her bra that I needed to remove. With the slightest movement, her bra opened, and I felt her tight breasts rub against mine.


  There was nothing like it. With her every touch, I needed more. Her hands caressed my skin then she stopped mid movement and grinned at me. “I would have paid money to see you in the bikini that gave you these lines.” She outlined my tan line with her fingers then followed them with her tongue.

  I felt my desire drip from my pussy. I had to touch myself. I couldn’t wait. As my hand reached my bare pussy, I felt her hand over mine. “Let me.”

  Her throaty voice made me whimper. “Yes,” I managed to say.

  Jane’s hand replaced mine as she dipped her fingers beneath my soaked panties. I opened my legs wider as she pressed a finger into me while circling my clit with her thumb.

  I wanted her to feel good right along with me, so I mimicked her movement. Her soft we pussy opened for me the way I had imagined in my fantasies. With our lips pressed together, we rubbed our bodies against one another. The friction heightened my need.

  The sound of Jane chanting my name had me coming on her hand. I cried out as my thighs clamped her hand in place. Moments later she came with my fingers inside her and my tongue in her mouth.

  I was never going to be the same again. Sex would never be the same again.

  This sexy as fuck woman was ruining me.


  “It can’t be normal to feel this good after an orgasm.” I giggled at Jane’s comment as she gave me a lazy smile.

  “I don’t know, but we should give you another one to see.” Her laughter triggered my own.

  How long had it been since I felt so relaxed and at ease with someone?

  The weight of all my responsibilities seemed to disappear while I was with Jane. I didn’t worry about my upcoming finals or wonder if I was going to get into the graduate program. I didn’t even worry about if I would have enough money to pay for it.

  Lying next to Jane, it was just her and me. This incredible woman had all my focus. It most likely wasn’t a good thing since she was a client who paid me to fuck her but at that moment I didn’t care. I didn’t care about why her body was pressed against mine. I just cared about the fact she was here with me and that she had picked me.

  “Why don’t we move to the bed where it’s a little more comfortable.” The chaste kiss to my lips was answer enough. As I rolled off the couch managing to not land on my butt, Jane gasped.

  “Oh, my God! Did I do that?” She stood and braced her hands on my shoulders as she turned me around. With one finger, she lightly touched my back. “Oh, Angel. I’m so sorry. I scratched you, and you have a sunburn.” I was too stunned to speak when she tenderly kissed the scratches. That alone was worth every bit of discomfort I experienced. “Why didn’t you say anything?”

  I turned to her and put my arms around her waist pulling her closer until her body pressed against mine. “I’m fine. Don’t you worry about it. It was incredibly sexy seeing you lose control like that.”

  Pressing her forehead against mine, she groaned. “You do that to me. I completely lose myself with you,” she admitted. It was exactly what I needed to hear. I didn’t want to be the only one blown away by our experience together.

  Wanting more with her, I took her hand and guided her to the bedroom. I knelt in front of her to help her out of her panties then pressed a kiss to her pussy. After I swiped my tongue on her lower lips relishing in the taste of her, I stood.

  “How do you do it?” she asked with a voice that sounded slightly desperate.

  “What?” I asked as I Pushed her
bra off her shoulders.

  She tilted her head as I left a trial of kisses from her shoulder up to her neck until I reached her lips. Her voice became breathy as she said, “Make me so wet and needy. I’ve never responded to anyone this way.” Gripping my hips, she held me close as our kiss turned heated. If she had been wearing clothes, I would have ripped them off by now. She had no idea what she did to me. Those words could have come out of my mouth.

  “I want to lick you.” I needed to.

  Her breath caught and then her cheeks reddened as she asked, “Can we try something?”

  I smiled thrilled that she was making a request. “We can do anything you want.”

  She drew in a deep breath then said, “Can we do a 69? I’ve never done it before.”



  My answer was to lay on the bed and make a command. “Sit on my face.” Jane chewed on her lip before climbing onto the bed. She pressed her knees on either side of my head lowered her pussy onto my face as she bent over and tongued my already wet slit.

  She made me lose my mind in ecstasy as she opened me up and licked my tender cunt. When she pressed her fingers inside of me at the very spot I needed them, I dug my fingers into her thighs holding her in place over my face. I didn’t want her moving until we both came which happened mere minutes later.

  My whole body shook as she fell to the side, her breaths as uneven as mine.

  “Holy. Shit!” Hearing swear words come out of Jane’s mouth sent me into a fit of giggles. This was the same woman who dressed like a repressed church lady. “Are you laughing at me?” She sat up, her hair a crazy mess that made her look even sexier than she had been moments ago coming on my face.

  “I’m sorry. I was just thinking about the way you dress. It’s the complete opposite of how you are in bed.”

  She rolled over and pressed her mouth to my leg. I thought she was going to kiss me, but instead she left a little love bite. “Don’t make fun. It’s a necessary evil.”

  After two incredible orgasms, I wanted to fall asleep cuddled next to her, but I couldn’t. I moved until we were both on our stomachs side by side. I laid my head on my arm as I ran fingers through her sweaty hair.


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