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Her Client- The Complete Series

Page 11

by Sally E Xander

  We were interrupted by squeals of excitement. Ethan ran out of the house and rammed into my legs throwing me off balance. “Can we go swimming?”

  “Absolutely,” I said matching his excitement.

  The sound of a moan behind me drew my attention. Looking over my shoulder, I saw Jeffrey staring at me. I could guess he imagined me in that bikini I had worn the first time we met outside the hotel. “Maybe I could stay a little longer,” he joked, but Mark didn’t see the humor in it.

  “Don’t even think about it. I don’t want you running off with the world’s best nanny.” There was a warning in his voice. Something unsaid between them. Jeffrey’s smile fell, and he waved goodbye again.

  Thanks to Ethan’s excitement, the awkward moment didn’t last long. “How long do I have you today?” Mark asked.

  “However long you need me.”

  “Good. I have so much work to catch up on and work sights to visit. I probably won’t be home until late.

  “No problem. I’ve got this.”

  With Ethan in bed and Mark still working late, I settled myself on the couch and watched a corny made for T.V. movie. Half-way through, my phone dinged with an incoming text. I crossed my fingers that Jane had reserved an evening.

  Bev: Tomorrow you’ll meet Jeffrey. Same time same place.

  My stomach sunk. No Jane? Just as I was about to wallow, she sent another.

  Bev: Thursday you’ll meet Jane. An hour later than usual.

  My hands shook as I texted back. I was going to see Jane!

  Me: Okay.

  Two days until Jane.


  I had just experienced the two longest days of my life. My attempt to be patient failed, so did my attempt to be cool. The moment Jane walked through the door, I was on her. To my relief, she seemed just as desperate for me.

  With my fingers digging into her hips keeping her against me, we gasped hellos. I felt her smile against my lips then heard a small giggle. But it didn’t stop her from matching my desire. “God, I needed to see you,” she whispered against my mouth before claiming it again.

  A wave of relief washed over me hearing those words. As much as I wanted to know why Jane had canceled last week, it didn’t matter. She was here now and obviously wanted me as much as I wanted her.

  Tonight, I planned to do something I wanted to experience the first night. With our hands joined, I guided her through the bedroom then to the bathroom. I had music playing, wine ready, candles lit and a bubble bath ready for two.

  She sighed as she took it all in. Without warning, she placed her hand behind my neck and pulled me to her. Then her lips were on mine.

  I felt her pulse race beneath my fingers as I gripped her wrists. I held tight wishing she never stopped kissing me.

  When she lifted her head, she drew in a breath then leaned her forehead against mine. “Thank you, Angel. You have no idea how much I needed this. Needed you, tonight.” I cradled her face in my hands and caressed her cheeks with my fingers and my lips. Her breaths turned ragged as I began undressing her. A smile lit my face when I noticed the sexy lingerie beneath her uptight suit. It was the complete opposite of the plain white bra and panties she wore our first night together.

  I wanted to enjoy the sight in front of me a bit longer, so I let go of her long enough to remove my dress. It fell to the floor, and my heart raced when I saw the desire in her eyes as she took me in. I purposely didn’t wear anything beneath my dress this evening.

  A small smile crossed her face as she reached behind her and undid her bra letting it fall onto the pile of our clothes. Next, she bent over, her breasts swinging as she wiggled out of her panties. When she stood, we reached for each other. I soaked in the feeling of her naked body pressed against mine. The sweet smell of her, a mixture of a flowery perfume but also her essence.

  I needed more, and I could tell she did too. As I slid down her body kissing my favorite parts of her. Each breast, her outie belly button, each hip bone and then her sweet smelling pussy. As I moved down, I rubbed my nipples against her skin. The friction made them tighten. Jane dug her fingers into my hair holding me against her. Feeling. God, she was already making me wet. As much as I wanted to take her right then and there, I also wanted to draw it out.

  If I were honest with myself, I wanted to torture her the way she had me.

  After I stood, I poured us each a glass of wine then stepped into the tub. Jane seemed resistant before she took my offered hand to join me. I settled into position then pulled her down until she sat between my thighs, her back against me. When she got comfortable, she turned her head and gave me a sweet kiss before leaning back against me.

  I handed her a glass of wine then lifted my knees allowing her to brace her arms against them. For once, I was okay with her hair being up in a tight bun as I kissed her exposed neck.

  “Angel,” she sighed. I kept kissing her and rubbing my hands up and down her arms. When I felt her released beneath my fingers, I slid my hands beneath her arms so I could wrap my arms around her. In that position, with my hand beneath her breasts, I could feel her heart pound in her chest.

  As I palmed her breasts then circled her nipples with my thumbs, I asked, “What are you thinking about?” She had barely spoken since she arrived but I felt like she wanted to say something.

  With a breathy voice, she replied, “I was thinking about how much I love it when you touch me." She took in another breath. "And how I want you to touch me in other places.”

  Swallowing back the emotions, I released one of her breasts as I slid my hand down the center of her body. She pulled her legs up then let them fall open allowing me to explore and touch her where she needed.

  It took a little maneuvering, but I managed to reach her pussy. She sucked in a breath as I dragged my knuckles along her slit.

  Her hand dipped into the water, and I felt her open up her lower lips for me. If we weren’t in the tub, I knew she would have been as wet and needy for me as I was for her.

  My thumb lightly circled her clit as I pushed two fingers into her. It was a slow build as I thrust in and out of her at a leisurely pace as I nibbled on her neck. In the awkward position, I felt my hand begin to cramp, but I wanted her to come. I needed to hear her chant my name as her pussy tightened around my fingers.

  As I ramped the intensity, her fingers dug into my knees causing a slight bruising. It was all worth it when she reached her arms over her head drawing my mouth to hers as she climaxed.

  With ragged breath, she released her hold and slumped against me. I lazily ran my fingers up and down her arms. As much as I wanted her to turn around and take me, I soaked in the quiet moment.

  Jane was in my arms. She just called out my name as I made her orgasm. She wanted me. This hadn’t felt like I was having sex with a client but with a lover. That thought felt like a brick in my stomach.

  It didn’t take long for the water to cool. When I noticed Jane's body shiver, I helped her out of the tub. After stepping out, she turned and pulled me closer then wrapped a towel around me. When she went to grab one for herself, it gave me a chance to take her in. I watched as water droplets trailed down her gorgeous body.

  “You’re a sexy woman, Jane.” I wasn’t so sure she was aware. When she blushed and shook her head, she said, “Only when I’m with you.” I was heartsick knowing she probably thought that. How did she not know?

  Our eyes locked as we dried ourselves off. I pulled on a robe then followed Jane into the bedroom. She bent over and picked up her clothes. Before I could ask she said, “I can’t stay long.”

  That knot was back in my stomach, but I tried not to let show. We had skipped a week, and now Jane was leaving early… I wanted to know why or…who. But I didn’t have the right, and it wasn’t any of my business just like it wasn’t with Jeffrey.

  I sat on the bed, not bothering to hide the fact I was watching her redress. Her cheeks reddened when she noticed my stare but didn’t shy away from me. I wished more than a
nything I knew what was going through her head.

  As she finished dressing, she gave me a mischievous smile before leaning down and kissing my lips. There was affection but no heat behind it. “I’ll see you next week, Angel.”

  At least there was that. I would see Jane again.

  I walked her to the door, holding her hand in mine then gave her a heated kiss that I wished would have lasted much longer. A smile lit my face as I let go of her and she made this whining sound.

  Neither of us said another word as she opened the door and stepped out of the hotel room. I watched as she gracefully walked to the elevators. When she disappeared behind the closing doors, I shut the door and leaned against it.

  Not for the first time this week, I was left feeling restless and wanting more. I wanted something that I couldn’t have. Several times this week, I considered quitting but then I thought of Jane.

  Always Jane.

  Her Client Part 5

  Copyright © 2017 by Sally E Xander

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Photo: Shutterstock

  Cover Design: Cristin Cooper

  Created with Vellum

  For Emily and Roman


  As I followed a swarm of students out of the humanities building, I breathed in the fresh air, felt the sun on my skin and immediately my mood lifted.

  I could feel it.


  It was just around the corner.

  Ever since I was a kid, summer always equaled freedom from reading boring books, studying, tests and writing papers.

  It was hard to believe in only six weeks I would be graduating. The past four years had flown by. At times, not nearly fast enough but with the prospect of moving for graduate school, time seemed to have sped up. I wasn’t close to being ready to move and the more items I added to my to-do list, the quicker time went by. It was exciting and terrifying at the same time.

  Once again, the realization hit me. I was moving in a few months. This had been the plan from the beginning but after years of talking about it, the time was finally here.

  Not too long ago, I couldn’t wait, but in the past few months, I started to dread it a little. I was still excited to go to graduate school. I was thrilled knowing I was a step closer to having the career I wanted. But the idea of leaving and never seeing Jane was… I hated thinking about it.

  The same argument went around and around in my head. Our relationship was call girl and client. Whatever happened between us on Friday nights wasn’t real. The sooner I accepted that fact the better off I would be.

  There had to be something I could do to remove her from under my skin. I had tried reminding myself that I didn’t really know her. But even knowing I wouldn’t see her after graduation hadn’t kept me from wishing there was more.

  It was times like these that I wished I could talk to someone about Jane. My roommate Becky knew what I did since she got me the job as a call-girl but I couldn’t talk to her about something as serious as feelings for a client. More than once I had considered talking to Jayla about her but admitting to a new friend that I got paid to have sex wasn’t something I was ready to admit.

  Speaking of paid sex… I pulled my phone out of my bag remembering I had received a text from my boss Bev during my class but I didn’t get a chance to read it.

  Bev: Call me.

  Since I had a break between classes and my stomach wouldn't stop growling, I headed for the cafeteria to pick up some lunch. I had enough time to grab something to eat and call Bev before my next class.

  With not much more than a hello, Bev got to the point. “Jane canceled so I’m having you meet a new client instead.”

  My stomach sunk.

  Not again.

  It had been a month since the last time Jane had canceled, and she never gave me a reason why. Not that she owed me an explanation, but I desperately wanted to know why. Or even worse who she was with.

  This knot forming in my stomach should have been a reason to quit. This thing with Jane was driving me crazy.

  I shouldn’t have feelings for a client.

  I shouldn’t fall for a client.

  I shouldn’t fantasize about being with a client, but I did.

  A lot.

  “Umm…I can’t. I’m sorry. I was going to call you to let you know I couldn’t meet with her this week.” Liar liar pants on fire. The things I did to avoid having to spend time with a new client.

  After Jane canceled the last time, I had informed Bev I could only work two nights a week. It guaranteed I would only have to meet with my client Jeffrey and of course Jane. My plan had worked flawlessly until today.

  Bev sighed into the phone making it clear she wasn’t happy with my response. “Are you sure? He’s a potential regular client, and I think you would be perfect for him. Plus, it might be nice for you to gain another client. Don’t you need the money?”

  She knew my weakness, but what she didn’t realize was that I was doing good financially. I had plenty saved now from working for her two nights a week and from my nanny job.

  “I’m sure. I have to do something for one of my classes.” I’m going to hell for lying. But then again, I was probably going there anyway.

  Sighing again, she finally let it go. “I guess I’ll call one of the other girls and see if they can.”

  “Good idea. I’ll talk to you later,” I said a little too cheerfully.

  Bev hung up without replying. I had a feeling I was on the verge of getting fired. If I hadn’t had regular appointments with Jeffrey and Jane, I suspected I wouldn’t have a job.

  While standing in line waiting for my food, my thoughts turned to Jane.

  As usual.

  She was a mystery to me. A few times she had casually mentioned something about her childhood. I even told her a little about mine, but we never discussed our current life. All I knew about her was our time together once a week.

  Her canceling shouldn’t have thrown me off like it did but I had gotten comfortable with my schedule this term. It was the same week after week.

  School: Monday through Friday.

  Babysitting: Tuesday and Thursday mid-morning to late afternoons and on the weekends.

  Tuesday mornings I met with Jayla for a late breakfast then Thursday evenings I studied at her house. I usually brought dinner so Lisa wouldn’t mind me hanging out with her woman multiple times a week. I often stayed there until I had to meet with Jeffrey.

  All week I anxiously anticipated Friday evenings with Jane.

  Carrying my tray to an empty table, I let my imagination go to places I didn’t want to think about.

  Jane dated.

  I knew that. She said so the first night we met.

  But she was still seeing me, I consoled. If she were dating someone at least, I knew it couldn’t have been too serious. They also weren’t giving her everything she needed. If they had, she wouldn't keep paying me to fuck her.


  Just like the last time she canceled on me, I was going to spend my week obsessing about her, wondering about her and wishing I was with her.

  I thought about her smile. The one she gave me every single time she walked through the door. It always made my heart skip a beat.

  My face heated as I thought about the way she looked at me with lust filled eyes when we undressed each other. The feel of her tongue tangling with mine. My food was tasteless compared the taste of her essence when I licked her until she came on my face.

  “Fuck,” I mumbled drawing attention from a nearby tables of guys.

  One of them joked. “I can help you with that.”

  I forced a smile and winked at the cute guy who was grinning ear to ear. “That’s okay. I got it covered.”

  That g
ot his whole table laughing.

  With a smile on my face, I rolled my eyes. It had been a while since I flirted with someone who didn’t pay me and it felt good. I hadn’t realized how much I missed it.

  I was reading through my notes for my next class when in the corner of my eye I noticed a hand lay something on my table. When I looked up, cute guy was smiling at me over his shoulder as he headed for the exit.

  I reached for the paper and felt a little flutter in my stomach seeing his name and number. I stared at it a little too long as I considered calling.

  Maybe going on a real date would help me get over my obsession with Jane.


  Jogging toward the library, I checked my phone and hoped Jayla hadn’t left yet. Every Tuesday morning, we met after our first class. Like me, Jayla lost all sense and registered for an early morning class. But we made up for the early hour by meeting up and getting breakfast afterward.

  Today, I was running late. A talkative classmate chose today to ask me to join her study group and gossip about our professor. Any other morning, I wouldn’t have had an issue with chatting with her, but I didn’t want to miss breakfast with Jayla. It had been years since I had a really good friend and I enjoyed spending time with her.

  The moment I reached the library, a laugh bubbled up between wheezing breaths. Jayla sat in front of the library reading her kindle as she waited for me. There was something sad about being in front of a library filled with books but using an electronic device to read.

  The book must have been good because she didn’t notice me panting from my run. At least not until I stood right in front of her and cheerfully said, “Good morning.”

  She bit her lip and held up a finger as she kept reading. According to Lisa, Jayla was a romance book junky. I had been warned that everything came second when Jayla was reading a good book.


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