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Chosen Gods

Page 1

by G. Bailey

  Chosen Gods

  The Secret Gods Prison Series

  G. Bailey


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  Other Books by G. Bailey



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19


  Note From The Author.

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  About the Author

  Chosen Gods © 2020 G. Bailey

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient.

  Previously published as A Name Like Justice.

  Edits by Polished Perfection

  Cover Design by Mirela Barbu.

  Created with Vellum

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  Her Guardians Series

  Her Fate Series

  Protected By Dragons Series

  Lost Time Academy Series

  The Demon Academy Series

  Dark Angel Academy Series

  Shadowborn Academy Series

  Dark Fae Paranormal Prison Series

  Saved By Pirates Series

  The Marked Series

  Holly Oak Academy Series

  The Alpha Brothers Series

  A Demon’s Fall Series

  The Familiar Empire Series

  From The Stars Series

  The Forest Pack Series

  The Secret Gods Prison Series

  Coming soon-

  Supernatural Shifter Academy Series


  My name is Karma, and I will do anything to save my family and my gods…even from myself.

  All the secrets are out, and the world as I know it is changed forever.

  The higher gods take me as their prisoner, and it’s not just me they take to play games with.

  My family, my best friend, and my gods are all on the line. I’ve already lost one friend; I won’t lose another.

  If I don’t win the games, everyone I love dies.

  So I will not lose.

  My name is Karma Maria Kismet, and I am going to destroy the higher gods.

  I am going to get justice…no matter what it takes.

  Chosen Gods is a full length 75,000+ words Urban Fantasy RH Romance. RH means where there is more than one love interest. Book one of Three. 18+.



  The skies are dark, and the full moon illuminates the rocky ground below us as we hurry across the barren valley to the ancient ruins in the distance. The prison casts its dark shadow over us from far away, and the world is eerily silent, in spite of the chaos that I know is unfolding in the prison at this very moment. There’s no escaping for those within, and that suits us just fine; we have what we came here for. It’s a shame that cat bitch had to jump in front of our magic, but it’s hardly the end of the world. By this time a few months from now, the world will be trembling before us once more, and the twin gods of justice will be nothing but a hiccup in the grand story of our family… and our legacy.

  Our legacy, I think, pulling the limp girl from my shoulders and setting her down on the dust-covered ground. Her fiery red hair spills across the stone like a pool of blood, her skin as pale as the moon in the darkness of the night. It’s such a contrast, and as I look down at her still form, I’m reminded of just how much she looks like her mother. That isn’t the only similarity, though; she’s beautiful, innocent, so unaware of her place in the world… and of just how much of a threat she truly is.

  “Do we wake her?” asks my companion, coming to stand beside me and stare down at her. He crosses his arms, tilting his head to the side as if he’s seeing her for the first time. It’s strange, getting a good look at her after all this time and searching. I still find it amazing how something so lovely could hold such destructive power… and that’s the joke of it all. She doesn’t even know what she’s capable of.

  Realizing he’s waiting for a response, I pry my eyes away from the sleeping girl and turn to look at him. “No,” I tell him after a moment’s thought. “Karma must not know the truth. At least, not yet.”

  “Are you sure that’s wise?” he asks, and I can sense the skepticism in his tone.

  I nod grimly. “Karma must not know the truth,” I explain. “She must not know that it was me who saved her from the prison. No one must know.”

  “She’ll find out one way or another,” he says, shifting his weight as he returns his gaze to the sleeping Karma. “Why not deal with it now?

  “Because I want to see who she is first,” I reply. “We need to know the full extent of her abilities, and her… malleability. If she is more a Kismet than anything else, there is no point in keeping her alive.” I pull my gaze away from her, taking a step back. “If she can’t learn to embrace her true power, then she is nothing to us. The only way we will no for certain will be to wait… and observe.”

  My companion nods slowly, and although he doesn’t seem completely convinced, he wisely doesn’t make his resistance obvious. “Of course,” he replies. I turn and begin to walk away, ready to prepare the next step in my plan. It’s the next sentence out of his mouth that causes me to stop dead in my tracks, my eyes going wide and my body going rigid from head to toe. “If she takes our family traits, though,” he says slowly, deliberately, “then she might be able to kill us. You must know that.”

  “Then find a way to make sure she can’t,” I tell her, straightening up and not turning around. “Break her, if that’s what it takes, or find me someone that can.” I pull my hood up as I carry on walking, leaving my family alone to do what they do best: destroy every part of Karma Kismet’s soul. I must admit that it will be a little disappointing to see the fire in her eyes go out - she had such tenacity, such drive… but this is our chance to mold her into the weapon that we need, and I am prepared to do whatever it takes to make that happen.

  Until then, though, I have a world to destroy and a new order to establish. We’ve been slumbering on our potential for far too long, and this girl is the key. But there is much work to be done, and I don’t have time to wait for the changes to begin. As I walk, I finger the girl’s charm necklace in my pocket before pulling it out and glancing down at it. It’s almost cute - innocent and naive, a remnant of a life she’s never going to see again. I squeeze it in my hand, so tightly that the little metal medallions dig into my palm. There’s only one charm on this necklace that matters. I open my hand to stare down at it now, lifting it and watching as it gleams under the pale moonlight. It’s time the world knew about the gods who truly rule it


  The first thing I become aware of, aside from the splitting pain in my head, is that something cold is brushing against my cheek. It feels like concrete or stone, and I realize through my spinning head that I’m lying on the ground. A cool breeze tickles my cheek and sweeps a few strands of hair out of my face, and I for a moment I think I must be hallucinating when I hear the sounds of gently rustling leaves in the distance. But no, it’s not a hallucination; another breeze rushes over me, and I become aware of other sounds, too… Night sounds. Outdoorsy sounds.

  Am I outside? I wonder, and the concept feels almost foreign to me. My whole body feels like it’s being weighed down by something, and the pain of even shifting a little against the cold ground is enough to surge through my muscles at the slightest movement. I let out a weak groan, allowing my eyes to flutter open, and the sight before me is nearly enough to make me cry: above me is the endless night sky, an infinite expanse of darkness the color of ink. The clouds are backlit by bright moonlight, and there are stars all around me; I don’t think I’ve ever really appreciated seeing the stars until this moment. It’s so beautiful, and I instantly remember how much I really missed this. The days and nights in the prison had begun to bleed together after a while, and with next to no way to see outside or know how much time had passed, I had started to feel like I was trapped in some sort of infinite nightmare. Granted, I’d made friends in there - and maybe even a little more - but that didn’t change what it was at the end of the day: a prison. A cage. And now I’m free, back under the night sky.

  I could stare at that night sky for hours, counting every little star and wishing I could remember them all forever. Though it used to bring me peace, the night sky is now a cold reminder of the past, of everything that happened to get me to this moment. I feel an incredible surge of sadness as the events of the past few days come rushing back to me like a tidal wave: the higher god I killed. The twin gods of justice coming after me and throwing me in prison. The mysterious cloaked figures who put them in jail alongside me. Storm, with his mysterious test and gorgeous eyes, his tragic past and his cottage and the kiss that we shared. And then there’s Jade… poor Jade. A tear leaks out of my eye in spite of my best efforts to stay strong, and I find myself missing my family more in this moment than I ever have before.

  Come on, Karma, I tell myself, closing my eyes and willing myself to take a deep breath, you have to stay focused. Your job isn’t finished yet. There’s a moment’s pause, and then the voice in my head adds, What would Peyton do?

  I can practically hear him giving me a pep talk already, and it’s motivation enough to open my eyes again and face the bitter memories that the night sky provokes.

  My gods, my family, and my best friend need me. I’ve lost plenty, but there’s plenty that I need to protect. I can’t lie here and give up. I’m a Kismet, and we don’t give up.

  Every little inch of my body hurts as I try to sit up, forcing myself to be strong. It feels like I’ve fallen down a mountain, or had the shit beaten out of me by a group of giants. My muscles are on fire, and even just moving my head a little is enough to send a pulse of pain up my neck and through my skull. I probably have a concussion, at the very least, if not a bruised skull, and I would honestly be surprised if all my bones were intact. But that doesn’t matter, and we gods are built sturdier than most; my wounds will heal in time, but I can’t afford to dilly-dally when other lives might be on the line.

  I give a grunt of effort, pushing past the pain long enough to first sit up, and then slowly get to my feet. For a moment the blood rushes out of my head and I sway on my feet, the world spinning around me. I grit my teeth and will myself not to pass out, focusing on my breathing until the world comes back into focus. I straighten up and allow myself a look around at the courtyard I now find myself in the middle of. It seems like the ruins of some ancient building, with parts of the walls broken and fallen down. The pieces are huge, and I can only wonder at what this might once have been before it was abandoned and destroyed. Nature has taken some of it, covering it with vines, and I can even see flowers growing out of a few of the cracks in the stones beneath my feet. The air is cool as it blows against my skin and pushes my dress around my legs, but as I look down, I see blood spattering the hem. Slowly, I raise my hands, and they begin to shake as I realize that there’s blood on them, too.

  I suddenly feel like I’m going to be sick, and not from the pain, but from the grief, which is striking me again in spite of my determination.

  Jade is dead. She sacrificed her life to save the justice twins, and I couldn’t save her. The twins might be dead, too, for all I know. I never saw them get up, and the idea that they might have been killed too strikes fear into my heart. Jade sacrificed herself to save them, and if that sacrifice was for nothing…

  Come on, Karma, I tell myself, don’t think like that.

  But it’s no use. Jade’s dead body just keeps flickering in my mind like a nasty picture that’s impossible to get rid of. Even if the twins aren’t dead, they are still trapped in that prison while I am stuck out here. What if I never see them again? What if they spend the rest of their lives rotting in there, and it’s all because of me?

  The sound of a voice snaps me out of my thoughts, and I’m nearly startled enough to jump out of my skin. “Are you going to play nice this time, little mouse?” the voice asks from behind me, and for a brief moment I’m reminded of the creepy murderer in a horror movie - you know, who tells the victim not to run. I never did understand the victims’ logic in those movies, though. You never run if you hear that voice. It’s best to hide. I quickly turn around, my eyes settling on the hooded figure who is standing very still in the courtyard. He’s some distance away from me, but even without any distinguishing features, I can tell that this is the same arsehole who killed Jade. I can’t put my finger on why, but I just know it. For all I know, he could have possibly killed the justice twins too before he knocked me out.

  Rage begins to fill me, burning like fire, and when I look down at my hands, I see a familiar green lightning beginning to flicker out of them. I turn my hands around, entranced for a moment by how the lightning moves like a wave but doesn’t seem to hurt me. I have no feckin’ idea how to control it, but it might be the only thing to help me get out of this. My karma powers aren’t exactly the best for self-defense, and whatever this lightning is, it was powerful enough to take out a higher god, so it will have to do for this son of a bitch. All I need to do is find my family and disappear. After that, I can make a plan to get Storm and the twins out of prison somehow. Maybe I can use my necklace of charms, too.

  “That would be a massive nope, you feckin’ gobshite!” I starkly reply, crossing my arms and feeling for my charms with one hand. It only takes a minute of fumbling to realize that they’re missing. Dammit. Plan B it is, then. Except I don’t have a plan B, and I didn’t really have a solid plan A to start with. I still have that cool lightning, but I remember this guy was too quick at throwing that back at me, so I can’t count on it working on him at all. I take a step back, digging my feet into the dirt as the wind blows my hair into my face. I knock it away, really wishing I had a hair tie right now. I want to keep my eye on this guy. I don’t know who he is or what he wants, but it’s obvious from our interactions so far that he isn’t on my side.

  “That kind of language does not suit your heritage, and it will not be allowed in my presence without punishment,” the man says, seeming to revel in his own smugness. If I were any closer (and I had any chance of holding my own against this guy), I would sock him in the mouth. “Now—”

  I stop listening to him, deciding in a split second that running away is looking like my best chance of survival. If you can’t fight it, run. That’s what my brother always told me, and it’s always my solid plan C.

  Plan C, don’t fail me now, I think.

  I turn and run straight towards the ruined part of the building nearest to me, noticing that there’s a gap
in the middle of it that should lead to the other side of the building, and the forest beyond. I’m halfway there when I skid to a stop, frozen in place when I see two women walking out of the gap. They’re standing side by side, their movements almost perfectly in sync with one another. I know who they are, and it’s that knowledge that stops me in my tracks. I nearly trip over myself, dirt puffing up like a cloud around my feet as I stare at them with wide eyes. My heart is beating so loudly that it makes my ears ring as I watch these higher gods, the female twins that Storm told me about.

  They look just like they did in the painting he showed me. They wear matching red cloaks with red dresses under them by the look of it. Their skin is pale but in a smooth, picture-perfect way, almost photoshopped, if I didn’t know better. They have thick black eyelashes, white eyes with tints of black in them, and ruby red lips. The only thing that is different about them is their hair. One has long black hair, and the other’s hair is as white as snow.


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