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Unchained (Master of All Book 2)

Page 7

by Simon Archer

  “I believe it is my turn to contribute,” Libritas cooed to me, pulsing warmth into my hand.

  “Let’s calm you down, Chimarra.” I walked over to the owlbear’s head as it tried to snap at me with its minimal range of movement. With a wave of her hand, Petra moved the vines obscuring the Black Rune on the base of the beast’s neck.

  The spot was shaved, save for the undercoat of feathers around the Rune that grew back, but the Rune itself wasn’t nearly as nasty as I thought it would be. Most of the other Runes I had covered over were jagged or vicious in design, reflecting the nature of their dark masters, but this one was elegant and refined. If it weren’t for the bleeding on the edges of the design and the inky blackness pouring into her skin like veins of darkness, it would have been beautiful. I suppose that this was what was left of the Brand of Civilization, having been corrupted after the Branding.

  I wasn’t used to Branding outside of a dangerous situation or a battle, so it took a little while to focus my will to see this beast freed of her chains. There was also the fact that the situation was much different this time around. There were no evil wizards or maniacal spiders trying to kill us or torture their slaves. These Great Beasts were just caught up in this war.

  Instead, I concentrated on how much Chimarra must be suffering under the weight of the Brand of Savagery and brought Libritas to bear. She heated up in my hand as her branding tip flared with fiery yellow. I thrust the Brand deep into the Rune, replacing the inky black with Libritas’ silvery white.

  So far, those I had freed from the Black Runes had sounded grateful, even if it’d been through a moan or a cry. But Chimarra was just as wild as ever. In fact, she may have been flailing her limbs even more than before, screeching and roaring like she was going to bleed out her throat. More than that, there was no connection, no insight into the owlbear’s heart and mind. As I looked into the rune I placed, its silvery-white strands not pulsing with the same life that the other brands had, I couldn’t help but tear up a bit.

  We all took a step back. I sighed a heavy sigh. This wasn’t going to end well.

  “Maybe she’s afraid,” Petra reasoned. “If we just let her out--”

  “I don’t believe that will be necessary,” Amalthea interrupted. “Without the Brand of Civilization upon her, she’s lashing out like a feral beast. Whatever sentience she may have possessed before is long gone.”

  “But the Brand of Freedom should have released her,” Shikun argued. “Shouldn’t she be okay now?”

  “She was probably a wild animal before she got the first Brand,” I said solemnly. “Without it, she’s just a beast.”

  “A rampaging one, at that,” Reggie added. “What with all the Branding being such a taxing experience, there’s only so much an animal’s mind can take before it snaps. If we let her loose now, there’s no telling what damage she could do to the Marches before she tuckers herself out and… dies.”

  “She’s free now,” I said solemnly. It was small comfort, but I truly believed that it was better to die free than live in chains. “That’s all that matters. Let’s put an end to this.”

  “Allow me, chap.” Reggie put his hand on my good shoulder. “A mighty beast like this deserves to be killed by a hunter, not her liberator.”

  I stepped aside as the British hunter came upon the beast’s head. With a quick shot from his Webley revolver to the top of the neck, the Great Beast Lady lay limp. It was quick and painless as anyone could have hoped for.

  We all took a collective breath at the accomplishment. One Great Beast down, one to go.



  After we had ended Chimarra, we headed west to find Atroclus. Hopefully, the savage spell over the Marches was already wearing off. It was a good bit into the night when we finally made camp. The roaming hills of the Marches made for beautiful scenery, and the night sky couldn’t have been more full of stars if you stuffed them up there. Petra made each of us a tent from her plants, but I wanted to stay outside just a bit longer. I had always been locked up in some dungeon under the Weaver, so I planned to savor every moment outside that I could. Even the chill of the night couldn’t deter me from just listening to the breeze dance through the blades of grass. It was almost perfect.

  Speaking of which, William had headed to bed a little early. It seemed even someone as amazing as him had to sleep off the exhaustion of fighting a Great Beast alone. Still, I would have loved for him to see this with me. But Petra and Amalthea were with me, and that was okay too. The good Sir Reginald had decided to try to teach Silver some tricks before heading to bed himself. Eventually, Amalthea and Petra went to their tents so they could be well-rested for tomorrow’s troubles.

  I looked at how lonely my tent seemed to be. I didn’t think I could sleep there tonight.

  As quietly as possible, I slunk my way over to William’s tent. Even though my scales didn’t make for the best stealth, I was pretty sure I made it inside without waking anyone else up. And there he was, hands behind his head cradling his golden hair, blanket covering up to his navel. I had never seen him without his shirt, and I was… very appreciative of the opportunity. All of his heroic deeds and training showed in every muscle in his body. I couldn’t help but run my hands up his abs, just to feel them.

  I yelped and pulled back as soon as I realized what I was doing, snapping my neck to see if I had woken him up. I sighed in relief when I saw his peaceful face fast asleep. Slowly, I tucked my wings down and placed my head down on his bicep, careful not to poke my horns or spikes into anything. I leaned into his shoulder and placed a hand upon his chest, feeling the breath enter into him and leave, and let my own breath match it.

  His arm swept down from off his head, and I panicked. Even so, I couldn’t bring myself to move. He brought his hand down to my hip and pulled me in, pressing me against him. I didn’t see him open his eyes once. Maybe he thought that I was Petra? I was going to let him continue to do so. I couldn’t give up this moment. Not just yet. Just a little while longer, and then I would return to my tent.

  It felt like a perfect eternity laying there with him. He doesn’t lash out in anger, he doesn’t lose his temper when things seem impossible or aren’t going his way, he doesn’t even berate me when I speak out of turn. In fact, he loves it when I talk to him. He loves me. Maybe not as much as Petra, but still, I don’t need that much. Just knowing that he wants me is enough.

  I felt his arm against me, pulling me even closer to him. Before I knew it, I was on top of him. Or maybe I put myself there. His other arm wrapped around to the small of my back, and at that moment, he kissed me.

  “Took you long enough,” William said. He looked into me, and I saw his golden eyes for what felt like the first time. Are all Uplanders blessed with such eyes?

  “W-what?” I stuttered out. I mean, what was I supposed to say?

  “You’ve been doubting yourself all this time,” he told me, “Always holding back, always thinking you’re beneath someone. No matter what I did, I couldn’t get it through your thick skull that you are worth more than you think. So, Petra and I made a plan.”

  “A plan?” I stuttered again, so overwhelmed with happiness and terror and I don’t even know what else. “What plan?”

  “A plan to finally get you out of your shell.” Petra’s voice answered. I looked behind myself to find her at the tent opening, looking at both of us. Oh, it must have been so embarrassing! How was I supposed to explain this to her?

  “Oh, first sister!” I apologized profusely. “I mean no disrespect by any of this. I was merely trying to--” I tried to get off of William, to prostrate myself before Petra, but William’s hands wouldn’t let go of me.

  “Relax, sister,” Petra cooed at me. “I’ve been holding off on William just so you could get your chance. But since you took so long…” She coyly flipped the tent covering closed so that only her curvy silhouette was visible. “You only have fifteen minutes. Then I’m coming in.” Her dryad shadow drift
ed away, leaving us alone. I looked at William desperately.

  “Do I only get that long?” I winced at the lost chance of more time with the man who made me who I am now.

  “Shikun, I think she just meant ‘alone,’” William said, kissing me with a heavy breath. “You can stay as long as you want.”

  With that, as I leaned into a taste of his soft lips, I wasted no time in showing him everything he meant to me, in sharing both of our bodies until we had explored to our hearts’ content.


  As soon as Petra sealed the tent once more and left Shikun to her own devices, things heated up rather quickly. The rush that surged through my body as our lips met set me ablaze in a way that I hadn’t felt before. It was a different sensation than the one that ran through my veins with Petra, not certainly not a bad one by any stretch of the imagination. It scorched my lips and had me tingling from head to toe.

  The emotions that Shikun was conveying, love, desire, desperation, I could feel it all in the way our lips moved together. Each one tasted of something specific, though I couldn’t put a name to the flavors, and they blended perfectly into her kisses.

  I hummed against her lips as my hands settled on her flushed cheeks. I needed to catch my breath before she took it all away. Our eyes searched each other’s wordlessly for a moment before Shikun looked away shyly. Gently, I guided her gaze back to my face. I could get lost in those flecks of gold for eons and find myself to be perfectly content. Her eyes were mines of riches buried in depths of darkness and fear, and I considered myself to be lucky enough to hold them this close and regard them for the beauties that they were.

  “Why do you look at me so, Will? Have you changed your mind after all?” Shikun’s voice trembled, though whether it was out of fear, anticipation, or perhaps a mixture of both, I couldn’t be sure.

  I smiled softly and ran the pads of my thumbs over her scaled cheeks reassuringly. “Not a chance. I just wanted to cherish this part of you while I could.”

  A slight giggle bubbled from her lips then, which surprised us both as she quickly covered it up with her hands. When she saw my encouraging gaze, she slowly dropped them onto my chest and giggled again.

  “Then, I wish not to interrupt you,” she started, “however, I should like to take advantage of the time that Petra has given us while I can.”

  I blinked several times before a small grin spread over my lips. Who was I to stop her when she was so willing to allow herself to be open with me?

  “Of course,” I agreed, “if that is what you wish, then I will be more than happy to indulge you.”

  “I do wish this,” Shikun confirmed, and our lips connected again. The shyness and hesitation that had kept her at bay before dissipated as her talons fisted into my hair, holding me tightly to her impressive body. Pressed together like this, she couldn't have missed how hard I was already.

  To accentuate my thoughts, I rolled my hips. Immediately, her legs shook, and a sharp shiver raced up her spine.

  “William,” she gasped, and her talons constricted more. “You are very stiff.”

  “It’s all for you,” I breathed hotly into her ear, and I punctuated my words with a kiss.

  “What about Petra?” she trilled as she pushed herself against my covered cock.

  “Right now, it’s just you and me.” I kissed her again, relishing in the way her scales seemed to twitch and quiver with pleasure. My hands gripped her hips, and together we created glorious friction that left us both wanting, no, needing more.

  Shikun gasped again and then again as our bodies continued to move together. Our time alone was running short, but neither of us wanted to break the intense heat that was building between us as she continued to ride me through the thin sheet. By now, she had worked the tip of my shaft free of my shorts, and precum had started to drip onto my torso. What was more was that Shikun was more than a little damp, and it was evident in the smear of moisture that stained the fabric separating us.

  “I think you’re ready for more,” I panted, and Shikun replied with only a moan and a feverish nod. I held onto her tightly as I sat up, keeping her firmly in my lap. My fingers glided along the scales on her back, and I made sure to tease the ridges of her spine. Dragonkin or not, the press of fingertips in such a sensitive area always seemed to be a surefire way of riling a girl up, and it appeared Shikun was no exception to that.

  “Your hands feel magical, William,” Shikun purred as she leaned into the erotic touch.

  “Oh, just wait until you feel what else they can do,” I teased as I brought my hands around to her front and pressed my palms lightly over her breasts, rubbing her nipples with a slow, circular motion. My reward was another soft moan and an arch of her hips as she pressed herself down onto me again. Shikun was eager, that much was obvious, but I was going to draw this out for as long as I could. If Petra saw, well, she knew what she was walking into, and I had a feeling that she would be more than a little delighted.

  Despite my own desire to have my way with the beautiful draconian, I didn’t want to pressure her. Shikun had been through so much, more than any one being should ever have to endure, and it was important to me that she had most of the control.

  Yes, I couldn’t dispute the fact anymore that I was her master. She was bound to me. However, I wasn’t going to abuse that, not this way, at least not tonight. I would guide Shikun, but I wanted her to be the one that called the shots. She would know how far she was willing to let herself go. If that happened to be all the way, then that’s what it would be. If she wanted to stop, I would reassure her that she was okay and that I would wait, because damn, was she worth it.

  With that in mind, I teased my fingertip under her bikini top and met her eyes. “May I?”

  Shikun took a deep breath before she nodded in consent, and as my fingers reached further up her top, her own digits pulled the knot around her neck, and the top fell from her bustline. Before me were two impressive breasts, nipples pert and ready to be ravished by my skillful tongue. I cupped one in my hands and leaned forward, giving the perky nub a delicate taste before enclosing my mouth around it. The tip of my tongue swirled over her nipple as I sucked lewdly, and the wet sound sent shivers down my spine, doing nothing to ease the ache in my groin.

  Talons clenched my shoulders as Shikun tossed her head back, allowing me better access to her full chest. Of course, I took advantage of such a view, and I worked her hard. Each ministration brought her wave upon wave of pleasure, and I could only hope that if this were how she moaned now, she would be even wilder once I was finally inside of her.

  “S-stop…” she stuttered out between breaths. “Not l-like this.”

  “Then how?” I asked slyly, though I knew full well what she wanted. Still, I wanted to hear it from her. She was in control of how this went down.

  “W-Will…” she breathed, and a shiver raced down her spine as I pressed my fingers to it once again. “P-please.”

  “Use your words,” I instructed gently. “Tell me what you want.”

  Shikun hesitated, though I had a hunch that it was less out of embarrassment than it was that she couldn’t form the words properly with how wound up she was.

  “... I need you inside of me,” she managed. Her tone was darker than it had been only moments ago, and her pupils were so blown with lust that the gold flecks nearly disappeared behind them. This was the side of Shikun I had longed to see, the one that wasn’t afraid or ashamed of her own desires. It was as though she was setting herself free of the cracked iron chain that held her in her past. The fractures deepened through Libritas’ powers. It was only a matter of time now.

  As much as I wanted to take control of her, bend her on all fours, and make her mine, Shikun kept me pinned to the ground with her weight. I watched in awe and complete fascination as she undid the knot on her back, allowing her top to fall completely away, and then followed her hands to her bottoms. Slowly, tantalizingly, she undid the knots at her sides and pulled the already
skimpy garment out from under her, allowing me to see her in all of her beautiful, naked glory.

  “Wow,” I gasped, and immediately my hands were on her again. I trailed them along the inside of her thighs and observed how she twitched there as well. It wasn’t long before my fingertips were dancing along her soaked lips. She was more than ready to take what I was more than ready to give, but I wanted to work her up just a little more.

  Shikun trilled as I ghosted my finger into her slick folds, and she bit her lip to keep herself quiet. She trembled and rocked herself against my finger, still eager to create that heat and friction. Soon, I thought, and it was then that she ventured towards my cock, finally allowing herself to feel it between the palms of her hands.

  “So hot,” she purred as she pulled me completely free and licked her lips. “I desire it greatly.”

  “It’s yours to do what you want,” I chuckled heavily.

  She swallowed thickly, as though she were running the mental gambit of all the things she could do with my cock, and then hummed softly. Without being prompted, she took me into one hand and steadied herself with the other, then sank down.

  That… was not what I had been expecting, but far be it from me to complain.

  Shikun was tight and almost unbearably hot, but her pussy devoured my shaft hungrily until we were flush together. Her talons fisted into her own hair as though to keep herself from going mad with pleasure, and her mouth hung open in a silent but undeniably pleasurable moan.

  “Fuck,” I groaned for us both and clutched her hips. I wanted to enjoy that gripping heat for as long as I could before we lost ourselves within our passion. Steadying my breath, I locked eyes with Shikun, who had been watching me with her own needy gaze.


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