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The Truth Lies Beneath Your Eyes

Page 17

by Nzingha Keyes

  Chapter 16:

  She’s Topic A-Z with Me, If Only She Could See

  And now it was February 10th and Alias was wandering around the apartment with no idea what to do with himself. He could Alex playing “Miss Murder” on Rock Band and he could hear Christophe on his cell phone, talking to Amethyst. He sighed, “Amethyst”. He knew that she was taken, knew he couldn’t win and as much as he hated to admit it, couldn’t get over her. Well what am I going to do? Confess It to her? Bullshit, He thought. “She didn’t like me from the first day, not that I made the best first impression,” He said regretfully. She would probably laugh at me anyways, not that I would blame her, he thought. He wanted an escape from his thoughts because It plagued him to even whisper it, thinking it hurt and drove him crazy, “But what if we were?” He whispered aloud as he collapsed onto his bed. Why does this have to happen? He thought. He could have anyone he wants, girls fall at his fucking feet and…and the one he picks has to be…this sucks. “I shouldn’t get so worked up over a girl,” He said weakly. “But she’s not a girl, she’s the girl,” he mumbled. He heard a knock at the door,

  “Hey there baby brother,” Christophe said with a smirk.

  “Please get out,” Alias replied briskly.

  “Fine, check your phone though,” Christophe says while he pulls the door close again. He looks at his phone and sees that he has five missed text messages from Amethyst, he opened the most recent one.

  Can you come and play with me?

  Play what?

  The wii or soccer, with me and sunny?

  You and sunny?

  She wants’ to like, chill with you too, come over?

  Is Christophe coming with us?

  Nah, that would be rude, and lovesick inducing


  She can explain later if she wants to, are you coming or what?

  Be there in 2 minutes, open your window

  K, later

  “Sunny, you remember Alias right?” Amethyst asked as he sat on the chair in her room.

  “Yeah, hi,” She said.

  “Hey you guys brought coats and like bus fare with you?” Amethyst asked them both.

  “Yeah why?” They asked in unison.

  “Don’t worry about it, just bring it with you or your going to end up freezing and stranded which I’m sure that neither of you want lets go,” she said happily as she grabbed he stuff and dropped food into the rabbit’s cage.

  “Are you sure she always this hyper?” Alias asked in disbelief. Sunny laughed,

  “Always, watch when she has Monster”. Amethyst looked back at them as she picked up her phone and keys by the front door,

  “C’mon, let’s go!!!” She said excitedly. Alias wasn’t sure what to think but he knew that he shouldn’t have been staring at her like that, staring usually ended with conversation and if he was right, that would be an uncomfortable conversation to have. He knew for sure though that anyway he tried to think about it, knowing Amethyst that wherever they were going was bound to be interesting.

  “Moonlight, where are we going?” Sunny asked while we all followed Amethyst to…wherever she was taking us.

  “The seven train,” she answered calmly.

  “But you don’t take trains! And you can’t see where were going! And you can’t remember any directions! Where are we going!?” Sunny was freaking out. Amethyst glanced at me and we both laughed.

  “The seven train, don’t worry, I brought my phone,” She answered nonchalantly.

  “Alias, you trust ne, right?” She asked laughing.

  “More than you can imagine,” He answered unthinking.

  “Yeah, hugs for you!” She said and hugged him laughing in his ear. Uh…maybe she doesn’t hate me so much as I thought. “Just trust me, “Amethyst said as she swiped her metro card through the turnstile.

  “Fine,” Sunny said as she swiped in behind me.


  “How did you find this place!?!” Sunny yelled and I didn’t know what to think.

  “I looked it up on the internet, see I told you I knew where I was going!” Amethyst said while pulling off her favorite striped hoodie to pull off another purple hoodie to toss at sunny.

  “Here, you’re going to need this,” she said putting her striped hoodie on again along with the gear. “You’ll be okay, right?” She asked.

  “I should’ve warned you that we were going paintballing.

  “Yeah, I’m good,” Alias replied.

  “Well don’t just stand there, put on your gear,” she laughed.

  “Since there are only three of us, it every person for themselves, If someone gets hurt, like seriously hurt go and stand by the entrance, okay? Go!!!” Amethyst yelled and ran away. The paintball field was huge and reminded alias of a level in mortal kombat. He had to stay alert and try not to get shot at.


  He heard Amethyst yell and then he got shot three times in the back of the thigh.

  “No way!” And he aimed at her and shot wherever at her. Then he was being shot at from both angles and he could hear the two girls laughing.

  “You said every man for himself!!!” he said aiming the paintball gun toward sunny.

  “Yeah but she’s like my twin, just not,” Sunny said.

  “Yep,” Amethyst nodded.

  Three hours into running up and down the paintball field everyone ended up covered in paint and starving.

  “Ugh even through all that freaking padding I end up with welts,” Sunny said.

  “Same here,” Amethyst and Alias nodded.

  “Want Cheeseburgers?” Amethyst asked.

  “Yeah, I’m hungry,” Alias said. They all walked toward the entrance where you put on all the padding. She play’s so hardcore too, no girly whining just like…she plays to win. He thought. Alias watched as she pulled of the helmet and shook out her wavy hair that went down her back, He watched as she dropped the paint splattered padding to the floor and as she did so she pulled of her striped hoodie and tied it around her waist because of the heat in the room. Damn, staring is going to get me in so much trouble, he thought. Amethyst reached for her phone,

  “Hey babe,” she said.

  “Just hanging out with Sunny and Alias, ‘bout to go eat,” she continued. “Ok later babe,” she said as she hung up.

  “He doesn’t know we went to play paintball,” Amethyst said while we were all eating.

  “Why didn’t you tell him?” Alias asked.

  “Have you seen your brother? He would protect her from everything and then it wouldn’t be much fun to play at all now would it,” Sunny said in-between bites of food. Amethyst nodded in agreement.

  “Today was so much fun but we better get home though,” Amethyst said.

  He got home and stayed up because it was Saturday at 11:45. It was almost February eleventh, so close to Valentine’s Day. Today was so awesome, Alias thought while he got dressed for bed. I got to hang out with Amethyst and Sunny all day and play paintball and eat cheeseburgers. It’s just that everything was so great today, I almost wished that she hated me, It might make it easier not to love her. How does she even do that? Even with all the padding she moves so gracefully making me look so clumsy. She’s so beyond me, she’s got me wired. I want to tell her, I’m driving myself up a wall with this girl. This is volatile; I just need to act like there’s nothing there, like I didn’t even notice her on the first day of school, like we didn’t even meet.

  February 14th, Wednesday

  Alias and Alex were getting dressed for school, Christophe left early to wake up Amethyst and be all romantic like a good boyfriend. He’s so lucky, He thought.

  “Alexander, you ready to go yet?” Alias yelled toward the back where Alex’s room was.

  “Yeah, I just had to pick something up, we can head out now,” Alex said.

  Alias had gotten to school early and he could see that Amethyst and Christophe had gotten there early as we
ll. He had given her a bag of the Hershey kisses with caramel in the middle because they were her favorite. He had given her a red carnation flower a put it in her hair because he knew it would make her smile. He promised her one hundred kisses in-between twelve in the morning and twelve at night. He promised her something she would love and could see coming but still hadn’t guessed it yet and Christophe found it cute. That was part of the miracle of Christophe he was perfect and when you had him, you had him without a doubt, his heart was owned. And Alias watched all of this and listened as well, with envy.

  “But what is it? Tell me?” Amethyst was asking excitedly.

  “Just wait till the end of the day, I have to finish something for it okay?” Christophe said with a laugh at her expression.

  “Oh but why!?” Can’t I just get a teeny, tiny hint as to what it is?” She asked.

  “Okay your hint is Valentine.

  “The broken heart’s parade and I’m putting my heart out on display, There’s no masquerade, just a funeral march for love today, the band strikes up and I’m playing a song, dressed in black and were singing along to the broken hearts parade, and I’ve never been better than I am today,” Alias sang with his headphones in his ears. It was lunchtime now and Alias was bored. Bored of Valentines, bored of watching love float around in the air and absolutely pissed off that Christophe got to be happy. Alias walked over to central park to go and climb up the rocks and give him something to do that wasn’t wander around. He climbed up the rocks by the entrance of the park. He looked down to the ground and he could see Amethyst sitting down by the lake which wasn’t dirty looking because it was still cold out. He climbed down the rocks to go and talk to her.

  “Hey Alias,” she said happily looking at the fishes that were swimming in the water.

  “What’s up, Amethyst?” he asked calmly. Her eyes are so pretty, he thought.

  “Nothing much, just relaxing and daydreaming,” She replied smiling. I love the way she smiles, too.

  “Daydreaming about what?” He asked. He didn’t know what the hell he was doing but he was moving and then their lips connected and it was like electricity or magnets. I don’t want to pull away, he thought.

  “I love you,” Alias said once he pulled away and then disappeared before he could think, before she could make a noise, before anything could happen at all, “I completely messed up,” he said resting his head in his hands. That shouldn’t have happened, and shouldn’t have felt so…right.


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