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The Truth Lies Beneath Your Eyes

Page 23

by Nzingha Keyes

  Chapter 21:

  So do you like strawberry milkshakes too? I do

  “Amethyst!?” Her father is yelling her name. She pokes her head out the tree house window and shrugs her shoulders and I watch.

  “Your mom said that we should spend some time together, come with me for a walk would you? If it helps you can bring your friends with you as well,” he yells up. She turns sharply toward the boys.

  “You three should stay here, or go home or…just don’t come with me, okay?” Amethysts asks quietly but seriously.

  “No,” Christophe says faster then she can process.

  “Look, If I go with him and something crazy happens…I can get to you, you would know. If all three of you guys come hes going to ditch you anyways and you know it, I can read his mind, he really just wants to talk and I’ll be back for dinner and cake so just be here for that and I’ll let you all know what happens, okay?” Amethyst says in a way that let them all know that the subject isn’t up for discussion and then climbs down and out of the tree house. What the hell am I getting myself into? She thinks as she stands in front of her father.

  “So how are you kid?” He says sounding totally father-like, Amethyst didn’t give him a chance. “Traumatized by you being here, thank you very much,” she says angrily.

  “Still with that caliber boy? I don’t approve.” He shakes his head and we start walking. At this, Amethyst laughs.

  “Um okay, point one…he isn’t evil. Point two, since when are you in any position to comment on my boyfriend?” He sighs.

  “I am your father, I don’t like him…I forbid you do see him,” He says sternly. She laughs harder and stops walking.

  “Yeah right.” He glares at her with red eyes. He really thinks that I’m going to listen to his commentary on my boyfriend after being out of the picture since shit knows when? She thinks. “I’m serious, Amethyst Lyell Alexander…you are not allowed to see that boy,” He growls.

  “Some father you’ve been. I will continue seeing him because to be completely honest, I don’t see you as a father…I see you as a crazy person who kidnaps and tries to kill children, human or not,” She says very calmly.

  “I was trying to protect you my child,” He says equally as calmly.

  “From happiness? From humanity?” She asks. “

  From yourself, you were never supposed to know what you are…you were supposed to live life as any other kid,” he sighs.

  “But I’m not,” she says.

  “Tell me something, before these three boys wandered into your life, did you ever really think you were so different from most kids?” He asked.

  “Apart from the purple eyes and the tendency to break things, nope,” She sighed.

  “That’s what I wanted, you away from this spiraling death trap! But now you know things and of anybody to be involved with, you get involved with the eldest son of those two-” He stops. She feels her phone vibrate and picks it up automatically, a call from Sunny.

  “Hey sis, what’s up?” I say

  “Happy birthday!!!!! Are you home?” She asks

  “I’m in the backyard in a new tree house, come over?”

  “Gimme five minutes” and then she hangs up.

  I stare at my dad for a moment knowing that he going to continue trashing Christophe.

  “I’m going home, okay?” She half asks.

  “You know that I’m living in your house for at least a week don’t you?” He replies. Ah fuck! She thinks.

  “Don’t curse; it’s unfit for a lady” He smirks.

  “Get out of my head!!!” She yells and looks around the empty block and flies away.

  She gets to the tree house about a minute before Sunny.

  “Happy bir- what’s the matter” she says studying her expression briefly. Amethyst can’t think to slow down at all.

  “My dad is here and wants to kill my boyfriend,” she says in one breath and then leans her back against the wall. “

  You’re dad?! What? I thought he like…died or something! Kill Christophe? But he doesn’t even know him or you.” She says.

  “I’m a fallen angel, My dad is a demon, Christophe and his brothers are fallen angels,” She said playing with her hair.

  “I always knew you were 20 types of weird,” she laughs.

  “You believe me?” She asks shocked.

  “Why wouldn’t I? That’s not something you would lie about, even more so because you look so seriously unhappy on your birthday…so what’s the plan?” She asks.

  “No idea,” She sighs.

  Sunny is sleeping over, currently talking to Angel on webcam. Cake was awesome and Christophe is leaning against the wall talking to me while I’m zoning out because my dad is sleeping in the guest room downstairs.

  “So I guess you don’t want me here?” He asks me.

  “I do but, my dad is all like ‘ugh’ about you and is so close that I bet he can hear us,” I mumble. Christophe pins me and I squeak.

  “Uh! I’m like in boxers in a tank top and your half naked!” I laugh.

  “Not to mention that I’m still in the room!” Sunny laughs and he jumps.

  “Sorry Sunny,” He blushes and me and Sunny laughs.

  “Eh, whatever,” she mumbles and goes back to talking to Angel, who is also laughing cause I guess he can see us in the background.

  June 29th

  Dear Journal,

  The first day of summer vacation!!!!! Yes! I am officially a sophomore! Yes!

  My dad isn’t here anymore and me and Christophe still go out and I’m still

  Friends with the guys and Sunny and Kitty and what not. This year was so

  Crazy I never thought that I would make it to the end of the year to be

  Honest we’re supposed to be going to the beach today sooo I ‘m making

  Sandwhiches and hijacking all the fruits from the fridge. My mom really

  Does seem to like Christophe, not in the fake way either. The legitimate

  “He seems like a good kid” type of like. Which is really cool cause I’m

  Allowed to go and hang out with him most of the time. Of to the beach,

  Later, Amethyst Lyell Alexander

  “Later mom!” She yelled while running out the door.

  “Ami!” Sunny and Kitty yelled once she saw her.

  “Beach!” Amethyst responded.

  “Hello ladies” Amethyst recognized Alex’s voice and spun around.

  “Hey Alex, Alias, Christophe and…What’s your name?” Amethyst asks noticing a girl standing next to Alex about his age.

  “This is Noelle, Noelle this is Amethyst, Sunny and Kitty,” He says in his very Alexander way.

  “She’s cute, I approve and really like her hair,” I say and Noelle laughs and Alex smirks.

  The beach is hot crowded and amazingly fun and after two straight hours of swimming Amethyst was content lying on her towel next to Alias.

  “Hey Alias?” She asked even though his eyes were closed.

  “Yeah?” He yawns.

  “What’s the matter?” She asks.

  “Absolutely nothing Ami” He says with a smile.

  “You sure man? You look a little too chill,” She laughed.

  “No such thing as too chill in summer, Ami! Remember?” He laughs and squirts her with his water bottle, laughing.

  “Ugh! I just dried off!” She yelps. “You’re dead!” She says and he takes off running toward the ocean and Amethyst follows close behind. Eventually the sun went down and we had to rush Noelle home, and Amethyst spent the night at the house where the guys lived during the school year.

  Three O’ clock am

  “Just thought you would want to say goodbye to him and all,” Amethyst hears a voice though her sleep and slowly wakes up. She sees ten long sharp blades in Christophe who has been pushed on to her floor.

  “Dad…and you people…and girl who wants my boyfriend…What. Do. You. Want?” Al
ias and Alex walk into the room looking emotionless and Amethyst doesn’t know what to feel.

  “We’re going to kill him,” Her father says. Which is when she realizes that she isn’t sleeping and the smell of blood in the room is enough to be highly nauseating.

  “Why aren’t you fighting back?” She cries as she asks Christophe who even though he’s lost pints of blood, is not weakening and looks as if he feels no pain but in his heart.

  “Because I deserve this, my time has come and I still don’t deserve you,” He says sadly, as If the words hurt more than the wounds. Now she is standing.

  “What are you talking about!?” She kicks and punches and bites at the people and they all fall easily to her power, which is making her vision rainbow neon and the crimson red with rage. But her father feels nothing.

  “What the hell?” She says.

  “You are highly powerful, but as I am your superior, you can cause no harm to me,” He laughed. “Let them kill me…and promise me you won’t listen to what they tell you,” He says through gritted teeth while having another sharp long blade in his spine.

  “I told you already, this boy is trouble…and now because of him…you have to be hurt,” Her father shakes his head.

  “How about you ask him why you really met? How about you ask him what his parents are? How about you ask him if he really cares about you and not the fact that you could give him all the power he wants? About how he’s the reason that the caliber-” Her father pauses and Christophe sobs and looks up at her with pleading eyes.

  “ENOUGH!!!!!” Alias shouted and everybody turned.

  “Free him, I give you my word…I sacrifice myself in his place,” Alias says calmly and kneels into position to be executed in Christophe’s place. Everyone in the room stops breathing and Christophe mouths

  “Don’t do it” to Alias.

  “Under one condition, the eldest boy promises to tell Amethyst what he did to cause this, and when asked to pay for his sin at a later date, he does so,” her father says. Alias looks upward toward him,

  “As long as she doesn’t have to suffer, I agree” Alias says. They remove the blades from Christophe who is shell shocked and while doing so Amethyst stops crying long enough to ask Alias a question.

  “Why?” Is all she says and he smiles and then laughs.

  “I would do anything for you. Anything for you to be happy and keep your smile…even if it mean I’ll never smile again. I don’t love you…I’m in love with you,” he says. And then the first blade goes in and he’s still smiling.

  The End…hope you liked the story XD


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