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A Beekeeper for Christmas

Page 11

by Kimberly Grist

Bethany laughed and followed the women out of the bedroom and took the arm of Mr. Montgomery, who waited in the hall. He patted her arm. “Welcome to the family, young lady.”

  Notes from the violin interrupted their conversation. Bethany’s knees shook, and she was grateful for the support of Mr. Montgomery’s arm and descended the staircase to the crooning of the violin.

  The faint aroma of apples and cinnamon filled the air from the icing of the wedding cake Moses’s mother made hours earlier. She met Moses’s gaze, who looked so handsome in his dark suit and string tie. Her heart hammered from the light in his eyes at her approach.

  Pastor Nelson’s voice interrupted her thoughts. “Friends, it is my honor to welcome you. We are gathered here on this day to join in marriage Bethany Phoebe Baker and Moses Jeremiah Montgomery. Who gives this woman to be married?”

  “I do.” Mr. Montgomery placed her hand in Moses’s, then took his seat next to Mrs. Montgomery.

  Annie cupped her hand to the side of her mouth and whispered, “Here comes the part about Adam and Eve.”

  Bethany met Moses’s grin, and they laughed softly together.

  The pastor extended his long arms. “It’s been my pleasure to offer counsel to Bethany and Moses in preparation for their wedding. Thinking about the couple’s vocations, the image of Moses in Adam’s place when he met his bride, came to mind. I could hear him saying, ‘Honey, you were made for me.’” Pastor Nelson grinned at chuckles from family and friends. “I often like to begin a wedding with a joke. It helps to eliminate some of the nervous energy that manifests itself at times like these. Helps me too, even when I’m the only one who laughs.”

  He opened his Bible and continued. “Because marriage was established by God in creation when He said, ‘It is not good that man should be alone,’ God fashioned a woman and brought her to him. In the same way, God placed a rainbow in the sky as a covenant to remind us of His promise never again to destroy all life on earth with a flood. The bond of marriage is the union of a man and woman in heart, soul, and body.”

  The pastor patted Moses’s shoulder. “When I look at our groom, it’s easy to visualize him in his role as protector. For a man, in most cases, the urge to protect is innate. What tends to be more difficult is to love and protect—not by domineering but by cherishing.”

  “In the same way, Bethany, by honoring and supporting your husband, you love the way Christ loved. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t offer an opinion. But do so in love.” Pastor Nelson nodded toward Annie. “At this time, I’ve asked our flower girl to sprinkle rose petals in a circle around Moses and Bethany. The petals are an illustration to remind you that not only are you surrounded by the love of family and friends, but you stand within the circle of your love for one another.

  “While this circle is only for the two of you, it is also symbolic of the Creator of love. Without God, your love is incomplete. Just as God created Adam and Eve, he knew for the circle to be complete for Moses, Bethany would need to be in it. And the same goes for Bethany. Her circle would not be complete without Moses by her side.”

  Trying to focus on the pastor’s words, she was comforted by the rough texture of her soon-to-be husband’s hands. Rough from hard work, yet talented hands that could strum beautiful music.

  Pastor Nelson patted his well-worn Bible with a thump. “Philippians, Chapter 2, starting with verse two. ‘ Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem the other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.’

  “The book of Philippians is not commonly associated with weddings, but maybe it should be. It’s written like a sweet song and reminds us that God humbled himself by showing up in person. He put on flesh and lived among us to show us what love is.”

  He cleared his throat. “Verse 8, ‘ And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.’”

  Moses stiffened at the sound of a yowl, followed by consecutive meows from the Montgomery family’s gray tabby. Bethany bit her lip to stifle a giggle as the cat continued its caterwauling and began circling Moses’s leg.

  Pastor Nelson cleared his throat. “Today, you are surrounded by friends, family, rose petals, the love of God, and a cat.” Laughter filled the room. Unable to withhold her laughter, Bethany burst into giggles and was thankful to see Moses’s grin.

  Making a circular motion with his hand, the pastor continued. “The intimate relationship we have with God can be demonstrated by a godly marriage—a place of safety, comfort, and encouragement. Moses and Bethany, you are unique individuals with different gifts. As you begin your married life, there may be times when you find the knitting together is difficult.”

  Memphis’s eyes widened, and Bethany felt a slight tug on the train of her gown, followed by a soft purr as the cat settled in for a nap.

  The pastor shook his head. “For whatever reason, one of God’s creatures has chosen this time to come in and interrupt my carefully planned marriage illustration. Not that I would ever compare our Father in heaven to a feline. However, allowing God into the inner circle of your marriage will help you stay put, work it out, and fight for each other and your marriage. Choosing to respond in love will help you to sustain a happy life together even when circumstances do not.”

  Bethany became keenly aware of Annie’s giggle when Molly’s three-year-old twins rushed to retrieve the cat. The pastor rubbed his chin. “I haven’t gotten to the part of objecting yet. But if everyone agrees, as a symbol of your union, please join hands.”

  Laughing, Bethany and Moses joined hands. She glanced into the crowd to see the faces of friends old and new smiling in support. The sight of Moses’s large family warmed her heart.

  “Marriage is the union of a man and a woman in heart, soul, and body. It is for their mutual joy and celebration in good times, and reassurance and encouragement in the bad. Remember to take time to celebrate and laugh together.”

  The pastor continued, “Moses, in taking Bethany to be your wife, I require you to promise to love and cherish her, to honor and sustain her, in sickness as in health, in poverty as in wealth, in the bad that may darken your days, in the good that may brighten your ways, and to be true to her until death alone shall part you. Do you promise?”

  Moses’s rich bass answered, “I do.”

  “Bethany, do you promise?”

  “I do.” A single tear slipped down Bethany’s cheek.

  Pastor Nelson continued, “Now you may seal your promise to each other by giving and receiving the rings. Moses, place the ring on Bethany’s finger and repeat after me: ‘I, Moses, take you, Bethany, to be my wedded wife—To have and to hold from this day forward. For better, for worse. For richer, for poorer. In sickness and in health. To love and cherish ‘til death do us part, according to God’s holy ordinance. And with this ring, I pledge you, my love.’”

  Moses took the ring from his brother, Mike standing next to him as best man. He placed a gold band on her finger, then kissed her hand. She offered a watery smile, content to stare into his eyes.

  One of the twins cried uh-oh, and the patter of tiny feet combined with the mewing sound of the cat in retreat. The pastor cleared his throat. “Bethany, are you ready?” He inclined his head toward Memphis, who was waiting to take her flowers while happy tears rolled down her face. Bethany passed her bouquet to Memphis, who placed Moses’s ring in her palm. Her hands shook when she put the ring on his finger.

  The pastor’s eyes twinkled. “All right then, here we go. Repeat after me. ‘I, Bethany, take yo
u, Moses, to be my wedded husband—To have and to hold from this day forward. For better, for worse. For richer, for poorer, In sickness and in health. To love and cherish ‘til death do us part, According to God’s holy ordinance. And with this ring, I pledge you my love.’

  “Moses and Bethany, in these moments, I have heard you pledge your love and faith to each other. Your friends and family members assembled here have heard you seal your solemn vows of marriage by giving and receiving the rings. Now it is my joy and personal privilege to declare you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

  Annie groaned, the twins clapped, and the cat meowed as Moses pulled her close and kissed her properly, much to the delight of friends and family.

  Pastor Nelson shook Moses’s hand and patted Bethany’s shoulder. “May God bless your union.” He pivoted. “Friends and family of the bride and groom, it is my pleasure to present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Moses Jeremiah Montgomery.”

  Moses lifted Bethany’s chin. “Thank you for marrying me and agreeing to bee my bride.

  Bethany’s cheeks lifted, and her eyes crinkled in a smile. “I love you and your terrible bee jokes.”

  “I’ve been saving that one for a very special occasion. I love you, sweetheart.”


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  A Beekeeper for Christmas

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  Other Books by Kimberly Grist

  Heaven Inspired Matrimonial Match Collection


  A Fresh Start for Christmas

  Memphis Rose Griffin loves teaching at Counting Stars Children's Home. The girls and staff are like family, and working here ties her to her mother, whose last wish was for Memphis to take her place as teacher. But something's missing. Now at the age of twenty-eight, her teenage dream of having her own family has all but faded.

  Until her pastor and the orphanage founder come with a proposal that will change her life forever. Should she become their first candidate for their new matchmaking venture? Though grim, at least her life at the orphanage is familiar and certain. Can she risk an unknown future with a man she's never met?

  The last thing thirty-three-year-old Mike Montgomery wants is to marry again, especially to someone he's never met. His family has other plans for him and completes the application without his permission--even changing some of his preferences to make him seem more intriguing. Can two star-crossed candidates dare to dream again?


  A Bride for David

  Mathematics teacher Daisy Murphy agrees to participate in a new matchmaking service organized by her pastor and the matron of the orphanage where she has spent the last fifteen years. Romantic, yet practical, she's systematically eliminated all candidates but one and anticipates getting to know him better through months of correspondence.

  Time is not on the side of David Taylor. He has a nephew and niece to think about, and his attorney has warned him he will lose custody of both to their rich grandfather if he doesn't have a wife.

  A teacher longing for security, a businessman about to lose the only family he has, and a proxy marriage that can give them both exactly what they need.


  Willow’s Worth

  Telegraph operator, Willow Graham, has benefited from a unique lifestyle growing up on her grandfather’s ranch. She loves the wide-open countryside, where she rides and trains animals. With her twenty-first birthday approaching, her family pressures her to return to the city and take up the lavish lifestyle her uncle has planned for her. But another option piques her curiosity –a matchmaking agency’s recommendation that she begin correspondence with a handsome farmer.

  Hardworking, twenty-seven-year-old, Leo Weaver, is a man of many talents. He’s helped his father develop a successful farm. Loyal to Carrie town, he volunteers as a deputy sheriff. But handsome and charming, Leo’s become the target of several well-meaning ladies in the community who have submitted his name for a new matchmaking venture.

  Willow craves the outdoors. Leo loves community life and wants to live in town. Can a matchmaking agency really help two independent people realize the opposing desires of their hearts?


  The Innovative Women of Carrie Town, Texas Collection

  Rebecca's Hope

  Raised by her guardian and influenced by the mostly male population of Carrie Town, Texas, Rebecca benefited from a forward-thinking, unorthodox education not typical for a young woman in the late nineteenth century.

  As an adult, she is armed with skills that most would covet, yet she lives in a boarding house, works as a waitress, and struggles financially. Most single women in the area didn’t stay single long. Most, but not her. The one man she had said yes to was dragging his feet. The townspeople all agree she needs a husband. Even the young girls in her Sunday School Class have taken action by writing an ad for the paper.

  Wanted: Husband for Rebecca Mueller. **Must be handsome, nice, like children, and live within walking distance of Carrie Town School.

  Will her circumstances change and allow her to hold out for true love?


  Emma's Dream

  In my first novel Rebecca's Hope, I introduced a western town in the late 19th century filled with colorful characters and innovative young women. Emma's Dream is a continuation of the tale based on Rebecca's best friend. While other young women in the late nineteenth century are reading about proper housekeeping, Emma studies herd improvement, and her cooking skills leave a lot to be desired.

  Our story begins several months before Rebecca's wedding. Circumstances require Emma to take on the household chores, which include taking care of her six-year-old twin cousins. Like a double-edged sword, help arrives in the form of Grandma Tennessee, who manages a household with ease but whose colorful stories, old wives’ tales, and superstitions flow like a river.

  As I researched pioneer life in the late 19th century, I found that superstitions were widely practiced as immigrants migrated and cultures blended. One of my goals, as I wrote, was to give an accurate account of the period while exposing the inaccuracy of the quotes and beliefs in a humorous way. Hence the birth of the delightful character, Grandma Tennessee.

  Emma's Dream is a story of love that's tested by distance and has the perfect combination of history, humor, and romance with an emphasis on faith, friends, and good clean fun!


  Lois's Risk

  Lois Weaver has been schooled to be polite, lady-like, honest, to clean, cook and sew, so that at the proper age, she would marry. As an adult, she surpassed her father’s expectations with her skills and beauty only to shatter them when she opens a dress shop. She risked everything to start her own business.

  Now the handsome bank owner has come calling. So why isn’t she happy? And why can’t she forget about a certain farmer with big brown eyes? Daniel Lawrence, former Texas Ranger, gained immense satisfaction when he purchased his farm and livestock. His new way of life is not only a means to make a living but adds a sense of fulfillment. The only thing lacking is a wife and family.

  He is just shy of proposing when a family tragedy forces him to open his home to his grieving sister and his niece. How could he bring a new wif
e home to this? Lois is heartbroken because Daniel is ignoring her. Can she go against the 19th-century rules of how a woman should behave and have the courage to tell Daniel how she feels?

  Combining history, humor, and romance with an emphasis on faith, friends, and good clean fun. Fans of historical romance set in the late 19th-century will enjoy Lois’s Risk a delightful tale of courage, and reminds us how God uses adversity to strengthen us and draw us closer to Him.


  Maggie’s Strength

  Twenty-year-old Maggie Montgomery is a petite young woman ahead of her time. She's had a wonderful childhood and enjoyed spending time with her father and five brothers and is happiest working in the smithy with them. A competent cook and housekeeper, as a favor to the local doctor, she moves in to assist his wife, who is struggling to recuperate from a bout of pneumonia.

  A tomboy at heart, she ignores her mother's pleas to dress more appropriately, until the son returns. A recent graduate of medical school, although handsome, the young doctor is stoic and obviously put out that his father has hired her to help his mother recuperate. Sparks fly, and suddenly for the first time, Maggie is concerned more about how she is perceived by others, especially the young doctor? The question is, why? Can they get past their first impressions?

  Maggie draws on unrelenting strength where iron sharpens iron—forging an unexpected result of the romantic kind.


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