The emerging age is characterized by the Dynamic Feminine, the final piece in the quaternity of static and dynamic feminine and masculine. The Dynamic Feminine is symbolized by a spiral, which moves from the center of the Static Masculine cross, pushing outward without limits, reintegrating the divided opposites of left from right and upper from lower, back toward the unifying circle. The Dynamic Feminine is characterized by creativity, chaos, and passion. By allowing spirit to move us into ecstasy, rather than using our heads to define spirit, it brings us ecstatic, rather than dogmatic religion. It connects rather than divides. As it spirals out into a circle, it connects inner with outer, individual with collective, up, down, left, right, mind and body, all into an inseparable dynamically moving whole.
It must be emphasized that in personal or collective systems, moving from one chakra to another does not require that we negate previous levels, but that we instead incorporate them. By reclaiming our bodies as individual temples, the Earth as a manifestation of living divinity, and the feminine as an equally important divine archetype, without negating the divine masculine, we are beginning to address the imbalances that have been imposed by the heavenly Father God over the last 3,000 to 5,000 years. By addressing social imbalances between races and genders, between work and leisure, between sacred and secular, between progress and conservation, individual and collective, we are approaching the balanced characteristics of the fourth chakra. Balance does not require a denial of anything, but an integration of everything, even light and shadow.
In Jungian theory, four is the completion of the quaternity, a stabilizing bringer of balance, a reintegration with the primal "one." In chakra four, the Hero's Quest of the third chakra era now moves to its next important stage-the Return Home. Here we reintegrate our technological prowess with the needs of the Earth, carrying with us the fruits of our heroic activity from chakra three, to now benefit the planetary culture we are struggling to evolve. We now enter the realm of reflexive consciousness, becoming aware of ourselves and our process.
The dawning of the age of Aquarius, a fixed air sign, marks the true arrival of the Age of the Heart Chakra, with an emphasis on humanitarianism, compassion, self-reflection, integration and healing. It is the peace that emerges within and without when essential balance has been achieved.
In 1969, with the advent of space technology reaching out beyond the limits of the planet, we were able to achieve a glimpse of our single, blue planet as if it were a political unity. As our astronauts and their cameras returned home with the global image they gleaned from their heroic journey, you could say that Gaia, through the eyes of humans, caught her first glimpse of herself. This moment, during the consciousness expanding period of the sixties, was a turning point in evolution. It was the beginning of the Return Home, the dawning of a global consciousness, the first collective awareness of ourselves as elements of a global entity.
Simultaneous to this dimmest dawning of planetary realization came the popularity of psychological inquiry, with a marked increase in people entering therapy, a process of deep self-reflection. It was in the same decade that James Lovelock first formed the Gaia Hypothesis, (the idea that the Earth is a colossal living being), that psychedelics opened people's awareness to the interconnected nature of all life, and that the new sciences of quantum physics, chaos theory, and dissipative structures began to leak into the mainstream and undermine the old scientific paradigms of reductionism and determinism. It was in the sixties that consciousness-oriented disciplines such as yoga became popular in the West, that people were tuning in, turning on, and dropping out, to reemerge later with the foundational principles for a new paradigm: the sacred principles of love, peace, and balance.
It was in the sixties that the Aquarian Age first began, but it is now, in the new millennium that we must anchor the Aquarian Age in the realities of our planetary parameters. It is time to become conscious agents in the dawning of planetary consciousness. It is time to realize ourselves as part of a living Earth, and offer our heroic achievements back home to the planet itself. For the outcome of a "coming of age" ritual is the formation of a new identity.
Our new evolutionary order must encompass and combine the planes and stages of all levels of consciousness. We can embrace Gaia as a mythological concept offering us a new identity as global participants. Benjamin Franklin once said that his greatest invention was of the term American, back in a time when the land was inhabited by French, English, German, Dutch, Indian, and others. The term American united this diversity in a single concept-united by the land they lived on. The word Gaian, can now provide a new identity-which includes all living beings-not only different races and genders, but different species, plants, and animals can all share this global identity.
The massive quantity of information generated by our observation of the natural world can steer us toward a more harmonious relationship with Gaia, using our growing technology in harmony and balance with the natural environment. To reclaim the body and its realm of feelings is important to physical health and personal empowerment, as is the reclamation of will that has been disowned by authoritarian cultural values. But the application of that will toward a new stage of love, compassion, and balance, rather than heroism and domination, is necessary to bring us to the dawning stage of the Heart Chakra, and the peace and healing we hope for in the future. Global communication, information networks, integration of spiritual values into everyday life, and the visioning of a sustainable future are upper chakra attributes that need to be brought "down" to the central point of the heart, in order to bring these changes about.
This is an exciting time of tumultuous changes and limitless possibilities. Because the future is uncertain, searching, visioning, and communicating are essential. For in the evolutionary drama, we are now simultaneously part of the audience, members of the cast, and authors of the drama itself. We are the co-creators of the evolutionary future.
1. For more information on chakras and individual childhood development, see my book: Eastern Body, Western Mind.
2. Marion Woodman, Rolling Away the Stone, (audio tape) (Boulder, Co: Sounds True Recordings, 1989).
3. These terms: static feminine, dynamic masculine, static masculine and dynamic feminine, used throughout this essay are derived from the work of Jungian analyst and Berkeley professor, Gareth Hill, in his book: Masculine and Feminine: The Natural Flow of Elements in the Psyche (Boston, MA: Shambhala, 1982).
4. Erich Jantsch, Self-Organizing Universe, (NY: Pergamom Press, 1980), 137.
5. Riane Eisler, The Chalice and the Blade: Our History, Our Future, (San Francisco, CA: Harper & Row, 1987).
6. Marija Gimbutas, The Civilization of the Goddess, (CA: Harper San Francisco, 1991).
7. Ibid.
8. Riane Eisler, The Chalice and the Blade: Our History, Our Future, (San Francisco, CA: Harper & Row, 1987), 44 if.
9. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, The Phenomenon of Man, (NY: Harper & Brothers, 1959), 200 if.
10. Al Gore, Earth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit, (NY: Houghton Mifflin, 1992), 201.
Chapter 13
journey of healing these wounds, they understandably want to avoid at all costs, inflicting similar difficulties upon their own children.
Today's children need intelligent guidance that supports their growth and integration in body, mind, and spirit. Finding spiritual models that can be applied to children-models that address their development in a way that honors the different stages of a child's life can be difficult. Schools educate the mind, but suppress the body's natural urge to run and play. Daniel Goleman, in his best-selling book, Emotional Intelligence, illustrates the need to educate and mature the emotions before the intellect. Some children grew up completely eschewing religion, because they were made to sit on hard pews, or read books that were intellectually beyond their understanding,
and thus have no interest in spiritual matters when they are older. Others, grow up to completely ignore the body, and incur health problems as a result. Still others, steer away from colleges and other intellectually demanding tasks because they grew up to believe they didn't have the necessary intelligence, often because they were given tasks as children that were beyond the abilities of their age.
The Chakra System, based on the seven wheel-like energy centers of the body, provides a profound mirror to the stages of childhood development. This system shows how the chakras develop sequentially, from bottom to top, as a child matures from birth to adulthood. In my personal growth seminars based on teaching this model as a way to heal adults from their past traumas and current difficulties, I am constantly asked by the parents in the audience, "I have a child who is at this stage right now. What do I do to support his development?"
This question goes beyond simply avoiding abuse-but moves into the creation of optimal human beings. This occurs through supporting children in all dimensions of their experience-physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually-and supporting them in ways that are appropriate for their current level of development.
What follows below is a brief introduction to the chakras and their childhood developmental stages, with simple advice for parents on how to support the unfolding of these important areas in a child's life.
Promote Embodiment
The most important thing you can do at this stage is to help your child come fully into her body. Frequent touch, holding, carrying, nurturing, and attendance to physical needs cannot be stressed enough. Your touch affirms your child's physicality. Your holding teaches her to hold herself. Playing with your child helps her develop motor coordination. Playing with her feet and hands, supplying toys she can grasp, playing when she's in the bath, all help stimulate motor development. Setting up an appropriate environment that is safe and comfortable, with age-appropriate toys helps the child relate to the outer world in a positive way.
Establish Trust by Allowing Attachment and Bonding
The child's only source of safety is through attachment to the primary caregiver. It is important for the mother (or father if he is primary parent) to be there as consistently as possible during the first year as a ground for the child. This means picking her up when she cries, frequently holding and cuddling her, talking to her, protecting her from loud noises, hunger, cold, or discomfort, and feeding her when she's hungry, rather than by a schedule. Some parents have difficulty allowing this attachment to form, because the child's natural neediness feels too demanding. Allowing this attachment to occur helps the child become more independent later.
Consistency of presence during infancy helps to reconcile the dilemma of trust vs. mistrust in a way that brings hope and confidence. Knowing that the parent is always there allows the child to relax into the development that needs to occur, rather than rise into tension and hypervigilance.
Appropriate Day Care
If the mother needs to work during the first year and can't be there with her child, she leaves her child at a disadvantage. Unfortunately, financial circumstances often make this the only option. The best parents can do is provide the healthiest child care possible, acting as advocates to make sure the child gets the care she needs. Making sure the child is touched frequently and appropriately, fed on demand, and cared for by competent adults in an age-appropriate environment are a few things the parents can look into when finding day care. Spending time at the day care with her child until she gets used to it is also helpful. Family day care and in-home babysitting are more likely to offer continuity and consistency. In addition, the mother needs to understand that the child may need extra nurturing, touch, and motherchild bonding in the evening at home. This is especially demanding on single and/or working mothers who are often exhausted at the end of the day. Yet, time taken for nurturing during the first year pays off in the long run with a calmer and healthier child who makes less demands later.
A feeling of safety comes from a safe environment. Peace in the home, protection from loud noises, sharp objects, falling, cold, and violence of adults or siblings is essential. Remember, environment is self to the infant. What they are embedded in is the first influence on who they are.
When a child is in an unfamiliar environment, such as a store, a park, a doctor's office, or a friend's house, the parent is an island of safety for the child. Understand that your child will be more insecure, and need to come to you again and again for reassurance.
Healthy Nourishment
Feeding schedules, though convenient for the parent, do not allow the child to establish her own rhythms, nor do they teach her that the world will respond to her needs. Breast feeding has been proven to be healthier emotionally and physically, as breast milk contains important antibodies, and the experience of breast feeding promotes mother child bonding, through physical closeness. But studies have shown that the emotional state of the mother while feeding is actually more important than whether it comes from a breast or a bottle. A bottle given lovingly is better than a breast given resentfully. Healthy nutrition on the part of the mother, refraining from harmful substances that flow into the milk, such as drugs and alcohol, and healthy nutrition when the child begins eating food are also essential to building a healthy body.
If you successfully handle this stage, you will give your child a healthy foundation from which to meet the many challenges that life will bring. She will have a sense of her own body and aliveness, and a sense of hope and optimism that the world can and will meet her needs.
Allow Separation and Attachment
Your child will now be in the hatching stage, beginning to separate from his parent as his body development allows him more and more movement. Because this is scary to him, he will go back and forthmoving away and coming back to see if everything's OK. In some ways he will seem even more attached, and this is natural. It is important to support both these movements-to encourage the separation by offering safe opportunities to explore, and by being warm and loving when reassurance is needed.
Provide Sensate Environment
Your child is exploring the world through his senses. This is his main mode of experience right now. It is important to provide colors and sounds, interesting toys, touch and pleasure through play, and a safe environment to explore. Your voice and attention are a major part of the sensate experience.
Support Exploration Through Movement
Your child wants to move about right now. This is not the time for a playpen, and if you must use one, use it only for short periods of time. Instead, find places where he can crawl and walk about safely, where he can run in the park, roll around in the yard, and learn to use his body in its new found joy of movement.
Reflect Emotions
Your child is learning his emotional language. If you want to teach emotional literacy, it's important to mirror his feelings. Be responsive to his cries and expressions of rage, fear, need or confusion. Don't negate or punish him for his emotions-he can't help what he feels. Reflect words to show him you understand: "How sad you look right now!" "Are you scared? Do you want Mommy to hold your hand?" Though he can't speak very well yet, he is beginning to understand words by listening. He will understand that his feelings have a name and that even without language he can communicate to someone what he needs or wants.
Be aware of your own emotional needs and states, as well as the emotional "field" in the household. Children pick up our rage and fear, anxiety and joy. Take care of your needs as much as possible so your unresolved emotions are not projected onto the innocent child. Create a positive environment.
Support Autonomy and Willfulness
As your child begins to separate, celebrate her independence. Try to support her in her willfulness, hard as it might be, by offering choices whenever possible. Instead of asking, "Do you want Cheerios?
" "No!" "Do you want corn flakes?" "No!" "Do you want oatmeal?" "No!" and then getting exasperated, you can say "Do you want Cheerios, corn flakes, or oatmeal?" Or you can pick out two suitable outfits to wear, and give her a chance to choose. Give your child opportunities to feel willful in ways that are safe and appropriate.
Encourage Self-esteem
As the ego identity is forming at this stage, be sure to take delight in your child's accomplishments and make her feel appreciated. Support her independence without rejecting her. If you give your child tasks that she can successfully accomplish, she will develop confidence. Age-appropriate puzzles and toys, small jobs around the house, like putting toys in a box or picking up stuffed animals, can help to foster a basic sense of confidence. If she insists on doing a task that is beyond her abilities, such as tying her shoes, help her accomplish it. By all means, refrain from getting critical or overly frustrated by her awkward attempts to do simple things. Have patience. It will pay off in the long run.
Successful Toilet Training
Your child will indicate to you when she's ready for toilet training. She will show an interest in the toilet and adult bathroom activities. She may tell you when she's wet or resist diapers when you're putting them on. She will stay dry for longer periods of time. Sphincter muscles are not capable of holding on until the child is 18 months to 2 years. It may not be until age 3 that she can go all night without a diaper. If you wait until the time is right, she will feel a sense of pride over this new adult behavior, rather than engage in a fruitless battle of wills.
Wheels of Life Page 32