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The Syn-En Solution (SciFi Adventure)

Page 15

by Linda Andrews

With Beijing's arousal pressed against her, Nell couldn't feign ignorance, nor could she deny the answering desire shimmering through her, or the titillation of being trapped between the cold elevator wall and Bei's hot body. The erection prodding her soft belly only punctuated the point. He wanted to have her in the carnal sense, not in the pick up my dirty socks way. Fear tainted the excitement drumming through her veins.

  Bei's hands squeezed her derriere, lifting her against him then easing her away in a gentle lapping motion, parodying the act he proposed.

  The sex act.

  With her free hand, she explored the slope of his neck, skipped over the knot of cables to toy with soft black hair at his neck. Parts of him had been enhanced, she looked forward to discovering just how much. The metal pouch crinkled between them. Nell glanced at the chocolate shake fit for astronauts. Did she want to have sex with Bei?

  Was Ulysses S. Grant interred in Grant's Tomb?

  It was a stupid question. She'd wanted to jump his bones almost since the moment she saw him. Except Bei didn't have bones. Did knowing that parts of him had been replaced by machines cause her hesitation? Could she really be so prejudiced? Shame heated her cheeks and she stared at his smooth chin.

  Bei's blue eyes narrowed and he continued to study her face. "Your expression is easy to read, yet I would know the cause of your doubts."

  Good Lord, she couldn't tell him she might be a bigot.

  "Is it because I am Syn-En, more machine than man?" He stopped kneading her behind to cup her jaw. His fingers teased the curls around her ears while his thumbs stroked her cheeks.

  Her skin tingled under his touch. "No!"

  God help her, she believed what she said. Instead of relief, her doubts tripled. She groped like a blind woman in a strange environment, trying to find her way through the overwhelming desire.

  "Then you do not find me a worthy mate." Bei eased away from her.

  Although only an inch separated them, the distance might have been miles. Loss and panic tumbled through her. "I- I-"

  What are you waiting for? This is one of the reasons you're here. Her mother/conscience tsked.

  Nell straightened as a glimmer of unease twitched through her. Could there be another hidden purpose to her arrival on Bei's ship? To their overwhelming attraction?

  For pity's sake, Nell. All animals exist to procreate.

  Of course they do, but the Syn-Ens are sterile. She'd never have Bei's baby. She'd never?

  You will. I've given you the solution to the problems. Just take the time now to practice.

  Practice sex? She had been celibate for over a hundred years and really, why not? Nell shook her head, hoping to dislodge any other stupidity that had taken up residence before she blew her chance. She didn't have to sleep for another century to realize a man like Bei didn't come very often. He was kind, good, strong, treated her with respect and looked darn good in a uniform. Okay so maybe the last bit made her a bit shallow, but who cared? He wanted her; she wanted him.

  So what was stopping them?

  Her stupid doubts. Nell locked them away. For the first time since she woke up in the cargo bay, she felt in charge of her life. As for this attraction, practically every thought screamed at her to go for it. "Bei, I-"

  "Say no more."

  The elevator glided to a stop and the doors opened. Bei removed her hand from his nape, pivoted on his heel and strode into the hallway.

  Nell rushed to be by his side, nearly tripping over her boots.

  He sidestepped, blocking her path so she couldn't walk next to him.

  "You're angry." Nell's voice trembled. Damn. Too bad she couldn't blame him. She took a sip of her drink. The chocolate tasted like mud on her tongue and congealed in a heavy mass in her stomach. "I'm sorry. Okay?"

  "Do not apologize."

  The tightness of his voice squeezed her heart. Idiot. She'd hurt him with her silence. "Bei."

  He didn't turn.

  Nell reached out to touch his shoulder.

  As if sensing her intentions, he increased his pace. The door to his quarters opened at his approach. He entered without breaking stride. "The rations are on the table. You will need to add water to reconstitute the food."

  Nell dismissed the metal box on the table to concentrate on the bed. How was she going to get him into it, preferably naked? Given his size, tackling him was out of the question. Even a provocative striptease wouldn't work since he refused to look at her.

  Bei shoved aside the closet door, yanked out a duffel bag and started ripping his clothes off the hangers.

  "You're leaving." Desperation clawed at her. She had to stop him. There had to be a way.

  "You will be comfortable here. It was designed for human use, not Syn-En." He tossed the words into the closet.

  "I don't want you to go." Nell's fingernails dug into the palms of her free hand.


  "Please stay."

  Bei zipped his duffel.

  Nell hurled her drink at his back. The silver pouch exploded, spraying a starburst of brown droplets around the room. Several splattered on her cheeks, nose and forehead, but she didn't care. He needed to look at her.

  Bei carefully set his bag on the deck, reached behind him and peeled the pouch from between his shoulder blades.

  Gathering her courage, she uttered the one thing that might make him stay. Please God, keep him here. "I want you."

  "Why?" Bei crumpled the pouch into a tiny silver ball, before shoving it into the waste receptacle. His attention remained on the half-empty closet.

  The vacuum whirled then faded, sucking her thoughts out of her head. She just said the three hardest words of her life and he wanted more. "Why?"

  "Yes, why?" He still did not look at her.

  Nell floundered. Her reasons seemed trivial now, not nearly enough to convince him of her feelings. They'd known each other only a short time, and yet, she knew him. His kindness, his honor, his strength and gentleness called to something deep inside her. If she lost him, a part of her would die.

  Say something, Nell, before he picks up the duffle.

  Tears stung Nell's eyes. She closed them and surrendered her head to her heart. "I want you because your belief in me makes me try anything to succeed, to live up to your faith. You look at me in just that way and I feel beautiful. You smile at me and I know everything will be alright."

  Fabric rustled.

  She squeezed her eyes tight. Please don't pick up the duffle. Please don't go.

  Maybe you should stop listing all the things he does for you, her mother/conscience chided. What's in it for him?

  Nell sensed him move closer. "I want to give the same to you."

  He was near now.

  His unique scent surrounded her like enticing fingers, his heat warmed her very core. Afraid to open her eyes, to watch him reject her, but needing to act, Nell reached out, touched hard muscle and splayed her fingers over his chest. "Beijing, please give me another chance."

  Fingers grazed her right cheek, stroked her jaw before settling under her chin and tilting her face upward. Nell's heart raced as Bei's mouth touched hers. His firm lips urged hers open while his tongue traced the crease. When he entered her mouth, she tasted the chocolate and heat of him. Her hands slipped up his chest, over his shoulders and latched onto his head, pulling him closer. This was what she wanted. This and so much more. His hair brushed against her palms as she explored the moist, slick territory of his mouth.

  Bei's calloused fingers caressed her hands before breaking her hold and ending their kiss.

  Nell groaned. No. She didn't want it to stop. Opening her eyes, she licked her lips and savored the lingering taste of him. Who needed foreplay with a man who kissed like that?

  Resting his forehead against hers, Bei cradled her head in his large hands and kept his gaze locked with hers. "Name your terms."

  "Terms?" Nell's thoughts were as fuzzy as he appeared at this close range, but she wouldn't close her eyes. She liked to
watch his pupils expand and contract as his cerebral link tried to control his body's response to passion. Resentment pricked her desire. Couldn't he turn that computer off for this? She wanted to know how the man reacted to her.

  "To our mating." Bei kissed her forehead, inhaled deeply as if to breathe her in.

  Tendrils of hair tickled her skin. Desire magnified her senses and she felt his groan as he trailed kisses across her temple, down her cheek before stopping to nibble at her ear. Nell tilted her head to the side, allowing him maximum access. She wanted him to kiss her neck, loved to have the sensitive tissue nipped and sucked.

  As if he heard her, his mouth traced her jugular, drawing in her skin with every pulse.

  Nell groaned as desire melted her insides yet tightened her body. If he kept that up, she might climax before he actually touched her. She squeezed her thighs together and her legs almost buckled at the delicious pressure on her swollen clit. Oh, heck. She raked at his shirt, trying to rip it off him. She at least wanted him half naked before she came.

  Easing away from her, he stripped his shirt over his head.

  Magnificent. Well-defined muscles accentuated every peak and valley. Not a scar, freckle, hair or mole marred his dusky skin. Greedy to touch him, to find his pleasure points, she reached for his nipples. They cinched tight under her caress and she strummed the buds. He growled in pleasure but it wasn't enough. She wanted to taste him, every inch. She'd start with them then work her way up, down, sideways, backwards and forwards.

  Bei's hands on her shoulder held her away. His Adam's apple bobbed in his corded throat. "Your terms."

  His words rasped in her ears. Nice to know he was as affected as she. Gently, she squeezed and tugged at his nipples.

  He hissed through clenched teeth and shook her gently. "Dammit, woman. Your terms."

  His growl penetrated her haze of desire. He wanted terms? Of what she wouldn't do, what she would, how many, how long, how often, positions? Positions. She latched onto the thought. "I can't be on top. I float."

  Bei smiled. "I have enough metal in my skin for both of us."

  "Good." Nell leaned forward again but he kept her at arm's length. Okay, maybe positions wasn't what he meant. She blew the hair out of her eyes. So much for the stereotype of women wanting to talk at inconvenient moments. "I don't understand what you mean by terms."

  "How long do you wish to mate with me?"

  Nell blinked. How long? Her mind boggled at the implications. Energizer bunny meets Viagra. Sure one of her exes had accused her exaggerated libido of trying to ride his dick off, but to actually program a snooze request? "Don't you usually go until you, ah, come?"

  Embarrassment burned her cheeks. She so didn't need the birds and the bees talk from her soon-to-be lover. And just where was her know-it-all mother/conscience when she needed a little inside information?

  Bei grinned then chuckled before laughing outright.

  Nell crossed her arms over her chest. Humor at her expense was not an attractive trait. "What's so funny?"

  With his hands, he followed the curve of her back to her shirt's hem. He toyed with the edge while lifting it to her waistband. "You are thinking about how long I want to be inside you, correct?"



  Nell sucked in her stomach as his finger slipped along the front of her pants to circle her navel.

  Her hips followed his movement, encouraging his teasing lower. Resisting the urge to grab his hand and put it where she wanted, Nell tucked her hands inside his pants and kneaded the hard flesh of his backside. It was good but not enough. She wanted more. "That will make walking difficult, not to mention dressing."

  Bei playfully swatted her behind. "Terms refers to the length of time of our exclusivity arrangement."

  Nell's brain sluggishly processed the information. "You want to know how long our relationship is going to last?"

  Dang, sleep for a hundred years and men had actually evolved enough to value relationships. Could it be possible or had a woman programmed their cerebral interface? "Are we talking monogamy or me washing your socks and picking up your dirty clothes?"

  "Sexual exclusivity." Bei tugged on the top button of her pants, easing it free. "I can tend my own hygiene needs."

  Nell held her breath, willing her pants to drop to her ankles. Instead they clung to her hips. Damn zero gravity. She wiggled her behind, hoping her trousers would get the message while purposely rubbing against Bei. Both stoked her frustration. "So you don't want to shower with me? Wash my back while I wash yours."

  Either alternative required absolute nudity. And she was going to get them there. Giving up on subtlety, Nell reached for her pants and unzipped them. The soft fabric cascaded down her legs and whispered to a stop around her boots. Cool air washed over her exposed skin. The hem of her shirt brushed the top of her thighs. One down, one to go. The commando bit had unforeseen benefits. Nell grabbed the hem of her shirt.

  Bei's nostrils flared and his blue eyes darkened to cobalt. His hand on hers stopped her from removing the tunic. "I am certainly willing to help you remove your uniform."

  "Then I shall return the favor." Anticipation burned sweet and intensely in the pit of her stomach.

  He closed his eyes as she released the garment to trace the ridge of his erection. Heat and strength pulsed under her palm. Nell popped the top button of his fly.

  "And your terms?"

  Nell reined in her rampaging desire. It mattered to him these terms, but how long was too long? A part of her rebelled at setting a time limit. Yet he needed it. She could give him this. "I don't know. What's standard?"

  "There isn't one."

  Cupping him through his pants, Nell rose on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek, felt the press of firm skin against her lips and the exotic taste of him on her tongue. "How long do you want?"

  "Because I asked, you must decide the terms."

  Irritation flared through her. His answer sounded too much like a twentieth century sex game. A cop-out to blame her if things go bad and he felt trapped. But Bei was different and it wasn't just his synthetic arms and legs.

  "How long would you like to be with me, Nell Stafford?"

  Forever. Nell bit her tongue. She'd known him less than two days and didn't want to seem desperate, but then again she wanted in his pants, wanted him. How long was enough to establish her interest without leaving her stinking of Eau de Spinster? A couple weeks? A month? "Until we get to the planet."

  Disappointment tugged on his mouth and pinched the sensitive skin at the corners of his eyes. "I see."

  Darn. She'd picked the wrong time, but did he want longer or shorter? Nell took the coward's way out. "Then I'll ask you to name the terms. By then I should know if you snore or not."

  His left eyebrow arched but the tightness left his features. "I do not snore."

  Nell smiled at him. She loved his face, the experience and responsibility that chiseled the planes and angles. The intensity shining in his eyes, aimed at her. Only her. "So you say, but if you're sleeping how would you know?"

  "None of-"

  Nell set her index finger over his mouth. She didn't want to talk about him and other women. Heck, she didn't want to talk at all.

  For once neither did he. He licked the pad of her finger before nipping it gently then clasped her hand and traced her lifeline with his tongue.

  Nell shivered. Never had she considered her palm an erogenous zone before. With her free hand, she caressed the bulbous head of his penis, lubricated her skin with the dew of his desire and stroked his shaft. Real or not, she couldn't tell by touching it. "Do you agree to my terms?"

  Nodding, he released her hand, slanted his mouth over hers and reached for the hem of her shirt. His tongue darted in and out, tasting and taunting until she bit his bottom lip. He smiled against her mouth before trailing kisses down her chin, along her jaw to the hollow under her ear.

  Her stomach quivered as his knuckles skimmed her belly. Inc
h by inch, he pushed the fabric up. His fingers swept her skin, back and forth, back and forth, another inch.

  Her body coiled tighter upon itself, bringing her closer to sweet release yet still to far away.

  "Stop torturing me." Nell raked her nails down his back and shoved her hands down his pants. His zipper parted before she pushed them over his firm ass. Finally, his pants slid down his long legs. Clenching his butt, she ground him against her, reveling in the scorching velvet erection digging into her belly.

  He arched into her. Hot flesh against hot flesh. Insanity raged through her. Now. Soon. She'd scale the man to go down on him. But when she tried to wrap her legs around him, her pant leg caught on her boots and nearly swept her feet out from under her.

  Bei caught her, holding her squirming body tight against his before he jerked off her shirt, devoured her with his gaze.

  Her breasts grew heavy, ached for his touch, his mouth.

  But his calloused hands only teased the soft bottoms, echoing the curves along the sweep of her ribs.

  Nell moaned. Never had making love been this maddening. She backed toward the bed, milking his arousal with both hands to make sure he followed. He was thick and long and huge. Good heavens, enhanced was definitely an understatement. How the heck was she supposed to walk after being impaled on that?

  "I want your responses, every groan, sigh and hitch of your breath."

  "You want my response." She released him to grab his hands and set them on her aching breasts. He squeezed gently and pleasure zinged straight to her core. "This is frustration."

  And maybe a little fear. Definitely some excitement.

  "That one I knew." He chuckled, teasing her pert nipples but making no move to suckle them.

  She'd have to tell him what she liked and discover what turned him on, but later, after the first or fifth time. The back of her legs hit the bed. She flopped onto the mattress and grabbed the blanket to keep from springing back up. Propping herself up on her arms, she offered him her best come hither look. "Take me, I'm yours."

  "Do you want to be on top?" Bei's gaze roamed over her, igniting an inferno within her.

  "Not if you have to talk me through it." She stilled under the caress of his eyes and hoped he liked what he saw, prayed he'd adore what she could do with it. Skimming his flanks with her hands, she admired the strength and warmth under them. Nell stared at his penis and debated taking it in her mouth for a long pull or two. He wasn't the only one who craved a lover's response.

  "Deal." Stepping between her legs, Bei stretched out on top of her. His muscles bulged as they held his weight, yet firmly pushed her into the soft mattress.

  Nell's hands played along his back as his body molded to hers.

  He kissed her forehead then her eyes, the tip of her nose while his thighs spread her legs wider. His cock probed her once before sliding between her folds. The friction against her swollen clit pushed her higher. Her nails dug into his ass and she demanded he move faster, rougher. He pinched her nipples and tugged on her breasts while his mouth sucked on the pulse point at her throat. The sensation pushed her over the top and her body spasmed with her climax.

  While the evidence of her desire flowed from her, Nell's breath rasped against the hollow of his neck. She sank her teeth into his throat as he was poised at her damp opening. He pushed inside, slowly filling and stretching.

  Pain mingled with pleasure at the intrusion. Yet she lifted to meet his thrust, craving more, wanting all of him. He pulled out, then penetrated ever deeper. Never had it felt like this, been this good. His muscles flexed from the frantic pace. Her desire mounted mirroring his own. She tweaked his breasts and delighted in his groan, taking his pleasure as her own. Her body tightened around him, pulsed to a tempo as old as time. Close, so close.

  He reared back and slammed into her. Again and again, carrying them closer to the pinnacle in a bruising rhythm. She clung to his shoulder, tasted the salt on his skin. How much more could she take before her body imploded from the pleasure? One more thrust and the world around her exploded, and her cry of ecstasy joined his.

  A true leader never shows weakness in front of his subordinates.

  During times of trial, he demonstrates strength of purpose, certainty of actions and unwavering determination.

  Principles of Leadership

  Syn-En Vade Mecum

  Chapter Fifteen


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