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Break my heart (Estate Series 1)

Page 5

by Georgia Plumb

  Sherri pulls out some clothes from the wardrobe and puts them on the bed to take them off the hangers. Me and Reid both look at the bed when we notice what’s in the pile, his leather jacket. Lord knows I should have gotten rid of it the day he left it here, but I just couldn’t bring myself to bin it. He looks up at me with that same question on his face, I quickly look away so he doesn’t see my red cheeks. Another thing I just couldn’t throw away, it kind of felt like I would be throwing us away.

  Continuing to pack up the last of my clothes, I stand to see what’s left, almost everything is packed and they start taking it down to the van. While they are downstairs, I open my bedside table draw, taking out the box inside. Opening it I look through all the memories of me and Reid that I kept, movie tickets, valentine’s cards, old photos, more things I couldn’t let go of. I put it in the laundry bag with my clothes and lug the bag downstairs taking it out to the van. I take my house key off my keyring putting it through the letter box and walk to my car. I turn my back on the house that has plagued my life and I do it with a smile, years I imagined leave this place, and now, I’m finally free.

  Settling in at Sherri’s took no time at all. Sitting at table having dinner with her and her mum, I finally felt like I was at home.

  Sherri’s mum Diana is the kindest lady I’ve ever met. She told me I’m welcome here as long as I need and wouldn’t take any help with the bills. I just have to help out with the shopping and clean up after myself, little does she know if I didn’t do the shopping at my mum’s I would never have eaten. I don’t tell them that though, I can already see sympathy in both of their eyes. I realised as I unpacked that I’d left my dairy at my mums, it makes me feel icky leaving it there, I’ll have to sneak back in and grab it soon. I feel a little unease at Diana knowing what’s going on, she pleaded with me at least three times to go to the police, but promised she wouldn’t say anything as long as I never go back to live with mum.

  Luckily, no one mentioned the state of the house, I was expecting questions about the bottles, but nothing came. Asking Sherri about it, she admitted that she told the guys that mum doesn’t clean much and is a bit of a slob. It was a far fetched lie, but at least it stopped them asking questions.

  The rest of the week passes in a blur, and soon a new week starts. I had a call from Brady earlier telling me my car was ready to pick up today, and I kind of am excited to see Reid again. I’ve been trying to get the guts to send him a message, but every time I write something I end up deleting it before sending.

  I’m such a wuss.

  Making my way to the garage I see my car parked on the lot ready to go. Brady is under a car fixing something as I pass, I yell a quick hello as I open the door to the office, inside I find Lizzie on the phone and Reid on the computer at the desk. Hearing me enter he looks up and smiles, Ah why does he have to smile at me like that when I try to tell myself I haven’t missed him. “Hey Beck’s” he smirking at my obvious discomfort “Car’s all ready. Here is your paperwork and your keys” he tells me as he passes them over “But what about the invoice?” I ask, he looks a little shy as he tells me it’s on the house, What? “I can’t let you do that” he actually looks like he might blush at any moment, I’ve never seen this side to him, he’s normally the quiet, brooding type “Naw it’s all good, wasn’t a big job” he says, but I feel like he’s not telling me something “Erm ok. Well, thank you” I tell him as I turn to walk away “Are you coming to Brady’s tonight?” he asks making me turn back around. Why is he trying not to look at my face? “What’s happening at Braid’s?” I bet it’s another raging party, one I won’t be attending…. If I can try and stop Sherri dragging me “A few of us are watching a movie. Sherri is coming” he says, knowing she won’t give me a choice but to go with her “Oh yeh, probably then…. well, I’ll see you tonight” I say as I walk towards the door giving Lizzie a wave as I pass her on her phone call “See you later Beck’s” Reid calls out, I smile as I leave the office and walk to my car. Maybe things are changing between me and Reid, but I still want answers as to why he broke my heart the first time, and I will get them.

  Pulling up at Brady’s house with Sherri in the passenger seat I’m actually looking forward to this get together. It feels like old times when we would all meet up, play games and watch movies. Getting out the car and walking up the drive I see a car I don’t recognise; an ugly pink VW Beetle sits in the drive “Whose car is that?” I ask Sherri “Err I didn’t think they would be here…. I’m really sorry Becks” she says hurriedly running up the path to the house. Who is here? And why is she sorry?.

  When I get to the garage I realise why. Tiffany Williams and Stacy Brown are standing by the drinks table.

  What the actual fuck…

  Brady and Gavin are getting chewed out by a furious looking Sherri in the corner, I want to feel sorry for them, but they kind of deserve it. I can’t believe they are here, after watching Reid feel up Stacy just hours after he dumped me I never wanted to see her again. With Tiff being the Queen B, it doesn’t shock me that they are friends “Ew, what is that doing here” Stacy asks the room while looking at me “Who invited the nerd?” Tiff adds, I stand there trying and failing to keep the tears at bay. Why do these guys hate me so much, the only thing I ever did was fall in love with Reid and because they wanted him, that somehow made me target number one.

  Walking over to Sherri, she is still whisper shouting at the boys “How could you have them here after what Stacy did to Becks? How stupid are you Brady! Just because you wanna get your dick wet, why should we suffer!” she yells in his face “They just turned up Shez! I didn’t invite them” He tells her, trying and failing to stop her yelling at him “Guys I might just go” I announce to them, I do not want to be here and it’s not fair to make Brady kick people out of his place “No Becks, don’t leave because of them! They should leave” she pleads not caring who hears her now, she even points at them which makes them sneer. They won’t mess with Shez though, Oh no, my girl would beat their asses and they know it.

  Just then Reid walks into the garage and surveys what’s happening. Sherri, seeing him storms over, Oh god, there is a 50% chance she will cock punch him “Get them out! They are being horrible to Becks and they need to leave” Now!” she yells at him. To give him credit, he doesn’t even move back a step when she gets in his face, he just looks towards Tiff, she gives him a smile while shaking her phone at him.

  What the hell does that mean?

  Is there some secret bitch language that I don’t know about?

  Reid seeing this closes his eyes, clenching his fists as he takes in a deep breath “I think if Becca doesn’t like it then she should leave” he says taking my breath away. Stumbling back, I watch as he walks over to Tiff and wraps his arm around her waist kissing her neck. I feel like vomiting, how could he be so nice to me for weeks, treat me like things were changing between us again, just to do this to me for a second time.

  I should have known it was all a joke, turning around and rushing out of the room, I make a dash for my car while choking on my sobs. I hear Brady and Sherri yelling for me not to drive while I’m upset, but I can’t hear them with the blood rushing to my ears. How could he embarrass me like that in front of everyone again, what have I ever done to him but love him, why is my life like this. I get in my car and crank the engine, not knowing where to go I just drive, I drive until my tears dry up and I feel numb. Seeing the dance studio, I pull into the car park, I need to get rid of some stress before I crack. Taking a breath, I get out my car and make my way in ready to lose some of this anxiety that’s running through me. Nancy the lady who owns the building took one look at me, gave me a job and key and told me if I ever have to let off steam, to let myself in, how right she was.

  Walking out from the changing room in my leggings and sports bra, I go to the centre of the room. Mirrors encase three of the walls so dancers can see how a move looks from all angles. Limbering up my muscles I crank my neck from side to side
, trying to relieve the tension I feel. I get the remote from my pocket and turn up the stereo until its almost deafening. Little Mix’s Sweet Melody blares from the speakers as I let myself go to the music, feeling the beat pass through me as I move my body to it. I dance until my legs feel like they can’t carry me anymore, and I can think with a clear mind. When the song ends I’m sweating and heavy breathing, but I feel so much lighter. Why am I letting Reid and those sluts run me out of places I want to be, why am I letting it get to me. I need to forget about him and them and move on with my life, it will take time but I make a plan to build myself, and to stop letting them tear me down.

  Chapter Six

  Pulling back up at Brady’s house, I lock my car and walk up the path with my head held high, time to put my big girl pants on.

  Walking in the garage and see Reid on the armchair with Tiff draped on his lap, he looks furious until he sees me, surprise colours his face, seems he didn’t expect me to come back. I ignore him and walk over to Sherri “Where did you go babe, I’ve been trying to call you” she asks while throwing daggers towards Reid “I went to dance for a while, but I’m fine now. Actually, I’m better than fine” I tell her with a smile on my face, I’m feeling empowered right now “I’ve decided I won’t let them run me out” I say with determination “I never thought you should anyway. You are our friend, you deserve to be here so much more than those skanks ever will” she says hugging me to her side, “Erg, the nerd is back I see” Tiff says from Reid’s lap, ignoring her I grab myself a drink and walk over to the stereo. Some chart girlie pop crap is playing, I’m guessing Tiff or Stacy’s choice. I connect my phone to it and put on Breaking Benjamin’s Failure, blaring it through the speakers “Hey! We were listening to that!” Tiff screeches “What is this shit?” Slutty Stacy asks, I turn to look at them “We don’t play your shitty pop music here. If you don’t like it, leave” I say as I walk back over to Brady and Sherri with a spring in my step. Sherri looks about two seconds away from pissing herself laughing, Gavin comes over and gives me a high five “Can’t stand that damn pop shit” he says with a smile “Excuse me little geek” Tiff says as she starts stroking Reid’s chest “We don’t like your shitty music, so maybe you should take your fat ass home so we can enjoy ourselves without you ruining our night” she spits. I smile so wide, little does she know, my mum has said far worse to me before. Nothing she says to me will ever compare to the shit I got from her, I’ve been called so much worse by my flesh and blood.

  They expect me to cower and run, instead I turn to look at Reid, he looks miserable with Stacy on his lap as he looks up at me “You need to keep your bitch on a lead” I say to him, he looks at me with surprise. I’ve never stuck up for myself before, but all the hurt has finally given me the courage to know my worth “How dare you!” screams Tiff as she gets off Reid’s lap, he immediately grabs hold of her around the waist to hold her back “Do you know what I could do to you bitch” she spits bordering on the insane now “Wow, you’re one crazy bitch” Brady pipes up walking over “I’ll give you two choices, either apologise to Becks for what you said or get the hell out of my house” He says sternly, folding his arms over his chest while he waits for her answer “What! You’re taking this hippos side?” Stacy pipes up to defend Tiff “Okay that’s it, get out, both of you! I won’t have you be like that to her. I only tolerate you because Reid invited you and he’s my friend, but don’t think for a second that makes you mine” he says right to her face. Spluttering, Stacy huffs and stomps out the garage “Come on Reid, we don’t need them anyway. Let’s go back to my place, my parents aren’t at home” Tiff says in a sultry voice, I clench my fists so hard I feel my knuckles crack. Reid looks like he’s having an internal battle with himself as he looks at me, until Tiff adds “Or shall I get my phone out and show everyone what I’ve got?” Reid blanches and looks at her, if looks could kill Tiff would be a murder scene right about now, he can’t move fast enough as he mutters a goodbye and drags her out of the room. “What was that” Sherri echoes my very thoughts exactly, something is going on, I need to find out what.

  The next day I’m determined to find out what Tiff was going on about, Reid looked at her like he couldn’t stand her last night, which makes no sense when he lets her feel him up and sit on his lap, So why does he have her around if he hates her? I get up early telling Sherri I’ve got errands to run, if errands mean forcing my ex to fess up, then sure.

  Making my way over to Reid’s house, I see his black Golf in the drive. Good, he didn’t stay at Tiff’s last night, the knowledge makes me breathe a little easier. Walking up, I knock on the door, smoothing down my pretty yellow sundress, feeling more confident than I have in months. After a beat Reid answers dressed in low cut jeans, looking up I see he’s topless which isn’t helping my resolve to move on from him. He looks HOT, six pack doesn’t even do justice to this boy’s body, his hair is wet and flopping over his forehead. Arg now I’m imagining him in the shower, this is not what I need when I’m meant to be focused! “Beck’s! I didn’t know you were coming over” he says as he moves from the door to let me in. Walking through to the front room I sit on the sofa ready to hash this out. He saunters in, still shirtless, and plops himself down on the armchair opposite. I clench my thighs together to try and stop the ache I get from just looking at how his muscles bunch and move as he lounges in the chair “Where’s your mum?” I ask, trying to say anything other than for him to take me upstairs and I need him alone to ask these questions. Stupid girl hormones, all he has to do is sit here with his abs out and I’m ready to climb him like a tree. I need to make a note to buy myself a vibrator….. or a muzzle “She’s out with her councillor. Turns out she’s dating him” he says with a smile, I hope to god he can’t see the blush on my cheeks from my sordid thoughts “Wow, good for her. She deserves to be happy” I say with a genuine smile, Hayley is long overdue some happiness “What can I do for you?” he asks, okay straight to the point, I forgot how blunt he can be. My nerves start to get the better of me with his sitting there staring, I almost want to bottle it and just run back to Sherri’s. With the last bit of self-control I have, I rush out the question “I need to know what Tiff meant by having something on her phone to show us last night” I huff out “And don’t lie to me, I know there is something going on. I think after everything, I deserve to know” I tell him, thank god I got that out. Waiting patiently while he sits with his hands braced in front of him. He looks tired now I examine him closer, dark circles frame his beautiful deep blue eyes “You really want to know? It will change everything and nothing” he says cryptically, everything and nothing? What is that supposed to mean, damn man and his riddles! “I need to know” I tell him, he shifts in his seat making me wince as I rub my thighs together. I don’t have this reaction to any other man, I don’t know how he gets me so hot and bothered like he does, he runs both hands through his hair as he takes a deep breath “You remember the party Halloween night” he asks. Oh god, Thinking about that night makes heat rush to my cheeks, this is not going to help with how turned on I already am. That night we got all hot and heavy on the dancefloor at Brady’s, we may have borrowed his room and that was the first night I actually went down on him. We had done other stuff before, but blow jobs were terrifying for me at the time. I got so drunk that night that I lost all my inhibitions and dragged him into the nearest room. I was way beyond ready to have sex with him but he refused while I was drunk, that was the night before he dumped me. I’d gone back with Sherri that night because she was upset about breaking up with her sleezball of a boyfriend she had back then. The day after I found the note on my doorstep “Of course I remember that night, and the day after” I say sadly looking to the floor “You have to know, I didn’t see another way out. You were about to get your levels in dance, you were looking for a job and a career in it. I couldn’t let this happen, it would ruin your reputation before you even had one” he says, what is he talking about? “I’m so confused. What are you saying�
�� he’s making no sense, how could anything from that night ruin my reputation?.

  Blowing out a big breath he continues “I promised myself after you left, that if you came home and asked me, I would tell you the truth” he says looking at me “That night after we left the bedroom, Tiff came up to me. She was ranting and raving about her being perfect for me and that we should be together. She wanted me to leave you for her. I of course told her hell no, she then said she had something that would force my hand” he says, I knew she wanted him, she told as much many times while we were dating “What did she have?” I ask him, this is bad, I can’t see it in his eyes “When we went to the bedroom, we were so lost in each other that we didn’t think to check it was empty” check the room? There wasn’t anyone there, I think we would of noticed I laugh in my head “Tiff was in the bathroom, she heard us come in. She videoed the whole thing Beck’s, took photos the lot, she threatened to post them all over social media if I didn’t break it off with you. I didn’t know what to do, I didn’t want anyone seeing you like that, so I did what she asked…..I hurt you to help you” he says, he looks so broken, I can’t believe what I’m hearing….she was there! She saw me pleasuring my boyfriend, I feel sick….


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