Break my heart (Estate Series 1)

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Break my heart (Estate Series 1) Page 14

by Georgia Plumb

  Planting my feet on the bed, I slide my hand with the vibrator into my thong to reach my clit. Clicking the button on the top I let out a gasp when pleasure shoots through me from the vibration making my toes curl, Oh god why haven’t I thought of using this before! I swirl the bullet around my entrance and back up to my clit making me moan “Oh god” I bring my hand to my breast and squeeze painfully tight, I need something else though, it feels good, but it’s just not enough.

  Hearing the door click shut, I look up through hazy eyes to see Reid with his back against the door. His eyes are glazed over and hungry as he watches me playing with myself, I need him to come and finish what I started “You look beautiful” he says in a husky voice, lust coating his words, I finally got him.

  Prowling over towards me, he stands at the end of the bed watching me, clenching his fists in an attempt to control himself. When I bring the Bullet out from my underwear I switch it off and throw it on the ground, it may have been fun, but it doesn’t compare to my man and what he can do to me. Inching my underwear down my legs I throw them on the floor to join the toy. As I trace my fingers down my wet fold I look up to see Reid barely controlling himself, his hand is twitching to touch me, I need to push him over the edge.

  Pushing one finger into my centre I bite my lip as I look at him “I need you” I tell him trying to make him snap. As soon as the words leave my lips, he grabs both my ankles and pulls me to the end of the bed, letting out a squeal I release myself and let him take over. Putting my legs over his shoulder he leans down and smiles, Oh god “Hold on tight” he says before he licks my entire slit from top to bottom making me scream in delight. My hips buck into the air when he starts feasting on me, placing his hand on my tummy he hold me down so I can’t wriggle away from his onslaught. Gripping the sheets, I tilt my head back as the first waves of my orgasm wash over me, pushing my heels into his back, I explode on his tongue and ride it out on his face. Feeling limp, I try to catch my breath as he crawls up my body nipping and sucking on his way, pulling down the cups of my teddy he sucks one of my breasts in his mouth making me moan. Releasing it with a pop he looks up at me with a smile full of bad intentions “I’m not done with you yet” he says before claiming my lips. Feeling his weight in between my thighs, I grind against him but his damn jeans are in the way. Slipping my hands between us, I grab the hem of his t-shirt, he has way too many clothes on still. Getting the hint, he breaks off our kiss to grab the back of it and rips it over his head. Unfastening his belt, I use my feet to push his jeans and boxers down until I feel his hot hard length slap down onto my clit making me shiver, Oh it’s on.

  Grinding his hips into me I let out a breathy moan when I feel his cock rubbing against my wet folds, I move myself up a little to get him right where I want him. “You’re bad” he says with a predatory grin, “Only when you don’t give me what I want” I say with a smirk. Arching his brow, he moves forward to enter me, but he only gives me and inch.

  Move you big bastard!

  I try all I can to get more of him but he wont budge, letting out a frustrated growl I grab his hair to bring him closer to my lips, but I don’t let him kiss me, two can play at this game “Give it to me Reid, or my vibrator friend on the floor will do it instead” I say smirking at his angry expression, ha! Someone is jealous of a toy.. need to use that more often if I get this reaction. Forcefully he thrusts all the way inside me making us both groan in pleasure, starting off at a lazy rhythm I push the heels of my feet to try and make him go faster “I’m trying to keep control Beck’s. I don’t wanna hurt you” he whispers squeezing his eyes shut “I don’t want you in control. I want all of you…. hard” That does it. Hearing him growl he forcefully takes my lips in a bone crushing kiss before thrusting into me almost painfully.


  That is what I’m talking about!

  I scream as he pound into me relentlessly, loving every second of it. It’s not long before I feel another orgasm on the cusp of my pleasure “I hope you’re close Beck because I’m not going to last with you squeezing my dick like that” he says straining to hold himself back “I’m coming!” I scream as my orgasm takes hold, wave after wave of pleasure goes over me as I ride out the best orgasm I’ve ever had.

  Ok… definitely using the bullet to provoke him again.

  With one powerful thrust he follows on closely behind me, filling me up. I have never experienced such an intense orgasm like that before, I felt like I left my body and went to heaven for a little there. Trying to catch our breath we lay there, a mess of limbs, for what feels like hours. My arms and legs feel like noodles, pushing up on his elbows, he gives me the sexist smirk ever “Thought I was in control for a second there, but I’ve got to admit. I like this new bossy you. Makes the sex very interesting” he says on a chuckle “That’s what you get for making me wait this long without it” I say as I wriggle out and walk towards the bathroom. I’m a hot mess right now, and I’m in desperate need for that shower I faked having earlier.

  Best. Fake. Shower. Ever.

  Chapter Twenty

  After that night, Reid isn’t gentle with me anymore, it’s the best decision he’s made ever. Most nights he leave me spent and breathless. It’s been amazing.

  We spend our days watching movies and going to the garage to see the guys like a normal 20 year old couple. There has been hardly any drama whatsoever, of course something has to ruin it and pop our little bubble. Reid found the letter from my mum in my bag when I asked him to grab my purse, I’d totally forgotten about it. He couldn’t understand why I hadn’t wanted to open it, I tried explaining that anything she had to say was nothing I wanted to hear, but he was relentless. He thought it would be more evidence against her if it were her confessing more about what she had done. “Do you want me to open it?” he asks me looking at it in my hands “No… I need to do this alone. Would you mind giving me a minuet” I don’t want him here to read her toxic words, because what else is it going to be right? “Ok, ill be downstairs if you need me” he says kissing me on the cheek. After he leaves, I flip the envelope a few times before I finally stop being a wuss and open it.


  If you actually open this letter I’ll be surprised. Nothing I’ve ever said to you in the past was nice, so why would you want to risk reading a letter written by a monster. I know its cliché writing a letter to apologise after all I’ve done. But that’s what I want to try and do. I don’t want to blame the drink because it was my decision to drink in the first place, but it changed who I used to be. I never wanted children, so when I fell pregnant with you, I blamed you, and for that, I’m sorry. I want to say I was never going to bring you to the house that day even though he had paid me, but I can’t forgive that I walked away and left you to him. I have demons in my head that make my every move and they thrived on your pain and suffering, they always have. I realise this is a shitty apology, but I needed to try. The demons have quietened now I can’t drink, and I can finally see a little clearly.

  Just know I am sorry for everything.

  I hope you can move on and forget about me once and for all.


  Well, that was not was I was expecting. I have to re-read it at least 3 times before I realise that what she’s saying is real, this is who my mum used to be before she started drinking. It’s all too late in my eyes, she can apologise all she likes, I cannot forgive what she did to me.

  And I will never forget.

  The call came the day after I finally opened that letter, mum had cut her wrists with a plastic knife she had managed to sharpen enough to open a vein. The guards found her the next morning in a pool of her own blood, I don’t feel anything though. All these years I protected her, I took the beatings and the vile words she spoke and I never said a word. But when she left me on the kitchen floor that day to be violated by him, I realised she wants any sort of mum I wanted in my life. If she had just got help for her addiction, things may have been different, but I know now that i
t wasn’t my fault. I didn’t ask to be born, she had options to have me cared for, but she chose to punish me for my existence instead. I didn’t shed a tear when they told me, I actually just felt relief.

  Relief that she can’t hurt me anymore.

  When I told Reid what was in the letter he wanted to know if I believed her, and in truth, I do. When she wasn’t drinking she used to show some sort of compassion, but still never enough to love me.

  No one attended her funeral, she had no one. Her parents died a long time ago, she never spoke to them anyway, they never approved of her falling pregnant and kicked her out there and then. I chose not to go as well, I didn’t need to say goodbye, I needed to say good riddance.

  We finally had the trail date for Gary’s conviction, it’s in a week’s time. The sooner it happens the better, I just want to get this all over with so I can move on with my life and put this all behind me. I’m dreading being near him in the court room, but I’m determined to put him behind bars so he can’t do this to anyone else. I’ve been in regular contact with Abi who has been talking me through how the trail will run so I’m prepared, she’s coming with me so she can give me support if I start to have an attack. Luckily the police allowed me to record my statement on video, so I haven’t got to sit on the stands and recount what happened in front of everyone.

  I try to keep myself busy for the rest of the week, but the trail is always in the back of my thoughts. What if they only put him away for a couple of years, he could get out earlier for good behaviour, and I know no protection order would stop him.

  He would come for me.

  All these thoughts have been swirling away In my head for the last week making me on edge, I don’t think I’ve got more than 3 hours sleep most nights….. not matter how much Reid tried to wear me out, and he tried a lot. When the trail date finally rolls around I’m a mess of nerves, it takes me an embarrassing amount of time to get ready on account of my shaky fingers. I had no idea what to wear today, I’ve never set foot in a court room before, don’t they all wear pant suits? Choosing the only option, I have, I pull on my black wrap dress, seeing my boobs spilling over the top I release a cry of frustration. Apparently my boobs are very happy I’m pregnant, they haven’t stopped growing since my last scan, and my back is not happy about it. I fumble through my draws looking for anything that I can wear that will cover these babies up a little bit, because they are definitely not suitable for a courtroom right now. I could almost cry when I find my floor length grey cardigan, it has a tie string around the middle so I can keep it closed to try and keep these puppies under control. Thank god Reid is in the shower right now, because one look at these and we wouldn’t even make it to the courthouse.

  Walking into the bustling court room, I try not to smile when I see Sherri waving like an idiot from the middle of the rows.

  Seems even a sombre day like today won’t stop her being who she is.

  When I see Brady, Spencer and Gavin next to her I almost cry, I can’t believe they all came today, I didn’t expect this. I give them all a watery smile as I walk over with Reid to sit in their aisle “Thank you, all of you. You didn’t have to come, but I can’t tell you how happy I am to see you all” I say trying not to let the tears fall. Feeling a tap on my shoulder, I turn to see Abi smiling at me in the row behind “How are you doing?” she asks me quietly, “Well, I feel in control at the moment. So lets hope that carries on” I say with a smile, I really don’t want a break down in front of all these people “Erm. This is totally unprofessional of me, But” She starts, knowing what she’s asking I turn to him to get this started “Gavin” I whisper shout interrupting her, when he turns to look at me I smile at him as I start introducing them “Abi, Gavin. Gavin, Abi” when he turns to look at her I actually see his jaw drop at how beautiful she is.

  Ok, this will work.

  “Er…Heylo..No..I mean…Hi” I don’t think I’ve ever heard her stutter before, she’s normally so fluid with her words. I try so hard not to snort, but a little gets through earning me an elbow in the arm making me smile “Hello Abi, Nice to meet you” he says reaching over to shake her hand, he looks transfixed when she takes his hands. I turn back around to leave them with their conversation, when the judge walks up to her podium, feeling a hand come to my leg, I look over to see Reid giving me a smile. “Court is in session” the judge says banging her gavel to get silence in the room “Please bring out the defendant” Oh god.

  I watch as two armed guards bring Gary out in handcuffs and place him at the bench. He Looks around the room once he’s sat down, I try to make myself as small as I can so he maybe doesn’t spot me, but he does. He lets out a sinister grin and blows me a kiss making me feel ill, he is sick “Mr. Gary Spergeon. You have been brought to trial before me today under the charge of Rape, Breaking parole, Breaking two protection orders, attempted rape, battery, unlicenced weapons and attempted murder. How do you plead” she asks pushing her glasses up her nose “Not Guilty” he says while grinning, I gasp in shock. He’s going to deny everything! Does he not understand with the evidence we have he has no hope. “Can we see the evidence please” The lady judge asks huffing, she knows he’s just trying to drag this out. Over the next hour, they go over all the evidence, cctv, the rape kit, DNA the lot. The whole time he just sits there, and smiles. Adjourning the court while the judge goes over the evidence, we sit outside while we wait to find out if there will be a judgment today, or if it will be adjourned for longer. What is taking them so long! All the damning evidence is right there. Sitting here biting my nails, I can’t stop wondering what’s keeping them in there so long, what don’t I know.

  After another half hour they finally call us back into the court room saying the judge has come to a verdict. “Mr. Spergeon. Do not think for a second I have been in that room debating if you are guilty or no. Your total lack of remorse or compassion makes me sure that you most definitely did what you have been accused of. If your smarmy smile didn’t convince me, the pile of evidence that the police have compiled is surely damning. I have been in my office trying to find the worst place other than hell that I can let you rot in”. Seeing the smile wiped from his disgusting face, I cheer internally as the judge brings him down a peg or two.

  You go girl!

  “I find the defendant guilty on all counts. I sentence you to prison for no less than 20 years with no chance of parole. I have made some calls and you will serve out your sentence in Wakefield prison. Take him away” she says banging her gavel. Closing my eyes, I look to the ceiling with relief as the tears track down my face, I can’t believe its finally over. 20 years, he’ll be 70 before he ever gets out of prison, if he makes it out. I look over when the guards lift him up to see him looking back at me with a face full of rage, feeling happier than I have in years, I lift up my middle finger and give him a smile of my own.


  7 months later

  “He’s beautiful you guys” Sherri says cradling my little boy “I can’t believe you have one of these” Oh, god, I’m going to cry again. My hormones are all over the damn place at the moment. Ever since having my baby boy yesterday I can’t seem to not turn into a blubbering mess every 10 minutes. The doctor told me it’s completely normal, but I’m not so sure, surely I shouldn’t be crying at someone calling him beautiful…. Or dropping a blanket. Labour was one of the most beautiful and painful experiences of my life, one I won’t be repeating again too soon. Being 3 days overdue, I was praying for my water to break so I could stop feeling so uncomfortable. But once it did I end up in a panic when I remembered I have to push him out, goddamn that hurt. “Go on, What have you called him?” Sherri asks stroking his perfect little head, “Michael Colton Doyle” I tell her itching to have him back already, is it right that I miss him even when he’s still in the room… I need to get a grip.

  Michael is the most perfect baby ever, after 14 hours of labour, he finally entered the world at 2:54am on a rainy Wednesday morning. Reid had cried like
a baby when they placed his tiny little body in his arms, I may have already been crying, but hey, I just had a baby. He’s got the deepest blue eyes I’ve only ever seen on one other person, His father. Along with the full head of black hair, we didn’t have to question the paternity when he came out a carbon copy of Reid. We chose not to go through with the test while I was pregnant as we didn’t like the risks, how ever small they were. Turns out we didn’t even need them, he’s the double of his daddy. Moving to try and get a little comfortable in the rock-hard hospital bed, I let out a little whimper when I sit on things that are way beyond sore “Damn, did he break you” Sherri asks with a smirk “One day, when you have kids, I’m going to remind you of this” I say glaring in her direction, watching her smile drop, I feel a great satisfaction when she looks petrified, just she waits till she feels how much it hurts. Hearing the door, I look up to see my man walking through the door, the love I have for him has grown so much more over the last seven months, if anything I love him even more than I did the first time we were together “Hey baby, how are you doing” He asks kissing me on the forehead. He’s been so amazing throughout my pregnancy, even though he didn’t know if Michael was his, he never once let it show if it ever bothered him. He was there for every appointment and scan, buying things for the baby every chance he had, he’s been my rock through it all “I’m sore, but I’m okay” I smile up at him, I still can’t believe we have a baby together, I’m a lucky lady. “How is my little man” he says as he walks over to try and steal him back “He’s having some Auntie Shez time, so back off” she tells him with a glare, oh god, they’re fighting over him already. The door goes again bringing in Brady with a handful of balloons looking like an adorable doofus “Hey babe. Well done girl, I’m so proud of you” he says giving me a kiss on the cheek “Hey Braids” I say with a watery smile. “Now you’re both here, we can tell you. We wanted to know if you guys would be Michaels god parents?” Reid says clapping Brady on the shoulder “Are you shitting me? Of course bro, would be honoured” ahh he looks like he’s going to cry, I can’t take Brady crying “I’m going to be the best god mum ever, yes I am” Sherri coo’s to Michael as he wriggles around in her arms. “Can I have a hold?” Brady says walking over to her with his arms stretched out “Erm…Yeah, sure” she says with a croak trying to avoid his eyes. What’s that about, why is she being so weird around him? Normally she is chewing his ass or telling him to fuck off. I clear my throat a little trying to get her attention but she discreetly shakes her head at me as if to say Not now.


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