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Blood of the Fae (The Fae Chronicles Book 2)

Page 12

by Valia Lind

  She glances up, her eyes meeting mine through the portal, before she yells and swings her arm down. The portal disappears, taking the image of Hannah with it.

  Chapter 19

  I slump against Derek for a moment, before I twist in his arms and slap at his chest.

  "I could've helped her!" I yell, completely aware of how emotionally I'm reacting and not caring in the least. Hannah has become important to me. And I feel guilty. I suspected her there for a moment, and maybe that moment is what cost her her freedom. If not her life.

  "We couldn't have helped her."

  "I could've tried."

  "Avery. Avery!" Derek doesn't raise a hand to defend himself, just takes my smacks, giving me a moment to feel my emotions. I know it's not his fault, not really, and so I stop, dropping my forehead against his chest. Breathing heavily, I try to reign in everything I'm feeling. The rational part knows I'm exhausted and emotional. But I also feel helpless about the whole situation and I'm so tired of feeling this way.

  "Come on, we need to get going."

  "Can they track us?" I ask, as Derek gives my waist a quick squeeze, before stepping back.

  "No. They can't track Hannah's portals. But we shouldn't take the risk."

  I nod, turning to go. Julian and Nora have been standing quietly, waiting for me to stop my tantrum. Nora reaches for me, entwining her arm through the crook of my elbow, and pulling me close. We offer each other what support we can, as we follow Derek down the road.

  Hannah opened up a portal right at the edge of the human woods, so it's easy to follow the road. Cars pass us by, but we're far enough from the highway that no one offers us a ride. It's probably better that way. When a gas station comes in sight, I breathe a sigh of relief.

  We wait on the side of the road, as Julian goes inside to grab us water and information.

  "We're in Arizona. Near Flagstaff." He announces, handing over the bottles of water. I'm assuming he glamoured the clerk into handing those over, since we have no cash on us. His words surprise me, but Derek seems to expect them.

  "We need a car." Derek comments, and then walks off toward the parking lot. I'm not even going to comment on what he's about to do, because all I want is to be back to the cabin. I assume that's where we're going. The Ancients may have found us there before, but I'm really hoping Derek has a plan for that. I need out of this dress and I need time alone to deal with everything that's happened. This was an exhausting twenty-four hours to say the least.

  When an dark green SUV pulls up beside us, I'm not even surprised. We pile in, with me in the passenger seat next to Derek, while Nora and Julian get in the back.

  We don't speak the whole way there, as if each of us is lost in our own thought. And maybe I should be thinking over everything, but my mind is completely shut down. If I let myself think about it, I'll lose it all over again. And I can't do that in front of them. Not again.

  To say that I'm embarrassed I did in the first place is an understatement.

  No one wants to follow a leader that can't keep their crap together. And that's the level I'm at right now. I think if Derek wasn't here, taking care of things, I would've just laid down in the woods and went to sleep.

  Okay, now I'm just being dramatic and I need to stop.

  When we pull up to the cabin, it takes me a second to realize we arrived. Julian and Nora get out first, both heading for the house to give it a check, I'm sure. Derek stays in the driver's seat for a moment, as if waiting me out. I glance over, finding his eyes on me and somehow I know what he's thinking.

  The last time we were here, things changed between us. Now, things are different again. I have no idea what to do with those thoughts, so I push the door open and get out.

  "Welcome back," Derek comments over my shoulders. I don't turn around as I walk into the house.

  I race for the shower, because I know it's the only place I can be alone. Also, I want to wash all the grime off me. The water feels heavenly against my skin, and even though my water magic wants to come out to play, I don't let it. This cabin is our sanctuary for now. Even though the magic is protected and can't be traced, I'm paranoid.

  Every time I think that everything is okay, it all goes up in flames.

  When the tears leak out of my eyes and mingle with the water from the shower, it doesn't even register that I'm crying. I don't even know what I'm crying about. It just seems like the only thing that can release this pressure I'm feeling. So I let it.

  I am entirely different person than I was when I first came here. And even that Avery wasn't who I thought. It seems that my life is spinning out of control and I'm just trying to hold on to something, before I get thrown off the ride. I let the frustration and the exhaustion bubble for so long, and I'm finally letting it free. The questions press on me from every side, and I'm not getting any closer to the answers. So far, all that's happened, has made my situation worse.

  Now, I have to figure out how to fix it.

  Once I feel like I can face the group without losing my cool, I turn the water off and get out. Since we left without packing any of the things, my clothes is still here. I pull on dark leggings, as well as an oversized sweatshirt, and I leave my hair down.

  When I make it downstairs, Nora and Julian are on the couch. Derek is in the kitchen. The next moment, he comes out, carrying two steaming mugs in his hands, handing one to me. I notice Nora and Julian already have them in their hands.

  "Green tea?" I ask, and Derek nods with a small smile. When I settle on the couch, we each take a sip, none of us sure what to say next.

  "So this has been an interesting revel," Julian finally speaks up and for some reason, I find that funny. The laugh bubbles inside of me, and I don't suppress it. Soon, we're all laughing, and in this one moment, everything does seem like it'll be okay. But the feeling doesn't last, because that's not our reality right now.

  "What do we do now?" Nora asks, voicing the one question on our minds.

  "We rest," Derek replies, "And we regroup."

  "Do you think Queen Svetlana is alive?"

  "She's alive," Derek doesn't hesitate to reply, and I wonder if he'll know if she wasn't. "I'm sure she'll have control over her court soon enough. And then she'll be coming after us."

  By us he of course means me and him, and the betrothal she sprung on us.

  "How long?"

  "There's no way to know. But we'll do what we can. It'll be okay."

  "I'm glad you're so optimistic," I reply, not bothering to hide my emotions. "All of this? It's one big freaking mess. Now I'm being hunted by other courts, on top of the Ancients? That sounds just swell."

  The bitterness in my voice is evident, but I don't care. Apparently my emotions are coming in waves. So I'm just riding them at this point.

  "We'll figure it out. You know we will. It's the exhaustion speaking. We all need rest."

  He's right, of course. Not that I'll admit it. I just feel all over right now. The shower didn't seem to help as much as I would've liked it to.

  "Are we taking guard duty?" I ask, as I stand. Because I'm ready to rest, but I will do my part as well.

  "No. We'll rest. This place is safe."

  I take that at face value, as I head back up the stairs and toward my old room. I really hope I can turn my mind off long enough to rest.

  Chapter 20

  Tossing and turning, I try to find a comfortable position, but it's like no matter what I do, I jut can't relax enough to sleep. After trying for a few hours, I finally get out of bed, and tiptoe downstairs. The cabin is completely still, the rest of the group clearly don't have the same hiccups I do.

  I can't tell where all this pent-up energy is coming from. I'm not sure why my emotions are so unbalanced. I've always worked hard at keeping everything under control. Now I can't seem to keep any of it where it needs to be.

  Stepping outside onto the porch, I breathe in the fresh air. I really love this place, even though I probably won't admit it to Derek. The magi
cally created lake opens up in front of me and I somehow feel called to it.

  When I reach the edge, I step right into the water, moving my feet around to create little waves. Being near water does wonders to calm me and I almost let my magic roam free. But not yet.

  The space around me darkens suddenly, and I spin around, looking for the source. When my eyes land on the creature, I'm not even surprised. He floats a few feet off the ground, his robes moving in the gentle breeze.

  "You are back. As we knew you would return."

  "That just makes you slightly logical. I wouldn't pat myself on the back yet." The words escape me, bitterness dripping off each syllable. This is partially their fault. They could've left me alone. If they did, I never would've gone to Faery in the first place.

  "You are growing surer, Avery Kincaid."

  I stop whatever retort I had on my tongue as I try to remember if the creature has ever called me by my full name. I honestly can't remember.

  "I am growing tireder," I reply, because it's true. I should be treading carefully here, but that doesn't seem my response right now.

  "You will bring the book to us."

  "Why do you want it so much? Don't you already know what's written in there?"

  The question seems to honestly baffle the creature, because he doesn't respond right away. I can almost tell him thinking it through.

  "We have been around a long time, young one. Our magic is strong, but our memory is not as long. Centuries have gone by while we slept."

  I'm surprised I'm getting any of this information. It's like the creature wants to talk about it. Maybe he was the one who wrote the journal entries in the book I read. Those passages seemed so—human. Maybe that's what the creature is so desperate to reclaim.

  "You have read the pages."

  It's not a question, but I answer anyway. There's doesn't seem to be any reason not to. "Only a few pages."

  "The magic is on you."

  "On me?"

  "We are growing impatient, Avery Kincaid," the tone of voice changes suddenly, as if a switch as turned on. My heart grows cold at the sound, and now I'm back to being afraid. "The book. Bring us the book."

  "You no longer want my help to get into Faery?"

  "You are there no longer so we have no use for you there. The book is your concern now."

  "And if I don't?"

  "We have said it once, and we will say it before, we will do whatever it takes." The creature pauses for a moment, as if giving me a chance to prepare myself for its next words. "Your parents are well, Avery Kincaid. They won't be much longer."

  "No!" The word escapes me, as the creature begins to fade.

  "They will be the first. And then, everyone you hold dear will follow. Starting with your fae prince."

  "You can't!"

  "It is already done."

  My heart drops as the horror of that statement fills me. I fall to my knees, as the creature disappears and the space around me grows lighter. It's difficult to breathe, but I force the air into my lungs.



  My prince.

  I gulp air down, concentrating on doing the motions.

  My parents are in danger.

  My parents are in danger.

  My parents are in danger.

  I can't seem to think past that statement. I can't seem to stop spinning.

  I can’t—

  I can’t—

  I can’t—

  "Avery?" Derek is suddenly in front of me, dropping to his knees the sand. One look at my face and he stands, spinning around to make sure there is no present danger. Satisfied, he drops back down, and this time, he reaches for me. I don't even hesitate.

  Falling into his open arms, I cling to him as the air returns to my lungs. I'm a rational individual. I can come up with a plan ad I can execute it. I will not give in to my panic. I will not.

  "What happened? Avery?"

  "I'm fine. Everything is fine. I think I just had a panic attack, that's all."

  "I felt it."

  That makes me pull back, as I look up into his face.

  "You felt it?"

  "Yes, I—“ he stops, furrowing his brow in confusion. He's not used to this and I can't blame him. The connection between us has only grown with time. Now, it seems to be at another level. Neither one of us understand it, that much I can tell. But we've become something I never imagined and if this was another time and place, maybe we could explore that further.

  I know what I have to do, and Derek will never forgive me for it. None of them will. But I can't let my parents die, I just can't. And I have to protect Derek. And the rest of them. Which means it doesn't matter how I feel about Derek, or how he may feel about me.

  I guess it's just not meant to be.

  He's still trying to figure out what to say, when I reach over and place my hand on his cheek. He freezes immediately, his eyes flying over to meet mine. I give him a small smile, rubbing my thumb over his smooth skin. The fae really are so beautiful. But he's even more so. Because no matter how much everyone tries to make him be a certain type of a prince, he's one with his own mind. And his mind is just as beautiful.

  He's going to be so mad.

  He probably won't want anything to do with me.

  Right here and now, maybe all we will ever have.

  So I do something that I've been wanting do for ages. I close the distance between us and I catch his lips in a kiss. There's no hesitation on his part.

  He's just as hungry for me as I am for him. His arms wrap around my torso, pulling me to him, as we both get to our knees, while our lips devour each other. He tastes like the most beautiful sunrise and the most relaxing bath. He's all the good things and all the perfect little things and in this one moment, I give myself completely over to him.

  If I could, I would bottle this feeling up and carry it against my heart for an eternity. And then, it still wouldn't be long enough.

  When I pull back, I place my forehead against his, as we both breathe heavily.

  “Avery—" he whispers, but I put mine finger over his mouth, because I can't listen to anything he has to say. Instead, I close my eyes, a tear slipping free, as I place my other hand at the back of his neck. My lips move, but no sound comes and then he slumps against me, completely knocked out.

  Placing a soft kiss to his temple, I move him to the ground putting him on his back. Sometimes I forget that I'm a witch above all else. A sleeping spell might not be my best weapon, but it is one I learned a long time ago.

  Making sure he's comfortable on the ground, I give him one last look, before I jump to my feet and race toward the cabin. The keys to the car are on the counter, where Derek left them.

  I put on my shoes, grab a bottle of water, and then I'm out the front door.

  When he wakes up, he's going to be furious. Nora and Julian will be too. But I have to see my parents and I have to find a way to protect not only them, but the fae as well.

  I was better on my own.

  I was less distracted.

  I was stronger.

  I keep repeating the phrases to myself, willing them to be true. But as I drive back into the city, I realize that I'm only lying to myself. Yet, it doesn't matter.

  I will do whatever it takes to protect those I love. Even if that means doing it all alone.


  Note from the Author

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  Next in the Fae Chronicles series

  Preorder today: Revenge of the Fae

  After the bloodshed we left behind in Faery, my magic is more desired than ever.

  But my one
concern is saving my parents. Even if it means leaving the fae prince behind.

  I will stop at nothing to protect those I love. Even if it costs me my life.

  Featuring a fierce heroine, a broody prince, and all things magical, Revenge of the Fae is the explosive conclusion to this fast-paced young adult paranormal romance series from the USA Today bestselling author Valia Lind!

  *Full summary to come

  Click here to preorder today!

  Do you like academy adventure romance?

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  Thunderbird Academy Trilogy

  My power could save my friends—or destroy them.

  As I start a new semester at Thunderbird Academy, I have a lot to live up to. News of my sisters' courageous fight against the Ancient evil has spread, and now, everyone expects the same greatness from me.

  But all I want to do is:

  1) Find my dad.

  2) Figure out why my magic has suddenly gone on the fritz.

  It would be a lot easier if I didn't have to keep dealing with the ever-annoying Aiden Lawson. Shifter, nemesis, ridiculously gorgeous. I don't care how he makes my pulse race, I will not be deterred from my mission.

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  I'm in a fight for my life, and I, Maddie Hawthorne, have no idea what I'm doing.

  Welcome to my year at Thunderbird Academy.


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