Finn (Moonlight Wolves Book 4)

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Finn (Moonlight Wolves Book 4) Page 8

by Sarah J. Stone

  In what seemed like an hour, though, Lea knew that it was probably closer to five minutes, Finn pulled up to her house. They both got out of the car, Finn grabbing the food that she had ordered last minute, and basically ran to the door, both of them giggling like little high schoolers that were doing something they weren’t supposed to do.

  Maybe, if they hadn’t been on some lust-fueled drive and had made the time to stop and survey their surroundings, they would’ve seen that they weren’t the only ones in Lea’s house. But Lea was so caught up in Finn, her hands desperately searching for his body, that she didn’t realize there were people in her house until she heard someone yell from the kitchen.

  Lea and Finn had just walked through the front door, and they both flung apart from each other as if the other had electrocuted them. The threat of rogues instantly flooded their system, and Lea felt like she was having a déjà vu moment, reliving the memory from only yesterday. All of the things she had been holding at bay seemed to come rushing back at her, leaving her in a frozen panic state.

  Before she or Finn could act, the intruders came out to the entryway. Or rather, the three intruders.

  Owen, Zachary, and Silas. Lea’s older brothers.

  Lea instantly sighed with relief, her whole body sagging against the wall that she was leaning on as if all of the energy she had was spent in that moment of worry. Then, she slowly crept back to life, realizing that her three brothers, her three older brothers that were horribly protective to a fault, were now sizing up Finn, who looked like he’d rather be anywhere else in that moment.

  “What the hell are you guys doing here?” Lea asked them, slowly walking away from the wall as she pushed the memories of the rogue at the gym from her mind. She couldn’t think about that right now. She had to save face and try to get her brothers away from Finn before they did something stupid and regretful.

  Before they ruined this thing she had with him.

  “Well, we didn’t feel good after talking to you at the hospital,” Owen told her, still eyeing Finn as if he was a germ that he needed to get rid of. “Especially when you said that you didn’t want to be alone because you were still so shaken up from the whole rogue thing. We thought that we would come and keep you company. Protect you like the good brothers we are.”

  “First of all, you’re changing my words,” she sighed. “Or changing the meaning of my words. I meant that I like to stay busy, not that I want you guys to break in here!”

  “Who’s this?” Zachary nodded at Finn, crossing his arms and staring him down. To Finn’s credit, he didn’t look scared at all.

  Lea felt like he should. Her brothers didn’t really like confident guys to be around them. Well, not confident guys who were with their little sister.

  If they knew what she and Finn had done last night, he would already be on the ground, bleeding from every part of his body.

  “You guys know Finn,” she laughed, crossing her own arms over her chest. She wouldn’t let them pressure her into anything. “He was also there last night when the rogue came.”

  “Oh, really?” Owen took over the conversation again. “You two friends or something?”

  “Finn isn’t from around here,” Lea stared at them, her voice low. She wouldn’t deal with their BS. Not tonight. “I thought it would be better to be friends with the other shifters here. Be more accepting than others.”

  Owen seemed to get the hint, the little jab at their parents, and he nodded his head after a beat. After Owen relented, her other two brothers also got the hint that they should just let the whole thing go.

  “Um, it’s nice to meet you guys,” Finn finally said, stepping up and shaking Lea’s brothers’ hands. He looked relaxed and not at all threatened, and Lea had to give him some credit. Most, even powerful shifters, had cowered from the aggression her brothers seemed to send in one form or another. Lea’s brothers all politely shook Finn’s hand, but they didn’t give him a smile or anything else to run with. Lea was boiling with anger and embarrassment by the time the whole thing was over.

  “Can you guys leave now?” she finally asked them, tapping her foot and nodding to the door.

  “Are you sure you don’t want us to stay?” Owen asked, clear concern on his face. Lea gave him credit for not looking Finn up and down in disgust that time.

  “I’m fine. I’d just like you to leave.”


  “Leave. Please.”

  With a few more glares and nods to the door, her brothers finally gave up and left, leaving her alone with Finn. The mood, however, had changed. The fear of not knowing who was in her house made the memories of all the horrible things that could’ve happened at the gym with the rogue last night resurface. She didn’t want to think of those things, especially because Finn was with her. She wanted to touch him, to caress him, to feel him all over. And she wanted him to feel her all over, his hands caressing her skin, and make her forget about all the horrible in the world. Just for a night, at the very least.

  “So, those were your brothers, huh?” Finn asked. Lea looked over to where he stood, a smile on his face. She laughed and playfully hit him, causing him to catch her hand before it collided with his chest. He pulled her into him, quickly wrapping his arms around her and kissing her, picking up where they’d left off outside by her car.

  Lea dropped the food she had ordered on the floor, realized that she left the coffee at the café, and sighed when Finn picked her up and walked her to her bedroom upstairs.

  Chapter 12

  When Finn opened the door the next morning to leave Lea’s, the last person he expected to see on the other side was Hann, the Moonlight Maine Pack’s alpha. Finn stood there in shock as the morning sunlight shone into the dark house.

  “Hello there, Finn,” Hann smiled at him, an easygoing smile on his face. Finn had quickly realized, in his short few weeks in Maine, that the smile was an almost constant expression on the alpha’s face. It had the ability to relax everyone around him, and Finn instantly felt a bit less embarrassed by the situation.

  “Hey, Hann,” Finn stuttered slightly as he put his hands in his pockets, not knowing what to do.

  “Is Lea around?” Hann finally asked, the smile still there though there was a bit of a knowing look in his eye. Finn didn’t want to even move under the stare, but he nodded and invited Hann in the house.

  “She was just in the kitchen eating before she left for work,” he said as the two walked into Lea’s kitchen, where they found her sitting at the table, a cup of coffee in her hand.

  “Hann!” Lea exclaimed, slamming the table with her knees as she quickly stood up when she noticed her alpha walk into her kitchen. Finn saw Lea glance around her kitchen to make sure it was clean, though it was spotless and had always been.

  “No need to get up, my dear,” Hann told her, a hand half-raised as he motioned for her to sit back down. Hann himself took the seat across from her. Finn stood there awkwardly standing in the middle of the kitchen, watching the two, before he saw Hann was staring at him with that smile and those knowing eyes. Finn could bet that the wise alpha knew exactly what was going on here. “Take a seat, Finn.”

  Finn immediately took the seat in between the two, even though a few minutes earlier he was leaving the house. He didn’t want to tell the alpha no. Plus, he was interested in what Hann was even doing at Lea’s house this early in the morning.

  “Is everything okay, Hann?” Lea tentatively asked, taking a sip of coffee to calm her nerves. Finn wished he had something to do other than sit between the two, his head going back and forth as he watched them talk, twiddling his thumbs as he leaned back in his chair.

  “I wanted to update you about the rogue situation we have found ourselves in, since you have been affected by it more than anyone else in this pack,” Hann said, leaning back in his own chair and crossing his legs as if this wasn’t a very serious conversation. His aura and body language definitely eased the tension in the room, and what could’ve been
a very scary and fearful conversation turned into something a little more realistic and understandable. Finn could understand why Hann always seemed to carry that easygoing atmosphere around him. It was probably a really good tool to have as an alpha. Especially in times like this.

  “Is everything okay?” Lea repeated, a bit more confident, but also a bit more fearful.

  “Well, the rogue has died,” Hann sighed. “Not by our doing, though we would’ve because of what he tried to do to you and this whole pack. He managed to escape from our grasp momentarily, and he killed himself in the process. Suicide was better than answering our questions, it seemed. However, we did get some intel from him.”

  “About Gabriel?” Lea prompted.

  “About Gabriel and everything these rogues seem to be doing nowadays. Turns out our intel prior to this incident was right. Gabriel has been spreading the word that he wants lone-wolf attacks on any pack and anyone in the world. He wants there to be disruption as he and his head rogues hide in plain sight, hoping to buy themselves some time after everything that happened a few weeks ago with their failed uprising. They’re hoping that, with these rogues going around and attacking with no plan, our efforts will be focused on that instead of on what they’re doing. And, for some packs, it’s working.

  “There has been a quick rise in rogue attacks, as there have always been incidents like this for as long as the shifter society and rogues existed. However, there is a clear indication that things have increased with Gabriel’s suggestion. More and more rogues are deciding that this is a way they can contribute to Gabriel’s cause. And, it’s working. We’re all finding it harder and harder to put our efforts on finding Gabriel and the ringleaders of the uprising because we’re putting all of our efforts and resources on protecting ourselves from all ends of our territory. And I’m afraid it’s only going to get worse.”

  “So, what can we do?” Finn jumped in, concern etching his brow. What Hann was telling them wasn’t good. At all. “If we’re being dragged down by these lone wolf attacks, how can we stop Gabriel and the rest of them?”

  “With patience,” Hann replied, nodding. “And more and more practice. I’ve been going around to the rest of the pack, as well as our lovely visitors from other packs, and telling them that they need to increase their training. We all need to be prepared for the inevitable. The only thing we can do, right now at least with the information we have, is to train to be our absolute best. Because we don’t know how bad this could get. In the end, we could all end up on the front line. I don’t want this, of course, but we need to be aware that the possibility is there.”

  “I completely agree,” Lea replied. “Thank you for coming and keeping me in the loop, Hann. I really appreciate it.”

  “I just want to make sure you feel safe, in these horribly unsafe times,” Hann smiled at her, looking like a father. “And you’re sure you’re okay?”

  “I’m okay.” Lea smiled even more from the care and attention Hann was giving her.

  “I know I have dear Finn here to make sure you’re alright. I’ll be seeing you two.”

  And with that little joke that he threw at them, Hann nodded and left Lea’s house, leaving the two of them sitting in silence. Finn looked over to see Lea was clutching her coffee mug, a nervous and scared look on her face.

  “Lea?” Finn asked, snapping her back to attention and away from those horrible thoughts he knew that she was having. He didn’t want her to feel like that. He wanted to protect her, and the wolf inside of him screamed at the possibility that he wasn’t doing his job. He needed to protect her. And it was killing him that he obviously wasn’t doing his best job.

  “Things are never going to be okay again, are they?” she finally asked him, looking into his eyes with so much sadness and fear. It broke Finn’s heart, and in that moment, Finn realized just how far he would go for her. He would go to the ends of the world for Lea. He would jump in front of a bullet, in front of a murderous rogue, in front of anything dangerous that came her way. He would put his own life on the line for her.

  And he wouldn’t regret it.

  Finn didn’t say anything. He just pulled Lea out of her chair and on his lap, hugging her and trying to make her feel the love that he felt for her. The love that he couldn’t say.

  He wouldn’t lie to her and tell her that everything would be alright. He didn’t know that for sure, and those words wouldn’t comfort either of them. They would be meaningless. An empty promise. Something that people say just to calm others down. Finn wouldn’t do that to her.

  So, he just held her to him, his heart breaking slowly with each shuddering breath that she took.

  Chapter 13

  Owen showed up to Lea’s work. Again. She was walking through the hallway after just talking with one of her patients when she saw him leaning against the nurses’ desk as if he owned the place. Lea’s fellow coworkers didn’t seem to mind. They all were flaunting themselves at him, though if she ever questioned them, they would deny this fact. Lea laughed silently to herself as she walked over. Owen seemed to like the attention he was getting from the human women as well. No surprise there.

  “I feel like I’ve seen you more in the past few days than I ever have in my life,” Lea said as she walked over to her older brother, handing one of the nurses behind the desk her patient’s file so that she could put it up.

  “Why, hello to you, too, sis,” Owen replied, a huge smile on his face as he subtly nodded to the nurses that were still giggling at him behind the desk. Lea rolled her eyes, beyond annoyed that her coworkers were so ga-ga over him.

  “Is there a specific reason you’re here?” she finally asked.

  “I have some bad news.” And just like that, Owen’s whole appearance changed drastically. He was no longer leaning up against the desk. Now, he was standing straight up with his arms crossed over his chest. Her typical older brother. Lea couldn’t help how her heartbeat quickened in pace from fear from his words, though.

  “What happened?” she asked as she pulled him away from the nurses’ desk and their prying eyes and to a desolate hallway where no one would overhear them.

  “There’s been another attack,” he told her, sighing and looking down in sadness. “Another rogue lone wolf attack.”

  “Who?” Lea felt like she couldn’t breathe, and her mind immediately went to Finn. To Hazel. To her brothers. To everyone.

  “Lorelei. She’s from Finn’s pack. She was running in the woods, in her wolf form, this morning when it happened. She was able to protect herself and call for help, though. There were a lot of shifters in the gym when they heard her call, her howl, and they went to help. They killed the rogue.”

  “And how is she? Is she okay?”

  “She’s wounded, but she’ll survive. She just needs to rest for a few days. Finn and her pack that is out here are pretty torn up about the whole thing. I just thought you should know.”

  Owen had that knowing look in his eye, and Lea felt herself blush under his stare. She knew that he knew. He wasn’t that dumb. She didn’t know how she felt about him knowing, though. She felt embarrassed, but not embarrassed enough to stay put at work. Her heart, her soul, her veins–her everything–called for Finn and wanted to be near him during this time. She needed to.

  Lea gave Owen a little nod and quickly told the head nurse that she had to leave, as there was a family emergency. In less than five minutes, Lea was outside and getting into her car, driving to Finn’s house where Owen said everyone was.

  She needed to see him. Her heartbeat quickened with every second she drove, and she could feel ice in her veins that was prompted by worry and fear.

  She knew that once she saw him, she would be okay. Everything would be okay once she was in his arms.

  Lea immediately found Finn’s blue eyes when she walked into his house. Her heart seemed to leap out of its chest when she saw the relief in his eyes as he saw her. She wanted to run into his arms and kiss him, but she held all of her emotions
at bay. His house was packed with high ranking members of her pack, as well as others coming by to wish them all well.

  Finn walked over to where Lea was standing in the corner so that she stayed out of everyone’s way. She could see Hann in the other corner of the room, and he lifted a hand in hello when she caught his eye. Everyone else was coming and going, and Lea could see that everyone was on high alert.

  “Hey,” Finn said as he came to stand next to her, close enough to talk. He didn’t touch her, though. Not that she was worried about it–she didn’t know if she wanted their little thing to be public yet. Especially because they hadn’t really talked about it. All they’d done was . . . well, not talk. Plus, it wasn’t the time or the place, and all Lea could think about was Lorelei and how Finn must feel about the whole thing.

  “How’s Lorelei doing?” she asked, crossing her arms over her chest when she felt a little chill run through her body. She found that she was fearful of everything nowadays, and she hated that.

  “She’s good,” Finn told her, running his hand through his blond hair in frustration while his other hand was in his pocket. “Kato checked her out and said that she would be fine by the end of tonight. She just needed to heal, and she says now that she’s fine physically–mentally is a whole other issue, I’m sure, but she won’t say anything. She doesn’t really want to see anyone, so Desmond, Tatiana, and I are just trying to calm everyone down.”

  “I’m so sorry this happened,” she told him, risking a comforting arm squeeze. He seemed happy from her touch, so she felt a little better that she hadn’t crossed some line that she didn’t know about.

  “I just can’t believe it happened to Lore,” he told her. “I mean, it almost happened to you. You almost got hurt. And if you did, I don’t know what I would’ve done. And Lore. She’s the sweetest, smartest shifter I’ve ever met. She’s like my little sister, and I hate that this happened to her. I hate that we have to live like this now.”


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