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Digital Marketplaces Unleashed

Page 108

by Claudia Linnhoff-Popien

  It seems like New York is on a very good way to achieve the City of a Service status. Services are already interconnected in some areas. There’s a huge volume of underlying data to combine services via New York open data hub which helps to create more integrated services covering multi dimensions in near future [29].

  Table 70.2 represents the cities and initiatives considered in this article. It also shows to what dimensions these initiatives are assigned. Table 70.2Smart City Initiatives in selected cities and mapping to Dimensions





  Open Data Initiative

  Smart People, Smart Living, Smart Environment, Smart Governance



  Smart Living, Smart People


  Barcelona Wi‐Fi

  Smart Living, Smart Economy, Smart Mobility


  Climate Street

  Smart Environment, Smart Economy, Smart Living



  Smart Environment, Smart People, Smart Living



  Smart Environment, Smart Economy


  Health Lab

  Smart People, Smart Living



  Smart Mobility, Smart Economy



  Smart Mobility, Smart Environment


  Virtual Citizen Kiosk

  Smart Governance, Smart People, Smart Living

  New York

  Community Air Survey

  Smart Environment, Smart People, Smart Living

  New York

  Vision Zero View

  Smart Mobility, Smart People, Smart Living

  New York


  Smart Governance, Smart Living, Smart People

  70.3 Conclusion and Outlook

  In the current stage of development of Smart Cities, the relevant actors – municipalities, educational institutions, businesses and citizens – already work together on specific projects. It can also be seen that many Smart City initiatives that initially merely had a pilot project in a narrowly defined temporal and spatial context, launched these later on in the urban area for the entire population or companies and thus develop real lasting effect. In many cases, multiple characteristics of smartness – Governance, Economy, Mobility, Environment, People, and Living – are considered in the projects. Thus, the involvement of different actors and characteristics lead to overarching project approaches with far‐reaching implications and effects for each Smart City.

  However, there are no recognizable approaches which proactively create added value for citizens through predictive analysis of data streams, appropriate anticipatory generating and offering services in real‐time. Especially due to the high dynamics of change and the short‐term occurrence of events, city councils, businesses, and above all citizens responding precisely would be of great value and a decisive advantage. Here, the current developments in technology and in the processing, analysis, and use of data are very helpful.

  If one dares an outlook, by 2025 autonomous driving will have changed the cityscape of Smart Cities decisively in several forms. Through the interplay of city infrastructure (sensors and traffic control), not only the public transport optimally takes place, but the transport of goods and the delivery logistics can be significantly optimized. Therefore, optimum usage of vehicle types (taxi, bus, tram, subway, etc.) is possible based on the foreseeable traffic at any time of day and for any type of event. Urban delivery traffic can be shifted to low‐traffic times through intelligent traffic control. Shipping and storage processes by autonomous vehicles with fully automated warehouses, in conjunction with accurate calculation of consumption make this possible. Through all available data streams from retail stores and private households, goods consumption needs of the population can be updated daily to help to predict reorders. Transit times within cities can be calculated to the minute, since all vehicles in city traffic and transportation systems are networked. Thus, waiting times and accident risks are significantly reduced.

  The health sector is significantly enhanced, as fewer office visits for patients arise because of targeted and accurate diagnoses. This is made possible by fitness trackers that provide the health information of residents in an encapsulated networked system and allow direct exchange of this data and possible disease symptoms with the network of physicians and hospital system in case of negative warning signals. In addition, time and costs for the individual and the community can be reduced, since the automatic guidance to best available doctor or hospital reduces multiple trips and waiting time loss.

  Citizen services, which previously represented only a digital complement to the traditional system of forms and manual interaction with government officials will become fully digital. Chatbot systems that permit voice dialog between citizens and “digital” government employees simplify procedures and reduce the time and costs of bureaucracy. Citizens Service solution as an intelligent government butler with 24 h availability to serve citizens in their individual situation, with context‐based support, whether the questions on tax payment or short‐term event parking thirty minutes before the event takes place.

  Feedback and interaction approaches for citizens’ interaction with administration authorities are also simplified by the augmented reality solutions implemented by then – similar to today’s popular game, Pokémon Go [30]. Citizens can report defects or make suggestions in real‐time and on‐site. Incentive systems can play an important role for the use of these solutions to increase and thus to pass a large number of improvement proposals. Similar to WeChat [31] the cooperation of social networks with local businesses greatly enhances the Smart City services and simplifies cooperation with citizens. An important success factor is the quick and easy start of direct communication between service providers and clients as well as monitoring service implementation and evaluation afterwards.

  The authors recommend to pursue City as a Service approach to increase efficiency as well as to adopt City On‐Demand idea to focus on residents’ needs for a better quality of life. Besides this, they also recommend to implement an agile approach of testing and launching new innovative concepts and solutions from other regions. That helps to stay on track with the fast changing technology and product development nowadays. New networks of Smart City experts should be created for a better knowledge and experience exchange – besides the established conferences and awards. This would help to achieve a faster adoption from citizens and local enterprises and finally achieve a highly connected City as a Service.

  On the other hand, stakeholders of a Smart City should be aware of risks that concern areas of privacy, security and safety. Misuse of personal information, loss of control over connected environment, service failures due to hacker attacks such as Distributed Denial of Service would decline the Quality of Life. The implementation of a Smart City should consider and prevent these risks.


  Further enablers of this article were the phenomena of a Smart City itself, or of a smart country. The authors thank Digitale Stadt München e. V [32]. for the access to the relevant network; BITKOM e. V [33]. for deeper insights into status quo of worldwide Smart City initiatives; Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG [34] for deeper technological insights into the topic of Internet of Things; WorkRepublic [35] for the highly efficient working environment with an open‐space ideology for a better interdisciplinary exchange of experience and knowledge [36].



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  © Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany 2018

  Claudia Linnhoff-Popien, Ralf Schneider and Michael Zaddach (eds.)Digital Marketplaces Unleashed

  71. Personal Applications in the Internet of Things Through Visual End-User Programming

  Yannis Valsamakis1 and Anthony Savidis2

  (1)Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH), Crete, Greece

  (2)University of Crete, Crete, Greece

  Yannis Valsamakis (Corresponding author)


  Anthony Savidis


  71.1 Introduction

  The presence of personal smart devices like smart phones and smart watches in the market has increased exponentially in the last decade. At the same time, a novel paradigm called Internet of Things (IoT) has appeared, referring to the vision of connecting physical things featuring sensors, tags (e. g. RFID tags), software and connectivity capabilities, to the network. IoT concept is the pervasive deployment of a variety of network connected smart objects around us, including physical things, smart devices, applications, etc. in the environment.

sp; In this context, people’s daily lives could benefit from using smart objects, as they can offer an environment of automations for everyday activities. However, in practice, the demands for such automations are highly personalized and fluid, resulting in a respective digital market that is either inexistent or marginal. Consequently, in order to fully benefit from the capabilities of this environment, individuals should be able to interact with smart objects, potentially managing, parameterizing and even programming applications involving them. The latter is not an easy task as it implies end‐users who directly manipulate smart objects in a developer perspective, ranging from parameterizing and linking together, to actually programming the control and coordination of a set of smart objects. While such tasks are typically handled by experienced developers as they require programming skills, the research domain of End‐User Programming (EUP) focuses on enabling end‐users with virtually no programming background performing moderate and even comprehensive programming tasks.


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