The Sleeper Must Awaken

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The Sleeper Must Awaken Page 44

by Kip Terrington

  As to where me and my kind have been, it is not a secret. We are spread out all over the Moon in small groups. You don't see us, because we don't want to be seen, as it adds too much danger. As a result of the infamous light fairies who assassinated all of our royalty, my race began to decline. Distant history says that, at one time, we were a grand race of scholarship and benevolence. Obviously, that is no longer the case. The bitterness that grew in my race, after we lost the best of us, almost drove us to extinction.

  A few centuries ago, all of that changed. One of the mages in the court of the light fairies published a prophecy that gave us hope. The prophecy stated that a time was coming when the Royal Court of the Dark Fairies and the Royal Court of the Light Fairies would reconcile.

  For about a century, our population began to boom and we worked toward healing the rift between light and dark. But, a little over a hundred years ago, the light fairy king passed the law that dark fairies could not gather in groups of more than 30. He ruthlessly enforced this new law. Not a few died on the magical daggers of his secret police. We now follow his law and are spread out everywhere. Only, we do everything we can, not to be seen because the king has eyes everywhere.

  I have another question. This one, however, can be answered by anyone who wishes. I only became a player yesterday and when I went to sleep, I found this place. Sleeping next to me are two other players, yet I don't find them here. Why is that?

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  Human, Female, Brute

  Gift- Leadership, Affinity Tough Mindedness

  Post 43

  Start Post

  Your first night here and you believe this is all real? That is pretty astute. I'll take your question, although my answer is not going to make you very happy. I've posted in a few other threads that discussed this. From what we've been able to piece together, any player can access the Forum Wall, but in order to do it, they have to log out. Our guess is it has to do with how each individual sleeps (or saws logs). When some people sleep, they are completely dead to the world, whereas others can wake almost instantly at the slightest sound. So far, everyone we've checked with that has made it to the Forum Wall are deep sleepers. This is by no means a definite answer, but it might explain why none of us can access the Forum Wall every night.

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  Hongaek, Female, Tormentor

  Magic- Death, Affinity absorption

  Post 68

  Start Post

  Speak for yourself. I never miss a night. It is nice to have a place to feel welcome. I have even located a few Forum Wallers who share my enthusiasm for pain, though different aspects of it. I have actually fed on the pain of a few dark fairies, it is a bit too tender for my tastes, but others of my kind prefer it- I guess they like the taste of a well-aged grudge. I don’t see it, give me a funeral any day.

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  Human, Male, Knight

  Magic- Fire, Affinity Metal

  Post 80

  Start Post

  Just when I was getting closer to being able to tolerate you, you have to remind me of how we originally met. You really are a pain.

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  Hongaek, Female, Tormentor

  Magic- Death, Affinity absorption

  Post 69

  Start Post

  I make one slip that your uncle is going to die and I’m constantly punished for it. #ImtherealVictim

  End Post


  Human, Male, Knight

  Magic- Fire, Affinity Metal

  Post 81

  Start Post

  Are you kidding me?! Your not the vic… Wait, what is that thing with the two parallel lines going vertical and the two other parallel lines going horizontal? I'm trying to make it and it won't seem to form in my mind. Looks a little bit like a stitched up road burn, or when you cut up meat and potatoes. Yeah, it looks like hash. How did you tag it on that way?

  End Post


  Hongaek, Female, Tormentor

  Magic- Death, Affinity absorption

  Post 70

  Start Post

  I was just thinking of the constant injustice of it all. I am just doing what comes naturally and yet, I am blamed for being me. I was feeling attacked and thinking about how people need to see all these truths. And then I thought all these thoughts fit together in the phrase ‘I’m the real victim.’ Then it just popped up. #nowYouknow #bestRespect #hongaekforever

  End Post


  Human, Female, Brute

  Gift- Leadership, Affinity Tough Mindedness

  Post 44

  Start Post

  I think I get this hashtag thing. My workload outside of sleep has doubled and yet I'm still able to maintain my high level of excellence. I have seamlessly incorporated the UI into my daily life and things are only looking up. #BetterthantheAristocracy

  End Post


  Human, Male, Knight

  Magic- Fire, Affinity Metal

  Post 82

  Start Post

  #thingsGirlsSaytogetmyAttention #socute #ihavePeopleforThat

  End Post


  Hongaek, Female, Tormentor

  Magic- Death, Affinity absorption

  Post 71

  Start Post

  Oh! That was even better than the way I did it. Here, let me try. I just got to feed off the pain of a lone survivor from a village massacre! #blessed #youwishyouwereme #propernutrition

  End Post

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  Hongaek, Female, Tormentor

  Magic- Death, Affinity absorption

  Post 72

  Start Post


  End Post

  Chapter 51 - Epilogue Part 2: The First Guild

  Westernmost farmstead of Dollmar, on the edge of The Wild Mountains.

  Old Jerry's farm.

  Day fourteen, in the afternoon.

  “I don't understand it! These two wolf skulls look like they are exactly the same. Over here, the upper jaw has five broken teeth and one overly large fang. The wolf skull you're holding has the exact same broken teeth and overly large fang. And when you look close, you can see that the breaks are identical. It's impossible. Nothing breaks the same way!” Old Jerry exclaimed. The wiry farmer ran one hand through his thinning hair.

  His companion, Ted, shook his head. Ted was not a slight man, but like all farmers, he was hard and not easily excitable.

  “I know, Jerry, that's what I've been trying to tell you. Somehow, they're the same wolf. No, no, hear me out, Jerry. You killed yours two days ago, out by Willoughby's Creek which separates your land from mine. I killed this one yesterday in the same spot just on my side of the creek. The only reason I made the trek out to that creek was because my nephew, who works for you, had told me about your kill. I wanted to see if there were any others in the area. I found this one and killed it.

  “I didn't think anything of it. That is, until today. Earlier this morning, I decided I wanted to bring my skull out and compare it to yours to see who killed the bigger wolf. On my way, I went by the creek and do you know what I saw? Another wolf with the same coloring and pronounced fang as the one I had killed the day before.

  “It shook me, Jerry. I'm not ashamed to tell you that. I didn't bother to kill it, I just came here. Now, seeing your kill, I'm even more shaken. Twins could maybe be possible, but not triplets, especially when you consider that all of them were alpha wolves. Three huge wolves, of identical strength and power, do not hang out with each other. They g
o find a pack of their own to lead. It's got to be some weird magic,” Ted said.

  “There's no magic here, that's why I moved out this way. I don't need no nobles interfering with my livin’,” Old Jerry grumbled.

  “I didn't say it was that kind of magic. Just some kind,” Ted retorted.

  The two hardy farmers continued to argue about the odd occurrence, focusing their full attention on the identical wolf heads each of them held. Neither were able to see the words hovering above their heads, that were now a permanent part of their existence.

  NPC, Old Jerry

  Human Farmer

  NPC, Ted

  Human Farmer

  As they continued to argue, one of them noticed a figure on the horizon walking toward them. Neither one drew his bow, though that didn't mean they weren't prepared to.

  “Can you tell who that is?” Old Jerry asked.

  “Maybe. She needs to get a little closer before I know for sure, but I think that's Mildred's daughter.”

  “Ahh, Stout Mildred, yes. She has a farm about fifteen miles toward the lake?” Old Jerry inquired.

  “Yes, that's her, but ya’ know, she never likes to be called stout,” Ted chided.

  “Nothing wrong with being stout, but there is something wrong with denying the truth. Like or dislike, it's no matter. Truth is truth,” Jerry said.

  “There's a reason it took you so long to find a wife, Jerry,” Ted said.

  “Ha! That reason is my ugly face, not my honesty. Don't worry, Ted, I won't remark on how Stout Mildred's daughter looks. Though, by the look of her, she’s got her mother's broad shoulders and a few other assets. Hardy, but feminine. Ain't nothin’ wrong with that,” Old Jerry said wistfully.

  “Lock it up, old man, she's getting closer and civility is what separates us from the dwarves. Her name is Rainey, don't embarrass me. My son has been crushin’ on her, and I don’t want to lower his chances,” Ted confessed. Though neither of the NPCs could see it, Rainey also had blue letters floating above her head.

  Player, Rainey

  Human Brute

  “Greetings, Jerry, Ted,” Rainey nodded.

  “Afternoon, lass. What brings you out this way, and where did you get that huge wooden club with spikes on the end?” Old Jerry asked, quite taken aback that he hadn't noticed the unusual club earlier.


  “The answer to both questions is a quest, actually. And if you'll excuse me for one moment, I have a bit of business to take care of before we speak again,” Rainey said and she raised her hands out in front of her in unison. In what appeared to be a random pattern, she pushed various fingers out as if punching a code into the air.

  “Business?” Ted asked, raising one eyebrow as the strange girl continued to poke at nothing in the air.

  “Yes, one moment please, I have to assess some stats and assign some points. Excellent! I've gained in charisma and in strength. That's going to come in extremely handy. Though, now, I'd like more combat skills. Unfortunately, I think I need to help augment my leadership gift. Now is the time to come together, not to just fight. I'm going to use these two points to raise my skill in Persuasion. Excellent. Now that that business is done, there's a lot we have to talk about,” Rainey said.

  “You are an odd one, aren't you?” Old Jerry observed.

  “Yes, yes, I am,” Rainey replied unoffended.

  “This one knows what's what, Ted. She's not afraid of being told the truth,” Old Jerry said as Ted partly covered his face, feeling embarrassed.

  “Jerry, Ted, I live in the here and now, and much of what we once knew has changed. These changes are the primary reason I'm here. I can see by the two wolf skulls you're holding, that you know at least a little of what I'm speaking of. These changes, some great and some small, are not something we can ignore. A new magic has designated me, and at least four others who I found, as players. Everyone else who is not designated a player is labeled as some type of NPC. Without exception, each player has been offered small quests that come with rewards.

  “One of my quests was to come and greet you, Jerry. My reward was a rise in two levels. I know that doesn't make any sense to you, but the moment I spoke to you, I received another quest. Luckily, on the way here, I had already fulfilled its requirements. As I complete the quest, you will notice something strange, even impossible, but bear with me, we have to take the world as it now is,” Rainey said as she reached in her bag and pulled out another identical wolf’s head.

  Both the farmers’ eyes widened as she handed the wolf’s head to Old Jerry. As he took it, the end of the quest activated and he intoned a simple script.

  “Thank you, adventurer, you have killed the mighty beast tormenting my chickens. Please accept this reward of ten silver coins,” Old Jerry said as he held out his hand. His palm was empty, but when Rainey reached to accept her reward, ten silver coins appeared and he dropped them from his palm to hers.

  “Jerry, how did you make those silver coins appear out of thin air?!” Ted gasped.

  “I don't know! I don't know why I said what I said. I don't even know what a chicken is! What is a chicken?! Why would I call a wolf a mighty beast? Or the young lass an adventurer?” Old Jerry asked in a rush.

  “Men! Now is not the time for anxious questions. As I said before, our Moon has changed. This was one of the changes. When players, like I, complete these quests, we gain in power and wealth. I don't know how this is possible, but our community needs to take advantage of it. But, if the nobles find out the farmers are getting stronger, there might be consequences. The rest of the players and I, along with many of the elders who are NPCs, have formed a guild. Those in the guild have committed to keeping secret all that we discover, sharing only with each other. I know that our farms are all spread out, but we are still a community. We must ban together,” Rainey said.

  “I'm with you,” Ted said easily.

  “Aye, you speak sense, we’d like to join your guild,” Old Jerry said, unaware of the shift in his attitude toward the young woman. Rainey once again began moving her hands in the air, touching at nothing.

  “You’ve gotta love Persuasion. Accepted,” Rainey said with a smile.


  You've been accepted into the guild: Western Farmers United.

  “Do you see that?” Ted asked.

  “I do. What is happening?” Jerry asked.

  “Let's go inside the farmhouse. I'll tell you everything we know so far and give you your guild badges,” Rainey said.

  “Badges? We don't need no stinkin’ badges! Wait, why did I just say that?” Old Jerry said, even more confused.

  “Let's go inside and I'll explain what I can,” Rainey said as she stepped over a chicken that had just exited out from under the porch. Both of the farmers stared down at the animal they'd never seen before and their eyes widened even further.


  Magic Structure


  The seed gives the possibility to use a specific type of magic. It can also be thought of as unawakened magic. The quality of the seed predetermines how far the magic user can progress.


  The first active stage of wielding magic. In this stage, a wielder gains access to a variable amount of L1 spells.


  The second stage of wielding magic. In this stage, a wielder gains access to a variable amount of L2 through L4 spells. They also gain a slight sensitivity to all types of magic use.


  The third stage of wielding magic. In this stage, a wielder gains access to a variable amount of L5 through L8 spells. Magic sensitivity grows enough to sense the seed of magic in others. With work and time, they can help others awaken their magic. This stage is the highest that most magic users can reach. Reaching this stage increases Constitution by 2.


  The fourth stage of wielding magic. In this stage, the wielder gains access to a variable amount of L9 to L10 spells. They have a h
igh sensitivity to magic. With word and thought, a master can cause the seed in others to awaken, regardless of the type of magic seed. On the opposite end, a master can also wall off a magic seed. This can make it very difficult to ever progress to a novice. Only a few can become masters, and only then, through a combination of hard work and natural gifting. Reaching this stage increases Wisdom by 5.


  The fifth and final stage of wielding magic. In this stage, it becomes possible to turn it up to 11. In gaining access to L11 spells, a mage can become an army unto themselves. Those who reach the exalted rank of illuminati often become rulers of nations or destroyers of them. Only an illuminati can use the full potential of a Grand Place of Power. Reaching this stage increases all stats by 5 and doubles one’s mana pool, health, and regeneration rate.

  Types of Magic and Woefully Incomplete List of Spells

  Binding Magic, color: dark shadow

  L1 Binding Oath- Makes the words of an oath mean something. Holds target to the oath that they swear. The efficacy of this spell and ability to hold one to a given oath depends on a number of factors. The primary factor is the overall strength of the casting mage. The secondary factor is the power and willingness of the oath giver.

  L2 Sticky Ground- This spell makes the ground sticky. The spell can cover a five-meter diameter circle. The ground wishes to bind with things above it. The longer those standing on the sticky ground remain still, the stronger the binding.


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