The Sleeper Must Awaken

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The Sleeper Must Awaken Page 45

by Kip Terrington

  L3 Increased Viscosity- This spell strengthens the bonds in any liquid creating a more viscous fluid.

  L3 Cone of Silence- This spell binds a cone of air around the caster, stopping sound vibrations from penetrating the cone.

  L4 Stone Binding- Ability to bind stone back together, but only if it has been broken for 60 seconds or less.

  L4 Weak Bound Will- Ability to cause the will of a monster to become bound to the caster. Monster will remain aware of the bind and its actions, growing steadily in its anger toward the controller. Every ten minutes the monster is given an opportunity to break the spell.

  L5 Iron Lung- Ability to cause an enemy’s lungs to bind together, leading to a struggle to breathe. If the enemy fails to resist the spell within ten minutes, the enemy dies.

  L6 Prison Bind- This spell can only be used on a subdued player or Champion. Once the spell is cast, the target is forced to change their resurrection point to the closest one available. Casting time: 30 minutes.

  L7 Seven Cord Struggle- This spell allows the creation and implementation of seven binding strands around any target within twenty meters. This is a two-second cast spell. The strength of the binding cords is determined by the amount of mana the caster chooses to allocate for the spell. Note: The minimum mana allotment for this spell is 100. There is no maximum mana allotment for this spell.

  L7 Tighten the Cord (L7 Seven Cord Struggle Combo Spell) - This spell allows the binder to tighten the cords produced via L7 Seven Cord Struggle. By feeding mana into this spell, the caster will be able to slowly pull the bands together in a tighter and tighter circle. Note: This spell can be useful for cutting identical sized pieces of morning sausage. Also makes julienne fries.

  Death Magic, color: ash

  L1 Absorb- This spell allows the caster nourishment from the suffering of those around them.

  Energy Mass Conversion Magic, color: variable

  L1 Minor Structural Changes- Ability to use daily building points to make minor changes in castle. Example: move non-load-bearing walls, create beds, or closets.

  L1 Non-magical Item Creation- Ability to use daily building points to make non-magical items you are truly familiar with.

  L1 Tiny Ivory Automaton- This six-inch ivory automaton, when provided with automating code, can be a great servant with many uses. Note: this level of automaton cannot leave castle walls and has no combat ability.

  L2 Ivory Automaton- This six-foot ivory automaton, when provided with automating code, can be a great servant with many uses. Note: is able to leave castle walls and has limited combat ability.

  L8 Tussaud’s Dream- This spell gives the caster the ability to create a wax mannequin that can perform a small monologue.

  Extraplanar Magic, color: greenish purple

  L8 Friendly Phasing- This spell allows a Plane Mage to bring a monster that he has cultivated from another plane, slightly into phase with the caster's current reality.

  Fire Magic, color: orange

  L2 Lesser Heat Ray- This spell concentrates the caster’s fire mana and forms it into a one-foot diameter ray that has a maximum range of 50 feet. In order for this spell to be effective, the ray must stay on target for over one second. The damage increases the longer the ray is focused on one place. Sleeping under a heat lamp can be pleasant, but be sure it is not set too high.

  L3 Lesser Fire Shield- This spell allows the caster to place a shield of fire on themselves or a fellow group member. This shield is not a barrier to damage, rather it deals a small amount of fire damage to those who come in contact with it. It is a universal truth that all hugs should be warm.

  L4 Molotov’s Beginning- This spell produces a glass sphere containing a fist-sized amount of flammable liquid that can be thrown as far as 35 feet. The target of this assault is smothered in flames upon contact. Is there anything more palatable than a warm cocktail, especially after a long day of walking through the snow?

  L7 Fireball- This spell produces a ball of fire that can be shot up to twenty-five meters. Upon impact with the target, the fireball will burst and create an area of effect explosion. All targets within a three-meter radius will be damaged. Note: the mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled… though this spell has nothing to do with that.

  Force Magic, color: purple

  L1 Kinetic Missile- This missile contains condensed force. With distance, the force dissipates. As with any kinetic strike, an anchoring of either the target or the caster can increase the damage done. Small chance to cause injury, but increased damage over time. Intensity of force increases with anchoring and a higher mass of the caster.

  Hybrid Magic, color: variable

  L4 Healing Fire- Some injuries cannot heal without the necrotic tissue first removed. This spell does both simultaneously, by burning away the offending tissue and healing the rest. Never forget that sometimes the cure is worse than the disease.

  L5 Clarity of Thought- This spell creates new pathways in the brain, helping both the left and the right hemisphere to work together more efficiently.

  L5 Trance Cast- This spell allows the caster to cast spells they truly understand, continuously while in a trance state. This state allows the caster to lower the mana cost of the spell by 10%. Warning: for the caster, time does not appear to move. It is as if one is unconscious, and must be woken by an outside force.

  L6 Weak Firearm- This spell consists of Life, Force, and Fire Magic. Once this spell is cast, your Voice of Monty Ring will superheat and melt the flesh around your fist. While the spell remains active, the caster’s punch will cause high fire damage, medium life damage, and low force damage to close-combat targets. Note: this spell causes severe damage to the caster. It is not advisable to burn your flesh to spite your fist.

  L10 Yeti Puppet- This spell was created by Moes, master of Mind and Spirit Magic. It allows the caster to replace the target’s will with the caster’s own. Warning: this leaves the caster's body completely vulnerable.

  Life Magic, color: white

  L1 Lesser Healing- Heals small amount of damage. With an infusion of life, things seem brighter because they are. Cheer up, life is all around you.

  L1 Lesser Life Link- Allows a stationary individual to draw a small continuous stream of Life Energy from a nearby mana pool. Drink up, the water's fine.

  L4 Unrelenting Proliferation- This spell causes cells to quickly multiply as long as the spell is active. This spell can be useful in regrowing tissue in large wounds. Note: this spell can cause harm if not ended in a timely manner.

  L6 Apoptosis Enemy- This spell can bring a well-preserved dead body back to life. Cell death does not have to be the end. Note: can only be cast on non-sentient soulless creatures.

  L8 Mass Life Synergustification- This spell allows the caster to release their life mana in a whirlwind of healing power. Size of the area affected is based on the combination of available mana and the skill level of the caster. Note: when used on the severely injured, the power of this spell can cause a dangerous feedback to the caster.

  Mind Magic, color: blue

  L1 Psi Blast- Mental attack causes pain and has a 10% chance of stun for 2 seconds. Chance of successful stun decreases with higher target levels and mental defenses.

  L4 Peekaboo- This spell allows the caster to glimpse the thoughts of the target. Small chance that the caster will change the target’s thoughts into ones that benefit the caster.

  L4 Mind Control- This spell allows the caster to cause one enemy to fight for the caster’s interest. Duration: 20 minutes. Successful recast with unoriginal target becomes less likely with each cycle.

  L4 Made Masochist- This spell causes the target to interpret pain signals as pleasure.

  L5 Mindstorm- This vicious spell jumps from mind to mind. As it continues to jump, it hurts each successive target more than the last.

  L7 Callosum Concussion- This spell causes the left hemisphere and the right hemisphere of the brain to begin sending contrary signals to each other causing the b
ody to freeze up.

  Portal Magic, color: yellow

  L1 Ley Line Feel- While this spell is active the caster has the ability to sense strong ley lines within one mile of their location.

  L1 Tiny Jump- Short cast time. Teleportation of up to 30 feet along a horizontal track with no solid obstacles. Note: No ley line required. In lieu of a ley line, caster’s own magic creates a magical horizontal track.

  L1 Charge- Provide jump energy to item or individual.

  L2 Bind Point- Change bind point of portal item.

  L2 Myopia Copia- This spell creates one portal in front of the caster’s eyes and another closer to what the caster is trying to see. This gives the caster the ability to see things close up. Note: cannot be used over vast distances.

  L3 Small Portal- This small portal can transport the caster and their clothing along cleared ley lines, or a short distance on uncleared ley lines. Distance traveled along ley line depends on strength of cast versus environmental resistance.

  L3 Ley Line Sight- While this spell is active the caster has the ability to see all ley lines within two miles of their location.

  L4 Ley Line Purification- When this spell is active, caster may walk or run along uncleared ley lines and in doing so, they become a clear and safe portal corridor.

  L4 Small Two-Way Portal- This spell allows the caster to open a portal in which items, no more than one foot in diameter, may be put through from either side. Note: both ends of the portal must be visible to the caster.

  L4 Small Portal with Carry On- This portal can transport the caster and whatever they can carry along cleared ley lines, or a short distance on uncleared ley lines. Distance traveled along ley line depends on strength of cast versus environmental resistance.

  Spirit Magic, color: silver

  L1 Spirit Shield- Creates a shield woven from spirit energy. Lowers or blocks magical attacks and effects. Can shield only self and allies.

  L4 Confusion- This spell causes a moment where your motivation for everything becomes muddled. Similar to when you get off the couch and go into the kitchen and then forget why you're there.

  L4 Fear- This spell causes enemies to flee with fear. Affects the area within thirty feet of caster. Duration of effect variable, highly influenced by enemy’s fortitude and level of courage.

  L9 Extraction- This spell concentrates and spins spirit, forcing it to act as a drill that penetrates and drains energy. This spell is often used when Spirit Masters duel. The loser is left a spiritless husk.

  Summoning Magic, color: tan

  L1 Wolf Howl- Call to the wolves and one may show up. This is a variable summons, where success depends on a number of factors. Wolves are judgmental creatures, get on their bad side and they will never answer your call.

  L2 Take Heart- This spell summons resolve in one's own heart.


  The acknowledgements are supposed to be the only place in a fictional novel where the author speaks in his own voice. Wait, did I say that right? I should have said, in a work of fiction. Because when I say fictional novel it means a novel that's pretend—so one that wasn't actually written. Unless, of course, we're all in some giant simulation like Elon Musk believes. Then, it would be a pretend novel written in a fictional universe created by an author who is himself in a simulation, which, for all we know, was created in another simulation. It could pretty much go on forever. Since this is the acknowledgements, I wish to acknowledge that I don't think we're all actually in the Matrix, like the entrepreneurial genius Mr. Musk does. I do think his cars are wicked cool, though. I hope someday to be able to afford one. #MrMuskreadthe20sidedeyewithyourkids

  Yeah, that’s not going to work. I don't even know how to use Twitter. #socialmediafail

  I wish to acknowledge and thank the reader for being willing to take yet another chance on a silly author like myself. I acknowledge that there are many other things of greater value that you could be doing with your time. Not that I'm trying to make you feel guilty for enjoying a good book! I acknowledge that I'm terrible at selling myself. I also wish to acknowledge that I've used the word acknowledge so many times it's becoming annoying. Sorry…

  I want to thank my kids, grandad, and nana for being so kind and helpful in all my endeavors. I want to thank my parents for their continued love and support. This last year has been difficult for many reasons—my wife's injury and other troubles. I want to thank all of my family and friends for both laughing and mourning with us. I also want to thank them for not laughing at us as we mourn, even though, admittedly, I do have a rather hilarious crying face. I'm not going to put a crying face emoji here, even though I really want to. I have to be careful. I don't want people to find out that I'm actually a 15-year-old girl. #watchyourself! #girlsruletheworld #Beyoncereadthe20sidedeyewithyourhusband



  I also want to thank Amazon for creating an algorithm that lets independent authors get their work out to the readers who will actually enjoy it. The whole publishing industry is changing. Without the new automated marketplace they've created, little authors like me couldn't earn a living wage. I also wish to acknowledge how mind-boggling it is that with Amazon, you can publish your book and get paid without ever talking to a human being. Thanks, Mr. Bezos, for giving this dyslexic storyteller a job. My high school teachers told me that, though I was a hard worker, I would never make it in college (I proved them wrong—though that might have been a mistake. I'll be paying my student loans back forever), but the Amazon algorithm didn't care about my dyslexia. It just wanted a product to sell, and it is a much better salesperson than I am.

  Note from Emma C. Terrington-

  (aka, Dr. Emma C.)

  Kip is the best. Can I just be a fangirl right now? I always knew he had swarms of stories running through that strong handsome head of his, but I have been blown away by this world he has created and these characters he's written. They are alive to me, and I'm sure to many of you. I see him as he has written this and it looks so effortless. Sometimes he'll come to me and explain how he's stuck... there's a hole he needs to fix or a character he needs to turn in a different direction. I have begun to just smile when he says this. "Too bad this is gonna take you a full 20 minutes to figure out," I say. Cuz I'm right! He always thinks it's never going to get fixed, but then he really dwells on it for a minute and poof! (seriously, it feels like magic to me) and he’s come up with the solution. I'd like to say I help the process, but I think in many of these situations, I'm just his sounding board.

  We have a lot of fun with this, the two of us. I wonder sometimes how many couples out there get to create together. I hope there are a lot out there. Likely every day of our lives, over the last couple years, we have spent at least some time talking about this series and brainstorming.

  I would like to thank our readers. I love reading all of the reviews (well, okay, I’m a bit crushed at the 1 and 2-star ones), but in general, when you spend so much time creating and crafting a bit of work for others to view, it’s wonderful to see others noticing it. So, thank you. You are all an encouragement to us in this process. Both your praise and your constructive feedback. We have learned from that. In fact, one review of the first book mentioned how they’d like to see less “passive voice” and more “active voice”… well, I had absolutely no idea those were a thing. I looked it up and applied that to the second book. Thank you to the reviewer who mentioned that!

  Thank you, also, for encouraging others to give the series a try—you are all much better salespeople (as the readers) than we can ever be (as the author/editor). So, thank you.

  Note from Kip-

  It’s a little unfair. My wife knows I’m not a fan of vulnerability. But then she went and said all those really nice things… The truth is, my wife knows how much I appreciate her. But, after reading what she just wrote, I feel the need to respond in kind. It’s not an exaggeration to say that my characters and my stories would be bland and uninterest
ing without her presence in my life. Not only does she edit and provide amazing cover art, but she is also every inspiration for any heartfelt moment I put to the page. Without her, not only would I be a shell of a man, but I would also be unable to produce anything of interest to anyone. My finger guns would die. Thank you for always believing that I was talented, even though deep down, I always thought my only truly marketable skill was finger guns.

  I feel it's important to specifically thank William, Joel, Josiah, Nathan, and Ryan, both their input and for inspiring a few of the more poignant jokes in this novel. Also, thank you so much, Shannon. Emma and I really appreciated your final proof-reading of the manuscript.

  Lastly, I want to thank the readers who not only told their friends in real life about my books, but also the ones who reached out on Facebook and said this author needs encouragement. I cannot overstate how encouraged I still feel by my readers who are willing to admit that they have read my books and they were able to tolerate them.

  I would love it if you left a review.

  I would love it even more if you mentioned how you feel about my books on whatever social media you use.

  Thank you.



  Find me online. I love to hear from readers and fans. (my FB “page”) (my author profile)


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