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Shadow in the Desert (Shadow SEALs)

Page 19

by Becca Jameson

  “What currency do you intend to use?” Yes. Blade’s getting down to serious negotiations.


  Her team member burst out laughing. Perfectly straight white teeth flashed bright as the moon in the night surrounding them. “You don’t have an ounce of gold anywhere in this camp.”

  The head rebel pulled back his fist as though to punch Blade.

  Instantly, five gun barrels pointed at the man in the tattered green T-shirt, faded jungle camouflage pants, and boots held together with duct tape.

  Xena had the man’s head in her crosshairs. “I’ve got him. Just give me the signal.” Her voice was quiet and low so as not to carry over the low scrub. She had no qualms about shooting this asshole. He was a rebel soldier fighting against the duly elected government. Their side had been angry when they lost the election two years ago, losing control of one of the most corrupt administrations in the world. In their country, power was money, a lofty lifestyle, and global recognition. The rebel party currently had none of those things.

  What they did have, was something the United States of America wanted back. Or at least it would if they knew that the Navy SEALs were alive. Xena still wasn’t sure how deep the cover-up went.

  But she was the reason that six of America’s best special operatives were in captivity and two were supposedly dead.

  “Whoa.” Blade held up both hands, palms out. “Let’s take this down a few notches.” He lowered his hands in signal to the rest of their men…and her…to lower their weapons. “I’m just a salesman but I have to be sure you can pay for everything you’re ordering.”

  “The leader of the rightful regime has plenty of money. We will pay the Digger in gold.” The camp leader stepped closer to Blade and lowered his voice conspiratorially. “We have been told that is the only currency he will accept.”

  Xena knew that the Digger would take all kinds of currency, but gold was one of his favorites. The glittery metal had been used as payment from nearly the beginning of time. Tonight, though, information was worth more.

  “Gold always works with the Digger. Good choice.” Blade walked away from the other men. As expected, the camp leader followed him. When the other rebels started to move, her team brought their weapons up in warning.

  “Sometimes Digger takes payment in other forms.”

  Go, Blade. Draw him in.

  “We’re out here looking for valuable information.”

  The man nodded. “I know things. But I will never betray the true and rightful leader.”

  Xena didn’t care about him. They already knew that Kofi Tamru considered himself the duly elected prime minister and this ragtag group of dedicated followers was just one of many hiding in the mountains and deserts. Unfortunately, it wasn’t the group they were looking for.

  “Not asking you where the leader is hiding out.” Blade stepped in closer to the man. “Digger wants to know where the American soldiers are being held.”

  The camp leader stepped back three feet in one stride. “No. No. I cannot tell you. I cannot tell anyone.”

  Blade frowned dramatically as he closed the distance between them. “This information is very important to the Digger. He plans to sell the information and that money could be used to supply you with guns and ammunition. We could probably throw in a few hand grenades but we’re running low on mines these days. Depending on how accurate your information is, it could be worth a lot of money.” Blade put his arm around the small man’s shoulders and stepped a few feet farther away from the group. “Nobody needs to know that you told us.”

  Come on. Tell him. Xena mentally encouraged.

  “No.” The camp leader’s whole body shook. “He would kill me.”

  This time when Blade’s brows drew together, it was for real. “The true and rightful leader would kill you?”

  “No. His second-in-command, Nebil Yared. He has the Americans. Well, some of them. They are his to do with as he wishes.”

  Xena wasn’t positive what the man said because he whispered so low the miniature microphone in Blade’s earpiece only picked up phrases. She’d ask Blade as soon as the rest of the team made it to the rendezvous.

  Since they weren’t going to get the location of the SEALs, Blade wrapped up the fake negotiations. The second Xena watched them leave the camp, she belly-crawled to the next rocks and worked her way over the lip of the hill.

  Two miles away, on one of the few flat spots, she slid into the Italian military-style helicopter and started the warm-up checklist. As soon as her men were on board, she’d take off. After a week of sweating in the equatorial heat, they all deserved a cool shower and a cold beer. She also needed to make contact with Charley and tell her the bad news.

  Blade jumped into the open-sided helicopter and popped into the copilot seat, immediately shoving on his helmet. “Did you hear what that little scumbag said?”

  She continued down her checklist as Blade started his. Two thumps on the back of her seat indicated that everyone was safe and onboard. Glancing at her copilot, he gave her a thumbs up.

  It was time to get the hell out of these mountains.

  “Gentlemen, hang on. We’re headed home.” She cleared the top of the mountain range to cheers and didn’t spare the fuel.

  As soon as they were in clear air, her men began reporting in.

  Blade started, “Did you hear the camp leader say that Nebil Yared has the SEALs?”

  “No!” Xena cursed their comm system. Improved comm gear just got moved to the top of the Need Now list. “I only caught a few words here and there when you pulled him aside.”

  “Oh,” Jax cut in. “But he doesn’t have all of them. The Eritreans grabbed two of the SEALs.”

  “Fuck.” Now that they were separated it was going to be even harder to rescue them. Xena’s gaze swept over all the dials and gauges. Everything looked good enough to get them back home.

  “But wait. One of the men by the fire got real chatty when I offered him some of my whiskey.” Leave it to Boomer to bribe someone down the food chain. “Nebil Yared hasn’t told Kofi Tamru that he has them.”

  Xena wondered if she told Tamru that his second-in-command had helped ambush eight U.S. Navy SEALs if he would help her retrieve the American servicemen. Or if he would just order them all killed. She was too tired to think about it tonight. Her dad would have some insight and advice for her…if he was home. She’d also discuss the possibility with Charley, tomorrow.

  Just over an hour later, she touched down light as a butterfly on the designated pad. The aviation crew sprinted out to greet her with hugs and huge smiles before they rolled the chopper into the camouflaged helo hanger.

  “Daddy back yet?” Xena asked Batman, their director of aviation.

  “Not yet.” Thaddeus Bantam, who was like an uncle to her, threw his arm around her shoulder and gave her a hug as they walked in step to the awaiting vehicles. “He had a lead near Gondar and went to check it out last night. I haven’t heard from him since.” He chuckled. “But I’ve heard from your mother several times today. You hadn’t better miss the party at the embassy tomorrow night. The vice president’s son is back in town.”

  “Ugh.” She groaned. “I’m really not sure who I despise more, Crawford Sutton or the ambassador’s son, Wesley Schultz. They’re both slimy frat boys who think just because I live in Ethiopia, I should be honored to fall to my knees and suck their dicks.”

  “Xena, if your mother heard you say that she’d—”

  “She’d know it was true. Mom calls Wesley the man-child. She’s thrilled she’s no longer on the embassy staff. The ambassador lets his stepson get away with everything. I think he’s afraid of what his wife would do if he disciplined her little twerp.”

  Batman burst out laughing. “I’d be afraid of that viper too.”

  Click here to continue reading Shadow in the Mountain.

  Author’s Note

  I hope you enjoyed reading Shadow in the Desert as much as I enjoyed writin
g it! Here’s a complete list of all the books in the Shadow SEALs series.

  June 8, 2021 Cat Johnson Shadow Pawn

  June 29, 2021 Elle James Shadow Assassin

  July 20, 2021 Becca Jameson Shadow in the Desert

  Aug 10, 2021 KaLyn Cooper Shadow in the Mountain

  Aug 31, 2021 Donna Michaels Shadow of a Chance

  Sept 21, 2021 J.M. Madden Shadow of the Moon

  Oct 12, 2021 Sharon Hamilton Shadow of the Heart

  Jan 4, 2022 Desiree Holt Shadow Defender

  Jan 25, 2022 Elaine Levine Not My Shadow

  Feb 15, 2022 Abbie Zanders Cast in Shadow

  Also by Becca Jameson


  Raising Lucy

  Teaching Abby

  Leaving Roman

  Choosing Kellen

  Pleasing Josie

  Honoring Hudson

  Nurturing Britney

  Charming Colton

  Convincing Leah

  Surrender Box Set One

  Surrender Box Set Two

  Open Skies:







  Open Skies Box Set One

  Shadow SEALs:

  Shadow in the Desert

  Delta Team Three (Special Forces: Operation Alpha):

  Destiny’s Delta

  Canyon Springs:

  Caleb’s Mate

  Hunter’s Mate

  Corked and Tapped:

  Volume One: Friday Night

  Volume Two: Company Party

  Volume Three: The Holidays

  Project DEEP:

  Reviving Emily

  Reviving Trish

  Reviving Dade

  Reviving Zeke

  Reviving Graham

  Reviving Bianca

  Reviving Olivia

  Project DEEP Box Set One

  Project DEEP Box Set Two

  SEALs in Paradise:

  Hot SEAL, Red Wine

  Hot SEAL, Australian Nights

  Hot SEAL, Cold Feet

  Hot SEAL, April’s Fool

  Dark Falls:

  Dark Nightmares

  Club Zodiac:

  Training Sasha

  Obeying Rowen

  Collaring Brooke

  Mastering Rayne

  Trusting Aaron

  Claiming London

  Sharing Charlotte

  Taming Rex

  Tempting Elizabeth

  Club Zodiac Box Set One

  Club Zodiac Box Set Two

  Club Zodiac Box Set Three

  The Art of Kink:




  Arcadian Bears:

  Grizzly Mountain

  Grizzly Beginning

  Grizzly Secret

  Grizzly Promise

  Grizzly Survival

  Grizzly Perfection

  Arcadian Bears Box Set One

  Arcadian Bears Box Set Two

  Sleeper SEALs:

  Saving Zola

  Spring Training:

  Catching Zia

  Catching Lily

  Catching Ava

  Spring Training Box Set

  The Underground series:







  The Underground Box Set One

  The Underground Box Set Two

  Saving Sofia (Special Forces: Operations Alpha)

  Wolf Masters series:

  Kara’s Wolves

  Lindsey’s Wolves

  Jessica’s Wolves

  Alyssa’s Wolves

  Tessa’s Wolf

  Rebecca’s Wolves

  Melinda’s Wolves

  Laurie’s Wolves

  Amanda’s Wolves

  Sharon’s Wolves

  Wolf Masters Box Set One

  Wolf Masters Box Set Two

  Claiming Her series:

  The Rules

  The Game

  The Prize

  Claiming Her Box Set

  Emergence series:

  Bound to be Taken

  Bound to be Tamed

  Bound to be Tested

  Bound to be Tempted

  Emergence Box Set

  The Fight Club series:







  The Fight Club Box Set One

  The Fight Club Box Set Two

  Wolf Gatherings series:







  Wolf Gatherings Box Set One

  Wolf Gathering Box Set Two

  Durham Wolves series:

  Rescue in the Smokies

  Fire in the Smokies

  Freedom in the Smokies

  Durham Wolves Box Set

  Stand Alone Books:

  Blind with Love

  Guarding the Truth

  Out of the Smoke

  Abducting His Mate

  Three’s a Cruise

  Wolf Trinity


  A Princess for Cale/A Princess for Cain

  About the Author

  Becca Jameson is a USA Today best-selling author of over 100 books. She is well-known for her Wolf Masters series, her Fight Club series, and her Surrender series. She currently lives in Houston, Texas, with her husband and her Goldendoodle. Two grown kids pop in every once in a while too! She is loving this journey and has dabbled in a variety of genres, including paranormal, sports romance, military, and BDSM.

  A total night owl, Becca writes late at night, sequestering herself in her office with a glass of red wine and a bar of dark chocolate, her fingers flying across the keyboard as her characters weave their own stories.

  During the day--which never starts before ten in the morning!--she can be found jogging, running errands, or reading in her favorite hammock chair!

  …where Alphas dominate…

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