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Book of Watchers

Page 9

by Mary Ting

  His charming, warm tone unnerved me. “Where have you been?”

  “Oh my, my, my. Is this...” He stood before Liana. “It can’t be. Stand up, girl.”

  Liana met my gaze. When I nodded, she rose. Her beautiful smile took on a life of its own. It had been eight years since she’d seen her uncle. She had become a woman.

  Dominic had told me to take care of business while he traveled the world. He was tired and wanted a break. He’d also told me never to call him. One time I had and he’d never answered. I’d figured after several years that he was either dead or having too much fun to bother coming back.

  Those eight years were my best years. I knew what my kind wanted and ran the business as I saw fit. The nightclubs I owned bloomed because I ran them. I knew how to negotiate and who to wine and dine. Even the police left us alone. In trade, I gave them free access to our demon prostitutes.

  Dominic sniffed the air like a dog and frowned. “You’ve got two, no three, in your bed. You should really tell them to stop breathing. I can hear their hearts beating. Such an annoying sound. Why play with breakable mortals, brother, when you can play with such a”—he caressed Liana’s cheek, his voice lowering softer— “flawless creature.”

  “Hello, Uncle. You remember me?”

  Dominic’s eyes gleamed with lust as he stroked her cheek. “Of course. I could never forget a pretty face. You are an attractive thing. Too attractive. I’m surprised your father hasn’t locked you up or had you in his bed.”

  “Shut up. Get your filthy hands off her.” I tightened my muscles, ready to haul him across the room.

  Many of our kind slept with their daughters and sisters, and even mothers. Never had I ever thought of Liana in such a sexual manner. Perhaps I was different, less savage. I liked the thought. But if Dominic ever tried to force himself on Liana, I would kill him.

  Dominic lowered his hand and chuckled. “Easy, Brother. So territorial. You know how much I like to tease you. Now, Oni and Micah rise. Your true master is back.”

  When they rose, he ignored them and turned to me.

  “Let’s discuss our matter privately in my office. Obviously, you’ve come back for a reason.” I tightened my robe and spoke to Liana in her mind.

  “Go. Take Oni and Micah with you. Do not trust your uncle. Stay away from him.”

  “Everyone leave.” Dominic growled. “Give me thirty minutes. I’m very hungry.” His eyes fell on my bed. “You should tell your sluts not to touch each other under the covers while I’m around. I am extra sensitive to the moans they think I can’t hear.”

  I sighed, debating whether to kick him out or let him have his way. Before I could make my move, he flicked his hand. I flew backward out the door, right behind Liana. My back hit the hallway wall. Plaster and wood rained down on top of me when I fell flat on my ass.

  I gasped. Dominic had somehow learned magic. Was that possible?

  Oni and Micah tried to help me up, but I pushed them away.

  “Go,” I said. “Take Liana out of here. I don’t want her to see this.”

  What I meant to say—I didn’t want Liana to see her uncle raping and killing the girls. I had once been a monster like Dominic. Since Liana had entered my life, I had changed in some ways. Having a daughter had given me a new perspective in the way I treated women, but not the dirty men who preyed on innocent girls. I had those for snacks.

  “Dom!” I punched the door.

  The door splintered and a chunk dropped. I went through the hole, but I couldn’t get to him. An invisible barrier kept me from reaching him. How had he done that?

  Dom peered up, his mouth dripping with blood. One girl’s naked body hung halfway off the bed and the other was under him, bleeding.

  “You’ll have to learn to share again, little brother, because I’m back for good.” He let out a happy boisterous laugh. “Come join me.”

  Having no right to judge him, I seethed and walked away. I had done what humans would consider horrible deeds, but I was the seed of evil. Evil was in my blood. My father was the cause of Adam and Eve’s downfall. He had slithered his way to Eve’s mind, causing her to take the first bite of the apple.

  As they say, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. I didn’t know right from wrong. I yearned to kill, and hungered for human flesh. But I had started suppressing my urges when Liana entered my life.

  I wanted to mold Liana into my greatest weapon, but I had to be careful with her. She was not only part demon, but part human and archangel. She had a conscience. She knew right from wrong. She had to believe we were fighting for a good cause.

  The sweet, delicate scent of human blood followed me down the hall, and I fought the temptation to join my brother with every ounce of my will.

  Chapter 18

  Catching Up


  Thirty minutes passed. Not a minute late, Dom barged into my office and I almost dropped the book I was holding. He had washed and changed into a new suit with a tie to match his ocean blue eyes. He appeared in his human form, as I did.

  “Here I am.” He extended his arms and spread his lips. “Now that I’m fed, let’s talk.” He strolled to my desk, sat on my leather chair, and propped up his feet. Eyeing a tray of goodies the maid had brought in, he picked up a single blueberry and tossed it into his mouth.

  “Why are you here?” Scowling, I shelved the book and sat on the sofa.

  “That is no way to speak to your eldest brother. Besides, I missed this town and I missed you.”

  “Cut the bullshit. Are you in trouble?”

  He sat up straight and rested his elbows on the desk. “No. I’m not. I come with great news.”

  “Honestly, I don’t care about your news. Next time you come, go to my office and not my bedroom. Or go to the other dozen rooms. Better yet, go to your own master suite.”

  “Aww, are we a little angry today? Is it because I ate your lovers? I’m surprised you didn’t have more.”

  “They’re not my lovers.” I arched my eyebrows and caught a square piece of cheese he threw at me. “And killing them is not acceptable.”

  He furrowed his brow. “Really? When did that happen?”

  I popped the chunk of cheese into my mouth and chewed. “A lot of things changed while you were gone. New rules and regulations by Trinity Order. They keep everyone in check. If we break their law, we are not bound by honor and their protection. We are free to be hunted.”

  “Preventing war.” He twisted his seat to look out the window. “Our sister has been asked to join the Trinity Order on behalf of the Daemonium Council.”

  “How do you know? Did she tell you?”

  I kept a straight expression. Lotus, our sister whom I visited at least once a month, hadn’t told me her good news. Had she done this on purpose? Had Dom kept in touch with Lotus all these years and ignored me?

  “Just last week, I ran into her in Paris out of all the places in the world. We had dinner and had a good chat. Since Maddox died, Lotus was voted in to take his seat to represent our kind.”

  “That’s great news,” I said. “I haven’t seen her yet. I’m sure she would have told me.”

  Dom met my gaze. “You can bet on it. Right now, she needs all the support she can get. And what about Paymon? We need to inform our youngest brother as well. Where is he? Or should I say, what trouble is he in now?”

  I shook my head in disgust. “I have no idea. He does what he does. He sleeps in our home during the day and causes havoc, no doubt, during the night. I don’t monitor his whereabouts. Frankly, I don’t give a shit.”

  Dom threw several blueberries in the air and caught them with his open mouth. “Lucky him. He is behaving like the monster we all are. He gets to be his true self. As for us, my brother, we have goals to fulfill.”

  I leaned back into the sofa and eased my shoulders. “And what are our goals?”

  Dom’s lips slowly curled. “Have you not heard anything I said?”

  I grabbed some
grapes and bit into one. “Not really. I have no time to play guessing games. Just tell me.”

  Dom loosened his tie and unbuttoned his suit jacket. “To rule over Trinity Order.”

  I coughed and almost choked on a grape. “Are you crazy? That’s impossible. You would have to...Is that why you’re back? I’m going to tell you right now, it’s a suicide mission. It would be you against dozens of them.”

  Dom squashed blueberries with his index finger, one after another as he spoke. “You have changed, Malum. What happened to you? The old Malum would see the possibility, but this Malum is cautious. Is it Liana?”

  He paused, but didn’t give me a chance to speak. If he had, I wouldn’t know how to respond to that truth.

  “Look.” Dom drummed his fingers on my desk. “It’s the reason why demons shouldn’t care for their offspring. Liana is old enough to be on her own. Use her when you need her and that’s it.”

  Dom had no idea why Liana was special. His idiocy and impulsiveness were the reasons I would never tell him about my daughter and what she represented. With her, not only would I bring down Trinity Order myself, I had a chance to rule over humanity.

  Lotus had no leverage in Trinity Order. She was a pawn, like many others. She would have to serve many years before she had a chance to move up the ladder.

  “I have not changed. Perhaps you have changed. Keep in mind you left me. I had to take over your duties and clean up your mess.” I sat closer to the edge of my seat, my nostrils flaring. “And let me remind you, I had to butter up to Trinity Order to protect our possessions. Had it not been for my ass kissing and playing by their rules, you would have no home to come home to. In fact, you would be exiled and hunted down like an animal.”

  Dom looked away, and then set softened eyes on mine. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to leave you with that mess. But I’m back now. I want to make amends and give us better opportunity.”

  I shoved my face into my palms and released a sigh. “Times have changed. Our goals before were not lucrative, and we will not win. You have not yet heard of Nephilim Unification, but they are everywhere. They hunt down savage demons under Trinity Order’s protection.”

  Dom sighed through his nose and ran a hand through his hair. “Fine. I see your point. We’ll find another way.”

  Anger sizzled to my bones. My brother had not heard a thing I’d said. Very well. I would carefully monitor his actions and make sure he didn’t drag me through the mud with him.

  “Lotus will not help you,” I said.

  Dom smirked, his eyes gleaming. “You do not know her well. She will see it my way. Now, tell me, who is this Enoch you seek?”

  “Not that it’s any of your business, but he owes me money.”

  He regarded me for a second and a wicked grin lit his face. “I see. I will find out, little brother. I always do.”

  I rose abruptly. “I have things to do. How long are you staying?”

  “How long?” He chuckled.

  His laugh sent chills through my veins.

  “Yes, how long?” I ground my teeth.

  “Forever, brother. Forever with you.” He kicked up his feet on my desk again and supported his neck with his arms.

  His tone seemed to promise something wicked. Stones filled my heart. I was used to making the decisions, and now Dom would intervene. He might even do things behind my back. No, he definitely would.

  As long as his actions didn’t affect Liana, then fine by me.

  “Good.” I gave him back the same fake grin. “By the way, who taught you dark magic?”

  “A witch.”

  “A witch? They still exist?”

  “I found one while traveling. She will soon join us. She will be of great use. You should see the things she can do. I mean in bed.” He winked. “And out of bed, of course.”

  I scowled. “Us?”

  “If we are to take over Trinity Order, we’re going to need allies.”

  “Didn’t Trinity Order ban the witches?”

  “Exactly. Centuries ago. She can’t wait to take her revenge.”

  I glanced up at the high ceiling wondering what I had done to deserve such a brainless sibling. “Don’t start a war, brother. We will not win.”

  Dom swaggered to my bookshelf and picked up a photo collage of Liana and me that she had given me at Christmas. Though I didn’t celebrate any holidays, it was Liana’s favorite.

  Liana had grown up like a normal child. I wanted her to assimilate into the human culture. She was part human, after all. Liana had gone to public school and did what all normal human children did. All the while, she had trained to be a demon warrior.

  “Such a beautiful creature,” Dom said, stroking the photo of her. “I was told some parts of her wings are white. So she has angel blood in her as well. Marvelous.” He met my gaze with hunger. “You did well, Brother. You should procreate with her and bear more superior beings. If she does not suit you, then perhaps I—”

  “No.” My tone startled him. “Don’t touch her. If you ever lay a finger on her, I will…"

  Dom placed the photo back and glared at me. “You will what, Brother? Kill me?”

  He approached me. His angry hot breath bathed my cheek. Then he punched my face. Heat coursed through my bones. I should have predicted his action and transformed into a demon. It wouldn’t have hurt. I hissed and snarled.

  He growled louder. “Let me remind you, little brother. I was born first. This is my house. If you ever threaten me again, not only will I kick you out, I will destroy everyone you care about. I will start with your favorite children, Micah and Oni.” Then he softened his voice and stroked my face, like a mother who regretted scolding her child. “Malum, please don’t make me do things. I don’t want to hurt you. Let’s start again. I will leave Liana alone as you wish just as long as you do as I ask. That is all.”

  I clenched my jaw recalling my brother’s words. Forever, brother. Forever with you. Forever sometimes sucks.

  “Do we have an understanding?” he asked.

  So sure of himself. Such arrogance. Two can play the same game.

  “Forever,” I said with a smirk. But not with you.

  Chapter 19

  The Demon


  I opened the door. Ezekiel sat with crossed arms on a black leather chair, eyeing the demon behind the glass. The glass took up half of the back wall. He gave us a nod and proceeded.

  The hideous demon had transformed into a human, its vessel. I felt sorry for the human, but at the same time, her soul had to have been dark in order for a demon to possess it.

  “Who’s your master?” Ezekiel asked, his expression neutral.

  I wondered how many times he’d asked that question. The bored tone indicated the answer was many.

  Ezekiel placed his elbows on the table full of switches and buttons that controlled the temperature and other devices used to torture the prisoner. “Kelly. I’m going to ask you one last time. After that, I’m not going to be nice.”

  The prisoner huffed, causing her long bangs to lift up and cover her eyes when they came down. “I already told you. I work for myself.”

  Her sultry, self-righteous tone matched her long lean body and her slutty outfit. A hooker?

  “Fine.” Ezekiel slammed his hand against the table, his eyes full of rage. “I warned you. Now you pay the consequences.” He reached over and pushed a button.

  Kelly screamed. Steamed hissed from the wall to her body. She ran around in the tight space of her prison, bellowing in pain. When the spraying stopped, she panted and covered her face.

  The holy water mist had boiled her skin, leaving it raw and sizzling. Then her fingers slowly spread open and her eyeballs became completely black except for red lining her pupils.

  “You’re dead,” it hissed. Its long, reptilian tongue flickered like a snake scenting the air. “You think you’ve captured me because I’m weak?” She paused to meet our eyes, one by one. “You’re wrong. I allowed myself
to be captured to give you a message from Ko.”

  “Impossible.” Ezekiel approached Kelly, standing inches from the glass. “You’re lying. He’s somewhere locked up between Heaven and Earth.”

  Kelly sauntered to face Ezekiel. “Is he? Maybe he made you think he was. We are not the most honest beings, are we? Now let me go or there will be consequences.”

  Ezekiel snorted and let out a genuine laugh. “You’re so funny. And I am not the most honest being, either. I don’t follow any protocol except for my own.” He backed away and stood in his original spot. “You see, Kelly, I have no reason to keep you alive, so I might as well stop wasting my time.”

  “Stop!” Kelly shouted just as Ezekiel raised his hand to push a button.

  The room went silent.

  “Give me something fast, Kelly. I’m out of patience.”

  “Her.” Kelly pointed at me.

  I looked behind my shoulder, thinking she was pointing at Suri standing behind me, but she had been beside me all along.

  Ezekiel darted his eyes at me. “Keira? What about her?”

  “She knows.”

  “Knows what?” Ezekiel and I said in accord.

  “The location of the gatekeeper.”

  “What the hell is a gatekeeper?” Daniel asked.

  I shook my head vigorously. “I have no idea what she means. I’ve never heard of this gatekeeper. She’s stalling.”

  Ezekiel considered my statement for a second by staring at me, and then turned back to Kelly. “Explain, or you’re dead.”

  I scowled at his lack of trust in me.

  “The gatekeeper knows where the originals, the most powerful watchers are locked up. The gatekeeper is the only one who can unlock and lock the door to the other side.”

  “Why would Keira know that?”

  “Because she was there.”


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