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Book of Watchers

Page 19

by Mary Ting

  “That’s a secret.” She winked and licked her bottom lip with a teasing swipe of her tongue. “If you behave, maybe I’ll tell you. Now, no more talking. I’m here to celebrate.” Giselle flicked her wrist and the silk cover dropped lower to the edge of the bed, revealing my naked body.

  “Don’t just stand there. Or shall I come get you?”

  She perked her lips, eyes growing wider at the sight of my erection.

  “I was getting ready for you.” I teased her in turn by stroking myself.

  “My, my. The rumors are true.” She swayed seductively toward me as she slowly tossed her fiery red hair back, revealing both breasts. Then she straddled me and ran her hands up my chest.

  “The original watchers are—”

  She pressed a finger over my lips. “They are well, but locked up. Don’t worry too much. I’ll take care of everything.”

  Her words were meant to comfort me, but something tugged in my gut to stay alert.

  “Then I’m all yours.” I watched her come closer, her amber eyes beautiful in the dim light.

  Entranced by her, I let her kiss me as her hands roamed as they pleased. She trailed kisses lower and lower, and then she took me fully in her mouth. I arched my back, moaning. I had been in bed with many women, but something about Giselle had me unraveled. Perhaps it was just mental, the idea of having sex with a witch excited me more than I could comprehend. Whatever the reason, she would not be just a one-night stand.

  My world spun and I suddenly found myself on top of her. Dangerous magic. But it turned me on.

  “It’s your turn to please me,” she murmured, licking her lips again. “But first, why don’t you show me your demon? I like it rough. I’ll even let you bite me and drink my blood.”

  My muscles twitched, knowing how good that would make me feel. As I transformed before her, she did not flinch. To my surprise, she marveled, and a wicked smile lit her eyes. Then her canines sharpened and grew longer.

  She has fangs? What kind of witch has fangs?

  “Let’s see if you can handle me,” she purred.

  Damned witch. She would be my undoing. She was Eve and I was Adam, the first knowing, carnal beings on Earth. I would take the first sinful bite of her apple.

  Chapter 35



  The next day, instead of going to the institute, I asked for the day off. Daniel, Suri, and Kai would inform Ezekiel what went down at the cemetery. Crazy shit. Never in my wildest dream would I have thought vampires, witches, and angels would be duking it out at the cemetery, of all places. We were only missing the demon faction.

  Malum and his family had been absent, but why? Perhaps they hadn’t cared. Maybe they hadn’t known. Nah, I doubted that. Or perhaps they had paid off the vampires or the witches. Whatever.

  I told myself I would clear my thoughts of the supernatural beings and think of only my parents. Ezekiel had brought me to the grave site when I was three years old when I’d started questioning why I didn’t have a mom. And that was when he’d told me he wasn’t my biological father, but that he would take care of me and raise me like his own.

  I wasn’t sure what kind of father he would have turned out to be had he had his own children, but he was an okay adoptive father. I hadn’t expected much, so I didn’t feel cheated. And because of his job and who we were, I’d stayed low key throughout my school years.

  Unlike other teen girls, I hadn’t joined clubs or gone to the prom. I hadn’t even gone to college. After school, I’d trained, and then I scouted for demons and killed them if needed.

  I placed the bouquet of roses between my father’s and mother’s gravestones, searching for words. “Hi. It’s me, Keira. Your daughter. I’m alone today. Ezekiel will most likely stop by later. It’s been crazy ever since every supernatural found out Enoch is really Uriel. And I found out witches are not extinct. Not sure if that is good or bad.”

  Birds flapping away caught my attention. I peered at the sun that hid behind thick, ominous clouds. A cool breeze made me shiver and an eerie feeling crawled into my skin. I glanced around. The same people I had seen when I entered were still here.

  Perhaps I was jumpy and full of nerves, being that it was my parents’ death anniversary. So I brushed off the pinprick of panic waving through me.

  “Anyway, I want to say that I miss you even though we’ve never met. I often wonder how different my life would have been had we been together. Not that any of this is your fault. And I’m going to stop rambling.”

  How did you talk to your dead parents when there was nothing to talk about? We shared no memories. Every year, I said the same darn things. I knew they couldn’t hear me, but coming here and paying respect to them gave me a sense of serenity.

  “Well, I’ll be on my way. I have to go back to the institute. Ezekiel let me have a half a day off. He’s nice, but demanding. It would have been—”

  My tongue twisted and words failed me. Something black flashed before my eyes. I looked to the left. Nothing. I reached for my weapon, which was safely tucked behind my back pocket, but rested my hand to my side when a lady appeared before me. No, not a lady. A witch. Awan. I recognized her from the cemetery.

  Awan wore a sexy black ball gown and held a black lacy umbrella. Her attire wasn’t cemetery-appropriate, but she hadn’t come to pay her respects to anyone in particular, I was sure of that.

  From afar she’d appeared regal and stunning, and being so close to her confirmed my impression.

  My pulse quickened, but I immediately relaxed. Better not to show her my fear. I wondered how she knew I was here. More importantly, what the hell did she want from me? I had to play it cool and pretend I had no idea who she was. Perhaps she happened to stroll by and saw me and wanted to chat.

  I’m an idiot if I believe that.

  “Hello, little one. Aren’t you lovely?” Even her voice captivated me.

  “Who are you and what do you want?” I spat.

  Her lips made a weird shape and her eyes narrowed. “That’s no way to speak to a stranger. Didn’t your parents teach you manners? Oh, wait. They didn’t because they’re dead.”

  My jaw clenched. “How do you know that? Who are you? What do you want from me?”

  “Let me start by introducing myself. My name is Awan. I’m a witch.”

  I halfheartedly listened to her explanation about witches not being extinct. Thankfully she was quick about it because I really didn’t care. I didn’t appreciate her sneaking up on me.

  “I need your service,” she added.

  “Service?” I scoffed. “As you already know, I’m not a witch. And no thank you. I have a job. I don’t have time for whatever it is you want me to do.”

  She paced around me in a full circle. “Oh, but on the contrary, you do have a quarter witch blood in you. Your mother was part witch and part angel, but your father...Oh, child, your father...Well, I won’t spoil it for you.”

  I almost punched her to erase her smirk. “Then you must be confusing me with someone else. I’m not who you think I am. Run along and go follow someone else. And for the record, I’m not a child.”

  She smacked her lips and rolled her eyes. “Ch—girl, I’m never wrong. Now, before I get violent, hear me out. Your father lives. And I don’t think he knows he had a child.”

  At first, her words slammed hard into my chest, and then...lies. Everyone lied. I spat out a mocking laugh and sped away from her with my weapon in front of me.

  Please. Please. Please. Don’t follow me. Stay away.

  “Where are you going?” Then she shrieked, “Why is my power not working on you?”

  “I’m not interested.” My whole life I was certain of two things: my supernatural abilities, and that my parents had died after I was born. But if what she told me was even somewhat true.

  Oh God.

  In less than a second, she appeared before me. Her eyes glowed bright amber and lines on her forehead deepened with her scowl. She looked ge
nuinely astounded.

  “You didn’t stop when I compelled you. How did you repel my powers? Tell me now.”

  I shrugged, my heart thundering. No matter how hard I tried to act cool, the fact that she had tried to use her power against me frightened me to no end.

  “How the hell do I know? You’re the witch.”

  I quickened my steps again toward my car and thanked the stars her power didn’t work on me. I could picture it in my head, Awan forcing me down on my knees and torturing me until I gave in and agreed to serve her.

  “I will give you proof.”

  I halted. I didn’t want to fall for a trap, but what if Ezekiel had withheld truth from me to keep me safe? It would be the only reason he’d lie. Every fiber of my being knew there was more to my story than what Ezekiel had told me.

  He had been vague about his answers. Easily answerable questions I had such as: how had my parents met? Or what were they like. He was able to talk about my mother with more ease than my father.

  I didn’t know Ezekiel that well. Sure, he took care of me, but I’d never got to know him deeply. There were many things he didn’t share about his life, and I’d never asked him because he seemed uncomfortable and would brush it off.

  What if the witch was right about my parents? Oh, God, please don’t let her words be true. But something inside me itched to know, or at least get proof she was wrong. And a part of me knew she wouldn’t leave me alone until I agreed.

  Damned witch!

  “You really have proof? If you do, then who is my father?”

  “It doesn’t work that way. If you do something for me first, then I’ll tell you.”

  “Let me hear what you want from me.”

  I crossed my arms, expecting her to want someone dead. But what she asked me to do turned my world upside down. Was there even such a place?

  “Fine. But I can’t leave today. I’ll have to come up with an excuse to tell guardian.”

  It felt weird to say that word when everyone else knew Ezekiel as my father. I hoped I hadn’t made a mistake. Making a bargain with a witch might not be a good thing. If Ezekiel ever found out, he would go ballistic.

  “Very well.” Her smile seemed too big for her face. She handed me a business card. “Meet me tomorrow at 8:00 p.m. sharp. The address is on the card. Who knows. You might even find the answer to your question before I tell you.”

  “I doubt that,” I mumbled and unlocked my car door.

  “By the way, girl. Don’t sneak around cemeteries at midnight.”

  I swallowed thickly as blood drained to my toes. Then Awan’s reflection on my window disappeared.

  Chapter 36



  “Where are you going?”

  My heart jumped so high, it felt like it hit the ceiling. Placing my hand on my chest, I turned to face Paymon.

  “Hey. You look great, uncle.” I ran my fingers through his shoulder length hair. “You cut it. And you shaved and sobered up.”

  “I did.” He gave me a bashful smile. His eyes crinkled at the corners.

  Paymon had never been good at accepting compliments. He looked good wearing jeans and a T-shirt, showing off his biceps. He had a pretty face, unlike his brothers’ chiseled jawlines and strong cheekbones. Even his lips looked soft and plump.

  “You didn’t answer my question. Where are you going?” he asked lightly.

  I gestured to Malum’s door. “I was going to see if Malum was in his office. I have some business questions.”

  Paymon raised an eyebrow and let out a soft, giddy chuckle. “Oh, you won’t find him in there this morning. I believe Giselle is in his bed right now.”

  “Oh, really.” My voice rose a pitch. Perfect timing. “Well, good for him. And how about you?”

  He lowered his eyelashes and met my gaze. “I’m having lunch with Balen. I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come with us. It’’s been some time since we got to spend time together. And...I haven’t been there for you.” He cleared his throat.

  I could see the genuine apology and the love he had for me. His words tugged my heart and I really wanted to say yes. But... “How about dinner. Just you and me?”

  His eyes lit up. “Sure. I can do that. See you later then.” He kissed my cheek and walked away.

  When Paymon rounded the corner, I entered Malum’s office with a key he had given me when I’d first started working for him. I closed the door behind me and walked to the bookshelf, pretending to go through his binders while I examined the white feather inside one of his globes.

  Why do you call to me? Why do I feel compelled to find out where you came from?

  I didn’t know if it was a real feather from an angel, and if it was, how sick was that? And why would Malum purchase such a thing? Sure, he didn’t like angels or Neps. So why would he place one along the globes he treasured so much?

  I had never asked him about it because he’d placed it with the others, but this one called to me. I couldn’t remember when I’d first felt the pull, and since I didn’t want Malum to think I was crazy, I didn’t ask him about it.

  Knowing there was a camera in his office, I looked the other way. I pulled out a binder and opened it. Then I ran my finger down the page and stopped as if I had found what I was searching for. I put the binder back and walked out.

  I leaned my back against the door and let out a long breath. Many times I’d wondered if Malum could read my thoughts, or if he could see the lie on my face. It was probably safe to know he couldn’t or I wouldn’t have survived this long.

  He thought he had erased my memories, and yes, he’d taken most of them, but I clearly recalled the night he’d come to my house and stolen my life. He’d killed the only loving parents I knew. And my little sister...he made me watch while he’d eaten her. He freakin’ made me watch!

  Who was I kidding? Malum was a monster. No, worse than a monster. I knew what he had done and I would never forget it. And I would never forgive him. Every time I thought about it, I wanted to vomit. I wanted to kill him.

  I’d known I was not ordinary when my hearing became powerful. I would listen in on my parents’ conversations through the walls. Using that power, I’d spied on Malum. He had told Paymon he’d raped my mother while disguised as my father to have a demon child. And my mother was not the only woman he had raped.

  That night, I’d almost gone into his room while he slept with a dagger, hoping to slit his throat. But then that would have been too easy for him. I want him to feel pain in measure while I told him I knew all along what he had done. And if he got close to Giselle, I might kill her to get my revenge.

  Yes, I was a bastard’s child. Malum was my father, but he made me who I am. And I would find out why that feather beckoned me. I might even break it by accident if need be.

  “Liana. You’re up early this morning.” Malum strolled down the hall, grinning. His eyes darted to his office door, looking slightly worried.

  Very unusual for him to be so happy in the morning. I knew why. If Giselle was in his room, why was he here now? Had he seen me go into his office? It had been the first time I was in there without him.

  “I just came out of your office, Father. I needed to check the inventory you did last year. Seriously, you need to input them on a spreadsheet. I would have easier access instead of going into your office, old man.” I pressed my finger on his chest.

  I grimaced inwardly. Even touching him made me nauseous.

  “Old man?” He lifted his thick dark eyebrows.

  “Yes, old man. You’re doing business like the olden days.”

  “Fine. I’ll see what I can do. Where are you off to?”

  “I have a lunch date with friends.”

  The lie flew out of my mouth. Not a full lie. I did plan on seeking out demons, only they weren’t my friends. They were the kind that killed and ate humans for sport, even though the Trinity Order’s law protected humans. And Malum did nothing about it.

>   Malum had no idea I hunted his kind, but then again, he had no idea of many things, like how I planned to kill every demon in this world, including him. Maybe not Paymon. Maybe I’d join the Nep I’d seen in the alley.

  I had recognized Paymon, the reason why I hadn’t shot him, but he couldn’t have seen me up on the roof. And I’d had on a red cloak, and as far as my fake family was concerned, I hated anything to do with red. So why did he think he saw me there? He had been intoxicated, the only explanation.

  “Very well. I’ll see you later. Be careful. Stay away from the witches.”

  I wanted to tell him the same, but I didn’t want to give it away that I knew one shared a bed with him, and perhaps she even had his heart. If he had a heart.

  “As you wish. See you later, Daddio.” I patted his arm, sounding chirpy, and turned on my heel to stroll away.

  My fake smile could have won me an Oscar.

  Book 2 --Coming Soon

  ISAN-International Sensory Assassin Network

  Published with Vesuvian Books

  "Captivating from the very beginning...this thrilling dystopian drama has a splash of romance and tons of action.”—School Library Journal <--Purchase link.

  Chapter 1

  Mental Mission

  I ran to live.

  Bullets whizzed by my ears. Adrenaline pumped through my body like a high-speed train. I peeked around the corner to confirm no enemy remained, then charged down the hall faster than humanly possible. Justine and Brooke hot on my heels. I halted when I realized Justine had slowed.

  “Crap. It nicked me.” Justine’s long blonde hair screened her face.

  “How bad is it?” Metallic scent spiked my senses. I cringed and reached for her arm, but she jolted back and flashed daggered eyes at me.

  Since she didn’t want my help, I checked my digital watch. Ten minutes left to reach the other side of the building before time ran out with my team. If we didn’t end up killing each other first.


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