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Saved by Darkness

Page 22

by Katie Reus

  “After everything we’ve been through, now you’re nervous?” Ian laughed lightly and gave her hand a gentle squeeze as he easily balanced his pie box in another hand.

  “When I mentioned to Ophelia that we were going to meet with Arya, she seemed to be nervous for me.” And Ophelia wasn’t afraid of anything.

  “Nah, Arya’s great. She can be a little eccentric, but she and her mate were in hibernation for…centuries. I think they’re still adjusting to this time period.”

  She glanced up at the three-story raised beach house painted a periwinkle blue. “Let’s do this, then.”

  Before Ian could knock on the door, it swung open to reveal an attractive couple—definitely dragons, given their scent and size. The male was at least six feet five inches, broad with dark hair and silvery gray eyes. The female was tall, even taller than Fiona, with blond hair pulled back into a twist at her nape, showing off stunning cheekbones. She looked like a supermodel. They both wore cargo pants and T-shirts and the female had…a machete strapped to her thigh. What. The. Hell. Well, Ian had said that she was eccentric.

  “Ian, welcome.” The female stepped back, motioning them inside.

  “Arya, Dragos, this is Fiona O’Riley—now Fiona McCabe. My mate.”

  Warmth spread through Fiona to hear him call her Fiona McCabe.

  Arya gave her a warm, genuine smile as she clasped one of Fiona’s hands between both of hers. “You’re originally part of the Ó Raghaillaigh clan.”

  Fiona blinked in surprise, but nodded. “That’s right.”

  “We’ve got breakfast and coffee in the kitchen,” Dragos said, clapping Ian on the back and nodding politely at Fiona as he took the pie box.

  Once they were settled inside, Fiona’s nerves skyrocketed again. Ian wanted to officially accept the Petronilla clan’s offer to make him a member. But only if they could continue to live down south and she didn’t have to give up her job. Those were his requirements.

  The truth was that if they denied her request, she would still join the clan because she knew how much it meant to Ian. She could do her job anywhere and he deserved to be a member of a clan.

  “I think I know why you’re here, and my son Conall has given me permission to speak on his behalf as Alpha.”

  Something told Fiona that no one gave Arya permission to do anything.

  Ian nodded once. “I want to officially accept your offer to become a member of the Petronilla clan. As long as we are accepted as a couple and Fiona and I can remain living here, we’d like to become contributing members.”

  Arya and Dragos both nodded, almost in unison. “Accepted,” she said.

  Fiona blinked, then looked at Ian, who appeared just as surprised as she was. “That’s it? Don’t you want to know more about me?” she blurted before she realized how ungrateful she sounded. She winced, tried to backtrack.

  But Arya simply laughed. “We’ve wanted Ian as part of our clan for months. If he chose you as a mate, you must be worthy. That said, I’ve already done research into you, and since you were smart enough to leave your tiresome, draconian clan, and you’ve done a lot of good over the past fifty years… We don’t need to know any more. You’re both permitted to remain living where you are, but you’ll always have a home in Montana should you ever choose. In fact, I think I’ll have to insist you spend at least a month out of the year up there with us.” At the last part, she looked at Ian, her expression filled with a maternal sort of adoration as she spoke.

  Which just melted Fiona’s heart. She wouldn’t mind spending time with this female one bit. “Thank you. That’s incredibly generous,” Fiona said, squeezing Ian’s hand once. This was more than she’d hoped for.

  “Thank you,” Ian said quietly, and Fiona was under the impression that he was fighting a wave of emotion. He’d been alone for so long and even though he’d found family in the last year, now he was being accepted into a clan who didn’t care about his dual nature.

  Arya pulled first Ian then Fiona into a tight hug before standing back. Dragos cleared his throat loudly, making the female roll her eyes.

  “Tell them,” the big male murmured, power vibrating through his words.

  She gritted her teeth once, then sighed. “I was going to wait, but…Dragos and I might have had a few words with your former clan.”

  Dragos cleared his throat again.

  “Fine. I might have had a few words with them.” In a flash, her eyes flicked to dragon, the predator looking out at them holding centuries of terrifying secrets and power. “Their sons wreaked a lot of havoc on a pack my own clan considers allies. Not only do I know their reputation for treating women like servants, I know how they kept the two of you apart for so long. They won’t be bothering either of you ever again.” The promise that reverberated in the female’s words shook Fiona to her core.

  After everything she and Ian had been through, the truth was, she hadn’t been worried about her former clan members coming after them. But to know without a doubt that she and Ian were now part of a new clan, one who protected their own, gave her a sense of peace.

  When she looked at Ian she saw the same relief in his amber eyes as well. Without thinking Fiona launched herself at Arya, pulling the powerful female into a tight hug. “Thank you,” she rasped out, wishing she had more than the two words to convey her gratitude.

  The female patted her gently on the back then stepped back, looking as if she felt a little awkward before she turned away to the display of food. Moments later foodstuff was piled high on two plates and practically shoved in front of them.

  Since all Fiona and Ian had been doing the last few days was making love, she wasn’t going to say no to a plate of bacon, eggs and fruit.

  Before they dove in, she leaned over, brushed her lips against Ian’s stubbly cheek. He turned to her, caught her mouth in a quick, breath-stealing kiss.

  Oh yeah, she loved this male and couldn’t wait to see what adventures lay in store for them. As long as they were together, they could face anything. For the first time in a long time, she didn’t feel alone—and she knew he didn’t either.

  They had family, a clan, and even wolves they could count on. It was a bright new world, and a future stretching out before them that she’d never dared hope for. The only thing she knew for certain was that she’d never be separated from him again.

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  Excerpt from

  Darkness Awakened

  Darkness Series

  by Katie Reus

  Copyright © 2013 Katie Reus

  As she decided what move to make next, a shifter in human form raced across the lawn toward her and the growling shifters. “Back off!”

  Immediately the other wolves fell back a few feet.

  She tensed, waiting for another attempted attack.

  “Finn is on his way. He doesn’t want you to leave,” the dark-haired man told her.

  She glared at him. “If I’d wanted to leave, I could have at any time. In fact, I didn’t have to come here in the first place. You werewolves have a lot to learn about manners.”

  “You’re a vampire,” the shifter said, as if that should explain everything.
  “I buzzed your front gate.” Dumbass. “I tried to announce myself in a civilized manner. I explained I needed to speak to your pack Alpha and you are the ones who attacked me. Do you really think if I’d planned a one-woman attack I would have buzzed you?” She ground her teeth together at their idiocy.

  The man had the decency to look apologetic, but she didn’t buy his sincerity. Nervously, he cleared his throat then motioned to the shifters to leave. Or at least she assumed that’s what his abrupt hand gesture meant since the four animals walked away and disappeared among the trees on the property. He started to say something else but paused and turned his head.

  She heard the faint sound too. Like the main gate opening. Despite her desire to stay calm, her heart rate increased. The shifter in front of her might think her a monster considering the way these animals had sought to attack her unprovoked, but she was very much alive. Blood flowed in her veins as much as it did in theirs. She just had an aversion to sunlight and a thirst for blood. Whether it was a genetic anomaly or because all supernatural beings were cursed by the gods as some said, she’d stopped caring long ago that she was different from the majority of the population. She was a blood-born. A rare vampire who’d been born to this life, not turned, and she had every right to live just as anyone else.

  Despite what a few angry wolves might think.

  When the man in front of her started heading back across the expansive yard toward the winding driveway, she followed. Instead of using her gift, she walked.

  Her four-inch heels sank into the grass with each step, but she was light on her feet and quickly surpassed the male shifter until she stood on the pavement waiting for the SUV barreling down the driveway. It jerked to a sudden halt, the vehicle shuddering. Even though she couldn’t see inside it because of the tinted windows, she knew who was in there. Felt his presence in a bone deep, almost unexplainable kind of way. A mixture of nerves, excitement and flat out fear battled inside her, each one fighting for dominance and making her a little sick.

  Finn jumped from the front seat—all six foot three of him. He didn’t even bother to shut the door as he hurried toward her. His bright blue eyes seemed to bore right through her, as if he could see all her secrets. God help her if he actually could. “Lyra,” he rasped out.

  His voice was so familiar. So right, it made something long-forgotten burn inside her chest. The tingling sensation shoved jaggedly out to all her nerve endings, making her almost numb as she stared at him.

  Finn Stavros. Former lover, one-time best friend, and the only man she’d ever given her heart to.

  Why did he still have to be so damn sexy? So powerful? She swallowed hard, drinking in the sight of him like a blood-starved vamp. Her traitorous nipples tightened as her gaze tracked over his muscular body. It didn’t matter that he had clothes on, she’d seen every inch of his delicious form.

  For a brief moment, it was as if the past seventeen years had been stripped away. She’d been so young and sheltered when they first met. Technically at ninety she was still young for her species but she wasn’t sheltered anymore and she definitely wasn’t naïve. She blinked once and tried to banish the memory of meeting him but it refused to go away. After temporarily escaping her coven, intent on having a fun night out among humans, she’d stumbled directly into a shifter bar. Almost immediately she’d known she’d made a mistake.

  A big one.

  But she’d been frozen in shock, gazing around the bar that had looked so normal on the outside, but had been filled with supernatural beings on the inside. Being so sheltered she hadn’t even known a place like that existed. Finn had taken one look at her and known exactly what she was. Lucky for her, he’d been the first to notice her and he’d quickly escorted her outside before any other shifters had scented her. He’d told her to get lost, but then he’d started talking to her and had made sure she’d gotten safely out of the area. He’d also given her a lecture on where she should go and where she shouldn’t. It had been so endearing coming from the big shifter.

  Then he’d done the most unexpected thing. He’d kissed her as if he couldn’t stop himself. When he was through, he’d looked just as surprised as she’d felt. Swallowing hard at the memory, she touched her bottom lip, which was actually tingling. She still remembered his spicy taste. Even if she didn’t want to, it somehow lingered there, taunting her. Reminding her of all she’d lost.

  The other shifter cleared his throat and she jerked her gaze to the left. She’d forgotten they weren’t alone.

  He was staring at Finn. “Uh, boss?”

  “Leave us,” Finn growled softly.

  When she turned back to him, she realized he hadn’t taken his eyes off her. Even in her heels, the powerful man still towered over her. And he looked every bit as dominating as she remembered.

  At one hundred and fifty years old he still looked the same physically. To a human he would appear about thirty. Tall, broad-shouldered, midnight black hair cropped close to his head, icy blue eyes and those arms… Her eyelids grew heavy as she watched his muscles flex lightly. The only difference was the darker edge to him now. He exuded a raw, primal quality that didn’t exactly make her nervous, but she was very aware of it. Something dormant and annoyingly needy inside her flared to life. It wasn’t something definitive she could put her finger on but he’d definitely changed since she’d last seen him and she liked what she saw.

  “Why are you here, Lyra?” His deep, intoxicating voice jerked her back to reality.

  A river of guilt and shame flooded her as his question registered. She shouldn’t be staring at him and practically drooling. Not when her daughter had been taken. Not when she needed his help more than she’d ever needed anything. Bile rose in her throat at her stupid reaction to him. “I know you’re Alpha of this region and… I need your help. My daughter has been kidnapped and I can’t trust anyone else to help me.”


  I’ve said this before and I’ll hopefully say it many more times. Getting a book to where it’s ready to be published is a team effort and I have a great team to be thankful for. In no particular order; Kari Walker & Carolyn Crane, thank you guys for your insightful thoughts into this story! Julia Ganis, thank you for being such a thorough editor. Thank you to Jaycee of Sweet ‘N Spicy Designs for another beautiful cover. Sarah, thank you for all the behind the scenes things you do that save my sanity. As always thank you to my readers! To my family, thank you for feeding my caffeine addiction. Last but not least (as always), I’m grateful to God for so many opportunities.

  About the Author

  Katie Reus is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the Red Stone Security series, the Moon Shifter series and the Deadly Ops series. She fell in love with romance at a young age thanks to books she pilfered from her mom’s stash. Years later she loves reading romance almost as much as she loves writing it.

  However, she didn’t always know she wanted to be a writer. After changing majors many times, she finally graduated summa cum laude with a degree in psychology. Not long after that she discovered a new love. Writing. She now spends her days writing dark paranormal romance and sexy romantic suspense. For more information on Katie find her on twitter @katiereus or visit her on facebook at: If you would like to be notified of future releases, please visit her website: and join her newsletter.

  Complete Booklist

  Red Stone Security Series

  No One to Trust

  Danger Next Door

  Fatal Deception

  Miami, Mistletoe & Murder

  His to Protect

  Breaking Her Rules

  Protecting His Witness

  Sinful Seduction

  Under His Protection

  Deadly Fallout

  Sworn to Protect

  Secret Obsession

  Love Thy Enemy

  Dangerous Protector

  Lethal Game

  The Serafina: Sin Cit
y Series

  First Surrender

  Sensual Surrender

  Sweetest Surrender

  Dangerous Surrender

  Deadly Ops Series


  Bound to Danger

  Chasing Danger (novella)

  Shattered Duty

  Edge of Danger

  A Covert Affair

  Non-series Romantic Suspense

  Running From the Past

  Dangerous Secrets

  Killer Secrets

  Deadly Obsession

  Danger in Paradise

  His Secret Past


  Merry Christmas, Baby

  Paranormal Romance

  Destined Mate

  Protector’s Mate

  A Jaguar’s Kiss

  Tempting the Jaguar

  Enemy Mine

  Heart of the Jaguar

  Moon Shifter Series

  Alpha Instinct

  Lover’s Instinct (novella)

  Primal Possession

  Mating Instinct

  His Untamed Desire (novella)

  Avenger’s Heat

  Hunter Reborn

  Protective Instinct (novella)

  Dark Protector

  A Mate for Christmas (novella)

  Darkness Series

  Darkness Awakened

  Taste of Darkness

  Beyond the Darkness

  Hunted by Darkness

  Into the Darkness

  Saved by Darkness


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