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The Eyes of the Goddess

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by Kanu Crystal

  Those Blue Eyes:

  The Eyes of the Goddess

  Book 1

  By Kanu Crystal

  Those Blue Eyes

  1st Eyes of the Goddess

  Copyright 2019 Pauline Allen.

  To Letress.

  The first one is for you, big sister. I will forever miss your smile

  Chapter 1

  The hall was decked out from top to bottom with red, purple, and black tapestry. The best foods were laid out at a table that was so long it stretched the full length of the ballroom. The music was festive, the dancing magnificent. Everyone was dressed in their finest clothes like few before had ever seen, from pelts and furs to the shimmering colors of the water snakes and even styles new to the beastkin culture. They celebrated and danced like they were daring the gods to stop them. For today was the 12th birthday of the heir to the throne of the beastkin and all had come to show their loyalty and love.

  Emperor Dorvo Pula Drakus was in a fine black and red hakama, his black hair long and unbraided. His white horns shined in the firelight with every move. His face was young, which was that of a handsome human male about 30 years, and his red eyes shined with mischief as he glanced at his only daughter and heir to his throne.

  Princess Himeko Luna Drakus, Heir to the Skythone, Daughter of the goddess, sat beside her father. Her own throne was nowhere near as grand as the Emperor’s, but no less beautiful. Both thrones were made of obsidian and red marble, cuisines stuffed with plush wool from an animal neither of them had ever seen. One by one, the leaders of each Pride, Clan, and Pack came before her and presented her with one gift or another. She spoke only to thank each for the gifts and did her best not to look at the amused eyes of her father. One by one they stepped up, laid a gift at her feet and then stepped back, and waited for her to give a smile and a thank you, then walked away.

  She found this to be a hard process to endure. Each leader seemed to think she was either very cold, hungry or extremely young. So far, she was given a large pile of pelts made of some bulky animal with tusk, about 40 lbs. of dried and wet meat, and toys ranging from a ball of golden yarn to a large bone. So like stone, she sat and stared at anything but her father or she risked just melting into laughter.

  She sat quietly as this continued, her eyes watering just a bit when a she-bear dropped a large net filled with fish on the floor. The woman then decided to grunt at them and walk away pleased with herself. What was weirder, the servants, mostly fox shifters, couldn’t pick up the damn net. As the two foxes pulled with all their might, tails flicking in irritation, more came over to help. By the time they had rolled the fish out, five foxes pulled while two pushed.

  Trying to keep her breathing as even as possible, she almost jumped when her father spoke to her through their mind link. Of course, the words were completely unintelligible and more like barks of laughter than anything. She quickly tossed him out of her head, slamming down all her mental barriers.

  An alpha wolf male walked up next, with three kids at hand. Each was female, all around the age of 10. They all had white hair that cut just above their shoulders and the ice blue eyes of their pack. They had pointed ears and small fangs that didn’t quite fit in their mouths yet. The triplets matched, wearing the warm brown furs of the high mountain rams that wrapped around them with the head of the ram looking as if it was biting a shoulder. They all looked up at her with light brown skin and figures that told of exercise. The one on the far left smiled sadly just a bit before going back to the serious face that they all wore.

  “What is the meaning of this, Alpha Tar of the White Mountain Pack?” her father leaned forward just a bit, his red eyes boring into the oversized wolf. The Alpha, Tar took an oversized knee before them. He was as tall as the Emperor at 7 feet tall with long white hair and crystal blue eye with skin the color of coal. Scars marred most of his face and what she could see of his arms from his own ram fur shirt. The wolf raised his hands at what obviously were his daughters. If there was anything they got from their mother, it must have been that beauty, for Tar was not a pretty man.

  His voice was lighter than expected but harsh, like he had something in his mouth. “I have three litters born to me,” Alpha Tar spread his arms wide over his daughter’s head. “These are my only daughters. I trained them myself. My pack has the strongest of warriors and the fastest learners. I will let my princess choose one to guard her for life. Provide and she will protect your daughter well.”

  The hall went silent. This alpha was giving up one of his kids like a puppy he found on the street? Not only that, but in the same breath, he had insulted every alpha hereby declaring himself the mightiest. This put both her and her father in a situation to boot. On one hand, this alpha was one of the biggest and strongest there was. He was wider than most wolfs and taller than most of the shifters in the hall. His pack was known for their fighting power and many were descendants of war heroes she had once read about in her studies. To decline his offer, meant to lose his and his pack’s respect.

  On the other hand, to accept meant to back his claim. This, in turn, would fuel any bad blood from the packs on to this alpha as well as her father. Before she could speak on this, the choice was made for her.

  “Are you here of your own free will?” the Emperor spoke lightly to the young girls before him. Himeko quickly tried to open her mental link to her father, but his mind was shut tight.

  “I am.” All three girls replied at the same time. The one in the middle was now staring up at her with a touch of anger in her blue eyes. Then the girl quickly looked away and down to the ground.

  “Father, this...” before she could finish, her father stood. He held out a hand for her and she bit back a snarl. The Emperor looked down to her, clearly asking for silence from her. Not understanding what he was planning, but trying to trust her father in this, she took his hand and stood.

  He walked them both down towards the girls. They stood quietly, all looking at the floor in submission. It must have been hard for them to do this at even their young age. The submission was never easy for a wolf. And they were Alpha born, taught early never to submit to anyone, not even their own father, without a fight.

  “This needs to be done child, pick one” her father's voice was in her head, their link was open again.

  She spoke back to him in cut tones. “He is giving them away like puppies in a basket. This is wrong. We are not humans that deal in slavery.”

  Her father walked her over to the first child. The Emperor and princess smiled at her. Her father used his free hand to raise her head and look into her eyes. “Don’t be so quick to judge. The wolves are a proud people with the highest honor. In the long history of our family’s rein, they have not once betrayed us or the other beastkin. Have you ever wondered why a wolf has never challenged one of us?”

  They slowly walked over to the second child and her father lifted her head up as well. Just as he had done with the first, he stayed a moment to look into her eyes. “I don’t know, dad, maybe because they are not stupid.”

  “Exactly.” The word was plain in her head. There was no joking or hidden meaning. “Do you recall what he said? Three litters born to him, but these are the only girls? What are the odds of that and where are his sons? His mate? He came alone.”

  The walked over to the last one and repeated the process. “I don’t understand?”

  “He claimed his pack to be the mightiest for all to hear. It was a challenge. Yet he himself is weak and bleeding.” At his words, she quickly looked at Alpha Tar. She was too young to scent it and there were too many people in the hall. Yet his eyes were not as bright as his children. Nor was his breathing even. “He came without a mate when no mated pair ever parts for mor
e than a few days unless new pups are born. He offers up his daughters and tells us she will serve for life, making her pack-less.”

  The duo turned back towards their thrones just as it hit Himeko. “He is dying. Why bring his youngest here? Shouldn’t his sons…”

  “They are wolves. If someone defeats the old alpha, the new alpha would go through a time of war within the pack. Everyone looking for their new place, most old would be killed or ran out and the young rarely live through the transition if the Alpha female is killed. It is not something they are proud of. Yet in a time where everyone is looking out for themselves, the children are not fed, and many are caught up in fights they could never survive.” They took their seats and looked back at the hall now up in hush whispers and growls.

  She saw it now. The other wolves in the hall were not angry. Many looked to be sad, others looked resolved. A mated pair standing near a pillar looked at the girls, then spoke quietly to each other. A younger male was being pushed by his second from behind, making him snarl at him.

  “He is trying to protect them? The challenge to make sure the strongest gets to raise them. And telling us how many kids he had was to make sure they tried to take the kids from him now and not go after the pack. But they killed his mate, why protect them? Why offer one of the girls to us?”

  The emperor looked out at his people, willing each to be silent. As the noise died down, they waited for him to speak. Instead, he spoke to her. “They are his sons. Most likely the mother was not meant to die. They let him leave with the youngest in hopes that he would be able to find them better safer homes. He raised them to be strong, and now they are. As for this present, if one of his is worthy enough to protect a dragon hatchling…”

  He trailed off and she understood. An alpha wolf that protects a dragon as she grows was mighty indeed, which meant her sisters would be just as strong. Yet still, this felt wrong. “Alpha Tar, you honor me. Might I know your pup’s names?”

  She asked the question to buy herself time to speak more with her father. “What will you do father?”

  “Me? Nothing. He has offered them to you” she sent him a mental equivalent of an eye roll. “I can tell you this child. The one on the left will do her duty, but as she grows, she will want more adventure. She will suffer if she spends her life chained to you. The second one is angry. I think she might have seen something or did something she will carry with her. She will do her duty but her true lot in life will be revenge. She will never understand, and her hate will eat up at her. The last is the one I can’t get a read on. Her eyes are nothing but sadness. If anything, all I can tell you is that she understands her mother is dead and her father is not long for this world either. Now choose. And remember the one you choose will be pack-less and bound to you, the other two will watch their father die and be raised by the one that does It.” her father slammed his mental walls down and refused to open them.

  During her father’s little speech, Alpha tar had given a summary of each of his pups. She got the gist of it. Good hunters, well taught in basic sword fighting, strong alphas. She didn't need to think about it, she had already chosen. “Isia you said?”

  Alpha Tar nodded and pointed to the last girl. “Will you follow me? Take my orders and protect me as I grow into my shift? Will you be my knight? My champion?”

  The girl had looked up when she had called her name. She looked over at her sisters and then at her gently smiling Father. “Yes. I, Isia of the White Mountain Pack, pledge myself to you. I give up my family, my pack, and my life and swear it to you, Princess Himeko Luna Drakus, Heir to the Skythone, and Daughter of the Goddess.”

  Her crimson eyes locked on cobalt eyes and they held each other there. In those blue eyes, she could see understanding. She did this willingly. Her life, so that her two sisters could find homes. They would be free and in a pack. So, one day they may heal. While she would have to stay and serve this Dragon. The moment felt like forever, but it was only moments. Soon the wolf pup broke eye contact and walked over to her throne. She stood behind it and didn’t say a word.

  Himeko didn’t hear the Alpha and many others leave the hall. She didn’t notice the other two girls leave. Instead, she felt the hall to give a collective sigh, and watch the Alpha and his two daughters leave, never looking back.

  Chapter 2

  Hours later, after many unnecessary gifts and one large piece of cake, everyone was leaving. Tired and full Himeko dismissed herself from her father and began to walk towards her rooms. Her father preferred to sleep in a cave in the nearby forest, so she knew that the royal wing would be cold and empty tonight.

  She stood in her bedroom, reading over a missive from one of the human princesses, wishing her a happy birthday. When she placed the letter down on her desk and reached for the next, the scent hit her. It smelled like burning firewood, dirt, and hazelnuts. She turned, and there stood the girl.

  Unsure of what to do, she turned back to her letters and tried to read the next one. Yet she was unable to focus as the scent didn’t leave her space. She cleared her throat and tried to sound nonchalant as she spoke. “Is there anything I can help you with, pup?”

  In fascination, she watched the girl’s right eye twitch. “I am here to serve you, my lady.”

  “Well, I am just going to bathe then go to bed.”

  “I will watch over you.” It was so bluntly spoken, as if it was assured that it made Himeko take a step back.

  “I am capable of washing myself.”

  “Good because I have no idea how to wash a princess. I said watch.”

  They stood there staring at each other. It was awkward. Neither of them moved or said anything. Just stood and stared at each other. As the minutes went by, Himeko noticed how dusty and dirty the younger girl was.

  “How about we go down to the bath house? If you insist on shadowing me, we might as well get cleaned up, yes?’”

  Isia didn’t say anything, just nodded. Just a bit freaked out, Himeko left her room and head towards the palace baths. Once there the guards opened the heavy door for her and her new shadow. The bathhouse took over a whole floor in the palace. Most of the outer rooms closed off for private baths while the middle room was a large hot spring that was deep enough for even a dragon to soak in.

  She rushed into the bathhouse room that was her personal apartment and quickly dropped her black and red silk kimono on the floor before grabbing a bucket that already had her favorite soaps and oils in it. The room was fogged with steam from the natural water making everything feel just a bit irregular and steamy. Placing the floatable bucket into the steaming water, she turned around to grab a towel. That is when she noticed the fully dressed girl behind her. She jumped a bit at the closeness of the wolf pup. The girl just stared straight ahead for a good minute, just quiet. “Hmm. You have to take off your clothes first and step in the shower.”

  The girl took off her clothes in less than a second, standing proudly naked before her future Empress. The girl was about 2 inches shorter that Himeko’s 4'9 frame, which was tall for a wolf her age. Right? “How old…” Himeko’s voice trailed off when she saw all the scars. The child was colored in red, black and blue. She had old scars and new ones over every inch of her body. One thin white set of scars started at her hip and ended at her foot. Himeko could see where blood dripped from a wound right above her elbow. She grabbed the girls bleeding arm gently, and turned it toward her to get a better look.

  “What happened?” The girl blushed and looked at the floor. It was her first real emotion she showed since her father left the ballroom and it was shame. She lifted the child’s head up, forcing blue eyes to meet red ones. “Answer me.” Himeko tried to keep her voice gentle, but the rage boiled her dragon’s blood.

  The girl took a step back from Himeko. “I tried to protect my mother from my brothers.”

  “Why is it still bleeding?”

  The girl looked away, finding the walls and floor interesting.

  “Will you answer me?”

  With a sigh, the girl looked back with tears brimming in her eyes. “It was deep, and we had no time to rest or eat.”

  “What happened?” She whispered it and like magic, the tears fell from the girl’s eyes. She watched as she opened her mouth then closed it tight. She opened her mouth again, but no words came out. It broke Himeko’s heart.

  She reached out and wiped the other girl’s tears away. “I’m sorry. You don’t have to tell me. It’s been a long day.” She pressed the girl into a hug and that seemed to truly break down her walls. The child began to cry loudly, and the sound shook her little body. She tried to push out of Himeko’s grip, but the princess just held on tighter.

  At some point the two girls had ended up kneeling on the wet floor, the tears finally drying up. When the younger girl finally fell silent, Himeko stood with Isia wrapped in her arms and walked to the shower that was attached to the baths. She turned it on and stood under the hot water until most of the dirt was off them both. She walked them over to the bath and sat down with the other girl in her lap.

  “I’m supposed to protect you.” Himeko almost laugh at the outrage in the 11-year-old’s voice.

  “Yeah, let’s hold off on that until you’re at least taller than me.”


  Isia lay in the princess’s bed beside her. She knew the other girl wasn’t asleep but speaking to her after she had embarrassed herself in the baths was hard. She hadn’t spoken since they had left the bathhouse. Himeko didn’t seem to mind it, she spoke for them both. Chatting away endlessly about things Isia would never remember.

  Himeko dressed her in some old clothes of hers that felt too soft. And since Isia was hungry, fed her in her room, then ordered her to bed. She was used to sleeping with her sisters, their warmth dragging her to sleep. Even though she could feel the heat radiating off the Princess, it still felt cold in the bed beside her. She kept wondering if the bed was too big or if the girl wasn’t warm enough.


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