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The Eyes of the Goddess

Page 3

by Kanu Crystal

  Himeko turned around slightly on the horse, her eyes questioning. "Do you smell something?"

  Realizing she had just been caught sniffing the princess’s hair, she leaned back as far as her arms wrapped around the princess would let her. "Just the nice mountain air?"

  Why did that come out a question? Himeko grinned, and for a second, something new flashed in her eyes before she turned back around. "Tomorrow we will go up and hunt. I want to see you in your second form. I know it will be magnificent."

  Isia felt the heat rising in her cheeks. Why did that make her blush? "Every day has a different event for the afternoon. Most of them are just political events that we only need to make appearances for. But I’m looking forward to the ball and the birthday party."

  As Isia tried to take all that in and resign herself to sitting through it all, she heard metal clanking. She looked up and watched the massive gates of the Palace open.

  Once inside, the stable boy grabbed the horse’s reins and waited. Isia got down first, and not really thinking, she grabbed the princess's waist and helped her down. If she was thinking she would have realized that this would force the princess’s body to slide dangerously close to her own. Not to mention, one of the bear guards was waiting on the other side to assist looking awfully angry.

  But she didn’t think and now they were so close, staring at each other's eyes, and the world just seemed to stop moving. Himeko's red eyes flashed with something just as it had on the horse, and then she was walking away, grabbing Isia's hand as she did. As soon as she entered the castle, she was engulfed in a hug and lifted off her feet. "LITTLE WOLF, YOUR HOME!" the volume of that statement alone made her ears ring. And if it was anyone but the Emperor of the beastkin, crushing her bones like this she was sure she would have ripped their necks out.

  It wasn’t until she was wondering if she was going to pass out from lack of air that he put her down. He slapped her back bone-crushingly hard before grinning at his daughter, who started blushing at whatever he spoke to her in her head before stomping off.

  Isia raised one eyebrow and stared at Himeko. Who, in turn just smiled that amazing smile and said in explanation "He is having a good day."

  "Aye.” They smiled at each other for a second, before Himeko resumed her walk to where ever she was taking them. As they walked through the palace, many stopped to greet the Princess. For each, she gave a simple smiled and for others, she nodded her greeting, but she didn’t stop walking until they were in the royal wing.

  Isia entered the Princess's sitting room right behind her and watched as the woman dismissed all her maids. Once the room was clear, Himeko turned to her. "Well get comfortable. You’re going to be here for a whole week, are you going to stand there the whole time."

  "I’m confused. I’m staying in your rooms?"


  They stared at each other, the quick silence making the air feel hot and stuffy. "My princess, I’m sure I can find other accommodations"

  "Nonsense. You will stay with me in my bed." As soon as the word bed came out of Himeko’s mouth, Isia blushed and that weird spark flashed yet again in Himeko’s eye. "I have dismissed my guards until the week is over. So, I feel I will be safer if you were in here."

  Isia's heart dropped in horror. The way she said it was like she wouldn’t take a no for an answer. By dismissing her guards, it put Isia in the sole responsibility of the princess’s wellbeing. "Are you insane? You’re the future monarch, the only Heir. Why are you leaving your life in the hands of a 17-year-old?"

  Isia had no idea what she said that made the princess smile like that, but it was unnerving. "You have trained for six years for this role. It’s only for a week so just think of it as ...mmm... an internship. Besides, I’m the princess"

  She’s insane. Still, in shock, Isia watched as the other woman took a seat on a sofa like she hadn’t just dropped a royal bomb on her head. "No. Call your guards back. I’m one wolf." Isia punctuated the 'one' with a finger. "You’re basically a human until you can shift. We have no idea how long it will take for that. Besides I have never even been in a real fight."

  "Well let’s hope you don’t freeze." Isia stared at Himeko like she had turned pink with spots. The cheer and perk in that insult were just amazing.

  In the most pampered and high-pitched voice she could think of, Isia mocked her future sovereign. "Well, I hope you don’t freeze." Tossing her hands wide she screamed. "Well me either or we are both dead."

  Himeko burst out into laughter. Isia watched as her princess doubled over in her seat. Her eyes were closed, and her body was shaking with laughter. The sight of her in such abandon made Isia smile and shake her head in frustration. Her anger was gone instantly and all the tension from earlier was gone. This was the same girl that ran with her through the gardens and stole sweets with her from the kitchens. They had spent a week pulling pranks on the king and dancing together at her 13th birthday party. She sat beside Himeko and waited for the girl to settle down.

  "I think that’s the first time anyone has ever spoken to me like that in five years. Oh, how I talked you into trouble that first year."

  Blushing, Isia looked down at her hands and whispered. "I’m sorry, I just, and I don’t want you to get hurt."

  Isia felt soft fingers on her chin. Himeko lifted her face up with those soft tips and the instant their eyes locked, Isia was lost. "Never apologize for speaking your mind. I want to hear your thoughts. I have every faith in you. You have worked so hard. So, you can do this.”

  "Himeko, I..."

  Himeko rolled her eyes. “What did I just say?"

  Isia started giggling and their spell was broken, she sat back in the seat and closed her eyes. She spoke without thinking. "I don’t even have clothes for all these events."

  Himeko shot up out of her seat. "Well good thing it’s early." From the evil grin on her princess’s face, she realized that she shouldn’t have said a damn thing.

  Chapter 5

  Himeko comprehended that she might have gone too far with the bright yellow dress. When she had called for the tailors, she had every intention to just have some fine clothes made for her dear wolf, but it all had gotten out of hand. First, she used the excuse of wanting to know what colors went best with the girls coloring, and then it changed to what style. Well, it escalated.

  When the tailor’s feet left the ground and Isia began shaking her, she should have at least helped save the young lynx. As Himeko finally stopped laughing long enough to grab Isia’s arm and try to pull the tailor out of her hands, the door opened. Thinking it was just another tailor or a seamstress, she didn’t look away. She jumped a bit when she heard musical laughter she knew well.

  Forgetting about the growling wolf and her helpless victim, Himeko rushed to the door and wrapped Princess Oasis Amara, second born to the kingdom of Val Amara in her arms. Princess Oasis was a short girl, with silky blonde hair curling down her back, and a round face that made her look younger than her 17 years. She had skin like cream that burned fast in the sun. And blue-green eyes that craved mischief.

  They hugged, screaming incoherent words to one another. After they had gotten their giggles out, they held each other at arm’s length. “By the Goddess, when did you get here Oasis? Why didn’t you tell me you were coming? Is your brother here? Your mother and father?”

  Oasis giggled, pulling Himeko over towards one of the sofas. “Calm down Hime. I came only with my guards. My parents are meeting with some of the barbarian kings and didn’t want me around for that, so I asked to stay with my dear Himeko for a week or two. Goddess, you should have seen them, they freaked out when they realized. I told them Mario could not come with me.”

  “I’m sure Prince Mario had a fit as well.”

  Oasis leaned over suspiciously “Oh, aye. Heartbroken! He couldn’t see his favorite Princess. He was so sad when he had to attend the talks rather than flirt with you. My poor brother is smitten.”

  Both girls’ laughter was cut
short by a ripping sound. They looked over at a panting Isia. She was alone, in nothing but a light shift. Himeko looked at the yellow dress torn apart on the floor. Then she looked around. Then back at her wolf, who was panting and staring her down like she was meat. “Isia, where is the tailor.”

  Isia looked right at her, eyes blazing in displeasure. “Window.”

  Both Princesses looked at each other, then the open window of the third-floor room, then back to Isia. “Rude.”


  After apologizing to the tailor, Oasis and Himeko spent a few hours ordering suits, dress shirts and slacks for Isia. They didn’t try to put Isia back in dresses and she was thankful for that. Isia wasn’t sure why she had tossed the lynx out the window but hearing about some prince missing Himeko really pissed her off. Luckily the cat landed on her feet and even understood Isia’s frustrations, though the sassy smile did bother Isia just a bit.

  The princesses pulled another shirt off Isia as they spoke about the happenings in Val Amara. It seemed that the country, which was just southwest of their kingdom, was a place of beauty and music. Val Amara’s main trade was fish, treats of all kinds, and art. Isia had learned from her studies that Val Amarains worshiped Inanna, Goddess of love, war, and wisdom. She didn’t know much about her, only that the goddess's people prided beauty above all in Val Amara.

  Knowing what little she did about the goddess, she thought the beautiful Princess Oasis would be vapid and cruel. Instead, she was quickly growing to like the teen. Princess Oasis was quick to laugh, charming and just a bit wicked.

  When they had started dressing her, Oasis had run her hands down Isia’s tight abs only to earn herself a quick slap on the appendage from Himeko. Thinking this would mean a fight, she was surprised when Oasis instead laughed and accused Himeko of stealing all the good cookies.

  After two hours and a long list for the tailor, Isia put back on the outfit she had brought with her. The princesses had talked non-stop about school, which they attended together for a year, politics, and magic. All of which bored Isia.

  As the girls animatedly discussed Barbarian politics, Isia left the room and posted herself on the door. On the wall to either side of her stood human guards, both in bright green shirts and puffy pants. They had swords that curved like a hook on their backs and mean looking faces. They didn’t move or speak, so she didn’t either, just stood there and waited.

  Her mind drifted to Himeko and this Prince of Val Amara. She had tried to focus on the conversation when she was inside the room but now that she was outside of the noise, all she could think about was Himeko. She wondered if Himeko liked this boy. Himeko had asked about him and seemed to delight in the boy’s antics as Oasis told her stories.

  It didn’t really matter if she had lain with the boy. The dragons lived until they were killed. In comparison, to a human’s lifespan, it was laughable. Even her two hundred years was laughable to dragons. The Emperor was almost 700 years old. He had taken over 20 mates and countless lovers. Dragons were only able to reproduce with other beastkin, which meant the prince would never become more than a lover. He would never be a mate to a dragon. They needed heirs.

  Himeko’s mother had been a Lion shifter who had died tragically from hunting wounds. But that didn’t make Himeko half dragon. Dragons only make dragons. Though she had never heard of any dragon taking a human as a mate, reproducing with any other than beastkin was unlikely. Some believed it had something to do with marking one’s mate, while many believe the goddess Mara was solely to blame.

  She knew Himeko would start hunting for a mate, but that rarely happened before a dragon first shifting. Yet, the thought of Himeko getting naked with anyone made her chest hurt. She knew she had no right. Himeko was a Princess. Isia was just a guard. It was not her place to do or say anything, only protect. Besides, she was female. Her thoughts rolled in circles. Isia was trying to think of other things. It wasn’t working at all.

  When she heard giggling behind her, she turned around to see both princesses in the doorway. “So, can I call you my puppy?”

  “No.” Isia rolled her eyes and stepped aside as the two other women exited the room. Each one grabbed one of her arms. They locked their arms around hers and pulled her down the hall.

  “Tsk, I don’t even think you realize how sexy that body is my puppy.” Oasis laughed and lean over to see Himeko as they walked down the halls, “You two would make a beautiful couple.”

  Himeko leaned over and grinned at Oasis around Isia. “We would make a very cute couple, but I’m the heir and she is my champion. Besides my people would have a field day if I mated with a woman.”

  Oasis stopped walking making all three of them stopped. For the first time since Isia had met the girl, she looked anything but happy. “What do you mean? I have seen same sexed couples on my way here, many in fact. It’s like Val Amara with teeth.”

  Himeko chuckled at that while Isia remained silent and staring straight ahead. “There are only two dragons in the world, my father and me. It’s hard for us dragons to conceive a hatchling, so the kingdom tends to go into chaos if we waste our time on same-sex mating.”

  Oasis huffed and began walking again, dragging the other two along. “That sounds just silly. You have forever to think about babies."

  Isia flinched at that, her tail wrapping itself flat to her waist, trying to protect itself. While Himeko just sighed. “It would not matter. And if we were caught, many would try to kill Isia. “

  “Alright, well I guess I get Isia all to myself then.” Oasis threw herself into Isia’s side, linking their fingers together. "Though, who would know if you started a secret love affair?" Himeko laughed and Isia blushed. Oasis went on like she was in her own world. "It would be like Dusk and Dawn. Poetically beautiful."

  "Dusk and Dawn?" Himeko questioned the much shorter girl.

  Oasis grinned up at her. "Oh, aye. It’s the greatest love story in the world, filled with sex and passion and violence. Have you read it, Himeko?"

  "No," Himeko shook her head. "But I hear you are practicing being a bard, if you know the tale why not entertain us at dinner?"

  "Wonderful! Will your father be at dinner?"

  Himeko nodded. "Yes, but he is molting so let’s keep it clean." Well, that explained the hug from earlier. Once a year, a dragon that can shift starts molting. In their second form, it just meant they got a bit bigger and each scale got a new harder layer. In human form, they could act irrational, going from happy to sad, to frisky in a moment. Most dragons, in the past, stayed in the second form during that two-week process. They never knew when it would start but the signs were easy to spot, like overeating at meals and the insane mood swings. Random things could set them off and most of the time they didn’t know they were doing it until later.

  Oasis crinkled her cute nose. "That would be no fun, the best parts are just dirty." she grinned at her own joke.

  They stopped in front of the dining room, and the shifters guarding the door opened it wide for the three. Isia had expected hundreds of people, but only the king and a maid were there. He was sitting at the head table, the maid in his lap, feeding him. They were both giggling and trading whispered words.

  She heard Himeko sigh as they walked towards the table. Servants pulled out chairs and the three sat, with Himeko on the kings right and Oasis on his left. Isia sat next to Himeko. Since the king was already eating, she began to fill her own plate.

  "Father, why don’t you return to your cave for the night?" Himeko tapped the servant’s arm, signaling for her to leave. She did, blushing and making eyes at the emperor as she left.

  "Later. I wanted to have dinner with my daughter first." The room got quiet and only the sound of Isia and Oasis eating could be heard. It was clear that the two dragons were talking over the link. "Fine, as soon as I am done eating."

  The king grumbled adding more food to his plate. Smiling, Himeko turned back to her two guests. "You must come hunting with us. I know how you hate waking ea
rly but it will be great fun."

  Oasis rolled her eyes then took a sip of her water. "Fine, but only if we go out tonight. I really wish to taste the wines in this region. "

  The emperor snorted. "Neither of you are old enough."

  Both girls pouted while Isia just grinned. Dinner was pleasant and all of them joked and laughed. They told stories and even Isia spoke of the mishaps she and her sisters got into. All was going well until Himeko suggested that it was time for her father to return to his true home.

  In a flash, Dorvo's glass hit the wall. The hall was completely silent. He looked down at his hands, they were shaking. "My apologies. I am not myself little ones." he looked at his daughter and kissed her forehead. "Thank you. I will return in the morning. I expect you all for evening court." with that he stood and began to walk towards one of the large windows. "Remain in the castle." with that he hopped out the window. The beatings of very large wings fill the silence.

  "Is it always like this?" Oasis turned from the window she was staring at back to Himeko.

  "No, sometimes he can tell on his own. It’s best just to keep him, if possible, in dragon form. It balances him more. My father likes to deny it if possible, he hates it. "

  "Tsk, I really wanted that wine."

  Himeko grinned which made Isia grimace.

  Chapter 6

  Himeko stared at the three sisters. They stood on her balcony, covered in already healing scratches and bruises. Siai had a black eye, while Aisi had a lump on her forehead. Poor Isia lip was cut open and glass was in her hair. Dusty and looking angry, they walked in. She had no idea how they scaled the 5th-floor wall, it was smooth as a cub’s bottom, but she would be sure to ask that later.


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