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The Eyes of the Goddess

Page 8

by Kanu Crystal

  Isia just nodded and followed Himeko out of the hall. When they reached the room, Isia seemed to calm down a bit. She stood in the sitting room as Himeko slowly took the pins out of her hair. “Are you ok?"

  Isia smiled at Himeko's reflection in the mirror. "Aye, it’s just been a long night. Are you? I felt as though you and your father were having a disagreement"

  Himeko turned in her chair to look at her wolf. "We were."

  "What was it about?"

  "What needs to happen and what I want to happen."

  Isia just stared at her for long moments. When it was obvious Himeko wasn’t going to say more, Isia tail began to flicker in agitation. "Will you let me stew in my anticipation?"

  Himeko let everything she was feeling and everything she wanted to do and be done to her, show in her eyes as she looked Isia up and down. She was only satisfied when Isia tail wrapped itself around her own leg and she gulped. Isia didn’t back down from that stare, and that made Himeko smile.

  "Mara's blade, you told your dad you wanted to have me?"

  Himeko rolled her eyes and started taking off all her jewelry but the necklace of the dragon. "My father has Dragon Eyes. He took one look at me and knew how I felt. Don’t worry, he told me that I should pursue you while I’m still young."

  Isia grinned and shook her head. "You lie like it’s the truth."

  Thinking it was time to change the subject and not wanting to go into that conversation, Himeko walked into her room closet and began taking off her clothes. She had to yell for Isia to hear her. "You will be going back with your sisters tomorrow?"

  "Nay, we leave in the morning the day after the birthday party." The wolf wasn’t shouting, so she must be right outside the closet door.

  Himeko finished disrobing and grabbed her bathrobe before walking out. Isia was leaning on the wall next to the door. "You don’t have to go back, you could stay." She tried to keep her voice from sounding too hopeful.

  Isia pushed herself from the wall, her eyes avoiding Himeko as she walked into the sitting room, Himeko following behind. "I have one year left with my sisters. I kind of want to finish it. Unless, I mean, you need me here."

  Himeko grabbed the other girl's arm before Isia could open the door to the hall. "No, I want you to be happy. Besides, it's only…..."

  Blue eyes seemed to search her face. It was a long moment before they stopped. "Thank you."

  Isia turned around to open the door again, but Himeko stopped her once more. "I have a request. Would you..."

  "Oh, are there strings attached to me leaving?” Isia cut her off.

  "No, but there are strings attached to you sleeping on the floor if you cut me off again!" Isia simply smiled at Himeko. Isia could give smiles that sometimes would make her heart skip a beat. It was frustrating.

  Himeko was going to request a kiss but thought better of it. Instead, she wrapped herself around Isia's arm and laid her head on her shoulder. "Tomorrow, let’s just skip out on all the meetings and extra bullshit. We have no choice but to go to the birthday party, but I want to spend the day with you, away from everyone else. We can run through the woods like fairies. Ok?"

  “One day without duties?”

  “One day without duties.”

  Isia kissed the top of Himeko's head, making her whole body warm. "Ok, princess. But we will not be going far."

  Chapter 12

  After the baths, Isia got Himeko into bed with little fuss from the princess. Her princess was drowsy. In the baths, she watched as the crimson eyed girl slowly doze off while she played with Isia's tail by putting little plaits in it. She was undoing them now as Himeko slept beside her. Himeko had been extremely well behaved, allowing Isia to tuck her in and only demanding a few quick kisses before she passed out.

  She had joined her in sleep for a few hours but had just awakened right before the sun. At first, she just laid there, wrapped in Himeko and her warmth and the scent of honey and fire for a while. Isia wore only her bra and a pair of shorts to bed, while Himeko might as well have been naked. The nightgown came just above her knees and the thin material showed everything.

  Himeko looked beautiful in it. She looked beautiful in everything. She is beautiful. And not just outside. She treated everyone the same, she was always kind and considerate. She went out of her way to listen to people, even if they were in a rush somewhere. She was charming. and that was what most people saw, a selfless princess.

  Yet Isia also knew the parts of her that would make an amazing empress. She could separate everything until only logic and reason were left. She heard Himeko and Oasis plot a prank on Siai like they were plotting a battle. There was no room for failure because Himeko wouldn’t stand for it.

  Himeko wasn’t just that two dimensional either. She had a softer side that only few could see, as well as a selfish side she kept just for Isia. A side that begged for one more kiss or would give you a soft smile when she thought you weren’t looking. That was the Himeko she liked most, the one that just wanted to hold your hand as you walked and whose eyes told you everything like you were the one with Dragon eyes.

  And starting today, others would come seeking to know that side. She would have to hold their hands or look into their eyes and Isia would have to watch it all happen. She tried to picture it, some male holding her close, them kissing. Would he even care about her, or would she just be the prize that he could win?

  Or worse, would he care? Would they fall in love? Would she spend the rest of her life listening to her princess declare love for some lucky alpha male? Would Himeko insist on talking about it? Would that be her life? Listening to her princess talk about some guy that would never be good enough?

  What happens when more people learned of her feelings for the princess? Would Tac tell? When would they start asking questions about them? Would Himeko get into trouble? Would the Emperor have her killed or would the Kin beat him to it? Would Himeko cry when they cut off her head?

  Warm arms wrapped around her from behind, as she sat on the edge of her side of the bed. The sweet kiss to the side of her neck made her both happy and sad. "What is wrong my wolf?"

  "Nothing, my princess."

  Himeko's hand turned Isia face to hers. She stared into her eyes before smiling sadly. "You lie, my Champion. And you are not very good at it." And then their lips met. It was a slow and gentle kiss, one that made Isia's heartache for something she would never be able to have. So, she deepened it, pushing Himeko back on the bed. This would be the last day she would be able to do this, so she poured everything she was feeling for Himeko into it.

  One day without duty, just Himeko and Isia. And they would be perfect together. She would never be able to say otherwise. Not with the way this kiss felt. Tomorrow they would be forever Princess and Champion, so today they would be just two girls, young and happy with feelings they did not have words for yet. And she let this kiss say all that.

  When she broke the kiss, Himeko looked shocked and beautiful. Laying on this bed, in the early morning light, her black hair messy and perfect, Himeko was beautiful. Her lips were red and plump from their kiss, her eyes like stained glass, staring into Isia’s soul. Isia never wanted her more.

  The princess laid under her with one hand to her lips and another to her heart as if she could stop it from racing. It was pounding just as hard as Isia’s was, she could hear it. They were both out of breath, looking at each other as if it was the first time. Red eyes never left blue ones, but Isia got her senses back first. “We need to head out, if we stay much longer, your father’s spies will catch us sneaking out.”

  “I don’t…”

  Isia cut her off, mostly because the princess hated it so much but also because if they stay, Isia was not sure what would happen. “A day without duties.” Himeko punched her shoulder, and Isia laughed before rolling off her. “Come, I feel like running.”

  It was the fastest that either one of them had dressed. They wore hunting pants and brown tunics, hoping that the plain
colors would help them camouflage. They took the servants doors out the back, keeping their heads down and hidden in their cloaks. Once they had left the keep, they rode their horses into the woods for over an hour. Their conversation was light, filled with good-natured bickering and about books they both read. Feeling like they were out far enough, Isia tied up the horses and just walked with Himeko. They walked next to a small river, holding hands for only Mara and the wildlife to see.

  At the loud stomach rumble from Himeko, Isia laughed and considered the water. “We didn’t think this through. We should have brought food.”

  “Next time.” Isia looked up into Himeko’s eyes, trying to hold back her own sadness. There would be no next time, but she wouldn’t tell her princess that today. Not with her princess looking so happy. Instead, she took off her clothes and shifted quickly.

  Isia jumped into the creek, diving for her prize and coming up with a fish too small to enjoy. Tossing it back in, she pedaled around, tossing her wet fur out of her face. She spotted a dam on the other side and drifted over. Beavers liked to make traps next to their dens, and this one was full. The water level inside the trap was lower than the water level of the stream, the tubes that let the fish in were starting to crack, but still looked good enough.

  She shifted to human to reach her hand in and pulled out an eel. She turned her nose at the nasty thing but turned in the water to hold it out to Himeko on the shore. “Want it?" Himeko shook her head, so Isia tossed the eel back in from over her shoulder. Before she could turn fully back around, something slimily smashed into the side of her face.

  She shook her head. She knew they were not in danger by the fit of laughter coming from the shore. She turned and faced her foe. The fucken beaver was smashing its tail on the top of the dam, making screeches and chipping noises. It was moving in circles as it screamed and Isia could do nothing but roll her eyes.

  She turned to leave, only to be hit with a fish in the back of her head. She could see Himeko’s jaw hanging wide open. They made eye contact for only a moment before Isia turned around in a rage.

  "Isia no!" Hearing more laughter in her voice than authority, Isia took it as a ‘no, it's beneath you’ instead of a ‘no, stop don’t kill the water-rat’. It didn’t matter. She was already on the dam and proceeded to punch the little fucker in the face. The beaver looked stunned but quickly got its wits and began to punch back.

  They fell into the water, tiny fist and teeth matching blow for blow with the much bigger wolf. The water was a disadvantage, but it wouldn’t stop her rage so Isia kept at it. It wasn’t a fight as much as it was just two wild animals having a brawl in the water.

  Hands pushed Isia and the beaver apart. The beaver ran back to its dam, while Isia spat out water, completely out of breath. Himeko was treading the water beside her. She had taken off everything and was just as naked as Isia in the water. "That was..."

  "I don’t want to hear it," Isia growled but Himeko just laughed and punched her on the arm.

  "He was rightfully angry. You tried to steal from him."

  "He needs to learn to share, we are guests."

  "What?" Himeko shook her head then wrapped herself around Isia's neck. Her warm naked body pressing gently on Isia’s. She took Isia's ear between her teeth and bit lightly. And just like that, Isia's whole system was on fire. "I’m still hungry, wolf. Forget about the beaver, find me food and I will reward you."

  Their naked bodies were so close it made it hard for Isia to think. She inevitably rubbed her jaw on Himeko’s. Himeko kissed her in return so softly it both broke Isia's heart and made it pound harder. When they parted, Himeko patted Isia's cheek. "I am a dragon, my wolf, find me food or I will have to eat you."

  Isia grinned. "That sounded carnal."

  "It is." Himeko got impossibly closer, kissing Isia's cheek. "So, what will you feed me?"

  Feeling playful, Isia ran her hands slowly down Himeko’s sides. She watched in satisfaction as the princess shuddered. Her red eyes flashed with what she now knew was lust before Isia pushed her away. "It’s freezing out here, get dressed. I will find food."

  Grumbling about dragons and heat, Himeko did as she was told. Isia realized she was probably the only one getting cold. She looked around the water, greenery at the bottom making it slightly hard to see. Nonetheless, she spotted a fish about the size of her arm not far from her and dove for it. When she came back up, she was a wolf again, with her prize in her teeth.

  She climbed out of the water, dropping the fish at Himeko’s feet. It was a large one, fat with age. She shook off her fur only to hear Himeko scream at the water attacking her. Laughing at the beautiful girl, Isia shifted back, only to be punched in the shoulder. “You are horrible.” So Isia laughed harder.

  Isia dressed quickly, and the two-gathered firewood and nuts that only grew in the late autumn. All of this was in Isia’s basic training, so she was a bit surprised when Himeko showed skill in gutting the fish with the small knife that she carried with her. Isia was about to begin the long fight to start a fire when a ball of flames hit the wood in the fire pit. She turned to Himeko, but the girl just smiled and continued her task. “You forget, I am a mage, wolf.”

  Isia sat back to simply watched Himeko. “I didn’t forget. I still remember how you bragged in your letters about how you bested this schoolmate or that one. So very cocky.”

  Himeko laughed as she tossed the guts of the fish back into the stream before washing the body in the water. “They were my triumphs. I loved school, but some of those fools needed a good ass-whooping.”

  “I have no doubt.” Himeko stuffed the fish with the nuts they found, as well as herbs Isia didn’t know the princess had picked up. She set up the fish to cook and sat in Isia’s lap, face to face, wrapping her legs around Isia’s waist. Isia raised an eyebrow before kissing Himeko’s chin. “Why not use it more often?”

  "Magic has a price. Fire magic takes my body heat, water magic takes water within me, earth’s price is high, taking hair or skin, air’s price will take the breath right out of you. Most of the time, it's just a tiny bit that a mage needs for activation, the rest of the power comes from the wielder’s mana, or magical energy.. Either way, a price is a price and Dragons don't like to give things away."

  "So, when you make a fireball, your own body heat is the flint and your mana is the wood?" Himeko nodded in answer. "What about healing magic?"

  "Illusionary, life and telepathic magic come at a higher and harder price than most. Illusionary takes one’s vision, telepathic takes one’s sanity. Healers pay the highest price, Life for life. Dragons, in theory, should be excellent healers, but we suck at it. Our mana's just don’t agree with it."

  One of Isia's eyebrows drew up. "Agree with it?"

  Himeko poked Isia in the chin. "Oasis put it best to me. She said that mana was like finding a sexual partner. You can fuck anyone, but to have the passion for them makes the sex so much better."

  Isia burst out laughing. "Shameless that princess."

  "That’s why I adore her. She answers only to herself. She could have just said ‘some have an easier time casting spells that agree with them,’ but no, she goes for indecency." Himeko rested her head in the nook of Isia's neck. “You seem different today?”

  “Yeah, well today we are just two kids in the woods.” Isia rested her head on the tree she was leaning back on. “Tomorrow you will be the heir to the kingdom, and I will be the claws you wield. We will never be just kids again. You will serve our people, and I will protect you while you are doing so. The next time I see you again, you will be courting alphas and I will protect you from the weirdos, like Tac.”

  Himeko kissed Isia’s neck gently, causing Isia to suck in a breath. “If I was just some girl, not the heir,” She whispered the words on the skin of Isia’s neck, making her close her eyes as tight as she could. “And you were just some girl and not the protector, would we….”

  “Yes.” They remained frozen like that for a time. The f
ire crackled, the wind blew, and the two girls smiled without looking at each other. “Are you not going to hit me for cutting you off?”

  “I like your answer, so not this time.” Isia grinned as Himeko tried to move closer into the embrace. When she was settled, she began to hum a slow song, making Isia’s body gently vibrate.

  “Himeko,” The humming stopped at the whispered word. Isia knew she should keep what she was about to say to herself, but knowing she could never say the words after today gave her strength and resolve to do so. She had no idea if she should say it. It changed nothing. They are who they are. So, she would say them and break her own heart in hopes of keeping both of them safe. “I don't wish it, because wishes don’t change the world, but I mean that yes. I would mark you. Build you a cabin in the woods by a river. Wake up to you, lay down next to you, I would have you by my side until age took me. I would bring you orphans to raises as ours and watch them brighten our days. I would be the greatest mate I could be and spend every day making sure I lived up to that promise. But we are star-crossed lovers and doing so will leave you in a weak position. I but risk my life having these...feelings for you and I risk your honor. The future of over two million people is what is at stake. So, two girls’ wishes mean nothing in the wake of your duty.”

  While Isia was talking, the two girls had unwrapped just enough to look at each other. Red and blue met, and Isia could see that her words were not good enough. Yet it didn’t matter, it took two to play this game, and she meant every word. Duty comes first, even if she had to become a monster for Himeko to see that.

  Himeko must have seen at least this resolve in Isia’s eyes. That resolve shook just a bit at the first tears that fell from those crimson orbs. “Isia, I don’t want us to stop. I’m already in….”


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