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Bewitching the Werewolf

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by Caroline Hanson




  Caroline Hanson

  Also by Caroline Hanson:

  The Valerie Dearborn Series

  Love is Darkness

  Love is Fear

  Love is Mortal

  Love is the Beginning

  Lady Out of Time

  Copyright Carrie Avila 2011

  Published by Host of the Hills Publishing

  Cover Illustration by Phatpuppy. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author.

  Chapter 1

  “I don’t get paid enough to deal with a werewolf that can’t get laid.”

  My boss frowned at me. He was under the mistaken impression that I didn’t have enough tact. The truth was I had no tact.

  My co-worker claims that this frown—the one that makes a groove in my boss’s forehead the size of the grand canyon—is reserved for me.

  Who says I’m not special?

  “Zackary Connor is the pack master and is willing to make it worth your while for making the trip out there.”

  I did an eyebrow raise to show mild interest. Hmmm, money? “How long will it take?”

  “It shouldn’t take longer than a full moon. The problem isn’t so much that he can’t choose a mate but that he won’t.”

  I sighed. “It kills me to say this, but has this guy taken a look at my love life? The odds of me being able to help him score seem low to slightly above non-existent.”

  “Since he doesn’t want your advice, it shouldn’t be a problem. And let’s be clear: he’s not paying for your attitude. Go in there, do a little love spell to get this thing going and leave.”

  “By ‘this thing’ do you mean his penis? Because that’s a different spell and, boy, will it cost extra.” I gave him my innocent-eyed expression.

  He took a deep breath and looked out the window, no doubt fantasizing about being far away from me. He was just too easy to irritate. Fortunately, I’m the best Wiccan in a two state area. So my personality literally can’t get me fired.

  “Okay. Here is the file. You are expected to show up tomorrow. How does that work for you?”

  “The full moon is four days away! What the heck am I going to get done in four measly days? I thought you meant next month.”

  “He wants you there now,” my boss said flatly and then he turned his shiny bald head back to his computer screen.

  I gave him a sarcastic salute and left. Where the hell was I going?

  Chapter 2

  Twenty-four hours later, I was shown into a large office with an amazing view of lush forests and a gurgling stream. I was 40 miles from anywhere. The beaten path was now only visible by GPS.

  Zackary Connor’s office building was made of glass, endless windows giving the impression of being outside. It was exactly how I liked nature—air-conditioned and bug free.

  The door opened and a well-preserved blonde in a black Chanel suit walked in. She was preceded by a roll of energy that was a pleasant yellow color.


  She extended her hand and I took a step back.

  “I’m sorry but I can’t shake your hand. It messes with my magic.”

  She raised a well-plucked eyebrow at me. “Fine. I’m Nancy Connor. Thank you so much for coming.”

  “Oh. Hi.”

  “I was hoping to get a chance to speak with you before my son arrived. You must understand how distressing it is that your services are needed. My son is very conflicted over the situation and… well, don’t let him run you off.”


  “He didn’t hire me, did he?” I asked.

  I could see the answer already.

  “In time, I’m sure he would have.”

  There was a painful pause where we didn’t make eye contact and each tried to think of something to say.

  “Don’t worry, he doesn’t bite.” She laughed.

  I was expected to laugh. The classic dog bite joke used to reference a werewolf. Hysterical, I thought sarcastically.

  “What would you like me to do? Magic is tricky, especially with something like a love spell or lust spell. If he’s not open to it, it’s very unlikely to work at all.

  A deep voice that raised every hair on my body came from the doorway. “My mother has a knack of getting to people first. It’s very irritating.”

  The hottest man I had ever seen was standing in the door. If this man couldn’t get it up, that was a crime against humanity. I had a sudden impulse to provide some pro bono work, emphasis on the bono.

  He came forward slowly, looking me up and down, a flash of gold glinting across his green eyes. Sure, he was tall, dark and handsome but he was more too. Chocolate hair with a hint of a wave, expensive suit…did I mention the hair? Most werewolves have long hair and run around in crappy clothes. More Russell Crowe while this guy was very 007.

  The excuse being that they’re more in touch with their ‘animal.’ Plus, they don’t want to ruin good clothes by wolfing-out in them. But that’s no reason for bad hygiene. This guy didn’t seem like a werewolf at all.

  He seemed like an Ivy League over-achiever. One of those guys one reads about but never meets—at least not when he’s single. He should be married to some wasp whose parents came over on the Mayflower.

  Like his mother.

  He gave me a polite smile. “I’d offer to shake your hand, but I understand that’s not the proper Wiccan greeting.”

  Zackary had a relaxed air about him, as though he didn’t mind that I was standing in his office talking to his mom about his ability to get off.

  Sure, he didn’t.

  “That’s right, we don’t do well with physical contact.”

  Zackary was staring hard at his mother, wanting her to leave while she studiously looked out the window, pretending to be oblivious. I thought I’d give him his money’s worth.

  “Mrs. Connor, it was very nice to meet you. Will I see you again?”

  She snorted indelicately and turned towards the door, then paused and went back to her son. Nancy seemed like a bit of a Ball-buster and I wondered if she was going to berate him in front of me.

  She touched his chest, stroking his tie lightly as though it had a crease.

  It didn’t.

  “Zack. Please.” She sounded delicate and a bit sad. “Just try.”

  He squeezed her arms and she backed away, going out the door and closing it. Zack walked past me to the window, standing in the same spot I had just left. He could have been looking at the view but werewolves were odd. They were obsessed with smells and energy. So it was possible he was drawn to that space simply because I had stood there.

  Who knew?

  “Well, Miss Stephens, you’ve met my mother and survived the encounter.”

  “Oh, yes. She’s still trying to charm me. But if things don’t work out I wouldn’t mind an armed escort back to my car.”

  He looked back at me, his gaze perusing me from my feet to face in a quick flicker. “Does that work?”

  “What?” Why was my heart beating so fast?

  “Charming you?”

  I wanted to giggle or make some odd noise to show how squeamish I was with any flirtatious overture. I knew I was deluding myself, even impotent this guy was way out of my league.

  How depressing.

  I sat down in a leather chair that faced his massive desk. There were some papers on it, but it was neither a mess nor so clean that I would have had to wonder if he actually worked.

  “Charm works better than shouting,” I said, holding onto the conversation like grim death.<
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  He gave me an odd expression and turned away from the window before sitting down behind the desk. He rubbed his hand across his forehead as though he had a headache and sighed deeply. “I’m sorry. Things have been stressful around here.”

  “Mr. Connor-”

  “Please, call me Zack.”

  “Zack, the file was a little vague as to what the problem is. But I don’t have to be here. If you want me to leave, I can come up with some reason to get your mother’s money back.”

  He leaned back in the chair and watched me inscrutably. “First of all, it’s my money. I did hire you. But it was at the Council’s insistence. We are the oldest werewolf pack in America, but we are no longer the most powerful. They think it’s time I took a mate. I’m thirty. I respect that and I’d feel the same way if I was lower in the pecking order. But….” Here he paused, then drummed his fingers against the table nervously.

  Crap. I‘d be nervous too if I had to tell someone I couldn’t get it up.

  “The wolf is a part of me and it’s refusing to choose a mate. I know this sounds ridiculous, but it’s not just me that’s the problem. It’s the wolf. We…play and flirt with the females, but when it’s a bonding time, the wolf is not just resistant but refuses. And it’s creating instability in the pack.

  “What’s the worst case scenario?” I asked.

  “The pack dissolving. They wouldn’t have any other choice but to leave. The only way for a wolf to produce offspring is for the alpha to be in a mated pair.”


  “I thought you were the supernatural expert?” he said, a faint sadness lingering around him, making his aura a little purple. He took this as a personal failure.

  “I’ve only heard rumors. Why pass up the chance to get it straight from the…wolf’s mouth?”

  He gave me a wan smile.

  “I subscribe to the theory that it’s related to resources. Just as a human woman won’t ovulate if she’s starving, our females won’t go into heat unless the pack is likely to thrive.”

  I nodded and blushed. “Have you ever had intercourse?” I found I was whispering.

  Very seriously, brow furrowed, Zack leaned forward, his fingers laced together on the desk as he brought his face closer to mine, “Yes. I’m not impotent. But thanks for whispering.”

  “Thank god for that!” I said, then tried to cover up my totally irrelevant enthusiasm, “That makes it easier to fix…hopefully…I’m sure we’ll get you—” Please, don’t let me say aroused “Uh… up and at ‘em in no time.” I was on the verge of having a hot flash like my Aunt Maurine.

  He looked like he was enjoying my discomfort. “Oh, really?”

  “Yes! We’re gonna get a handle on this—fix this, asap!”

  I think he looked briefly at my chest, and then, I think he said, “I hope you do get a handle on the situation.”

  I’m pretty sure he didn’t mean it suggestively, that he was just repeating my own words back to me, but my libido heard it differently and I almost combusted on the spot.

  He cleared his throat and adjusted his tie a little, which was a bit endearing. Then he started talking again. “People have been waiting for me to find a mate for years. Did you know that an alpha mates young? I should have been mated at 25. But they were patient with me. Now the patience is gone. If you can’t do it-- raise a spark in me or help me find my mate-- I’ll have to come up with something else. I don’t know what but I can’t leave these people with no children. I can’t fail them.”

  “And there is no one you want?”

  “Look. I’ve tried. I’ve dated. I’ve slept around. I’ve been to other packs and felt the moon’s call with them but there has never been that click. A wolf mates forever. It’s instantaneous and we know. That’s what I’ve been told. But not for me.”

  The thought of him sleeping around really bugged me but it was none of my business. I tried to push the jealousy away.

  He turned and looked at me then picked up a crystal paperweight from his desk, tossing it up and down in his hand absently. “The council believes I need to be more aggressive, take more partners until the beast decides.”

  “They want you to sleep around.”

  He gave a small smile, “Yeah, why am I arguing right?”

  “Why are you arguing? Isn’t it like a male fantasy to sleep with everyone in sight? Be panted over by lots of hot…bitches?” I wondered if it was alright to say bitches since they were female dogs. It should be technically correct.

  “I’m not sure if I can say this without sounding like an asshole but…I’ve done that. I’ve slept around and I’ve played the field. Now I’m ready to…possess. I want to own my mate and be owned in return. That’s what missing. I don’t want to fuck every woman hoping she’ll be the one, but it’s getting to the point where something drastic will have to happen.”

  He scrubbed his face with his hands and then he looked at me with an earnest, almost pleading look. “My whole life I have expected to find my soul mate. I’ve seen it happen to others over and over…everyone says when it happens you know. So I thought I would. Now I wonder if I missed it or if maybe there is something wrong with me.”

  “There is absolutely nothing wrong with you,” I said on a dreamy sigh.

  He frowned at me.

  “Sorry. Okay, how can I help you?”

  “Shouldn’t you know the answer to that question?” There was no animosity in his voice, but I could tell he was at a bit of a loss.

  “You are exactly right.” And if you were not messing with my hormones I’d have a game plan. I stood up. “So, I’m gonna go and think about this and come up with a plan. I will need to see you interact with the pack and with… the females. A little hocus pocus and hopefully you’ll be poking your one true love in no time.” Oh man, I really said that. I was backing towards the door, while he looked at me like I was an injured bird he might have to put out of its misery.

  “Fine. There is an auction tonight. A fundraiser for Muscular Dystrophy at 7pm. I’ll pick you up at 6:30.”

  I blinked.

  He smiled and I almost said something obscene. Little lines appeared at the corners of his eyes, and a trace of a laugh line was on each side of his mouth. Zack was even hotter when he was happy.


  “We only run around naked and eating rabbits on the full moon. Most of the time we are quite civilized.”

  “Oh.” Not my wittiest response.

  And then I bolted.


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