The Candle Palace
Page 13
We’d just spent an hour in a Human Resources conference room reporting Dr. Vernon’s actions. At first, the HR director had seemed sympathetic. But then her questions became more defensive.
Are you sure you didn’t invite Dr. Vernon into the locker room?
But you didn’t push him away or tell him no?
He’s never done anything like this before, right?
“I don’t know.”
I’d been assured that they would investigate the matter. That they didn’t take these accusations lightly. I could expect to hear back from them anywhere between three to seven business days.
The evening light was fading and the snow outside sparkled under the parking lot lights as Milo and I walked to my car. We’d driven over because I’d thought we could get some dinner out afterward. I’d thought tonight could be our first official date.
But now, all I wanted to do was go home.
“So, um, where do you want to go for dinner?”
Milo took my hand. “We’ll just scrounge up something at your place.”
Somehow, this man always seemed to know what I needed.
The ride home was fast. After hanging up my coat, I went to the kitchen to survey the options. The small, U-shaped room was at the back of the house. The condo developers had opted for fewer upper cabinets in order to fill the space with more windows. During the day, it was bright, but at night, the room was dark, even with all the lights on.
“We can have breakfast for dinner,” I called over my shoulder, my face in the open fridge. “Or I have a box of macaroni and cheese. Or peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Or I’ll call for piz—”
Milo shut the refrigerator door and pulled me into his arms. “I’m sorry,” he whispered.
“Me too.” My shoulders fell. “I can’t help but feel like this is my fault. If I had just stayed away from you until you were no longer a patient. If I hadn’t fal . . .”
Fallen in love with you.
“I’m not sorry for how I feel about you.” He took my face in his palms. “And I never will be.”
“Me neither.” If this meant the end of my career, so be it. I felt more loyalty toward Milo than I ever would to the hospital again.
I rose up on my toes, my lips searching for his. He had to bend down to brush his mouth against mine. It was short and sweet. Soft and testing.
With the next one, I showed him I was okay.
My lips moved over his, memorizing the feel of our bodies pressed together. Memorizing the feel of his chest pressed to mine for the first time. Neither of us rushed the kiss. His tongue didn’t immediately seek entrance, but when it did, he moved hesitantly, swiping it over my bottom lip.
“God, Sara. I want you,” he breathed against my mouth. “I want you so damn much.”
“I want you too.”
There were no more obstacles keeping us apart. No more waiting.
With steady fingers, I skimmed the front of his shirt. My hands knew exactly where his severe burns had been and where he’d be tender for months to come. I avoided those areas, keeping my touch to the skin where he’d have the most feeling, even through his shirt. And when I reached his belt, I pulled the end through the loop, stretching the leather to release it from the silver clasp.
Milo groaned as the belt popped free. He leaned into me, pressing the bulge behind his zipper into my belly. Then he dove in for our deepest kiss yet, one that erased all others except his.
All week, I’d felt Vernon’s kiss.
Now, it was gone.
Milo fumbled with the gray sweater I’d pulled on before going to meet with HR. His fingers couldn’t seem to get a grip on the hem at first, they worked too frantically to grip the wool. He let out a frustrated groan, slowing the kiss, and the sweater went flying in a whoosh over my head. The movement made my hair float up and billow around us.
He kissed me again, a hard and fast touch, then pulled away and snatched my hand. “Let’s go to your bedroom.”
I nodded, ready to get away from the windows where my neighbors could likely see me standing there in just my pink bra. I hurried down the hallway first, Milo’s boot steps following me to my dark bedroom.
I went to turn on the lights but his hand slapped down over mine, stopping me from flicking on the switch. “What?”
“No lights.”
“Oh, okay.” Sex in the dark was fine by me but there was something in the way Milo spoke that made me pause. There was urgency in his voice, almost fear. What was that about?
I didn’t get the chance to ask. Milo reached into his pocket and pulled out the tea light Luna had given him the day we’d met. “Here.”
“You kept it?”
“It was a gift. One worth keeping.”
I smiled and took the light from his hands before walking across my bedroom to place it on the nightstand. Then, I turned back to Milo and flicked the center clasp on my bra free, letting it fall to the floor.
Milo was on me in an instant, his hands wandering over my soft curves. His fingers traced the peaks of my breasts until they found my nipples. He teased them, twisting and dragging his thumb across the buds until they were hard and pebbled.
“Milo,” I moaned, arching my back into his palms.
He dipped his head and kissed the soft skin over my collarbone. “Sara. My Sara.”
My fingers returned to his jeans, undoing the button and zipper to yank them down his narrow hips along with the boxers he wore beneath.
The dance to rid one another of our jeans was full of bumps and colliding fingers. I giggled. He grinned. And when we were both stripped bare, he took my hand and guided me to the bed.
Milo settled his weight between my hips and a marvelous awareness ran through my mind.
This was so . . . right. So natural. We were both a bit awkward as we learned about one another’s bodies. But I wasn’t avoiding his gaze. I didn’t feel shy or uncomfortable. I was filled with curiosity. With anticipation.
I wasn’t experienced with men. I certainly wasn’t an expert in the bedroom. But this . . . I knew no matter what I did, I couldn’t make a mistake. However Milo and I came together would be perfect.
Milo’s lips closed over mine, kissing me until I was writhing beneath him, my legs spread wide in silent invitation.
He reached between us, fisting his shaft, then he dragged it through my folds, making me shudder. “Ready?”
“Yes.” I nodded, my bottom lip caught between my teeth.
With a sure stroke, Milo filled me. I gasped as I adjusted to his size and length. Another shudder ran down my spine as he thrust himself even deeper. “Fuck, you feel good.”
I hummed my agreement and circled my hips, urging him to move.
He buried his face in my neck, sucking and kissing at the sensitive skin beneath my ear as he withdrew and glided inside once more, hitting a spot that made my breath hitch each time.
My orgasm built with urgency, stealing all coherent thought. “Milo, I—” White stars broke behind my eyes before I could finish my warning. My legs shook as the pulsing release raked over my body.
Milo rocked the bed as his rhythm intensified, his cock driving hard until he stiffened with his own release, moaning my name into the dark room as he came inside me with hot spurts.
When he was spent, Milo collapsed on top of me and gave me his weight. I wrapped my arms and legs around his body, trapping him in place.
I’d never let go.
I found this man. He was mine.
Milo was in no hurry to let me go, but his softening cock eventually slid free. “Bathroom? I’ll get us a washcloth.”
“Down the hall.”
He nodded and hopped off the bed. When he came back with a cloth, he went to clean me up.
“I can do it.”
“No.” He elbowed my hand away. “You cared for me. Let me do this.”
It was strange, to give a man this kind of control. It was strange to let another person care for my body. The intimacy, the
trust could only ever be his.
When he was finished with the task, he put the rag in the hamper by my closet. Then he came back to bed, sliding beneath the covers and pulling them over my naked body.
With one arm around my neck, I curled into his side. “We didn’t use a condom.”
“I’m clean.” He stiffened. “I, uh, haven’t been with a woman in a, well . . . a long time.”
Because the women in Prescott are stupid. I smiled to myself. “It’s been years for me too. And I’m on the pill.”
Maybe my hiatus from men had been a subconscious choice. Maybe all this time, I’d been waiting for him.
Milo relaxed, tugging me closer. “This might sound strange, but I need to tell you something.”
“I’m grateful for the explosion. All the pain. It was worth it. To be here, lying in your bed. It was all worth it.”
My heart swelled. My smile hurt it was so big. I don’t think I’d smiled that wide since . . .
Dad’s face popped into my head. He was smiling, a look he’d worn often, especially when he’d been proud of me.
“I wish my dad could have met you.”
I wished Dad could have met the man who’d become the most important person in my life. My best friend. I wished he could have walked me down the aisle, if I was lucky enough to ever marry Milo.
“I wish I could have met him too,” Milo said, kissing my forehead.
I snuggled closer, ignoring the burn of threatening tears as I relaxed into the feel of his chest rising and falling beneath my cheek. “It’s nice having you here. My bed doesn’t feel so lonely.”
“Babe, as far as I’m concerned, your bed will never feel lonely again.”
“Well, you were right.” I tossed the phone on a couch cushion and plopped down next to Milo. “HR has officially noted the report and discussed the incident with Dr. Vernon. They’ve verbally reprimanded him and reminded him that intraoffice relationships are against hospital policy. At this time, they won’t be taking any further action.”
I leaned into his side, staring blankly across the room. How was I supposed to go back to work tomorrow and face Vernon? How was I supposed to work in a hospital where I didn’t feel safe?
“I really don’t want to work tomorrow,” I groaned. Stupid bills. Stupid paycheck. If not for them, I could spend the day in bed with Milo much like we had today.
“Sorry, babe.”
I shrugged. “It’s okay. I’ll see how it goes. I’m sure it will be a great day.”
Great was a gross exaggeration, but until I had another job lined up, I wasn’t going to quit my current one. The last thing I needed was to be unemployed.
“So what’s your plan for tomorrow?” I asked.
“Don’t have one. I’ll hang out here until you get home.”
Home. I loved that in only a day, home had a different meaning. No matter how work went tomorrow, there’d be something to look forward to at the end of my day. Milo here, waiting for me.
“How long before you need to get back to Montana?”
“I don’t know.” He sighed. “I need to make some calls tomorrow and find out what’s happening with work. See how much longer I can stretch this. They’ve been great so far but I’m sure they’ll be ready to have a full staff of deputies again. I was thinking a week? Maybe two? That okay with you?”
“I’ll take whatever you can get.” I’d savor each night that I was able to fall asleep curled into his side. Sleeping alone again would be an adjustment when he left.
It was getting darker outside, and for having done nothing but each other all day, the hours had passed much too quickly. We’d spent the day in bed. Breakfast had been skipped. Lunch had been a plate full of cheese, crackers, grapes and some veggies we’d shared on top of the covers. By four o’clock, we’d both been starved so I’d called for pizza delivery and we’d forced ourselves from the bedroom to shower and dress.
Milo’s jeans were rolled up at the ankles and his feet bare. His plain, white T-shirt smelled like fabric softener, and when he held me, I buried my nose in the cotton to smell it mixed with his own woodsy scent.
Not even the smell of our pepperoni pizza and garlic bread bites was better than Milo.
We’d inhaled our early dinner, then retreated to the couch. Right before five, HR had called and put a damper on what would have been a perfect day.
“Want to watch some TV?” I asked.
“Nope.” Milo kissed my hair and stood, hauling me up beside him. Then he led me to the bedroom, shutting the lights off as we walked through the doorway.
The lights had been off all day.
I’d spent hours last night and today exploring Milo’s body with my hands and lips, but I hadn’t actually seen him. He’d kept himself mostly covered with the sheets. We’d showered separately. So when Milo reached behind his head to tug off his T-shirt, I flipped on the lights.
He froze. “What?”
“Nothing. I thought maybe we could leave the lights on for a change.”
“Not tonight.” He dropped his shirt back into place over his torso.
“Why not?”
“I like the dark.”
This was true. He’d preferred his hospital room dark. But was this always how he’d been? Or was it since he’d been burned?
“There’s nothing to hide from me,” I said gently. There’s nothing to fear.
“The scars. They’re . . . ugly.”
“They are part of you. And there’s nothing about you that I’ll ever see as ugly.” I crossed the distance between us and took the hem of his shirt in my hands. Then slowly, I lifted it up his stomach.
His body was stiff, his abs flexed as I carefully raised his shirt. When it was bunched up on his chest, he wouldn’t lift his arms so I could tug it over his head.
“Milo,” I urged, giving him a small nod. “It’s okay.”
The tension in his shoulders fell away. With a flurry, he ripped the shirt off and threw it to the floor. It puddled at our feet.
The burn scars on Milo’s torso were red. In time, they’d fade, though the texture of his skin would never be completely smooth. The seams where his grafts met original skin were like lines on a map.
Yes, it was ragged at the moment. Yes, it was raw. But he would always be beautiful in my eyes.
I ran my hands gently up his stomach, my fingertips careful as they traced their way to his chest.
Milo went rigid, his eyes squeezing shut.
“Does it hurt?”
“No,” he whispered.
“Would you look at me?” I waited for his dark eyes to open. “I don’t see scars when I look at you. I see a man who makes me feel safe. A man who makes me feel wanted and sexy. You don’t have to hide these scars from me. They don’t scare me.”
Nothing would. Not his scars. Not distance.
Milo’s entire frame relaxed. The breath he let out breezed through the room, blowing away his fears. His hands came to my cheeks. His forehead dropped to mine.
“How’d I get so lucky to find you?”
I smiled. “We both got lucky.”
Milo broke away and stepped back, running a hand over his hair. “I’m trying to be cool about this. But the problem is . . . I’m not cool. I’ve never been cool a day in my life. I really want to tell you something but I’m worried it’s going to chase you away.”
My heart dropped. “O-Okay.”
“I, uh . . . shit. I don’t know how to say this.” He paced the space between us. “It’s only been a couple of months. But they say, when you know, you know. And I know. I think you do too, but I—”
“Milo,” I blurted. His rambling was about to make me come out of my skin and my heart couldn’t take it. If he said what I thought—what I hoped—he was going to say, I needed those words. “Just say it.”
“I love you.”
Tears flooded my eyes. “I love you too.”
/> “You’re sure?”
I nodded, the smile on my face painful. “Yes! Definitely.”
Milo rushed me, his lips smashing down on mine as we laughed together. This was happening. Us. There’d be no breaking us apart. Somehow, we’d find a future together. I knew it from the bottom of my soul.
The kiss deepened. His tongue darted out to caress my lips. And as we stumbled our way to the bed, stripping off clothes until we were both bare, the smiles on our faces stayed in place.
They stayed all night long.
We were going to make it. We’d find our happy ending.
Because I’d never say the words I love you to any man but Milo Phillips.
“So you’re hanging out all day?” I asked Milo as we walked along the sidewalk, hand in hand, toward the hospital. He’d insisted on walking me to work.
“Pretty much.” He shrugged. “I need to make some calls. Check in with my parents and work. I thought I’d try to call Maisy again too just to see how she’s doing.”
“Good.” I squeezed his hand. “I’m sure she’d like to hear from you.”
Milo had tried her once but she hadn’t answered. According to his parents, Maisy had kept a low profile since the kidnapping. Her parents had assured the people of Prescott that she was fine, just recovering and dealing with morning sickness. But Milo suspected there was more. He still carried a lot of guilt for not being there when she’d been taken.
I hoped a phone call would ease some of his concerns. And maybe help Maisy too. I couldn’t imagine how she was coping. I only hoped she’d answer his call.
The hospital drew nearer, and as it loomed, a sense of dread weighed heavy.
I’d been blissfully distracted by Milo since he’d showed up at my doorstep. He’d kept my mind off Vernon’s kiss with his own.
But now that I was here, there’d be no more hiding. I had no idea how to face Vernon. I couldn’t avoid him forever. I only hoped I’d have the strength to face him and stand proud.
My plan at the moment was to keep my chin up, fake a false sense of confidence and hope that Vernon didn’t bring up the kiss. Hopefully his delusions of a relationship between us had been thoroughly shattered and he’d go back to treating me like he had in the beginning—a nurse.