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The lady of the lake

Page 6

by Erika Walker

opened the wound disappeared, the blood continued to strain. For the first time in his life he felt the same emotions he felt when he read his beloved books. He left the room, went down the stairs quickly, came near the door taken by a shelf hidden behind the front door, a pair of shoes. Did not pay much attention to what she took. He left the house. The asphalt was cold, as he continued to walk toward the gate slipped his shoes. Bad choice he thought when he saw the candy pink heeled shoes that were matched to the dress she had worn the night of the party. She remembered what happened, while the blood continued to flow down her hot cheek. Now he knew where to go: to the lake. He walked shipped. It was late at night, no one walked around, but anyway even if someone had seen her, she would never say she was wearing a nightgown, in fact it seemed a little dress, the coming of a just above the knees and was in close life, then those heels even more. In the dark no one would notice the blood. He came to one of the central squares that looked out over the lake not meeting anyone. It was the same a few hours before, he saw the bench where they sat and thought about Cristian. -Tonight will be a special night--what you mean? – Important of anything, you should not set foot outside the house tonight. It would be really dangerous. - The mind back to those words. What was he referring? Really believed that she had followed his advice? Had suddenly gone all weird, she fell in love from day to day a boy was obnoxious. It was not like her. And then the story of the lady, the cheek was bleeding at the exact point where it was bitten. Did not understand anything. Cristian think they know very well, but at the same time it was as if they knew something very important to him. Or rather, she believed that he understood but definitely wrong. Did not understand anything.

  The blood continued to bleed on from his cheek, he had lost a lot of blood and now dizzy. He went down with great difficulty the old steps. He believed that he would not find anyone, and in fact no one saw. Then, unexpectedly, he saw a light in the distance. No, it was a light, had an odd shape. What was it? He walked without fear, after the episode of vision.

  He feared they already know who he was, to a certain extent was the cause that led her to go to the lake. Approached more and more. The two wings were beautiful, seemed to be firing at the same time they were not. He was dressed in black, dark Alice could see he was wearing a vest that left uncovered arms and muscular chest. The beautiful hair with a few strands them fell before the eyes of a clear sky. There was a contradiction in being who suddenly found himself in front. Looked like an angel but he was a demon and had the face of Cristian.


  - A certain feel, I knew I'd find you here. - smiling said Alice.-In a certain feel, I knew I knew you were coming. -. -Why did not you ever tell me? I thought we were friends. - She said. He was about to reply when the moonlight enabled them to notice the blood running down his face. -What happened to your cheek. - The bite? From there the night of the party. When I fainted, as I found in the lake-she said, looking at the dark, quiet waters, - there was a girl who looked at me, told me of the things I can not remember, and he bit me on the cheek. I would not venture a guess wrong, but I think it was the same girl who is buried behind those trees. Believe me perhaps so stupid? - -No, not at all. -. the two stopped for a few minutes. - Cristian, what will happen tonight? - Melissa's soul will be free, and you may go where it needs to go. -

  - And where? Hell? You want it to end? I would remind you that he killed a man to avenge a demon saving. It seems clear that the gates of heaven are closed to you. - But Alice regretted it immediately, Cristian, however, remained impassive. After a few minutes of silence, she continued,-how do you do that? - Seems obvious to me how it works, avenging she brought me back to life, and in the same way I will. - Yes, but you're a demon, you an ' human. - it was, you said it yourself, now is a being of the underworld--and you would have the courage to kill so many people? for her? - what do you think I been doing all these years? What I'm been here with our hands waiting for this day? I had to get my demonic essence, and what was the best way if not steal the lives of humans. Believe me, you are all so naive. -, Alice was offended in the first-person believe this of me? You think it's a stupid human naive that you can not simply obtain the vital energy? I thought you were different. -. A tear began to slide down her face and ended up on the wound continued to burn and bleed. -I never said I thought that about you. -. The lice of the moon lit up their faces. He noticed that she was crying. The squeezed in if - Alice, I love you. - She tried her lips, but he held her back. -I can not or will transform yourself into a demon. You're already suffering enough. - Said looking at the wound began to bleed more. -The only way to close it and free up Melissa from his chains. - But you can not kill them all! - She insisted. Believe me-that are thousands of years are a demon and I made things much worse. -. He took off - do not! Please! - She cried, but Cristian was already high in the sky and flew in the direction of the town that was in the vicinity of the lake. Alice desperately turned to the lake, he began to walk through it-I beg you, beautiful lady with long silky hair, tell me what to do. - And all was again surrounded by a great light. He saw her, she had a worried look, she was beautiful, much more than Alice, and she could not help but be ashamed. At the bottom of the lady and Cristian were in love once, and perhaps they were still. She seemed to reassure her,-there is no problem, the important thing now is that you save him and me. Do you know the gates of heaven are not yet completely closed for me. But I need your help. - Said Melissa. - Anything you want. - He answered secure. Alice was to continue the dialogue, - what you referring to the piece of the puzzle that has been lost? - Your good heart clouded by your mortal life, Alice I can give you the wings of an angel, but once you will have the dates you will have to take to complete your mission. Only in this way I will be able to cross the Golden Gate and you too if you wish. But first of all save him, I pray all of this was my fault. -. Alice nodded. Then Melissa kissed her in the exact spot where, in their last meeting had bitten and again everything was surrounded by light. He woke up lying on the shore of the lake. He stood up, the wound was gone, and the blood on her white nightgown, from his back appeared two feathered wings through which flew. Although he had never done before he found a natural thing almost as much as he was walking. Cristian made an entry in a big way by making the first break all the windows in the room full of people and then by burning the red curtains, tapestries and paintings. In the room burst hell (not that known by Cristian but that is one approached a lot). Finally he walked with a firm step, almost arrogant, but this time was no different from all the others only now it was to free Melissa chained between the earth and the sky from the wickedness of the people. Alice arrived on time he lived in the underworld, but a person capable of love can not be evil. No, what made it what it has become is the ongoing cruelty of the man who doggedly to his fellow men. He just needs to be protected and I thought I can do that as he approached him. Cristian was straight, a few inches from the ground with two fireballs in their hands, in the midst of all those people running desperate and who believed that if they ever would have saved continued to live in their nightmares that time. Alice ran to him, embracing him,-Alice, you've become a .... Angelo? - She did not answer and continued to hug him. The fireballs that he had in his hand dissolved in the air, and he embrace not understanding what was going on. Alice was to take control of the situation. She took his face in her hands - listen to me, I do not care if I become a demon, I'll lose my angel wings and my human side or I'll end up in hell, I think I'm big enough to take my decisions! -, said those words Cristian gave up the idea of ​​saving at least not oppose her and accepted the kiss he gave Alice. And while the angel and the demon were locked in a tight hug and a kiss for ever sanctioned their union were surrounded by flames, hell opened their doors. Melissa, from the lake, looked sadly towards the town hall, the story was repeated and Alice was sacrificed for love, just like she did a few centuries ago. How many years had passed? She could not remember more, but he knew that the time had come to rest in peace. The two
wings appeared behind his back, had angel wings. And as she smiled up into the sky blessed until his figure mingled with the pale light of the moon. The hall of the town was completely burned, no one had understood much of what had happened, a few weeks after it was found the tomb of Melissa on the lake shore and taken to the cemetery of the village. Alice was nowhere, the entire population of the country was devastated. A girl so beautiful, tender, cheerful. How was it possible that she had disappeared into thin air? Over the years went by more and nobody was willing to say that they could find, and so were abandoned his research and his face ended up being erased from the minds of the villagers.


  Alice was sitting on the bare ground, with a shoulder leaning against a tree withered. He was on top of a hill and from there he could see hell expand in all its grandeur. Its white wings had become as black as her dress, it seemed that anything that expressed the beauty of light not want to be worn by her. Cristian came flying, silent as

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