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Renegades And Revenge: Daughters 0f HBH (Half Breed Haven Book 8)

Page 5

by A. M. Van Dorn

  To this day she still liked to visit it to escape the pressures of running the sprawling five hundred square mile spread of Wilde family land. She had told him how it was a place of deep serenity for her. So, he had followed her without a word. He had climbed after her, taking the wooden rungs of the ladder to the tower, one after the other. He stared at her shapely rear too, imagining his palm caressing the edges while he traced soft kisses all over her pale yellow-skinned thighs.

  She wanted what he wanted too; he was confident of this. Earlier, after concluding their business transaction in her office, she had taken one long look at him and had beckoned him towards her with her index finger. Immediately he was close enough, and she had allowed her fingers to trace the edges of his torso until she found the swell of his cock. Lijuan breathed into his ear too and ended everything with a brief nibble of his neck.

  This turn of events came as a complete surprise to him. He had been doing business as the representative for the Western Territories Grain Co. for over a year now and had openly flirted with the gorgeous Asian woman but to no avail. Lijuan Wilde had been all business until today when she admitted she had desired him all along but she had an image to uphold but since the rest of her family was not on the ranch that day she thought she would take advantage and promised him an afternoon of complete pleasure, a reward of sorts for how well he had taken care of their family with the grain sales to feed their cattle. If she only knew!

  That was a few minutes ago anyway. They had hurriedly left the ranch house with the woman giving a briefest of explanation that she didn’t want to disrespect her father, even if he was absent at the moment, by engaging what she had in mind under his roof and had headed towards the water tower.

  Swinging open the door to the tank she threw a devilish smile over her shoulder at him and climbed in. It was dimly lit as its only illumination came from two small windows high up the inside of the tank that had been added, and it was almost empty inside. There was, however, to his delight, a neatly tucked twin bed beside the window while an old wooden chair rested against the wall. There were also a few dusty old books on a table beside the chair. Ignoring everything, he deliberately shut the door behind him to prove a point that there wasn't any going back from the point they had both gotten to. He intended that she would fulfill her promise. Surprisingly, she didn't flinch. He watched as the smile on her face widened while she let her fingers smooth the hem of her dress.

  “What do you think?” She asked him while standing in a pool of light that filtered down from one of the windows. She almost looked like a magical being as the dust motes swirled around, captured in the stream of light.

  “About what?” He asked, smiling back at her.

  She batted her eyelashes at him and continued to let him watch as her fingers slowly drew her dress up and briefly revealed her smooth, spotless thighs.

  “What do you think this is going to be?” She asked him.

  The smile on his face disappeared. He thought hard about her question. She didn't mean that she had just brought him to the tower without any of the intentions he had thought she had, did she? He tried to read the mischievous expression on her face as inviting, but the truth was that she was actually cold towards him. She was deliberately teasing him. She had plans of her own, but what the hell was it?

  “Come here, Dixon DeVries.” He heard her whisper now, jolting him out of his thought.

  He was compelled to obey her. Slowly but cautiously, he walked towards her, staring expectantly into her deep brown eyes. He wished they could just quit the mystery already and pull each other into a warm embrace.

  “Kneel.” He heard her whisper as soon as he was close enough. “Suckle me down there as much as you can. Now!”

  The shock of hearing her say those words almost gave him a heart attack. He stared into her eyes once more to be sure he had heard her right. When she stared right back at him daringly and widened her legs to urge him on, he knew he didn't have a choice then. He swallowed hard and knelt in front of her. Despite how petite she was, it felt as if she was his lord now. He had become a slave to his desires and to her want.

  She pulled up her dress exactly the same time that he positioned himself between her legs. The woman was wearing no undergarments underneath making him wonder in delight if she had been planning her seduction of him well before his arrival. He crept closer and placed his head between her thighs. Her palm went to his hair immediately, gripping tight and pulling him towards her aroused clit.

  Lijuan was warm and soft down there. His tongue tasted her first before he closed his lips around her sensitive middle flesh, making her purr and urging him on. He rammed his tongue deep into her next, excited by the prospect of having his cock inside her in a few minutes. He heard her moan just before she raised her left leg to hang over his right shoulder. She clutched his hair tighter too, wanting more from him.

  Giving in to desire, he reached upward to grab her breasts and heard her moan loudly this time around. He squeezed gently, still letting his mouth touch every spot of her pleasure hole. He wasn’t done doing both though when Lijuan let out a short sigh and stepped away from him. He stared up at her, hating the suspense and pleading with his eyes.

  "Why don't you come get me next?" She told him now. "Get me out of my corset and dress. Afterward, rid yourself of your clothes, and you and I will get down to some serious business."

  Everything was suddenly weird about her. He hesitated for a moment wondering if she indeed likened sex to business. He found he couldn't argue though. He was compelled as her rasping breath excited him. So, he stepped towards her instantly and quickly began to loosen the laces of her dress. Her damn corset wouldn't give way at first, and she wouldn't help him. She just stood there and stared at him as he finally got that free too and gawked at her melon-sized breasts he always fantasized about.

  "You want to suckle the nipples then hurry up and get undressed!" She said impatiently. Excited he didn't bother to reply to her. He quietly stepped back and took off his clothes. He was naked in an instant. His cock felt like a rigid stone rod between his legs. It lunged forward, getting harder. She raised her eyebrow at him though, clearly pleased by it.

  Wasting no time, he went for her taut nipples that he had been given an invitation to suckle, DeVries so wanted those buttons in his mouth and to worship them and play with her down there at the same time. Closing his eyes, he bent his head to move towards them when suddenly he felt a warm palm on his hard cock. He opened his eyes to find Lijuan eying him. For a split second, he found himself quite intimidated but shook it off as she spoke her next words.

  “Too late. You should be quicker.” She told him. “Come to the bed and please me.”

  She was alluring and bossy at the same time. He let her grip his cock in her palm and pull him towards the bed. Lijuan turned swiftly and let him fall onto the twin bed. If she had been coming here as a child it might once have been spacious for her, but it would be cramped for two grown adults, but he was more than willing to make do with it.

  DeVries spread his legs and arms and welcomed her between them. She kissed him while biting his lower lips remorselessly and began to do the same thing to his neck and broad shoulders. He gritted his teeth together in pain as her teeth found his tiny nipples and bit hard. Before he could regain his breath, she had crept downwards to close her lips around his cock – exactly as he wanted it.

  She was giving him a hardcore blowjob. He felt his balls tighten fiercely as she licked the tip of his cock successfully driving him nuts. He held her head to slow her to extend his pleasure, but she wouldn't give in. She shrugged him off and squeezed his cock without mercy. When she swallowed him again, her teeth were back to grazing the edges of his cock while he cringed in a mixture of pleasure and pain.

  “Lie down.”

  He wasn’t even aware he had closed his eyes. Opening them he stared at her now, breathing heavily as she finally let go of his dick. She raised herself above him now and placed bo
th palms on his chest. He laid there as she had told him to, counting the seconds until he slid smoothly into her.

  “Hold my ass. You know you want to. Hold on tight while I ride us both to pleasure!”

  She had read his mind the entire time he could only think of being inside her. He was indeed a slave of his desire, and she was his master. Willingly, he reached for her ass and gripped on hard just as she held his rod and guided it home. He moaned in approval, gradually moving with her.

  The luscious oriental woman rode him fast, grunting and hissing at the same time. When he tried to cup her naked breasts, she slapped his hands away and tapped him softly on the cheek. Her fierce ride drove him to new heights of pleasure. He moved his hips faster, meeting every thrust with hers until nothing else mattered but attaining the climax she had promised.

  It was happening soon though, he thought. His vision blurred. The circular room echoed with her moans while she reached down to bury her nails in his shoulders. She breathed fast, her warm breaths settling all over his chest. His labored breathing was a signal to her, and she gave a final command.


  Lijuan let out a loud gasp just as he groaned loudly, welcoming the jolt that washed through his entire spine as he pulled free from within her and climaxed.


  As soon as the pair returned to Lijuan's office, she used her boot to give the door a gentle nudge closing it off from the hallway. Playfully she spun DeVries around and pushed him backward between the two chairs before her large desk until she had him pressed up against it.

  Lijuan arced her feet, so she was on her tippy toes and gave him a long kiss before allowing her feet to drop back to the finely polished cedar planks that made up the floor.

  “And here I thought all our kissing was wrapped up in the water tower!” the man from Scottsdale said with a gleam in his eyes.

  Lijuan casually whipped her head about, setting her long blackish/brown hair into motion before she drew her lips back in a wide smile. “Let’s just call that a thank you and a goodbye. It seems our path shall not cross again.” This she knew would catch him by surprise and sure enough his brow knitted together.

  "Not to worry Lijuan. I will be back next month as always. You can rest assured about that…especially now that you've sweetened the pot…" DeVries voice trailed off as he suddenly noticed that her smile had inverted in less time than it took to blink. The woman's eyes had narrowed, and though it had to be in his mind, he felt as if the room had suddenly taken on a distinct chill.

  “I surely think not." DeVries was startled by the sound of a voice that was a curious mix of refinement and sound faintly as if spoken by a southern belle. His eyes rose from where they had been drinking in Lijuan's beautiful face to over her shoulder to see a beautiful woman, with creamy mocha skin and delicate ringlets of curls framing her face. He had been so enthralled with Lijuan he had not heard Honor Elizabeth open the door. Her presence was a surprising development because Lijuan had told him the other sisters were away on a cattle drive.

  He stepped out from behind Lijuan and was in the process of tipping his hat and saying the greeting of Ma'am when Lijuan noticed the jerk of his head in surprise as he spied hanging loosely from one of Honor's hands was his very own briefcase.

  “I’m guessing you had happy hunting?”

  “You assume correctly Lijuan.”

  The man's eyes darted back and forth between the women in complete confusion, but he seemed to pull himself together and take a step towards Honor Elizabeth, his hand extending. “I believe that belongs to me.”

  Honor left her place in the open doorway and swept past him and dropped the case on the desk as for a brief second her eyes traveled to the scenery out the window behind her sister's desk. She smiled at the sight of the rider charging up the long, curving driveway leading to the grand Cedar Ledge ranch house. Her fingers were reaching for the latches when DeVries made a move to grab her wrists, but with startling swiftness, Lijuan inserted herself between the two.

  “Now see here! What are you ladies doing! That is personal property!”

  "What it is dear sir is evidence!" Honor said with good cheer as she flipped open the lid and reached inside and pulled something out. DeVries took another step towards her but halted at the tell-tale sound of the hammer of a gun being pulled back. He spun around, and this time in the doorway he was greeted with the sight of a statuesque blonde with some of the deepest green eyes one might ever come upon. The corners of her mouth were turned upwards, and her eyes seemed to twinkle.

  "No sudden moves Mister DeVries. I really don't want to get on Lijuan's bad side for a second time this afternoon. If I leave a mess all over her desk were I to plant a bullet directly between your eyes that would do it." Cassandra Wilde nodded as she waved the pearl-handled Colt .45 in her right hand, while its twin rested in its holster on left hip.

  “What’s the meaning of this? How dare you accost me! Where is Judge Wilde! When he learns of how I was treated in his home he will- “

  "My father is conducting a trial over in Casper's Crossing and even if he were here…well, he's in the business of putting criminals behind bars not coddling them!" Lijuan's voice had risen and decided at that moment it was time to stop toying with the man and snatched the object Honor was holding from her hand.

  “You could have just asked for it.” Honor sniffed as she put her hands on the hips. “Nonetheless Lannie you will find the forgeries most excellent. I would surely guess our embezzler here paid good money to have those crafted!”

  DeVries, his face turning a shade of tomato red smashed his fist in the palm of his other hand. “I demand an explanation!”

  “You’re the one who needs to do some explain’ amigo!”

  DeVries snapped his head towards the open window to see a curvaceous Latina had pulled her steed up outside of Lijuan's window and had been observing the goings on. She sat in her saddle casually waving her hat towards her face to combat the heat. Curiously her forearm was wholly wrapped with a bandage.

  "What's the good word little sister? The telegrams line still open like they were this morning?" Cassandra called out to Catalina Wilde. The Mexican beauty leaned in on her saddle horn, a smile on her oval face, her wavy hair falling forward somewhat and winked, "Pretty Feet sure is gettin' her work out today what with that chase out in the Barbary Hills, but the telegram is on its way. You know I didn't waste a minute as soon as Honor found the bogus checks…off I went!" she informed them, her voice carrying a Mexican accent she had picked up spending the summer months growing up with her late mother's family in Mexico.

  “Bogus checks?!”

  "Yeah! These counterfeit checks!' Lijuan slammed the checkbook down on her desk. "Cassie, can you give him a better view?"

  "Absolutely!" she twirled the gun on her finger and slid it into her holster liked greased lightning before seizing DeVries's arms and holding them behind his back as his shouts filled the office. So, loud were they, that Lijuan's pet cat Mister Muffins momentarily opened his eyes from where he slept curled up on top of the giant globe Lijuan kept in one corner of the room. The large orange tabby yawned once before closing them again in disinterest.

  Cassie forced the struggling man to bend over the desk where Lijuan was flipping open the checkbook and jabbing her index finger down at a signature on the first check.

  "I agree with Honor Elizabeth! This is a very impressive likeness of not only one of our checks but my own damn signature as well!" her eyes narrowed even further as she looked up at the man who only a half an hour before she had been straddling in a bed.

  Behind all of them at the window Catalina was laughing, "They sure as sugar would have to be impressive if someone could copy that hen scratchin' you call a signature!" Forgetting about DeVries for a moment Lijuan looked over her shoulder at her sister with a raised eyebrow that marked her annoyance. Honor and Cassie exchanged amused looks, but Lijuan didn't see them as her focus was back on staring down DeVries.

  “How the hell did you think you were going to keep getting away with this?!”

  The man said nothing but his struggles to free himself from Cassie’s grip were becoming less and less with each passing moment as he began to accept his situation.

  “I’ll grant you it was a clever scheme. I’ve come across my share of swindlers and con artists as far back as my days with the Pinkertons. Not bad.”

  At the window, Catalina couldn't' help but titter with laughter because she knew her beloved older sister was about to launch into one of her long-winded explanations.

  "Yes, very clever. You first came to us and negotiated a deal to supply feed. Unknown to us though was the agreement you presented to your company, with Lijuan's forged signature on it was for far less than what you were charging us. Then you would take the bank drafts we paid with and deposit them in an account with your company's name on it in Benson. An account they had no idea you set up. Once the money was in the account, you would draw up a forged check, leaving the amount you were skimming off behind in your account and then go to your company's bank in Scottsdale and deposit the check for the lesser amount. With a nicely paid accomplice in the feed company's bookkeeping department, you were able to conceal any evidence of the second account."

  DeVries was sweating now, and Lijuan took a fair amount of pleasure in that since it had been her name on the forged checks. Cassie continued after giving a moment for it to begin to sink in for DeVries that he had been caught.

  "You would have continued to get away from it, but a month ago Lijuan and Cattie were several counties over at a ranch looking to buy a herd, and they got to talking about how well fed the steers were and by and by the rancher mentioned how he could feed them what with the great price he was getting from your company. Needless to say, my sister here was shocked to learn what a difference he was paying and what we were paying. The rancher introduced them to some other ranchers in the area, and all were paying the standard rate. When Lijuan got home she told me about it, and I knew immediately there was a polecat in play here and that skunk was likely you. I began to investigate, and I uncovered the whole scheme.


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