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Secret Bridesmaid

Page 14

by Victoria Pinder

  Last weekend had been the opposite of dull. Axel never had to deal with moments like this. His world was beautiful.

  As she made the drawbridge, the red flashing lights started. The traffic jam grew to a full stop, and horns beeped at the cars in front that stopped at the red light. She let out a sigh. Reality sucked.

  Finally she made her way to work, and parked in her assigned spot. Before heading up to the twentieth floor, she stopped in the lobby for coffee. Today she wore a plain white button-down with a Peter Pan collar and black pants. Her ballet flats didn’t make any noise but she could feel the cold marble underneath her well-worn work shoes.

  Soon she’d have holes so it was time to shop for another pair.

  Or maybe not. It all depended on what job she landed next.

  As she reached for the glass handle, she thought she spotted Axel. But she shook the thought off immediately. The construction worker looked nothing like him. Her imagination was going crazy. She didn't fear being recognized-- no one would think she was the rocker’s anything. She hadn’t even bothered with makeup this morning.

  Maybe in a few hours she’d be home again, ready to eat ice cream from her refrigerator and never leave again.

  Somehow she needed to get Axel Morgan out of her head and heart.

  The moment she stood in line for coffee, another of Axel’s songs started to play.

  Her entire body tightened to where it was painful to step forward in line, but she tried to smile.

  If she was lucky, her drink would be ready and she’d be out the door before the song finished.

  Sigh. The solo was on and she melted.

  Axel had sung this beautifully.

  The cashier motioned for her and she smiled at the woman who made her favorite latte as she said, “Extra shot of expresso in the caramel latte this morning.”

  The woman’s brown eyes didn’t blink as she said, “Perfect. What’s your name?”

  They went through this routine every day. She had plenty of customers and Emily didn’t need her to remember her. It was sometimes better to be forgettable and, unlike her sister, not chase after fame like that was a goal. “Emily.”

  The woman wrote her name on the paper cup and said her daily phrase, “The drink will be at the counter.”

  “Okay.” She reached into her bag to get her card.

  With her empty cup still in hand, the cashier without a name actually blinked and then asked, “Emily, are you Axel Morgan’s new girlfriend?”

  Axel would have to love her back. Her cheeks heated and she lowered her head to avoid eye contact as she said, “Not his girlfriend, no. That implies feelings and commitment, and a weekend doesn’t mean true love. Today is real and clearly I have to go to work today.”

  The woman laughed, put her cup in the drink line and said, “Lucky girl then. This drink is on the house. Axel was my childhood fantasy too.”

  “Thanks.” Emily put her card away and slunk over to the counter. Axel’s haunting melody remained in the air.

  Loving him and leaving was perhaps the stupidest thing she’d ever done. Wasn’t love worth at least telling him?

  The thought shot through her faster than adrenaline.

  Her coffee came to the counter and her body buzzed with the immediate desire to find him. But no--that was a reaction, when she had to be responsible.

  Emily pressed the elevator button. It was better to at least finish her job and write out that resignation letter.

  Later, she’d have plenty of time to figure out her next move.

  As she stepped off the elevator, she avoided busy young attorneys who ran in the halls and made it to her corner with her shirt still white and coffee in hand, not repeating Friday’s disaster. She took the first sip and the warmth helped fuel her desire to quit today.

  Emily had her hand out toward her door, when Diesel tapped her shoulder behind her and she almost spilled her coffee.

  She didn’t and turned around as she nodded at him. Before she could say “good morning” he pointed toward her office door. “Emily, our clients are waiting for you in your office.”

  Axel? No, her heart shouldn’t lift. He wasn’t here. She pressed her lips together and pieced together what he’d mean. The only client they had in common was Belle. She stopped and asked, “Clients?”

  He handed her a manila envelope and said, “Client and her ex-husband, now fiancé.”

  Well, at least the House of Morgan’s family was together again. There was that. She pushed her hair behind her ear and said, “I bowed out of the case before the end. So there was no harm, no foul.”

  He tapped the manila envelope. “We did a good job, Emily. You earned your bonus.”

  Oh. This was money. She’d never put this in her account. She couldn’t. She’d figure out how to survive without this check. But for now, she asked a question that lingered in her mind. “How did you find the surrogate?”

  Diesel shrugged. “I found out that Jennifer had an account at a non-Morgan bank. She was only making cash deposits and cash withdrawals. I had video of her giving money to Elizabeth’s maid and then the "pregnant" Ashley was depositing the money. Everything was right there before everyone’s eyes for the world to see as the maid worked for Elizabeth and Rafe, across the street.”

  A maid, caught on video and practically next door to Axel’s house. If she ever needed a private investigator, she’d hire Diesel because she wasn’t good at this. She tried to hand the envelope back as she said, “So, I didn’t do anything.”

  “You helped shine the truth.” She waved it in his face, but he refused to take the envelope of cash back from her.

  She finally put her hand down, still holding the envelope. “I came to give my notice and quit.”

  Diesel turned her around by her shoulder and pointed her toward the door. “Take the money you earned, start a new life, but first hear what they have to say.”

  The Morgans stuck together--what if they told her that Axel never wanted to see her again? The thought was like a knife to the heart. She met Diesel’s gaze and asked, “What can they say that matters?”

  Diesel smiled at her which was rare because the large man never smiled. “Peter Morgan is Axel’s brother.”

  And they could be here to tell her to leave Axel alone and never come near their family. She swallowed and shook her head. “So?”

  Diesel stepped back. “You are clearly in love with Axel.”

  Her heart almost stopped beating for one second. Her free hand flew to her heart and her coffee cup shook. She tried to breathe but it was hard. “I… was it obvious?”

  Diesel chuckled. “To everyone but you.” He pointed toward the door again and said, “So now it’s time to hear what the family has to say, but remember, even if they hate you, relationships still work if the two people are in love.”

  Two people in love. The words echoed in her heart. She really should have told Axel how she felt. And his words “I might” flew back at her. She could have possibly thrown away the best thing she ever had. “I don’t know.”

  He patted her back like they were old friends and said, “Yeah, you do. Now head in there.”

  “Thanks, Diesel.” She gave him a fast, one-arm hug.

  This was probably the last time she’d see him and he was like an angel. He was right. She really should have told Axel.

  First his family, then the letter, and then she’d get out of here.

  Orlando was a four hour drive, so she needed gas and to hit the road.

  Then somehow in a crowded arena, she’d find a way to tell him her true feelings.

  For now, she held her head high, hoping her plan worked, and entered her office. Belle Morgan and Peter Morgan sat across from her desk, holding hands.

  She nodded, put her coffee cup on a coaster and offered to shake their hands as she said, “Good morning.”

  Belle shook, but Peter leaned in for a hug as he said, “We’re surprised you came to work today, Emily.”

  Huh? Sh
e was almost numb. He seemed happy to see her again. She inched back and said, “You are?”

  He then nodded at her like he was the king acknowledging his subject when he said, “Axel was devastated when he hopped on his tour bus this morning without you.”

  Devastated? The word spun in her heart. Maybe, just maybe, he loved her back. If he did, she really needed to tell him. But she hugged her waist and didn’t sit as she explained herself. “Touring the world with him sounds fun, but work… sucks actually.”

  Yeah, her words were stupid. She shouldn’t have said that. She swallowed and inched backwards to her chair.

  She might need to sit for a moment.

  Belle and Peter sat in their chairs as well while Belle said, “Well you earned your bonus I offered.”

  Right. She slipped the envelope on the desk, still unopened. She ignored how every cell in her body buzzed and asked, “What are you going to do with the baby and the surrogate?”

  Peter, relieved, said, “The surrogate already works for the House of Morgan, as Elizabeth’s maid, and she’s happy to give us our baby and be out from Jennifer’s schemes.”

  Belle nodded. “All this time the truth was literally right next door and none of us guessed.”

  Wow. Literally, Jennifer’s house of cards had tumbled because everything was so close. She hadn’t expected the house literally next to Peter and Morgan’s mansion and two doors down from Axel to have all the answers. “So it all worked out then. I’m happy for you.”

  Belle leaned closer to the desk. “The only problem is that Jennifer took off.”

  Emily had been paid to find information to stop the wedding. Did they honestly think Jennifer would stick around and let them laugh at her? Emily would never do anything the way Jennifer had done but it was logical the actress would pack her bag and disappear.

  Emily picked up her warm cup of coffee and held it in her palms as she said, “I’d think you two would be happy to be rid of her.”

  “Anthony wants her and his child,” Peter said.

  Oh no. Now she’d crossed a line. The last thing she needed to be was involved with more Morgan drama. All she wanted was to run into Axel’s arms and tell him how she felt. Hopefully it wasn’t too late. But for now she clutched her office chair that rocked a little on wheels. “I see, but there isn’t anything I can do about that.”

  “Naturally.” Peter sat back in his chair. “So it now seems like you have two options.”

  Huh? She blinked, unsure what he meant at all. Once they left, she planned to quit and hit the road. Her mission was clear in her mind but she asked, “What?”

  Belle beamed at her. “You can help us track down Jennifer and earn another bonus.”

  Oh no. Her stomach went into knots and she pushed the envelope toward them as she said, “I need to say no to that. I’m not cut out to be security or a detective or a spy or whatever that was.”

  Peter laughed and she froze while she stared at him as he said, “Your other option is to head up to Orlando and go find Axel.”

  And his brother was a mind reader. Wow. She hadn’t expected that. She swallowed and shook her head, unsure how to respond or what to reveal. What she had to say was for Axel only and if he didn’t want her, she’d start over somewhere else. “He won’t want to see me again.”

  Peter pushed the envelope on her desk back at her as he said, “He paid off all your student loans. So this money is yours.”

  Her eyes widened. Impossible. Why would he pay those off for her? That made no sense. “He what?”

  Peter eyed her like he’d already explained and he shouldn’t have to repeat himself. But he obliged and was more clear when he said, “He paid off all your student loans so that you were free to do whatever you wanted.”

  Whatever she wanted? Like follow Axel across the country? Was that possible? She wasn’t sure how to take this, so she sipped her coffee and hoped she had a poker face when she put her cup down and asked, “When did he do that?”

  Belle scooted closer to Peter as he said, “He asked Mitch to set it up yesterday morning."

  Oh. Her shoulders slumped but she pretended that hadn’t happened as she picked up her coffee and stared at the lid. “Oh, well that was before-”

  Peter then pushed the envelope at her again and said, “He signed all the documents for the transfer before he left this morning and said he wished things were different.”

  Seriously? She loved him but he didn’t need to solve her problems. A tear fell down her cheek and she knew she’d cry hysterically any moment. She sniffled and wished he was here so she could tell him herself how she felt. She wiped her face and said, “He… I… I don’t have a ticket.”

  “Ticket?” Belle blinked at her like she was the crazy one.

  Right. Neither one of them could read her mind. Her body buzzed that she needed to hit the road now and figure out her next move outside the arena as she said, “For Axel’s show in Orlando.”

  Belle squeezed Peter’s leg and then she smiled at Emily as she said, “If you like, we can offer the Morgan jet. Our people will get you backstage.”

  Backstage was a plan. She wouldn’t risk security guards or missing him as he drove past her without seeing. Her pride could take a back seat. She stood and offered to shake their hands as she said, “Okay.”

  This time both of them hugged her. Her heart drummed faster and she prayed she was worthy of their belief in her. Once the group hug ended, Peter put the envelope in her palm and said, “And Emily?”

  She folded it in her hand. “Yeah?”

  “Good luck,” Belle said fast.

  And she needed to at least brush her hair a little better. Emily stood taller and held up one finger. “I just need two minutes and I’ll be ready.”

  Peter handed her a business card and wrote a number on the back. He handed it to her and said, “The limo is downstairs, for you, whenever you’re ready.”

  Limo? Perfect. Luckily she had accepted tons of resignations letters in the past from attorneys leaving the firm. She’d write that resignation letter and go downstairs, as fast as she could. She held the card and stood until they left.

  Then she jumped on her computer and emailed her resignation.

  Roy was a good boss but she’d find him to explain in person later.

  She picked up her things for the last time, rushed out of the office and headed downstairs.

  Her entire body was full of energy now.

  She needed to see Axel.

  She’d tell him how she felt, even if he laughed in her face.

  As the elevator opened, she took out her phone. She dialed his number but it went right to voice mail. She sighed and said, “Axel… you’re probably busy but I need to talk to you. This is Emily Wilson. Please call me back.”

  She hung up and rushed toward the limo driver holding her name up.

  Finally, she was on her way. Security wasn’t a reason to skip out on admitting how she felt. This time she’d do this right.

  Hopefully he’d forgive her.

  Axel finished signing the papers in his dressing room. After tonight’s show, he’d hand these to his manager and cancel the entire tour officially.

  Emily was in Miami and all last night he thought about when she’d asked him if he loved her.

  Might was the stupidest answer he’d ever given anyone. Maybe was the absolute wrong word.

  Enchanted. Bewitched. Dreamed of no one else, ever.

  Those were just some of the words he’d use to describe how he felt about Emily.

  Love was real. And as he hadn’t told her the truth, his stomach was in knots, all night.

  A knock at his door made him glance up, hoping to see Emily. It was Dwayne and the other guys in Indigo. Dwayne bristled his menacing football player shoulders and asked, “Did you finish writing that song?”

  He stood and handed four copies to the guys. “Lost in You.”

  This was dedicated to Emily. Luckily the guys were great and willing to jam pub
licly with something they hadn’t practiced at all—but he needed to express this.

  A song let him express feelings in a way words never would. Hopefully the song was the beginning of his quest to get Emily back. Once he handed out the last copy, he said, “Yeah. I’m sorry to be cancelling the tour, guys.”

  Luca, with his spiked blond hair, was the secret wanna-be accountant of the group and only shrugged as he read the sheet music. “You’re paying the fines, not us.”

  Axel nodded. Cancelling this tour would cost more than Emily might ever make at her job, but she needed to know he loved her.

  Working without her seemed torture. “But it’s your time and your fans too.”

  Dwayne spoke for the band. “Axel, it’s okay. We’ve all been talking about ending the constant touring and possibly retire. You are just pulling the plug on something we’ve all thought about doing.”

  Axel had practically worked his entire life next to Dwayne. They started on their TV show when they were just children. He pushed his hand into his black denim pocket. “But I made this decision without talking to you.”

  “True.” Dwayne waved for the guys to come and stand in a circle as he said, “You’re ending the tour because of Emily, no?”

  He needed to tell Emily how he felt first, not his friends. He wasn’t sure how to answer so all he said was, “I…”

  Dwayne again led the group as he said, “And the song you’ve worked on all day, for us to play tonight… that’s for Emily.”

  They all knew him well. “Yeah.”

  “So good luck.” Dwayne patted him on the back. “Go and get your girl.”

  They hadn’t pushed, though his feelings in the song were probably raw. He put his hand in the middle of the group. “So let’s go on stage.”

  Dwayne was the first to meet his hand as he said, “Rock this house for the last time.”

  Luca joined as he said, “And good luck winning the woman you love back. Hopefully she takes you as you are and doesn’t make you change too much.”

  Axel laughed for the first time in a day. Luca clearly knew him too as he said, “I don’t know. Maybe change is good for the soul.”


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