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Twelve Worlds, One Book

Page 4

by Buffy Hamilton

  “Danyah” my mum called, as I ran towards her. She wanted to help her unload the car while dad took the heavy bags out. I was so excited and I was only 11-years-old, and so that explains a lot. It was getting late so we had dinner and went to bed.


  The next day was finally here.

  “Disneyland here I come,” I said while jumping with joy. When we got to Disneyland, the first thing I saw was Mickey Mouse. He was one of the first Disney characters in the history of Disney.

  My mum handed me a book. I asked what it was for. She told me to open it and I did. It was an autograph book. I hugged her and went straight to get his autograph.

  As my family and I walked into a large cabin, the warmth of the air hit me. Fresh coffee was all I could smell. They had hot chocolate too. “mmmmm” my favorite.

  After a while my sister disappeared. I turned to see where my sister went and there she was, standing in front of the biggest Christmas tree I have ever seen. There were lights, ornaments and a big glittery star on the top of the tree.

  As we were walking, I could hear and feel the loud music jumpstarting my body. I could barely here my mum telling me to hurry up.

  My sister and I caught snowflakes on our tongues. I could feel them slowly melting in my mouth.

  It was 4pm and we were all waiting for the parade. After ten minutes of waiting, finally we got to see it. It was dark, there were lights flashing everywhere. The parade was beautifully lit up.

  Sometimes I like to remember all of my old family trips. So far this had been the best vacation ever.

  Vacations can be a good time to strengthen relationships with family. I had so much fun and I’m so happy that I got to spend time with my family.


  “The Duck doesn't swim”

  Shuai Zheng,Feng

  I opened my eyes, the darkness around me. I lost the power to control my body. I saw some black bodies around me, playing the ceremony and letting me join them. My body waved by the water waves. My feet touch the mud the bottom of lake, it detains me like a monster. The cool temperature encroaches my body and dark bothers my mind. I began to get scared. And, I saw Death. He extended his sickle to try to catch me. I waved my arms and legs to leave him, but I didn't move. My sense was weaker and weaker. I wanted some fresh air to restore it

  Time after time, I would loss my sense. Instantly, have a light ran into my eyes and pulled me up. Next second, I get away from the Death and out. I breathed hurried to get fresh air. My sense began return to me, arms, legs, and brain. Otherwise, I felt my eyes were ache and my lung was force by hydraulic pressure, it breathe harder than usual.

  I yelled. "Dude, where are you?"

  A sound from my back. It's Zhong's. "I am here. What's wrong with you? You stay a long time in the lake?"

  I still breathed rapidly and answered him. "I don't know. But, I remember my feet touched mud and have some black things around me."

  Zhong said astonished. "Are you sure? The lack deep about 35 meters."

  My brain was blank in a second. Next, I nodded my head to answer him. Wang and Zhang steered the boat come and ask me about health. Zhong told them what I answer to him. Their face show me what their thought, amazing.

  Wang said." If that is true, you guys need get to back in boat."

  Zhong and I said together. "Okay."

  Zhong did his nimble action, quickly reach the boat. Zhang give his hand pull him up. I imitated Zhong's action. But, I didn't move. That time, my mind was blank. I couldn't believe that I couldn't swim.

  Maybe Zhong knew what I was thinking about and said. "Swimming is easy. Waving your arms and use your legs press back water. You will move."

  I waved my arms and use legs pressed back water. Five seconds later, I moved a short distance. I began feel swim is the easiest sport. However, that's not true. After twenty seconds, I never move again. I stopped action, the water wave push my body move forward and move backward. That time I knew how I move.

  I said honestly, "Can one of you get off to help me?"

  They were talking to each other. Zhong and Zhang both watched Wang, Wang shook his head. Zhong watched Zhang, he also shook his head. Then, all of them lower their head. Nobody talked.

  After ten seconds, Zhong broken the situation and said, "They cannot do it. I will try it, but, I am not sure I can save you."

  I heard his voice, my depressed was disappeared and a hope fire was rising by it. When he closed one inch to me, my fire also higher one inch. He stay one meter away and said." Give me your hand."

  I extended my hand to grab his hand. Next time, he pulled me to the boat. It made me feel happy. But, just moved a short distance, Zhong was tired. I gave up to grab his hand.

  He backed the boat and said. "I, I tried it. But, but, I still cannot pull you back." He put his hand on side of waist and breathed hastily.

  I said, "I know, thank you."

  He nodded to me and close eyes to breathe. We were in quiet again. I looked at my body, it shook by water wave. Many questions rose my mind, I didn't know how to swim, why I jump from boat? Why I cannot swim? I began despaired.

  One minutes, Wang broke this quiet. He said." I have an idea. We can steer boat close him and pull him out. What do you think?"

  Zhong and Zhang saw each other and nodded for each other and said. "That's a good idea, we can try it."

  They steered the boat close to me. When the boat close to me, I would receive a force push me back. The despair was rising higher and higher by this force. I began hate myself. Why I jumped from the boat? And tomorrow, newspaper's headline will be "A Teenage Dead in Yun Long Hu Lake". When I thought here, I sighed deeper, looked hopeless up at sky and used hand hit the surface of water.

  Two minutes later, I heard some engine's sound close to me. I looked around, have three boats come to me. I turned head to focus on my friends, they waved their hands to these boats. Instantly, my eyes filled tear. I would be saved by them.

  Three boats stopped at my left side, right side, and back to stop me move. Zhang steered the boat to close me and give me their hand pull out from lake. I thanked for their help and sat my seat. Quiet for long time until we backed to home.

  I lived near the sea, but, I couldn't swim. That's a big joke to me. And from that day, I didn't try things that I didn't know I could or couldn't things. It will took my life from my hands.


  “Inchon Chinatown and Fairytale Village”

  Briana Kang

  This summer, I went to Chinatown in Inchon and Fairytale Village with my friends. It was Korean Memorial Day. We took the subway and it took an hour and a half to get Chinatown. We were chatting in the subway and the time didn’t bother us. When we were off the subway, we cried for something that would a please our mouths. “Let’s go to supermarket!” said my friend Jisu. Then we went to supermarket and bought some jelly. We were laughing at nothing and not done anything yet but happy.

  Chinatown has been in Inchon since 1906. Chinese people live together and create their unique culture in many ways. The area held many stores trading goods imported from China, but most Chinese businesses are now restaurants. Korean can enjoy their food and buy things. Especially you can see their traditional dress Chipao and antique pottery.

  We were trying to wear Chipao but the store worker seemed to be unpleased because we were absolutely not buying it. We were upset, but I would have same feeling if I were the worker. However we couldn’t leave the store because Chipao were so colorful and beautiful. Chinese love red and gold color. The mixture was so incredible and its tight fit looked so sexy. It was so different impression compare to Korean traditional dress, Hanbok.

  We were walking along the main road. “Are you hungry?” said Nakaung. “Yes! I’m hungry. Let’s eat lunch” said Hyemin. “Ok, then look for a fine restaurant” said Jisu. We looked around Chinatown and we found a famous restaurant. “Let’s go over there” I said. The restaurant was crowded by many people and we
waited ten minutes and sat the table. We ordered Jajangmyeoun and waited fifteen minutes to Jajangmyeoun came out. I was expecting something different taste, but it was usual as you can eat in your neighborhood. The Jajangmyeoun was delicious because I ate with my beloved friends.

  Then we went to Fairytale Village. The Fairytale Village is nearby the Chinatown to walk distance. It only took seven minutes to get the Fairytale Village. The Fairytale Village was decorated by wall paint of the fairytale picture. When I was young I like to read fairytales and dreaming of fairytale heroes all the time. The paint reminded me of the times. “Let’s take a picture!” said Hyemin and we took pictures and looked around Fairytale Village. The weather was so hot, we went to ate ice cream. The ice cream café was famous in the Fairytale Village. The clerk was wearing a lion costume and walked around. I asked, “Hi, can we take picture with you?” The clerk was nodding his head and we took a picture with him. One of my friends really liked him because he was a good looking. To be honest, I liked him too. Yes, we were young girls who were screaming at nothing, fluttering at handsome boy.

  We were spending four hours to look around Chinatown and The Fairytale Village. We had to back home by six o’clock but no one wanted to leave. We called our moms to get permission to have more hours, but some of our friends couldn’t chat in the subway because we were so tired. Some of us fell asleep until where we should get off. It was eight o’clock when I got back home. My mom was glad to have me home safely. She always worried if I went out. She didn’t say anything but I knew it. I told Mom that I had really good times with my friends and Mom was happy to hear that. I was on the phone another two hours to unfinished journey we had. Time flew away that day.

  I didn’t think that was the last trip with my friends at that time. Even if I know it was the last, I wouldn’t had more fun. I moved to US in the middle of June. I was so busy to get things for new life in US after all. I still have in touch with those friends. I got many picture of those happy memories and I still have smile on my lips just think it over. It is so precious to have someone to fill one’s life with. I am so thankful that I have many friends to fill my life with and I wouldn’t let lose them.


  Memories of the Failing Dreams

  Phoebe Chen

  The moonlight outside the window was faded by the clouds, light-volt continuous drizzle the glass, then rolled down a stand. Rainwater was run over by the wheels, issued shabby sound. Rare rain replaced the snow gently falling, like Gilda's tears in the Anderson's story--it can melted the frozen heart. Snow more tenderness than the rains. Light heartedly thought the ground, then lays like a cat, quietly waiting for spring.

  The first time I saw snow is when I came to the United States. It was a very quiet morning, the earth bedding with the white carpet, it was the traces of snow last night. Dawn rises, according to the Rochester's park. Cold air was filled with the fragrance in the forest, deer trail disappeared in the bushes, and everything is silent. Only the winds stroking the branches rustled lightly.

  I like the feeling of walking on the snow, like wandering in the soft clouds, dreamy and romantic. I hold a handful of clouds, leaned it to my nose and smell the life extend in the winter air from the refreshing dreams.

  Suddenly I feel something drop down on my face. I felt it softly, then it melted on my fingertips. I opened my eyes. It’s snowing!

  Snow seems tenderer than rain. Heartedly light, it falls on the ground, then lays like a cat, quietly waiting for the spring.

  This snow must have some fantasy magic that can make people fascinated, I thought.

  As the time pasted, the snowflakes gradually increased, very magnificent. God used the purest way to show the grand winter view. This stunning scene makes my tears shed down.

  “I bring the snowboard, that’s play!” said Uncle James.

  I rode on the snowboard and washed down from the hill. The wind directly in my face, I seemed to be flying in the sky, above the clouds, passing through the meteor shower.

  Some naughty shooting stars blurred my sight. Suddenly, a vast expanse of whiteness covered me. I sank into a dreaming place which is soft, fluffy and ice-cold. I pause for a few second then get up from the snow pile.

  We celebrated Christmas at Uncle James’ house that night. Outside the window, the snow kept failing. I make some wishes before going to bed. Maybe there’s someone doing the same thing at the same time. How many dreams are inside those gorgeous dreams? As the neutering suffering destruction, can our posterity see these scenes? When the snow is no longer peaceful, what will await us in the future?

  Back from Rochester, friend asked me about the novelty things in that trip. I talked about the Museum, the Cathedral, Christmas Eve and the endless snow. But I hide a little secret—I once used a peculiar posture embracing the breathtaking snow land.*****

  “Six Flags”

  Hyesun Kang

  I had been in US many times to see my mom’s parents in New Jersey. I always happy to visit my grandparents. But this time my family go to Georgia recommend by my aunt. I was excite to visit other country. I wandering the place Georgia how wonderful there will be. I little upset I can’t see my grandparent but it same U.S so I can see my grandparents later. I thought I knew about US, but Georgia is a different place. It’s so hot and hard to see bus, or walking people on the road. I feel be boiling hot. The was so heated that all people had a high color. Since we moved to Georgia from Korea, the first place for joy was Six Flag.

  We didn’t have any plan to go, but my aunt wanted to go with us before she went back to Korea. Mom bought the tickets on internet and it was easy to admission. I had never been in an amusement park in US. Mom said, “You will be surprised. You will see the greater scale than the one in Korea.” I thought it wouldn’t much difference. I thought mom was exaggerating.

  Six Flags was really a big place. We were concentrated on its map to pick out some rides because we didn’t think we could ride all of them. But none of us had been in Six Flag. We tried many rides as we could. Adults didn’t want to ride so I was take a children around. I am scared of height, but nobody know I was. We children were in the line of wooden roller coaster. My heart was pounding, but I pretended I was calm. I thought I can feel lots of excitement in the amusement park. But I change my mind when before ride. I whispered to my sister, “I don’t want to ride. Can you take them without me?” My sister applied, “It’s not that high. It will be done before you know it. Don’t be silly.” She didn’t want to go without me.

  The roller coaster was my big challenge. My voice was shaking despite all my efforts to control it. “Everybody ready to ride? Anyone wants to give it up? I knew she would mock me after all.

  I watched the people ahead of us screaming at the top of the line. I was scared by them but I can’t express because my cousin was between me she is 10year old. She was brave more than me I don’t want my cousin see I scared. I was staring it with wide opened eyes. I couldn’t hear anything but my heartbeat. I was so nervous. I couldn’t stand on my foot. But there wasn’t an exit. When I rode the ride, I felt it went endlessly. I felt it could reach up to heaven. I couldn’t open my eyes until it stopped where I started. As my sister told me, it was over so quickly. I did it. I vanquished my fears of height. I was so proud myself, but I wouldn’t take another ride.

  We were looking for tasty lunch besides burgers. There were Panda Express. We loved Chinese food. We ate orange chicken, beef broccoli and noodles. It wasn’t tasty as we expected, but we ate them all. When I ate Panda Express I Miss New Jersey because my grandparents bought me Chinese food many times.

  My aunt loves to buy thigs. She collects souvenir everywhere she went. What did she want this time? She bought Batman T-shirts and a Batgirl one-piece dress. She bought same thing for us but we didn’t think we could wear them. It’s not shame to wear souvenir T-shirts, but we didn’t like it. We did our appreciation to aunt, “Thank you ve
ry much.”

  We arrived at the park its opening time. We stayed nine hours to take rides. We couldn’t stay longer. I felt like I was an oldster. I couldn’t beat her energy. I was exhausted.

  On the way back home, I tried to be awaken. However, I could hardly keep my eyes open. I felt so sorry for mom that I fell asleep. She would tried as much as I was. She drove us home safely. I wouldn’t go again, but I was glad to overcome my acrophobia. I had some memories with my, dad before he went back to Korea. I was surprised the great scale of rides of Six Fag as mom told me.


  A Boy

  Shuai Feng

  The police whistle vibrated New York’s morning. A red, Ford car drive fronts these police cars. Their laugh came out from widows. Then, the car turns right at the third block. Police cars all follow turn right blocked the exit.

  It’s an alley. Police J and partner police Y got off the car and pull out the pistols. Use eyes transmitted information. Moved together toward the red car. Other policemen were waiting for arrest evildoer.

  The car’s doors both were opened. Stench smell out of the car. And loud rock music still turns on. It likes evildoers are ridiculing them. On the ground, have many dollar bills. Police Y looked backward waved left hand let other policemen follow them. Police J moved carefully toward that car, until he didn’t find evildoers in the car or around here in 10 feet. He pulled back pistol. Other policemen come took the proof.


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