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Frost and Flame

Page 29

by Showalter, Gena

  In the end, two others joined Erik’s team. Bold, who wielded a hammer able to break every bone in someone’s body with a single strike, and Ryder, who’d had a strange ability to stand in one location, then create a second version of himself to send out to fight on his behalf.

  That made four allies in total—that Bane knew about. Adonis and Rush, the other two.

  Bane remained on his knees, head bowed, mouth zipped, biding his time. Five minutes until roll call ended...

  More insults were brandied about.

  Four... He clenched and unclenched his fists, his shoulder throbbing more than ever. He’d been careful to avoid further injury the past few days.

  Three... He eyed his target—Colt—and palmed the daggers he’d brought. He’d left Valor’s sword hidden with Nola. Win the ring, better protect your queen.

  Two... His ears picked up a light shuffle of footsteps. Many footsteps. Frowning, he lifted his head and cast his gaze up—and saw red. Men dressed in black crouched along the mountaintops. Damn this! Erik had rallied a new army.

  One minute left...

  Silence erupted, aggression charging the air. Bane counted down the seconds. Fifty-nine, fifty-eight. He rolled his head, his shoulders, preparing his muscles for action, then shifted into a crouch. He would have to avoid gunshots from above...while helping Zion, Vale and Knox do the same...while avoiding strikes from his competitors.

  He caught Zion’s gaze and motioned to the soldiers.

  Zion caught sight of them and scowled.

  They shared a moment of communication: Erik dies today.

  Focus. No battle had ever been so important. No matter what, Bane could not let himself transform into Drogo. Two weapons would be destroyed.

  Five. Warriors got into position.




  Seven banged his scythe into the ice a second time. The invisible walls of energy came crashing down with a whoosh.

  For one suspended moment, no one moved.

  Then all hell erupted. War cries pierced the night, blending with the clang of steel as warriors threw themselves into an all-out brawl.

  Bane ducked, dodged when necessary and mauled anyone in his way, making a beeline for Colt. Colt first, Erik second. Someone’s blood spurted, spraying his face. Scorching his face. His vison blurred.

  Go, go! Stop and die. His vision cleared in time to see a glowing whip lash out, snagging his wrist. Bane fought the instant flood of agony, using the whip against Thorn, its wielder, yanking the male closer. One slash of his claws, and Thorn dropped, screaming.

  Quick glance at Vale. Doing well. Zion? Edging closer to Colt. Knox? Fighting to return to Vale.

  Moving on... Petra whirled in Bane’s direction, sword raised. Recalling the car wreck that almost ended Nola’s life, he threw an elbow, nailing her in the jaw. Ronan rushed over to safeguard his partner, but he had Carrick on his heels.

  Carrick engaged Ronan before the other warrior reached Bane. The two were distracted. Bane grinned—and cleaved Carrick’s arm from its socket with a quick scratch-and-bash. As the smug prince fell, black blood spraying from his wound, Bane turned his sights to Ronan, but the male had already engaged with another.

  Moving on once again. Colt, where was Colt? Blood, viscera and severed limbs littered his path. Grunts and groans provided a macabre soundtrack.

  A distinctive scream rose above the others—Vale’s. Without hesitation, Bane switched directions; Knox wouldn’t make it back to the girl in time.

  The things I do for my woman.


  Tips and tricks to wreck your life

  NOLA WRITHED ON an unfamiliar hotel bed, inundated by unspeakable pain, too hot, too cold, sobbing and shuddering. She’d pretty much vomited out all of her internal organs. Her heart beat too hard and too fast, her joints had swelled and every bone in her body throbbed.

  Had her link to Bane weakened somehow? Or had something terrible happened to him?

  No, no, no. Not Bane. He was too strong, too cunning. But, but...why am I so sick?

  Fear invaded, spreading like flesh-eating bacteria. She covered her mouth, hoping to ward off the next round of dry heaves.

  And what if Bane had shifted? Drogo wouldn’t hesitate to harm Vale, Zion and Knox.

  Now terror invaded, skittering down her spine.

  Should have accompanied the guys to the arctic. She could have hidden near the meeting site, and calmed Bane at the first sign of a transition.

  Nola Lee, dragon tamer. Oh, the irony. She could stop a bloodthirsty beast with a word, but she couldn’t walk into the bathroom to pee, her body simply too weak. In fact, if Bane didn’t return within the next hour or so, she’d probably wet the bed.

  Humiliation prickled beneath her skin.

  She’d tried to mist and travel back in time to revisit a favorite memory, anything to distract her from the pain, but the weakness affected her abilities just as much as her physical form. All she’d managed to do? Time travel the old-fashioned way—aka remembering.

  Desperate, she did a little more remembering, closing her eyes to relive the time she’d sat on a porch swing with Carrie and Vale, sipping sweet tea.

  That day, Carrie had said:

  Do you think a twenty-dollar bill is worth any less if it’s dirty and wrinkled? No way in heck! You might be a little rough around the edges, but you are still priceless.

  She’d gone on to add:

  In boiling water, the potato softens, the egg hardens, but the mighty coffee bean changes the water. Don’t let difficult times weaken or harden you, girls. Get up and change the situation.

  Happy to. But how?

  Nola recalled the time she’d been too sick to attend prom, and too poor to afford a dress, so Vale had thrown a party at Carrie’s house.

  She replayed the last time she and Bane had made love. He’d been on top, pinning her down. A “vanilla” position for so many, but a forbidden delight for them.

  “Hey, hey, little dove.” Bane’s voice caressed her ears. The side of the bed dipped. “I’m here now, and I’m not leaving you again.”

  He’d returned!

  “You’re here.” Tears welled, blurring his visage. His heat and scent enveloped her, offering comfort. Aches and pains faded, and she threw her arms around him. “You survived!”

  “So did Vale and Zion. A bullet nailed Knox in the spine, temporarily paralyzing him, but he’ll pull through.” Bane tucked her close, using his body to buffer her from the rest of the world. “You probably sickened because I was trapped inside the circle with walls of energy that disabled my mystical abilities.”

  “I—I don’t care about my c-condition.” A sob burst from her. “I’ve been so w-worried about you and them and, and, and...”

  Bane petted her hair, saying, “If you’d like to see what happened, I can use our link to show you.”

  Would she like?

  “You can see your man’s strength.”

  Okay, yes. She’d like. “Please and thank you. But first I reeeally have to pee.” She attempted to stand...nope. Still a nonstarter. Despite the reprieve from pain, she was too weak. Cheeks burning, she whispered, “I need your help.”

  Like a knight in invisible armor, he carried her to the toilet, and held her up with one hand while pulling down her shorts and panties with the other. He even helped her sit down gently.

  “This is mortifying,” she groused. She kept her gaze to the floor, too embarrassed to face him.

  “Consider it a favor. One day, I’ll be injured, and you’ll have to carry me to the bathroom.”

  As if. “Sorry, babe, but if that day comes, I’ll put you in a diaper.”

  He chuckled, the most beautiful sound she’d ever heard.

  With the back of a shaky hand, sh
e wiped her eyes. Vision clearing, she slowly lifted her gaze. The moment she saw his condition, she grimaced. Poor, darling Bane. He had serious cuts and gashes all over his body. “Heal quickly and painlessly, Bane. And, maybe turn around, please?”

  He caressed her cheek before presenting her with his back. “Do you think a bodily function will make me think less of you?”

  “No. It’s just, you didn’t sign on to be my caretaker.” She shuffled her feet. Come on! But her overly full bladder was shy, refusing to cooperate.

  “Actually, I signed on to be your everything.”

  Shock slackened her jaw. Bane of Adwaeweth had not just uttered the most romantic thing ever. “You’ve made it clear how much you admire strength and warrior women in particular. Look at me. No!” she rushed to add when he began to spin. “Don’t actually look at me. I just meant I’m not your usual type of, uh, warrior. Yes, you and Zion have trained me well, and I’ve gotten pretty good at landing blows. Yes, I’m amazing in a thousand different ways. But I’m”

  He squared his shoulders and straightened his spine. “In a multitude of ways, you’ve proven the state of someone’s body has nothing to do with their level of strength. No matter how many times you’ve been felled, you’ve climbed to your feet, ready to go again. That is the hallmark of a great warrior.”

  Any leftover defenses finally crumbled, tenderness engulfing her.

  I’m in love with this man.

  The knowledge sang within her, accompanied by a deluge of excitement and a tsunami of dread. She did. She loved him. She’d given her heart to Bane, all of it, every piece, nothing held back. She loved him and his intensity. His wit, and his ferocity. Loved his touch, and his pretty words. His strength. His stubbornness, however...

  Nah, she loved that, too. His stubborn side had brought him to Nola, giving him centuries of purpose after the murder of his wife.

  How did Bane feel about her? She knew he desired her body. Protected her at all costs. Talked about keeping her forever and always. And he’d even accepted her royal status. But...

  Would his emotions ever run deeper?

  One day soon, she would ask.

  With his praise echoing in her ears, she overcame her bladder shyness, and oh, wow, had anything ever felt so wonderful?

  Once she’d finished, Bane clasped her elbow to help her stand. “Shower or straight to bed?” he asked.

  “Shower, please and thank you.”

  He kissed her brow and removed their clothing. In the stall, hot water rained and steam wafted through the air, creating a dreamy safe haven.

  For good measure, Nola brushed her teeth twice. She didn’t speak again, but neither did he.

  Nola knew why she remained quiet—she’d never felt so vulnerable or exposed. Did Bane feel the same?

  After they toweled off, he carried her to the bed. Bare, she settled under the covers. He double-checked the locks on the windows and resealed the curtains so no one peeked inside. His every action highlighted his body’s muscular build and stunning grace. By the time he finished, she was panting.

  He stalked back to the bed, their gazes locked. Awareness blazed between them. They were alone and naked... Light from the lamp spilled over him. He was hard as a rock.

  Her breath caught. With a flick of his fingers, he turned off the lamp. Darkness descended over the room.

  Sliding into bed, he drew her close, one arm under her nape, one on her belly. She curled into him, needful.

  “Bane,” she said, and chewed on her bottom lip. Was her voice slurred, thanks to the potency of her desire?

  His breath hitched, a telling reaction as wonderfully maddening as blistering heat. “You crave your man?”


  “More than you wish to see what happened at the assembly?”

  “More than anything.”

  He kissed her, softer and gentler than ever before. Dirtier, too.

  “Your weight... I want it,” she pleaded. “Give it to me.”

  “With pleasure.” He rolled her over and pinned her arms overhead, shackling her wrists to the mattress with a single hand. He kneaded her breasts, his touch softer and gentler, too, almost reverent. No, not almost. Definitely. He worshipped her, every caress conveying a message to her cells: you are adored.

  He might me back. The possibility hit her like an injection of morphine.

  Writhing in sublime pleasure, she kissed, lapped and caressed him right back, their hearts beating in perfect sync. But the hornier she got, the more she wondered what it would be like on top. One of the only positions they’d never tried.

  “Want to try something,” she said between panting breaths. She gave him a little push, but he didn’t budge.

  He lifted his head, savage desire crackling in his irises, lines of strain branching around his mouth. “You want to be on top.” A statement, not a question.

  She chewed on her bottom lip some more and nodded. “I want to try everything with you.”

  For a long while, he held her gaze, silent. Just when she began to squirm, he rubbed the tip of his nose against the tip of hers. “In Adwaeweth, the female is always on top.”

  “Oh.” Disappointment surged. “So you have no interest in doing it with me?”

  In lieu of an answer, he rolled to his back, allowing her to rise over him and straddle his waist. He rested his hands on her knees, groaning when she cupped her breasts.

  “I might be topping, but you’re in charge,” she said. “You tell me what to do, and I’ll do it. To myself. With us, nothing is off-limits.”

  He tensed beneath her, his grip crushing. “Never diminish your strength to soothe my ego, dove. We are equals, yes?”

  “Yes. But I’m not diminishing my strength, or soothing your ego. I’m experimenting, learning what I like.”

  He grinned slow and sure. “Well, then. I’m happy to help.”

  * * *

  WHITE-HOT AROUSAL DEVOURED BANE. He had a gorgeous female perched on top of him, his to command.

  Life did not get any better.

  Drogo purred his approval, ready to be inside her again. Not yet, not yet. He dragged her up his torso, so that her drenched core hovered over his mouth.

  “Let’s get you ready. Scream for me, love,” he instructed...just before he thrust his tongue into her sweet feminine sheath, drinking down her sweet honey.

  She did scream. “Bane!” Clutching the headboard, she brazenly rode his face, head thrown back, chest bowed, the long length of her jet-black hair tickling his navel. Their scents mingled, creating an intoxicating musk, wrapping his head in a sensual fog.

  This woman... She drove him wild, kept him on edge, tormented and delighted him with equal measure. Yet, he felt as if he’d finally found a home. His priorities and goals had changed. A future with Nola mattered more than his vengeance.

  He licked and sucked until she babbled incoherently. Another scream burst from her as he brought her to a swift climax. Her taste sweetened, and his control shattered. Beyond repair.

  Tremors plagued her as she fought to catch her breath. “That...that was...incredible.”

  “That was only the beginning.” He slid her down, down until she straddled his waist once again. Mindless bursts of pleasure battered him. “Take me inside. Need you. Need you now.”

  “Yes.” Shifting her weight to her knees, she rose up.

  He angled the tip of his erection at her soaked entrance. Contact. As she slid down, he thrust up, entering her in one mighty heave, filling her up.

  Nola, lost in the throes, released another scream and climaxed once again.

  Bane hissed air between his teeth, sweat trickling down his face. The pleasure...too much but not enough. Why had he ever resisted this position with her?

  He had easy access to all his favorite parts. He coul
d even reach around to grip her ass...or strum her clitoris until she bellowed his name. He could watch her beautiful face as pleasure besieged her. With his supernatural senses, he could gauge the pulse at the base of her neck; when he did something she liked, it quickened.

  Didn’t take him long to learn she liked fast, hard and rough. His preference, also. She liked when he sucked on her skin or squeezed a little too tightly, leaving a mark. A claiming mark. He liked knowing she would feel him later, every time she moved, and remember everything he’d done to her.

  Nola whipped her hips, and his thoughts dulled. The pleasure...

  “I’m going to come so hard, baby. I’m so close...” Nola licked her way into his mouth, and he opened up, unable to resist. Never wanting to. When she whipped her hips again, her puckered nipples rubbed his own, and he grunted. “I waited for you today. Don’t make me wait any longer. Please, Bane.”

  Baby. How he loved the endearment, a type of claim. “No more waiting. Come hard for your man.”

  Holding his gaze, she whipped her hips again. And again. The pleasure intensified, pressure building. They stared at each other, lost, never wanting to be found.

  He took her hands in his, linking their fingers, and lifted his arms overhead, stretching her atop him. The rest of the world faded from his existence. Her warm breaths stroked his skin. Breaths that came faster and faster, increasing in tempo to keep pace with his thrusts.

  “” Her nails embedded in his skin as she threw back her head and screamed. Her inner walls milked his length, demanding his surrender, and he gave it.

  Every. Last. Drop. He came in a rush, praise spilling from his lips.

  She collapsed atop him, panting faster, shaking harder, her cheek resting on his uninjured shoulder. He released her hands and lay back, then maneuvered them both to their sides.

  They cuddled for a long while, silent, letting their bodies calm. Although, he wasn’t certain his body would ever calm again. Everything he felt for Nola amplified—attraction, tenderness and affection. She fit him in every way. Even her delicate appearance. It was her armor. No one suspected a warrior lurked beneath.


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