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Frost and Flame

Page 32

by Showalter, Gena

  * * *

  “HE’S COMING.” ZION shot down the ladder, reentering the darkened tunnel. He grabbed Nola and scurried back up.

  Her heart sped into overdrive. He—Bane? Dang him! Had he not read her letter? Did he not know she planned to save his wife?

  Or maybe he couldn’t read English?

  Crap! And yeah, okay, he’d once told Nola he didn’t want her to time travel, that he preferred a relationship with her, but come on! If Nola and Meredith were standing side by side, both alive and well, he’d pick Meredith, the nonroyal.

  Lying to yourself now? You know he’s let go of his prejudices. “Where’s Vale?” she asked, her voice little more than a grouse.

  “Helping Knox.”

  They emerged into a total nightmare. Smoke thickened the air and formed a canopy overhead, creating a postapocalyptic setting. Throat itching, she coughed.

  Zion set her down and took her hand. “This way.”

  They made it five steps, only five, before a blur of motion plowed into them, knocking them both to the ground—no, not her, only Zion, who released her as he fell. However, momentum sent her stumbling backward, tripping over a rock and toppling. Impact packed quite a wallop, stars winking through her vision, sand filling her mouth.

  She blinked rapidly and gasped. She hadn’t tripped over a rock, but a body. A man. A human man. There were others, as well. A trail of bodies actually, each saturated in Vale’s new innate fragrance.

  Sweat dampened Nola’s brow, her blood heating, surely not. But, yeah. There could be no denying it. Her blood heated with sizzling arousal, as if she’d spent the past few hours making out with Bane.

  Trembling, Nola checked one of the unconscious men for a pulse. Thin and reedy, but noticeable. Maybe the others were alive, too.

  If these men had attacked her sister in the lavender field...if they’d helped bomb the house...they might have also hidden in the mountains, shooting at combatants during the assembly. Crimes committed under Erik’s command. For payment.

  Payment made these men mercenaries. For the right price, mercenaries would attack Vale again and again. And not just Vale. Bane, Zion and Knox, too. Therefore, the mercenaries couldn’t be allowed to survive the day.

  She eyed their chests, her mouth watering. Finally, she would have the pleasure of eating someone’s heart...

  Reaching out...

  A pained grunt stopped her, drawing her gaze up. Zion and Bane were on their feet, facing off, two snarling predators thirsty for blood. How could she have lost sight of them, even for a moment?

  She straightened, taking stock. A veil of smoke protected Bane’s sensitive skin from the sun. He seemed to have grown several inches taller and several inches wider, his muscles bigger than ever. He wasn’t just enraged; he was rage.

  And I am desire. Aching... He’d never looked so beautiful. Dark. Monstrous. Bloody. The shoulder wound had opened up again, crimson sluicing down his bare chest.

  He pointed an accusing finger at Zion. “You don’t take her from me. You don’t keep her from me.”

  “Do you wish to die?” Zion bellowed. “Stay with her, and that is the future awaiting you.”

  “Everyone dies. I would rather die with her than live without her.” Bane kept his gaze on the other male as he angled his pointer at Nola. “If you come between us again, our truce is over. I’ll kill you without hesitation.” Bane turned his glare on her, snapping, “We do the Blood Rite today.”

  She wobbled on her feet. This is truly happening?

  Today? Another life-altering change. One she’d wanted. And yet... Too many changes, too fast. “You can’t be serious, Bane.”

  His rage seemed to heat another hundred degrees. “When we first met, you agreed to do it when I believed the time was right. I do. You will keep your word.”

  But... “What about Meredith? I can save her—”

  “You can, yes, but you won’t,” he interjected. “Listen up, because I will not say this again, because it’s too painful. I don’t want you to go back.”

  Tears welled. “You don’t know what you’re saying. Think! You—” A thought occurred to her, and she glanced between the two combatants. “How are we able to speak of this in front of Zion?” Only an hour ago, she hadn’t been able to tell Vale, one of the most important people in her life.

  Surprise knocked Bane back. “You are Adwaewethian,” he spit at Zion. “A hybrid. Sometime in the past, an Adwaewethian queen sent breeders to your planet. You didn’t just dream of Nola. You sensed her royal status, just as I did.”

  Nola’s mind blew into a tailspin.

  “You are right. And wrong,” Zion said. “I am part Adwaewethian, it’s true, but I didn’t come from a breeder, and I do not play host to a beast. I was created in a lab, genetic components taken from different races. The best of the best and the worst of the worst.”

  That made a strange kind of sense. Thinking back, she realized she’d never really experienced mutism with him. She’d assumed she couldn’t share, so she hadn’t even tried. “Are you subject to the will of a royal?” Why ask? Why not find out for herself? “I command you to heal from Knox’s wound.”

  “That won’t work with—” Zion pressed his lips together, going silent. Shock consumed his expression as he gazed down. “It’s working. I’m healing. I can feel the muscles weaving back together.”

  She fluffed her hair and refocused on Bane. “Are you sure you wish to proceed with the Blood Rite? You know about the prediction now. What if, after the Blood Rite, I order you to let me stab you?”

  “I’m sure you’ll have a good reason,” Bane replied. “But whatever happens, we stay together. We do not separate. Ever. Understand?”

  He’d fought to reach her. Fought to stay with her. Always. He loved her; he must! The next thing she knew, she was running to him. She threw her arms around his neck. “I’m sorry I left you behind. I should have talked to you, admitted everything, but I was so afraid you’d grow to hate me again.”

  “I will never hate you.” Cleaving to her, he said, “I am yours, and you are mine.”

  “But,” she continued, “there’s no reason good enough to stab you. I don’t want to risk it.”

  “Trust yourself, love. You have something the others queens do not. Do you know what that is?”

  Had he just called her “love” instead of “dove”? “I”

  A fleeting smile. “You do, yes. But you also have a strong heart.” He pressed his forehead to hers and traced his thumbs over her cheeks. “You have loved and lost. You know your mind, and what matters most. You have survived nightmares and thrived. I trust you.”

  His beautiful words tore her apart. But he didn’t comprehend the gravity of their situation. “Maybe you shouldn’t. I’m merging with my dark side, Bane. We’re becoming one.”

  He did not react. “The only way to assuage your fears about this? Go through the Blood Rite. You’ll see I’m right.” He gave her a swift kiss. “All will be well, love. I will allow nothing less.”

  This moody, broody sex machine had called her “love.” Tenderness welled despite her inner turmoil.

  “All right.” A little excited, a lot afraid, she nodded. “I’ll do it. If anything happens to me—”

  “Nothing will happen to you. Nothing!” His civility dissolving, he gripped her arms and shook her. “You won’t leave me again and you will survive.”

  Another nod. She rasped, “I will survive.”

  “I will help,” Zion said.

  Bane glared at him, but offered no response. After another swift kiss to Nola’s lips, he opened a portal to a motel room with twin beds. Clean but generic furnishing. He’d already secured their backpacks, her gauntlets inside.

  Eager to update Vale, she plopped onto a bed and typed a text. Everyone had seen Vale’s reaction over Nola
’s death, giving it an aura of legitimacy, so, they could chat again. Right? Right.

  Are you alive and well? YOU HAD BETTER BE ALIVE AND WELL! I’m with Bane and Zion, and we’re good. (Sorry my Banie scratched up your Knoxie, but he did it to save your man’s life). And yep, Bane is mine! I’m keeping him. We’re working together. For real. Equal partners and all that. We’d like to work with you and Knox. Erik made our safe houses hazard zones, so Team Zibanola has no place to stay.

  Vale’s reply came within minutes: I’m the proud owner of an underground bunker. (Knox gave it to me. A makeup gift for being a douche at the farmhouse.) Come and stay with me. I miss you like a limb. But you gotta ditch the guys first. Sorry, not sorry. They’d be too eager to remove my head.

  Nola: I can’t ditch ’em. Well, I can but I won’t. I love them, V. They’re part of my family.

  She tried to type more. How she and Bane were a couple, how she’d soon rule a race of beast shape-shifters. Her fingers refused to work.

  So. The stupid mutism stopped all communication. Good to know.

  Vale: I think Knox has a 2nd safe house Erik doesn’t know about. No one does, since no one can see into his cribs. You guys want that one?

  She flipped her gaze up. Zion sat at the desk, cleaning his weapons. Bane paced, lost in thought. “How about a truce with Vale and Knox?” she asked. “I mean, you guys are already fighting to protect them. Why not gain their protection in return? To sweeten the pot, they’re willing to give us a safe house Erik doesn’t know about.”

  She braced, expecting immediate refusals at top volume.

  “Very well,” Bane said with a dip of his chin.

  Zion persisted, still running the rag over the dagger. “I find the arrangement acceptable, as well.”

  She sputtered for a moment, confused. “That easily? Seriously? You’re not going to make me do up a pros and cons list, or present a PowerPoint presentation?”

  Bane squatted before her, his hot, calloused hands resting on her thighs. “At the assembly, Knox put himself into the line of fire to save Vale. I can work with him, because I’m confident he’ll do nothing to harm his woman’s family.”

  Nola searched his eyes, knew he’d meant every word. Love for him doubled, tripled. “I’ll let Vale know.”

  She typed, YES!!!!!! We accept. Please and thank you.

  Vale: Let’s meet in an hour. Somewhere other combatants won’t think to look. Let’s see, let’s see. Oh! I know. The place we swore never to visit—the worst place on Earth.

  Ahhh. The spot some of their high school friends had lost their virginity.

  Nola: Done and done. See you soon, sis!

  “We’re meeting them in an hour,” she announced.

  Bane held her stare and nodded. Expression dark and determined, he said, “Just enough time to prepare for your Blood Rite.”

  * * *

  “WELCOME TO THE worst place on earth,” Nola said, spreading her arms. “Under the bleachers at the football stadium of my high school rival, Blueberry Hill High.” Wrinkled candy bar wrappers, cigarette butts and plastic cups abounded.

  Her threesome had just stepped through a portal, five minutes early for the meeting. Knox and Vale were already there, waiting. Overachievers!

  Nola rushed to Vale, and Vale rushed to her. They met in the middle, hugging, laughing, then hugging some more.

  Vale whispered, “I’m going to find a way to make you immortal without joining the war. Considering all the supernatural weapons floating around, there’s got to be a way.”

  “The boys are on the case, too,” she whispered back, longing to explain the Blood Rite. Trying...failing. Dang it! Maybe, after her coronation, she could share with Vale. A girl could hope, anyway.

  Cranking up the volume, Vale added, “You sure you want to stay with Zion and Bane? You’re my innocent little sis, and they—”

  “She’s sure,” Zion snapped. Nervous about the upcoming Blood Rite? Join the club. He held a backpack, and Bane held the other.

  “Watch your tone,” Knox snapped back. “You speak to Vale with respect, or you don’t speak to her at all.”

  Clearly fighting a smile, Vale squared her shoulders. “Yeah. Respect.”

  Nola had to subdue a grin, too. Looked like the two had made up. Not surprising. Vale was just ease with Knox. Most of the men she’d dated had considered her too brash and too edgy, with good reason. She was brash and edgy. However, few people dug past the surface to see the vulnerable girl underneath the bravado. A girl whose father abandoned her after the tragic death of her mother. No one deserved a supportive partner more.

  Bane arched a brow, the Adwaewethian equivalent of rolling his eyes. “Did she call you innocent?” he asked Nola. “That’s like calling a dragon a bird.”

  Dragon. Ha! Nola elbowed him in the stomach. “I’m not that bad.”

  “You’re right.” His eyes glittered with unexpected merriment and a hint of lust. “You’re worse.”

  Mmm. Lust. He looked at her lips and licked his own. Heat sizzled between them.

  “You know, if everyone walks away from this expedition with only minor injuries, I’ll consider it a win,” Vale said. “Who am I kidding? If everyone crawls away, it’ll be a win.”

  Nola picked up the reins of conversation, backtracking to her sister’s original query. “Yes, I’m sure I want to stay with these nutjobs. I like having strapping immortal eye candy at my beck and call.”

  “Well, you’re the only reason my immortal eye candy offered up his guest home.” Vale grinned at Bane and Zion. “Your companions owe us. Big-time.”

  Knox nodded. “As payment, you’ll help us end Erik—but you will not make the kill. Vale will. That is nonnegotiable.”

  Zion popped his jaw but he, too, nodded. Bane gritted out, “Very well.”

  “So, we’re doing this, then?” Vale grinned and clapped. “We’re forming a kick-A alliance?”

  “I would like that. I’ve never before had true allies.” With his head high and his broad shoulders squared, pride stamped into every inch of Knox’s bearing. “If you keep your word, I’ll keep mine. I will fight to save you rather than destroy you. When Erik and his allies have been taken out, we can reevaluate the alliance. With warriors from the other two wars joining ours, we might have to band together longer than anticipated.”

  Zion filled his lungs and said, “I’ll stand with you.”

  “I’ll stand with you, as well.” Bane clasped and squeezed Nola’s hand.

  She all but melted. My darling man.

  “Let’s get you ensconced in your new safe house.” Knox opened a rift, then motioned the others to enter.

  Zion stepped through first, followed by Nola and Bane. Knox and Vale claimed the rear. Once they were all through, Bane and Zion moved to Knox’s side to act as lookouts, guarding the rift until it closed.

  Nola checked out their new digs—a cave with limestone walls. A bedrock had collapsed, forming a gorgeous cenote, the water so clear she could see fish swimming below the surface. Crystals twinkled from the ceiling, almost as dazzling as stars, and though the air held a faint musty scent, there was no hint of rot or decay.

  “Careful,” Knox warned. “The tunnels are vast. I haven’t been down here since before our imprisonment, so I have no idea what’s happened here. Above the cave is a temple. Around the temple is a jungle. There are no physical exits anywhere down here. You must rift in and out.”

  “Thank you,” Nola said. “We appreciate this.” She nudged Bane, then Zion. “Right?”

  “Thank you,” Zion and Bane grumbled in unison. Nola suspected that, as gung ho as they were to work with Knox, they didn’t like owing the man a favor.

  Knox went rigid, his dread palpable as he glanced at his ring.

  “What’s wrong?” Vale asked, paling. “Ansel is requesting a meetin


  “Can you ignore him?” her sister asked.

  Must be a king.

  Knox brought Vale’s hand to his lips to kiss her knuckles. “We must return home. Now.”

  Though worry pulsed from Vale, she put on a brave face and winked at Nola. And, though she had no idea what was going on, Nola’s heart was breaking. She put on a brave face as well, and winked back. Then Knox dragged her sister into another antechamber to rift home in private, leaving Nola alone with her guys. And her nerves.

  One step closer to the Blood Rite...


  Always wear the crown!

  “THE TIME HAS COME,” Bane announced. He’d been in and out of their underground base camp, moving everything he’d gathered pre-meeting to their new digs. By “everything” she meant unconscious soldiers. He’d bound the men with rope and created a circle of bodies around Nola. Finished, he peered at Zion. “You will keep guard. Let no one interfere.”

  “You can count on me.” Zion moved to an alcove, the one with the best view of the cavern, and popped the bones in his neck, ready for anything.

  Nerves got the better of Nola. Soon the Blood Rite would start, and she would become queen, experiencing her full power. If she survived. I will, I will, I will. But uncertainty threatened to drive her insane. What if—

  Enough! Blank your mind.

  “You, turn around,” Bane instructed Zion. “No matter what you hear, do not look back.”

  Crap. That sounded bad. “What do I need to do?” she squeaked. About to be a queen. Act like one. Be, you know, dignified or something.

  Oh! She could think of one way to help her feel queenly. “Hold up.”


  “I haven’t changed my mind. But there’s something I need to do first.” She raced to the backpacks and dug out her gauntlets. Once they were anchored to her hands, she returned to the circle. “See? Better.” She already felt more dignified.

  “Allow your instincts to guide you, and you’ll know what to do.” Kind, gentle—adoring—he brushed two fingers along her jawline, offering comfort, before moving outside the circle and erasing his expression. All hard edges and unwavering determination, he said, “Ready?”


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