
Home > Fiction > Mend > Page 18
Mend Page 18

by Chelle Bliss

  Cameron’s waiting for me when I walk inside, but everyone else who works in the corporate offices is off on Sunday. “What did you do?” he asks, studying my face.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I try to keep a straight face but fail. I’m too damn happy to conceal my joy.

  “I know that look, and it means you’re up to something.”

  I reach into my pocket and pull out the box, showing it to him.

  His eyes widen, and his body recoils as if I just showed him something hideous. “You didn’t.”

  “I did, Cam. I’m going to ask her tonight.”

  “Jack, don’t you think that’s a little rushed?”

  I laugh. “Rushed? I’ve loved Evie for as long as I can remember.”

  Cameron follows me into my office and collapses into the chair directly across from me. “I never thought you’d settle down, man.”

  “It’s not settling,” I tell him, relaxing into my chair and placing the ring on the desk in between us. “I’m finally getting what I want. I’ve waited my whole life for this. Evie is the woman of my dreams. I knew the first moment I saw her that I had to have her and make her mine.”

  He grabs the box, flicking open the top to expose the ring. He lets out a whistle. “Wow. You have it bad for this girl.”

  “Listen, Cameron, someday you’re going to fall for someone, and when you do, it’s going to knock you on your ass. Wait and see.”

  “Never happening,” he mutters with a shake of his head, making a not gonna happen face.

  “I can’t wait to see your face when you realize there’s no going back to random sex with strangers.”

  “Shut your mouth.” He snaps the lid of the box closed and places it back on the desk, pulling his hand away like it burned him. “I like my life just the way it is. Let’s change the subject. This one is boring me.”

  Anything having to do with a relationship is like having a taboo conversation with Cameron. He refuses to believe he’ll ever fall in love. If Evie hadn’t come back into my life, I never would’ve found someone else to love. No one compares to her and never could.

  She’s my one.

  My only.

  “Let’s go over the plans for Ridge Hollow so I can leave tomorrow. I won’t see you again until you come to town for the meeting with the zoning board.”

  “Please tell me there are a lot of hot women in Ridge Hollow.”

  I have to bite back my laughter; he is in for one hell of a surprise. “There are tons,” I lie right to his face. “You’re going to be a very busy man.” I grin.

  “Thank fuck,” he whispers.

  If he only knew.

  We spend the next four hours going over the application for the zoning board to have most of the land parcel split into sections, including the one that needs to be changed to commercial use. Hopefully, since half of it will be used for a town recreation center and charity, they’ll push it through without any bullshit.

  “I’ll be there to meet with the zoning board in a few weeks, and once they approve it, we can break ground and start construction immediately.”

  “You’ve done an amazing job with everything, Cameron.”

  “That’s what partners are for, Jack. I think this is exactly what we need to take Dirty Deeds to the next level.”

  “I couldn’t agree more.”

  His phone buzzes, and he glances down.

  “Hot date?”

  “Twins,” he replies with the biggest grin as he types a message.

  “You’d better be careful, or your prick’s going to fall off.”

  He stands up and jams his phone into his back pocket. “I’ll take that challenge. I gotta run. I’ll see you in Ridge Hollow. Good luck with Evie.”

  “I’ll lock up. Have fun tonight,” I tell him as he heads for the door.

  “I plan on it,” he says before disappearing down the hallway.

  I sit back, looking around my office and everything that we’ve achieved in a short time. We built a company from scratch with only a few thousand dollars we had saved. Neither of us expected it to take off the way it did even though we believed in our concept and had the drive and determination to pull it off.

  It’s late afternoon by the time I get to the spa. Evie’s just walking out into the lobby, looking refreshed and glowing.

  “I missed you,” she says, wrapping me in a tight embrace.

  “I hope you had fun, love.”

  “It was amazing, Jack.” She smiles, pulling away from me to wave at the receptionist, who’s watching us. “She said you were very handsome.” She snakes her arm into mine as we walk out, resting her head on my shoulder.

  I feel like a million bucks with her on my arm as we walk down the street to my truck. I’ve loved Philadelphia since the moment I moved here, but I love Evie more, and staying in Ridge Hollow with her feels right.

  “Are you ready to go back?”

  “We can stay longer if you want,” she says, to my surprise.

  I don’t want to be anywhere else but Ridge Hollow. It’s where we belong and where our kids will be raised. “I’m ready to go home.”

  She climbs into the truck, holding my hand the entire time. “Anywhere we are feels like home, Jack, as long as you’re with me.”

  I lean in, giving her a passionate kiss. When I pull away, I brush a few strands of her hair that have fallen free back behind her ear. “I love you, Evie.”

  “I love you too, baby.”

  I can’t wait to make this woman my wife and give her a happy life. Evie deserves the world.

  * * *

  “Let me drive,” Evie begs.

  “Right now?” I ask, glancing around at nothing but darkness.

  “Yes. Just pull over.”

  Against my better judgment, I veer off to the side of the highway and get out, switching places with Evie.

  “I haven’t driven this truck in years,” she says, gripping the steering wheel tightly.

  I’ve had the truck since high school. We’ve made out in this truck more times than I can count. When I could afford to buy a new car, I couldn’t part with this one. Cameron gave me a lot of shit, but the truck held too many memories to get rid of it.

  Evie eases back onto the dark highway and turns up the radio, dancing in her seat to the newest hit from the Chainsmokers. I watch her, transfixed by her beauty as the headlights of the cars on the other side of the road illuminate her face.

  Her eyes widen, and she lurches the truck to the right. I yell out, reaching for the steering wheel to right the truck before it starts to roll from the sudden movement, but I’m too late. The vehicle tumbles on to its side and keeps rolling. I see Evie and the fear in her eyes as I try reaching for her, but my head hits the window, and then there’s total darkness and nothing but silence.

  “Evie!” I yell when I start to wake.

  A man pushes against my chest. “Settle down, sir.”

  “Where’s Evie?” I cry out, terrified, hoping she’s okay. The last thing I remember is the terror on her face before I was knocked out.

  “She’s being taken care of. Don’t move until we know the extent of your injuries.”

  But I don’t care about myself. The only thing that matters is making sure she’s okay. I have to get to her. I need to see her. I try to move again and realize I can’t. My body is strapped to a board, and there’s a neck brace stopping me from turning my head. “Is she okay?”

  “I’m sure she’s fine, sir.”

  “Evie!” I yell out to her, waiting to hear her response but hear nothing in return. “Where is she? Where’s Evie?”

  “Let’s go,” the paramedic says to someone, and suddenly I’m in the air, moving toward a waiting ambulance.

  I try to look around and catch a glimpse of her, but with the neck brace and straps, it’s impossible.

  “Evie!” I yell again and keep yelling, struggling against the restraints until they slam the doors of the ambulance. My throat is hoarse,
but I don’t care. She has to be all right. She just has to be. “Evie, honey!”

  “Someone sedate him please,” a deep voice orders.

  “No!” I yell, but it’s no use. I feel the needle prick in my arm, dragging me back into the darkness.



  Every muscle in my body aches as my eyes flutter open. I’m surrounded by doctors, stripping away my clothing with scissors and talking to each other.

  “Where’s Jack?” I ask, but my throat burns, and my tongue almost sticks to the roof of my mouth.

  “She’s awake,” the nurse says, looking down at me with worry.

  “Ma’am, can you hear me?” the doctor asks.

  I nod my head and bite down on my bottom lip. I’m filled with so much fear and dread because I’m worried about Jack.

  “Are you pregnant?” he asks.

  “Not that I know of,” I respond as tears threaten to fall. “Where’s Jack?” Please, let him be okay. I only just got him back. I can’t lose him. I won’t lose Jack too.

  “We’re working on him in another room, ma’am. When was your last period?”

  I can’t think of what happened yesterday, let alone when I had my last menstrual cycle. “I don’t know. Last month sometime,” I guess, only caring about Jack. The last thing I remember is watching his head hit the window, and the panic that was etched on his face is burned into my mind.

  “Let’s get a pregnancy test on her before we do anything else.”

  “I don’t think I am. I can’t be,” I whisper.

  “Have you had unprotected sex since your last cycle?”

  I’m mortified to be discussing this with anyone, especially a male doctor I don’t know, but I squeeze my eyes shut and answer. “Yes.”

  “Nurse Jones, please test her blood before we proceed.” The doctor looks down at me, and I don’t see judgment on his face. “It’ll only take us a few minutes to get the results, and then we can proceed.”

  “Where’s Jack?” I ask again.

  “I’ll have someone check on him in a moment. I need to get a complete medical history first.”

  “I have no allergies, no past surgeries, and no health conditions. I just want to know about Jack. Please,” I beg, my throat aching. “Oh God, please let Jack be all right. Please.”

  I stare into the hallway, wondering which room Jack is in and if he’s okay. The overwhelming pain in my back and limbs stops me from moving.

  I lie there, staring at the ceiling and thinking about nothing but Jack. God, I didn’t even see the deer until the last second, and I should’ve just plowed into it instead of trying to avoid it. We never would’ve rolled, and maybe I wouldn’t be lying in the emergency room in God knows where right now.

  I’m filled with dread when I think that maybe Jack isn’t going to be okay. I can’t take the thought of burying him next to Willow and losing the two loves of my life. God wouldn’t be so cruel to take him away from me so soon after finding him again. Would he?

  I found it hard to believe in a higher power after I lost Willow. I couldn’t imagine something so grand being so horrible as to rip a child from my life only months after her birth. I never thought I’d get over the loss, and I never truly did, but being with Jack has eased my grief. We share the loss together.

  “Doctor,” the nurse says, handing a sheet of paper to the doctor.

  “Ma’am,” the doctor says, pushing the bridge of his glasses farther up his nose. “It looks like you’re with child.”

  I have no idea what else he says because all I can think about is the little person that’s growing inside of me. I cradle my stomach, already in love. My eyes fill with tears at the thought of being a mom again and doing it with Jack this time instead of alone.

  I gasp. “Oh my God, what about Jack?”

  “Evie!” I hear Jack yelling for me. Oh God, the sound of his voice brings me such relief.

  “Jack!” I try to sit up but can’t. I need to see him, to touch him, and to know that he really is okay—that we’re okay.

  “Evie,” he says, running past my room and then backing up. “God, Evie.” He rushes to my bedside, grabbing my hand before peppering my face with kisses. “You’re okay.” He lets out a long breath.

  I cry harder, overcome with relief that he’s okay. “I was so scared,” I whisper and let the tears come freely.

  “I’m fine, baby. I was just worried about you.” He kisses me again before pushing some hairs away from my face that have become matted with my tears.

  “Is this the father?” the doctor asks.

  Jack looks down at me with confusion on his face, and I smile up at him. “Surprise,” I say with a big smile, happy tears staining my cheeks.

  He gapes at me, completely in shock at the news. “We’re pregnant?” he stutters.

  “Yeah,” I whisper and hold my breath, worried that he’s going to be upset.

  “I’m going to be a dad?” He glances around the room, waiting for confirmation. “I’m going to be a dad,” he says, looking down at me.

  “You are.” I move his hand that’s at my side on top of my stomach. “We’re going to be parents, Jack.”

  “Is she okay? Is the baby okay?” Jack asks the doctor.

  “I think she just has a broken ankle, but other than that, she seems to be fine besides some whiplash and muscle trauma. We can do an ultrasound to check on the fetus.”

  Some muscle trauma? I feel like I’ve gone ten rounds with a heavyweight boxer. There isn’t an inch of my body that doesn’t hurt, but I’m alive and Jack is okay and by my side.

  Jack looks relieved at the news. “Please check the baby. We’ve lost one already and can’t have it happen again.” I can sense his fear and I am scared too, but we have each other so we can get through anything.

  “Was it in utero?”

  “No.” I shake my head and give Jack’s hand a light squeeze. “She died of SIDS.” I try not to think of the loss of Willow, but it’s always in the back of my mind. I will never forget her.

  “I’ll order an ultrasound right away and get your ankle in a cast. I’d like to keep you overnight for observation, but if you’re okay in the morning, there’s no reason you can’t go home.”

  “Thank you, Doctor,” Jack says without looking away from me.

  Everyone leaves the room, and Jack and I are finally alone. “Are you happy?” I ask him, but I know he is. Since the moment he heard the news, he’s been beaming.

  “I am, but I’m happier that you’re okay. I don’t think I’ve ever been so scared, Evie. When I couldn’t see you and you wouldn’t answer me when I called out to you… I wanted nothing more than to get to you and make sure you were safe.”

  “I know.”

  “What happened?”

  “There was a deer and I meant to swerve to avoid it, but I overdid it. I’m so sorry. It was just a natural reflex.”

  “Shh.” He puts his finger against my lips, stopping me from finishing the statement. “It’s done. We’re both okay, and we’ve got a baby to think about now. We wouldn’t have known otherwise.”

  “We would’ve eventually. Trust me. After a few months, it’s not something I can easily hide.” I grin.


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