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Mend Page 19

by Chelle Bliss

  “I guess not, but now we have something else to celebrate.”

  “What else are we celebrating?”

  “You know,” he says nervously. “The business and building our dream home.”

  “Right,” I tell him just as a new doctor walks in.

  “Good evening, Ms. Bailey. I’m Dr. Kravitz, I’m the OB/GYN on duty and want to do a quick ultrasound to check the health of your fetus after your accident.”

  Jack pulls a chair up to the other side of my gurney and takes a seat, but never lets go of my hand. Neither of us speaks, too scared that something’s wrong and that our happiness is going to come to an abrupt end with us powerless to stop it.

  She lifts my gown, exposing my stomach before squirting the ice-blue jelly on my skin. Jack squeezes my hand and watches everything carefully. I’ve been through the joy of seeing a baby for the first time and hearing the heartbeat, but it’s all new to him.

  I stare up at the dirty white ceiling tiles that crisscross the room at the clinic on base. My mother dragged me here after I missed two periods. I still denied that Jack and I had ever had sex. There was no way I would tell my mother that even if she threatened me.

  My stomach’s in knots as the doctor moves the cold plastic wand over my lower stomach. My mother sits at my side, motionless and quiet, but I can feel her eyes on me.

  I hold my breath and pray for this all to be some cruel joke that the universe is playing on me. Jack’s ignored me for weeks, and my life is a mess. There’s no way I can bring a baby into this world. My parents and I are civil at best. I’ll never forgive them for uprooting me from my home and Jack with only a year left in high school.

  “There’s the little bugger.”

  My heart almost stops at the doctor’s words. I close my eyes to hide my tears… Everything is so fucked up.

  Jack sits motionless as she moves the wand around my lower belly and stares at the screen. She presses a few buttons and moves the wand again. “See this?” she asks, pointing at the screen.

  “I do,” Jack says first. “Is that our baby?”

  “It is, and he or she looks perfectly healthy.”

  “Are you sure?” he asks, clutching my hand so tightly that it starts to ache.

  “Listen,” she says, turning a knob until the only sound in the room is the rhythmic heartbeat of our baby.

  “That’s her?”

  “Her?” I ask, glancing over at him.

  “Her.” He smiles, sounding so sure of himself, and I pray he’s right. I loved being a mom to Willow and would love to have another little girl to dress up.

  “The heartbeat is strong. The baby is healthy. We’ll watch you both for the next few hours, but I can’t imagine she won’t go full term.”

  “Thank you, Doctor,” Jack tells her, leaning forward and kissing my cheek. “I’m going to be a dad.”

  I start to cry, but they’re tears of joy. Jack and I will finally be parents and get to experience everything together. It’ll be new to me.

  My parents barely helped me with Willow. I think they were punishing me in their own way for getting knocked up. But in the end, I wanted to do everything myself. She was mine, not theirs. I’m going to love this baby just as much.

  “I love you,” Jack whispers in my ear as the doctor wipes away the gel. I can’t envision doing this with anyone else. I thought I would never love again, let alone be a mom again. This baby is going to have so much love. I can’t wait to share my news with Evan. I know he will be so thrilled for me.

  “I love you too.”

  Even though our trip home landed us both in the ER and his truck probably in rubble, we’re coming out of it with the best news possible.

  We’re going to be parents.

  Jack and I are truly getting our second chance at everything we had dreamed of and more.



  “Is it your release day?” Evan asks, standing in the doorway. I’ve missed him and am so glad he’s here.

  We’ve been home a week, and Jack hasn’t let me get out of bed. He says it is what’s best for the baby, and I don’t argue. I’m only allowed to walk to the bathroom, and once a day, I can walk downstairs to sit on the couch for a few hours before he carries me back up. I’ve explained that I’m not breakable, but he doesn’t want to hear it. He is so stubborn when he wants to be. Once he sets his mind to something, that’s it. There is no telling him differently.

  I cross my arms over my chest and pout dramatically. “I don’t know. Did you ask the boss?”

  “He had a few errands to run, and I told him I’d sit with you while he ran out. But he said he’s taking you out tonight.”

  I sit straight up, filled with excitement and relief. “He’s letting me leave the house?” I nearly clap at the thought. I’m not used to lying around all the time. I like to be on the go.

  Evan nods and comes to sit next to me. “How are you feeling, Evie?”

  “I’m better. I was sore for a few days, but I’m going stir-crazy in this house.” That’s an understatement.

  “I can imagine. You’ve never been one to sit around this much. Tomorrow, we’re having a barbecue here.”

  “A barbecue?” I ask, thinking I heard him wrong.

  “Yep. Jack’s invited his mother and sister and a bunch of your friends. I guess Cameron is coming into town for it too.”

  “Hmm,” I mumble, pulling at my bottom lip. “He never mentioned it to me.” I wonder why he hasn’t brought it up. He has been so bossy and overprotective, and I love him for it, but I am so ready to stop being cooped up all the time like a prisoner.

  “He probably didn’t want you to go into party-planning mode. Don’t worry about a thing, though. We have it covered,” he assures me.

  Evan looks more tired than usual, and his disappearing act has me a little worried. We haven’t spent much time together lately. I have been so preoccupied with Jack and then the accident. I miss Evan. I feel as though we have barely talked in weeks. He and I are usually inseparable.

  “Where have you been all week, Evan? I could’ve used backup.” Jack has been like a drill sergeant when it comes to getting his way. I can’t seem to tell the man no. Especially when he smiles at me, not to mention the things he does to me when we are alone. The man can’t keep his hands off me, not that I am complaining. Jack is a sexy beast in the bedroom.

  “I’ve been busy with the good doctor,” he mumbles, dropping his voice down low.

  I narrow my eyes. “I thought you didn’t like him. Hmm?” I hedge.

  “He’s not so bad, after all. Plus, there’s that whole amazing cock-sucker thing he’s rockin’.” He winks with a twinkle in his eye.

  I shake my head and laugh softly. “I’ll never understand you.”

  “Since you’re settling down in Ridge Hollow, I figured it was time that I put down some roots too.”

  I gasp and clutch his hand tightly. “You aren’t leaving me, are you?”

  Evan’s my rock. The solid foundation in my life for years. Although I have Jack, I can’t imagine life without Evan.

  “No, Evie. I bought the cupcake shop, and coincidentally, it has a studio apartment on top that’s just perfect for me.”

  I turn my head like I didn’t hear him right. “You did what?” I can’t believe my ears.

  “It made sense,” he says as if I didn’t ask him to repeat himself. “I don’t just want to play with money anymore. I want to own something. What the hell is better than a shop that only sells desserts? You know how I feel about them.”

  This is quintessentially Evan. Only he would buy a cupcake shop to feed his sugar addiction and think it’s a great idea. “But you’re not a baker,” I point out.

  “I’m keeping the staff, so I don’t need to know how to bake. I’ll keep the books, and of course, be the official taste-tester.” He licks his lips as if he is licking the frosting off a cupcake.

  I poke him in the stomach. “Better watch out, or that amazing p
hysique is going to get as soft as the cupcakes you’ll be eating. Dough boy.”

  He laughs and sticks his stomach out, puffing it in a way that I’ve never seen. “It’s okay. We’ll match soon enough.”

  I slap his hand away and remember how big I got with Willow. I’m sure this time will be no different. “I’m going to be as big as this house.” My feet were so swollen I couldn’t even wear my shoes. I had to wear flip-flops.

  “You’re going to be stunning. There’s nothing more beautiful than a pregnant woman, Evie. Especially one who is so in love.”

  There was nothing beautiful about me last time. I felt like a Weeble, especially after I couldn’t see my feet anymore. I’ve seen other women who pull off pregnancy and look radiant, but I wasn’t one of them.

  “Says a man who will still be able to see his feet,” I grumble, dreading the weight gain but excited at the same time. I am so happy I get to share in the joys of pregnancy with Jack by my side this time around. He is going to make one amazing father. I can’t wait to see him holding our baby. He didn’t get to hold Willow like I did, but this time, nothing will come between us. We’re so in love. I’m so lucky to have such a wonderful man to love me.

  “I wanted to ask you if you’d like to work at the shop with me. I could use someone I trust to help keep the staff in line. Pregnant women can be testy, but who better to have at my side than my best friend? And there are the delicious cupcakes to consider. Who can say no to cupcakes? Well, besides Kurt Baylor.”

  “I don’t know,” I tell him and rest my hands on my belly. How will I resist the temptation of all those yummy baked goods? Then another thought hits me. He said he was keeping the staff and that means Renee. “Jack may not be overly excited about me working with Renee, and I sure as hell don’t want to be around her.”

  He waves an errant hand through the air. “Oh, I fired her already. I don’t need someone like her interacting with the customers. Good riddance. None of the workers liked her either. They all seemed relieved when they learned she wouldn’t be returning.”

  The knowledge that Renee has lost her job sends warmth through my body. It’s not nice for me to be so excited, but I can’t help it. Renee is trash. She doesn’t care about anyone but herself. “I love you,” I tell him.

  “I love you too. I’d never keep her around after what she did to you and Jack. I only surround myself with nice people, and she isn’t one. So, you want to work at the shop with me or what? Don’t leave me hanging, Evie.”

  “I’d love to, but I have to convince Jack. He’s so worried about the baby, I’ve been a virtual prisoner.”

  “I’ll take care of it,” Evan says, grabbing my hand and embracing it. “He loves you is all, but I’ll reassure him that I’ll keep his little one safe. I will always look out for you.”

  “What’s he planning, Evan? Do you know?”

  “I have no clue,” he says, but he’s smiling.

  “Liar. I can see it all over your face. You know something. Don’t hold out on me, Evan!”

  He makes the motion of locking his lips and throwing away the key.

  “Come on, Ev, At least give me a hint. One clue, please. The anticipation is too much.”

  “Patience is a virtue,” he says, peeling back my covers. “Let’s get you in a bath, and by the time you’re done, Jack should be back. I have strict instructions to have you ready by six.”

  I swing my legs over the side of the bed and sit next to Evan. “He’s a bossy fucker sometimes.”

  Evan bumps my shoulder with his and smiles at me. “But you love him anyway.”

  I sigh and glance up at the ceiling. “I do. I love him so much, Evan. He makes me so happy when he isn’t holding me hostage.” I grin.

  “Let’s get you dolled up for your big night. Get a move on, Evie.” Evan holds out his hand to help me to my feet, and I take it, letting my best friend help me so I don’t jeopardize my parole in a few short hours.

  “If he’s taking me out in the backyard, I’m going to be pissed. I need to get away from this house for a night.”

  “He told me not to wait up tonight. It’s a good sign.” My best friend grins, and I can’t help but wonder what Jack is up to. I don’t want to get my hopes up, but there is only one thing I can think of with all this secrecy.

  Evan draws me a bubble bath as I sit on the bathroom countertop, watching him and kicking my good foot back and forth against the cabinets. I’m filled with so much energy from lying down for so long that I feel like I could do a mini-marathon without losing my breath.

  “I’m going to make us some tea while you soak.”

  “Thanks, Evan.”

  I don’t know how I’ve been so lucky to find Evan. When he came into my life, it was at a low point where I felt utterly alone. But he changed everything. He made life fun again and did everything in his power to make me feel whole again.

  “Shave your bits, girl. You may get lucky tonight,” he sasses.

  I snort. “You have a way with words, you know?”

  He runs his hand up my bare legs to drive his point home. “I like a great hairy leg, but yours is a bit prickly. I don’t think Jack will approve.”

  I hit him in the arm before pushing him away. “Shut up and go make the tea.”

  “Just holler if you need me. You’ll need a machete to get through that jungle, doll,” he says before leaving me alone. I shake my head and get undressed.

  I try to remain calm and relax while taking my bath with my broken ankle propped over the side of the tub, but I’m so excited at the thought of being out of the house that I can barely control myself. I race through shaving, somehow not nicking myself once, before letting the water drain away to wash my hair.

  Evan sits on the counter the entire time, talking to me through the shower curtain about Kurt and his dreams for the cupcake shop. It’s the most excited I’ve seen Evan in a long time. He’s loved Ridge Hollow since the moment he stepped foot in the tiny town, and not only is he putting down roots, but so am I.

  We have finally found our home. I have Jack, and I am hopeful for Evan’s future as well. He told me he’d find love when I did. It’s about time for both of us. We both deserve a lot of good after all we have been through.



  “Keep your eyes closed.” I lead Evie through the woods and down the path we walked a hundred times when we were younger, making our way toward the lake.

  “I know where you’re taking me. Why can’t I look?”

  Our hands are intertwined as I walk in front of her, carefully moving toward the clearing. I spent half the day and thousands of dollars to make this moment perfect. “Trust me, Evie.”

  “I do,” she whispers.

  Evie Bailey is just as beautiful as the first day I laid eyes on her. No girl has ever compared, from the sunshine in her hair down to the twinkle in her blue eyes. I would’ve never believed in love at first sight if it weren’t for Evie.

  When we’re finally at the lake, I let go of her hands. “Keep your eyes closed until I say open them.” I drop down to one knee, glancing around to make sure everything is just as I left it.

  I had a tent set up near the edge of the lake, a place we often lay when we were kids to stare up at the stars and the same spot where I asked Evie to be my girl almost ten years ago. Under the canopy is a table with the most lavish dinner I could get my hands on in Ridge Hollow and Evie’s favorite… Moo and Oink. Outside the tent is a queen-size bed with a metal framed headboard for us to spend the night under the stars. I had every detail planned out, and it only took me an entire week of keeping her in bed to pull it

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