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Supernatural Syndicate: A Limited Edition Collection of Magical Mafia Stories

Page 29

by Thea Atkinson

  After loading the shopping bags into the SUV, Sett decided to get a drink and a snack at the little cafe across the street. She placed her order for an iced coffee and piece of cinnamon cake, then adjusted her sunglasses so she could people watch without being caught staring. The waiter brought over her order and left the check under the edge of the plate. Sett enjoyed a few bites and sips before the two agents getting out of their car caught her attention. They were headed her way, so she pulled out her phone just as a hand landed on her shoulder.

  “Hello, Cosette. It’s been a while.”

  Sett froze, then reached up and dug her thumbnail into the underside of the man’s wrist as she gripped it tight and lifted it off her shoulder. “Don’t ever touch me again, Girard.”

  He let her lift his hand, then rolled his wrist and caught her hand in his as he sat. “That’s not your decision, petite.”

  Sett lifted her sunglasses, caught the eye of one of the agents, and gave her head a faint shake to hold them off a bit. “Oh, I think it is,” she said to Girard as she pulled her hand free, leaned in towards him, and in a lightning-fast move, grabbed his family jewels. A whispered spell and soon he was feeling rather...icy...down there.

  Girard squirmed as he tried to back away and Sett gripped tighter. “You do not touch me, bother me, follow me, or even speak to me unless I say so. Understood? Or the next time, I’ll freeze your balls until they snap off.”

  A hand gripped the back of her neck and squeezed slightly. “Let go of him, or I’ll snap your neck.”

  “No, Jehan, you won’t.” Sett replied with a faint smile. “Because I’m faster with my magic than you are with your fingers, and your boss will be neutered before you can get your muscles to grip.”

  She felt the fingers twitch against her skin, then release as the man shifted to stand in her line of sight.

  “Do you want me to start killing innocents?” Jehan said.

  “Don’t antagonize her,” Girard hissed through clenched teeth. Sett let the spell ease slightly but didn’t let go of his junk.

  “You’re both going to go back to your little hidey hole, pack up your things, and get the hell out of New Orleans. You don’t want to know what will happen if you do not,” Sett said, her tone sharp. “I’d suggest heading south – like Mexico or Columbia. Because, if I hear that the two of you and your merry band of assholes are causing trouble, I’ll be bringing me and mine to remove you from the planet. Understood?”

  “But…” Girard started to say as Jehan growled low in his throat.

  “Leash your pet,” Sett hissed to Girard, “Before I let my friends take him down.”

  Jehan turned and saw the two pack members, ready to rip him apart on one side – and the two agents with guns drawn on the other. He turned and went back to the Range Rover and climbed into the driver’s seat and started up the vehicle.

  “You’d best run along, or your ride will leave without you, Gerry. Good riddance,” Sett said as she leaned back and released him.

  Girard bolted to his feet and jogged to the Rover to get in as it started to pull away.

  “Holy crap, Fortin. You don’t need us, you were about to de-nut the head of the Guidry crime family,” one of the agents said.

  “Too bad she didn’t,” one of the pack members said as he watched the Range Rover fade into the distance.

  “Thanks for the backup, gentlemen. It’s appreciated. I think I’m going to just sit here and drink my coffee and enjoy this cake before I head home to shower and change. I’ll head out in about fifteen minutes,” Sett said.

  She held her hands under the table because she didn’t want them to see her trembling. To see Girard’s dark eyes and smell his cologne, to be so close to the head full of dark curls she had once run her fingers through – so many memories had come crashing back – some good, some horrible. Sett needed a moment to pull herself together. For her, forty years had disappeared in a heartbeat.


  Showered and changed, Sett touched up her makeup, made sure her overnight bag was ready, and picked up the carrier with two bottles of wine for tonight, and headed over to Lucia’s. She’d bought a cute sundress and some new sandals for tonight, along with some rather racy, lacy bits for much later. She knocked on Lucia’s door and was welcomed inside with a kiss and a hurried greeting.

  “It’s going to burn if I leave it too long. Lock the door and come on back,” Lucia said as she hurried back down the long hall to the kitchen.

  The traditional shotgun house had a hallway that ran front to back, with rooms either open along it or set on both sides. The living room was as wide as the house, with one section done up for seating and another set up as a home office and study area. Then there were two doors that were probably bedrooms, then one that led to a bathroom, before the hall ended in the kitchen that took up the whole back of the house, with a table and chairs on one side, the appliances all on the other.

  “Your place is beautiful,” Sett said as she brought the wine into the kitchen and set it on the counter. “Need me to help with anything?”

  “Nope, I’ve got it,” Lucia said as she turned to look at Sett. “But you’re making it difficult to stay focused on cooking. You look delicious.”

  Sett blushed and shook her head. “I just felt like dressing up a little. Want me to open the wine?”

  Soft jazz music played over the house sound system while Sett opened the wine and poured it into the glasses on the table. Garlic shrimp in a cream sauce over pasta was on the menu, with a salad and rolls on the side. They settled at the table and Sett lifted her glass to toast. “In love and friendship.”

  “In friendship and love,” Lucia replied and they both sipped. “Oh, that’s good,” Lucia said. “So, how did today go?”

  “I’m thinking you already know,” Sett said as she buttered a roll.

  “Well, Kade came back at shift change and raved about how kick-ass you were,” Lucia said with a smile.

  “I was fine while it was happening. Afterwards, I needed a minute,” Sett said. “It was hard to see Girard again.”

  “You never really told me how you knew him,” Lucia said. “Just that you knew him a while back, when he was in Belle Cove.”

  “We had been a couple. Our child died shortly after birth. He blamed me. I blamed myself. He left. I got back to work,” Sett said.

  Lucia stared at her, then reached out a hand to hold one of Sett’s. “I’m so sorry. How horrible for you. And he wasn’t a criminal then, right?”

  “No, of course not. I was already an agent and instructor at the Academy. I wouldn’t have been with someone who was a criminal. From what Ebenezer told me, Girard got into crime in France and then came back and kept going.”

  “That’s what I’d heard as well. Okay, enough of that. How about we enjoy this meal and the wine, then take dessert into the bedroom?” Lucia said.

  “What’s for dessert?”

  “You. Also strawberries, melted chocolate, and whipped cream.”

  Sett took a large forkful of food and shoved it in her mouth, making Lucia laugh out loud.

  It was a weekend morning, so they stayed in bed late, showered, then ate fruit, pastries, and coffee on Lucia’s back patio. Her yard was filled with flowering vines, fruit trees, herbs, and vegetables in the long, narrow plot where another row house had once stood beside her own. The space where the two yards joined in back had a patio, an above-ground lap pool surrounded by a wood frame and privacy fencing, and a fire pit that sat in a brick circle. The whole yard from front to back was surrounded by a wrought iron fence with vines allowing privacy as they grew up and around the posts.

  “It’s so beautiful out here. How long have you lived here?”

  “My family has owned this property for over two hundred years. I lived here first when a brick house stood here, that had been built before the Civil War. A fire took that in 1910, then two shotgun style houses were built, this one with the brick from the original house, and the one next doo
r of wood. When Katrina rolled through, the wood one had to be demolished, and this one fixed from the ground up. The brick held and the rest was redone as it had been, with the architectural details I loved. I had both lots fenced in and turned it into my own personal paradise.”

  “I’ve always lived on the Fortin Farm. I was born there, raised there, then moved into one of the Victorian cottages on the land, and made it my own.” Sett took a breath, then blurted out, “I’d love to have you come spend some time in Belle Cove with me.”

  Lucia leaned over and kissed Sett, smiled, and used her thumb to wipe a bit of sugar off Sett’s cheek. “I’d love to do that, but are you sure you want someone in your space?”

  “You figured that out, huh? I’ve never had a roommate other than a cat that spends more time in the barns than in my house. I haven’t lived with someone in probably sixty years, since I moved out of my mother’s house. But yes, I’d like to show you my home, my world.”

  “I’ve got a lot of vacation time stacked up, I’ll see what I can do,” Lucia said. “And yes, I’m falling in love with you, too. I want to know more about you and your world.”

  They kissed again, and breakfast was soon forgotten.

  Monday morning, Sett was playing tourist once more, enjoying the sounds of a street musician as she sipped a bottle of water. She had woken that morning with the realization that she’d never felt this happy before. Contentment, an emotion she’d found long ago, had been replaced by excitement and an enthusiasm for life she hadn’t felt for a long time, if ever.

  The musician changed songs, so Sett walked on, headed around the block to get back to where she’d parked the SUV. Around the corner, a cafe had tables out on the sidewalk, so Sett slowed her pace – and saw Lucia at a table with Girard, hands entwined, leaning in towards each other with a look that spoke of romance, not revenge.

  Her bottle hit the sidewalk and sprayed water on her legs and feet as her heart tore in two. The bitter taste of betrayal rose like bile in the back of her throat and she quickened her steps to try and get past before they saw her.

  She had almost made it to the SUV when a voice behind her stopped her for a moment.

  “Cosette…” Girard said.

  A short, brief shake of her head and Sett took the last few steps to the SUV and unlocked the driver’s door.

  “You really didn’t think she loved you, did you?” Girard said, his voice full of sympathy. “You know that’s not possible. No one can really love you like that. You’re too broken.”

  As she opened the door to get in, Girard added, “I think she wanted you to see us together, so you’d leave, and we could continue our lives without you.”

  Sett didn’t acknowledge that he’d even spoken, she just got into the SUV, locked the doors, and drove away. She felt numb and hollow as she pulled into the driveway of the rental house. She brought her gun and wallet into the house but left the bags in the car. She just didn’t care.

  It was too early to sleep, so Sett packed up most of her things, then took a whole bottle of her favorite wine, filled the tub, and added some of the bath crystals Lulu had left for her. Thoughts chased themselves in circles until she’d decided to just cut this lovely vacation short and go back home. Maybe it was time to work on a promotion. Anything that would keep her from thinking about what had almost been between her and Lucia.

  A couple of hours later, she was wrapped in a robe with a second bottle of wine on the counter she’d just opened, when there was a pounding on the door.

  “I know you’re in there, Sett Fortin. Open the door and let me in,” Lucia yelled.

  “No,” Sett shouted back, and carried the bottle and her glass into the living room.

  “We need to talk. I don’t know what Guidry said to you, but it is most definitely not what you think it is. Open the door.”

  Sett sighed, put the bottle and glass down on the table, and went to open the door. “I don’t want to talk,” she said to Lucia. “Just go away.”

  Lucia pushed inside and shut the door behind her. “You don’t get to decide that for both of us. I’ve been running an investigation with my team for two months on Guidry and part of it is me acting like he’s my boyfriend.”

  “So, that was an act?” Sett asked, derision in her tone.

  “Yes, it was.”

  “Then why didn’t you tell me about the investigation? Do you know how hurt I am right now?”

  “I couldn’t tell you. I can, now, because you stumbled into it – but you know how classified some operations can be. This was one. Please, chérie, listen to me. I love you, and I’m falling harder for you. I am not the kind of person who would be so cruel. Listen to your heart, you know this.”

  Sett closed her eyes and let out a soft breath. She could see the truth in Lucia’s face and heard it in her words. “I believe you,” she finally said.

  “Girard was proud of how shattered you looked. Your pain, as much as I regret it, may have helped our case. He really believes me now.”

  “Why do you think that?”

  “Because he plans on taking me as his date to the Para Ball on Friday, and I told him you already had a date to go. Yes, I lied, but I can get one of the agents to be your escort so you can be there. Will you go? Will you help me take him down?”

  “The Para Ball? I don’t have clothes for a ball, and I’m really not a fan of events like that.”

  Lucia slid an arm around Sett’s waist and nuzzled her cheek. “Please? For me?”

  Sett groaned. “You’re not playing fair. Okay, fine. But you help me find a gown for this thing. I hate formals.”

  “Deal. Now, I’m staying tonight, no arguments. Tomorrow, you spend the day at Ebenezer’s and learn all you can about vampires, because there will be a few at the ball. I want you up to speed so you’ll be safe. Agreed?”

  “Yes, bossy woman. Agreed. I’ve already been reading a lot about them, but I’ll up my game and then tomorrow night, you and I shop for ball attire,” Sett said.

  “Let me go get my bag.”


  The week flew by fast and soon Friday night was upon them. Sett’s escort, Agent Ashford Martin, picked her up and got them to the event early so they could get their speak-spell charms that allowed them all to hear and reply to each other, as if wearing a mic and earbud. Both Sett and Lucia had chosen gowns that were more fitted than flowing, with slits to allow ease of moment if they had to fight or run. Sett had chosen slip-on heels so she could kick them off if needed, while Lucia had stiletto pumps, she had worn before.

  “One of these days, you’ll have to give me pointers on how to wear those things and not break a leg. I’ve never been a fan,” Sett said as she admired Lucia’s outfit. “You look beautiful,” she whispered.

  “And you look like someone I want to take home. Now, please, do not take it to heart if I say cruel things when I’m on Girard’s arm tonight,” Lucia said.

  “I was wondering how you got him to let you come ahead – and no, I won’t take anything personally. Not now that I know it’s an investigation.”

  “I told him that if he wanted my attention all night, he needed to let me come early and get the work part of the evening out of the way,” Lucia said.

  Agent Martin came up to them and held out his arm to Sett. “Guidry and his crew just pulled up out front. It’s show time, ladies.”

  Agent Martin was a wonderful escort. Attentive, handsome, and a good dancer. Sett found herself having fun in between keeping their eyes on Guidry’s crew.

  “Who are those two men that are most definitely not shifters or witches?” Sett asked Martin as they stood by one of the high tables with their drinks.

  “Vampires,” Martin said, voice low. “This confirms what we’d already suspected that Guidry was bringing vamps in on his businesses. Hey, want another soda with lime?”

  “Please, yes,” Sett said as he picked up their glasses and headed to the bar.

  The music switched to a waltz, and a voice a
sked, “May I have this dance?”

  Sett turned to find Girard behind her, and behind him, Lucia gave Sett a faint nod and a mouthed ‘do it’. “If you promise to behave,” Sett said as she rested a hand on his offered arm.

  They walked the few feet to the dance floor, and he turned to put a hand on her waist, her hand on his shoulder, their other hands held lightly as he started to move.

  “You’re a better dancer than you used to be,” Sett said after a few turns.

  “You’re just as exceptional a dancer as you were before,” Girard said in reply. “I hear you’re leaving New Orleans tomorrow. Do yourself a favor and don’t come back.”

  “That’s not up to you,” Sett said.

  “It will be, within the next few days,” Girard said as he moved her to the edge of the dance floor. “Here, you need to dance with my friend, Robert. He’s been eager to meet you again.” He moved so Sett was off balance and then shoved her into the tight embrace of one of the men Martin had told her was a vampire.

  “Ah, hello, Cosette. No, no, don’t struggle. You might get hurt,” Robert said as his arms wound around her waist.

  Sett gave him a smile, then slapped both of her hands against the sides of his head and whispered a spell.

  As soon as the words left her lips, Robert released her with a scream and stumbled back as his head burst into flames.

  Girard grabbed for Sett, his hands shifted into claws, as the room erupted into panic. Sett threw a fist at Girard’s face and it connected with his nose, but he didn’t let go of her arm, the claws digging into her flesh.

  “I’m going to gut you,” he snarled and pulled her back out of the rush of people.

  Sett felt a gun pressed into her hand, pressed it into Girard’s stomach, and pulled the trigger three times.


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