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Supernatural Syndicate: A Limited Edition Collection of Magical Mafia Stories

Page 38

by Thea Atkinson

  Micheline lifted her head. “It’s not fair for me to ask him to sacrifice himself for my sister.” She wiped her face.

  Torin waved his hand and moved Tobias and Nicenzio out of his way. “So, you’re not demanding that I bring her back from the dead?”

  She lowered her head. “It was selfish of me. I have no right to demand anything from you.”

  Torin lifted his hand and waved it over his heart. Micheline lifted off the ground and floated to him. His arms circled around her waist. “Did I not promise you that, if it was in my power to give you, I would always give you whatever you wanted?”

  She sniffled. “That was when I was going to be your wife. Besides, neither of us thought bringing the dead back to life was a wifely request.”

  He caressed her cheek. “You would’ve made me the luckiest man in the world had you become my wife. I would have laid down my life a thousand times for just one day with you.”

  “She can still be your wife. There are marriages between vampires and sorcerers all the time,” said Tobias.

  The bastard will not steal my girl.

  Twisting in the air, I stopped and glared at Torin.

  “It’s too late,” said Torin. Looking at me, a ghost of a smile touched his lips.

  “Domenico will take good care of you or you’ll be a widow. When I bring her back, you have to turn her immediately,” said Torin.

  Micheline cupped her cheek. “I don’t want her to be turned. It will make her a target. Why bring her back to make her a target?”

  “I will turn her, and nobody will ever know, and she won’t be a target,” said Tobias.

  Nicenzio grunted. “No. She will be one of us if she’s to be turned.”

  Torin shrugged. “I can’t guarantee she will live if you won’t allow her to be turned. She needs help against what’s coming at her. The council’s imperial assassins aren’t the worst of it.”

  He closed his eyes, and then his eyes popped open and rolled to the back of his skull. When his face twitched to a melon color, light fell over Madeleine and her wounds healed. Torin’s body rocked back and forth like a boat in a tsunami. After a few minutes, his body lifted off the floor and he disappeared and reappeared before her. All of a sudden, he stepped inside her. A yellow light shined on Madeleine from the inside out, and her chest began to rise.

  It had been a few hours since Torin had literally stepped inside Madeleine and breathed life back into her. It was the weirdest thing I had ever seen and hoped I’d never have to witness it again. As much as I hated to leave, I knew I had to go. This was the testament that I needed to shore up our alliances and do it quickly.

  Bartolome` sauntered into my office. “I could stay and watch over both of them if you’re still intending on meeting with Axel.”

  “I appreciate it. I will leave Nicenzio here as well. I doubt anything could pry him away from Madeleine’s side anyhow.”

  Genziano walked into the office. “I think we should take half of our forces, but the women would need them should the assassins or Shadow King attack again.” He sat down in the chair.

  “I won’t risk them. They will have the manpower they need. Today should’ve never happened and I won’t let it happen again.”

  “You need more than you and Genziano. The werewolves will try to kill you,” said Bartolome`.

  Tobias walked in. “He’s right, but they won’t try to kill me. Axel and I get along very well. He still might kill you, but I’ll do my best to talk him out of it.”



  I felt like I had died and came back to life. Sitting up in bed, I ran my hand over my chest. Nothing. No scars, wounds, or even scratches. Frowning, I ignored the dizziness that made my head swim and stumbled out of bed to the mirror hanging on the wall.

  Lifting my shirt up over my stomach, I took a deep breath to pull it off when I heard clapping.

  “Please don’t stop on my account,” said Nicenzio.

  Frowning, I pulled my shirt down. “What are you doing in my room?”

  The small bit of light that filtered into the room from the wooden blinds shined on his fangs. “This was my room, but since you’ve been injured, I broke my rules and allowed you to rest in my bed.”

  “Your rule?”

  His smile faded as he stalked towards me. “I never allow anyone, let alone a female, in my room. It’s my personal space.”

  I snorted. I can’t believe I thought he had something serious to say. “And you crawling between their legs isn’t personal to you?”

  His fingers grazed my chin, tilting my face upward toward his. His lips were dangerously close to mine and I was not sure if I wanted to hit him or kiss him.

  Nicenzio is attractive. I mean panty dripping on sight attractive, and I’m sure he knows that.

  He uses his attractiveness as a weapon.

  “It depends on the female, and whose legs we’re talking about.”


  What are we talking about? Why is his skin so dang soft? Does he use mango butter?

  Inhaling deep, I pushed his hands away from me. “What happened? I know I was stabbed in the heart, but how am I alive? Where is Micheline?”

  “She’s resting but she’s fine too.”

  Turning away from him, I walked back over to his bed. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like irritating him, but he had Charlotte Thomas Bespoke linen on his bed. Any man that has the most expensive sheets in the world on his bed had my vote. These sheets have twenty-two carat gold threads woven directly into the merino wool fabric with a one thousand thread count. Yep, I’d be willing to fight another assassin or two to lay in these top-notch sheets.

  After all, what girl doesn’t like her beauty sleep?

  Closing my eyes, I tried to remember the question I asked him. I’m so comfortable and relaxed that I’ve decided to think about it later.

  “Are you getting comfortable?” He tucked the duvet up underneath my right elbow.

  I sighed. “Oh yes. They say these sheets are twenty-four hundred dollars, and I must say, I’m impressed.”

  He laughed. “You’re impressed with me or with the sheets.”

  Opening one eye, I stared at him. “Oh, the sheets.”

  “When you got out of bed, you ripped the intravenous line out. Lay back and I’ll get another saline bag, so you don’t dehydrate.” He stood and walked out the door.

  When he came back, he hooked the saline bag on the hook and motioned for me to give him my arm. “I’ll be quick, and I never miss a vein.” His toothy smile made me smile as I gave him my arm. Nicenzio was close, since he sat on the bed, and I turned away, somewhat nervous at his proximity. Glancing at the trashcan near the bed, I saw an empty intravenous bag of blood.

  Was that for me? I don’t feel like I’ve received blood. I feel strong but sleepy.

  “Ouch.” I jerked my gaze back to him. “That hurts.”

  He stood. “You’re not allowed to leave this house, let alone this bed, so ring the bell when you want something, and I will get it for you.”

  “So, I can pee in your bed too?”

  “Very funny. You were hurt bad, and I don’t want to undo all of the hard work he did to fix you.”

  “Amazing. You have doctors on standby? Can I thank him?” I sat up and fluffed the pillows behind me.

  “We do but our doctor didn’t work on you. Torin saved you and it would be nice for you to thank him the next time you see him.”

  “Torin? Why would he save me?”

  “All that matters is that you and your sister are alright.”

  Licking my lips, I rubbed my temple. “I want to see my sister.”

  Nicenzio nodded. “When you wake up from your nap, I will take you to see her.”

  “You can’t mean to leave me and Micheline here by ourselves?” I stood and crossed my arms. My sister was nodding her head as well.

  “You really shouldn’t speak on speaker if you don’t want others to hear. I can’t
allow something to happen to Domenico because he left everyone here to protect us. If we go with you, he won’t be in danger,” said Micheline.

  “No. He left everyone here to protect you. I’m not taking you two with me. Stay here. I’ll be back,” said Nicenzio.

  Unfolding my arms, I bowed my head. “He’s right. I don’t want to undo the healing that Torin did. We’ll stay here.”

  Micheline looked shocked. “You should stay but not me.”

  “I need you here to protect me. Please don’t leave me.” I pouted and looked at her.

  When Nicenzio grunted and went upstairs, I elbowed her. “We’re going to get in the car and hide. By the time he realizes we’re with him it will be too late to turn around.”

  Running to the garage, I opened the trunk and stopped. The entire trunk was filled with more weapons than I could count. Closing the trunk, I opened the back door and slipped inside. The car was immaculate, like the man. He never had a wrinkle or hair out of place.

  I huffed. “Even his car is clean.”

  Micheline laughed. “Nicenzio is a beautiful man. Admit it, and he has his eyes on you.”

  Crouching low, I almost sighed when the engine roared and the car started to move. It seemed like where we were going was located on the other end of the planet. My knees were tired, and I wanted to stand. When the car came to a stop and the engine turned off, I smiled.

  Nicenzio slammed the car door and walked toward the trunk but stopped.

  “Fuck.” He gripped his hair then walked over to the back of the car and opened it.

  “He’s found us. We had better get out before he drives us back to the house.”

  “I can help,” said Micheline.

  “Really? I thought you cared for Domenico and your sister, but you insisted on showing up. Do you think you’re immortal or something because you’re not? The werewolves will tear you apart like last time.”

  She flinched as if he had hit her. The hurt look on my sister’s face won’t easily be forgotten, nor will the guilt of me being the reason she was killed in the first place.

  Jumping out of the car, I pushed her aside and slapped him across the face. “You asshole. We’re just trying to help. It’s our life to sacrifice if we choose to.”

  He pointed to the car. “Stay in there.”

  I shook my head. “I’m helping whether you like it or not. I’m not Fido, I won’t be ordered around like a dog.” I stomped to the back of the trunk and glared at him when he didn’t open it immediately.

  After a few tense moments, I took four guns, and she took two; he didn’t take but one. Frowning, I looked at my sister. Why had he packed all these guns if he wasn’t going to use them?

  We entered into the Parkside North parking garage. We were definitely on the werewolves’ side of town from the smell of things. I had expected at least a building for the meeting. It hadn’t taken long to find Domenico and Genziano. Once we followed the shouting, we walked in on a weird encounter.

  Domenico was arm wrestling the head werewolf and Tobias was on the side taking bets.

  What the heck was going on? This wasn’t what I expected when I heard Genziano’s message to come quick it’s an emergency, and our lives depend on it.

  “Well, is that her?” asked Axel. He let go of Domenico’s hand and stood.

  Axel stepped forward toward Micheline. “I thought I’d never see the day; you vamp would come to us for help. Now that I see her, I see why it wasn’t hard to swallow your pride.”

  Nicenzio stepped in front of her. “That’s close enough.”

  Domenico looked like he was going to kill Nicenzio. He looked at me then back at him. “What were you thinking?”

  I shrugged. “Micheline heard come quick our lives are in danger and we decided we had to help rescue you.”

  Frowning, I turned to stare at Genziano. “Are you serious. Do we look like we’re in danger to you?”

  Genziano shrugged. “Watching you two arm wrestle for four hours has been a life-threatening emergency. We still don’t know if Axel’s men are with us. Stop dicking around and let’s do this,” said Genziano.

  Axel frowned. “Don’t use that kind of language in front of the ladies.”

  Axel licked his two fingers and wiped his eyebrows. “If we had known you would be showing up, we could have had this meeting in our usual place.”

  I touched his sleeve. “Will you help us? My sister and I were attacked by a sorcerer and werewolves. My sister lost her life that day so that I could live. Please help us.”

  Pointing to Domenico and Genziano, I gave them my best puppy dog eyes. “It’s not fair for the vampires to get this kind of heat for helping a lady in need.”

  Axel grabbed my fingers and brought them to his lips. “I can’t say no to a lady in need. If I had stumbled on your sister or you, I would’ve done the same thing.”

  Nicenzio growled. “Don’t get any ideas.”

  Axel’s smile faded, and his body started to shake. He threw his head back and his bones started to crack. When he finished transforming, unlike the other werewolves, he was huge. He easily made up five of the other werewolves.

  Domenico stepped in front of Nicenzio. “Get back; we’re not fighting each other to the death when we have mutual enemies that need to be destroyed.

  I stepped back as he fell to his knees as his face distorted and became hairy. He was transforming, right before my eyes.

  I looked over and Tobias was on the phone. His face had drained of all its color. “Thanks, Jorel. We’ll be ready.”

  Tobias looked at us. “That was Jorel, Matias is trying to take my spot as leader over the clan.”

  Genziano snorted. “That isn’t anything new. We were at the council meeting when he called for the council to kill you.”

  Axel grunted.

  “Matias is coming here with the other wolves to kill Micheline. He’s with the ancient wolf, Jaeger Chalet, and his pack.”

  Glancing at my sister, I saw her tremble then check the ammo in her weapon.

  Tobias shook his head. “You ladies are leaving now.”

  Domenico nodded. “Go, it’s going to get bloody.”

  Micheline shook her head. “I’m not running this time. His blood is mine.”

  Boom. The entire garage structure shook, then the lights went out. A second later, car alarms went off as several wolves landed on the hood.

  Tobias caught the car keys from Nicenzio and picked me up. “Let’s go.”

  I was glad Tobias let me drive. He didn’t look happy about it, but I pointed out that he could fight the wolves and sorcerers while I drove us to safety. He probably thought I meant I was driving us back to Domenico’s place. This was the perfect time to find the other royals. Nolani Palakiko was the closest to us. She was just an hour’s drive from New Orleans, and I intended to check on her and enlist her help.

  Nolani Palakiko. Please be alive girl. We all need to stick together.

  “Where are we?” Tobias narrowed his eyes and looked around.

  The neighborhood was an older one. I parked several houses down on Madison Court. I was sure we hadn’t been followed but I was taking no chances.

  “Nicenzio’s place would’ve been crawling with wolves and sorcerers so I came here.” I looked out the window and smiled at him.

  “You didn’t have to drive outside the city to get away from them. Where are we?”

  “We’re in a small town called Ponchatoula. I needed to see my friend and I doubted that, after this latest attack, Nicenzio will let me out the house.”

  Tobias got out the car. “I don’t blame him. We need to get back. We don’t know anything about this town.”

  Pressing the car alarm, I rolled my eyes. “Would you say the same if she looked like Micheline?”

  His eyes became wide then he shook his head. “I don’t believe you.”

  I shrugged. “See, this is the first and last time I confide in you. Here I thought you and I could be best friends.”
r />   “I was hoping to be more than a best friend. Has that cock hound already won your heart?”

  My face felt hot, but I hurried up to the third house on the right. It was a beautiful home with a three-car garage on the side. The exterior was a light mixture of stone and brick. Breathing deep, I rushed up and knocked on the door. After two rings of the doorbell, the door was cracked open.

  A female with gorgeous dark wavy hair and green eyes poked her head out. “I’m not interested. We have a no solicitation sign in the yard.”

  Before I could speak, she moved to close the door, but I stuck my foot out, jamming it. “I’m not selling anything. I’m looking for Nolani Palakiko.”

  “I don’t know anyone by that name. Remove your foot,” she said.

  “Tobias, evoke the shadow demons; this is her.” I watched as horror lit her face and she ran from the door.

  I pointed around back. “Go around there and get her.”

  I ran in the house, and down the hall. I ducked as something flew past my head. She had a shovel.

  I pulled out my gun. “I was just kidding back there, but the Shadow King is coming. If you want to live, you’ll come with us.”

  She jerked on the shovel trying to get the tip out of the wall. “Why should I trust you?”

  “You can trust me because I’m a royal too. They’re after all of us. Unlike you, I am protected by the vampires and werewolves. Who’s protecting you?”

  I watched as Nolani cursed and left the shovel stuck in the wall. “You don’t get it. Because you’re a blonde, let me spell it out for you. If they find all of us, the world will fall. It is much safer for the world if we are separated.”

  Tobias wasn’t in human form any longer. He had transformed and was creeping behind Nolani.

  I stood and pointed. “Watch out.”

  “Like I’m going to fall for that trick.” Nolani turned and, when Tobias lunged for her, she fainted.

  “Good work, Tobias.”



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