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A Touch of Murder

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by Donna Raider

  A Touch of Murder

  The Mika & Leah Cross Saga Book 4

  by Donna Raider


  A Touch of Murder

  The Mika & Leah Cross Saga Book 4

  by Donna Raider


  Edited by Claudette Cruz

  Cover by Joolz & Jarling

  Julie Nicholls & Uwe Jarling

  ©3/2020 Donna Raider

  ISBN: 9798612575382

  Independently published

  By Donna Raider

  A Touch of Murder is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental

  Copyright 3/2020 Donna Raider

  All Rights Reserved

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—mechanical, photocopy, electronic, recording, or any other, except for brief quotations in printed reviews—without prior permission of the author.


  To my bohemian who made me see the world through a kaleidoscope—bright and sparkling. You make me laugh. My world is a happier place because of you. You will always have a special place in my heart.




  A special “Thank You” Julie Versoi for agreeing to be my Beta. You have been a godsend to me.


  A huge “Thank You” to Julie Nicholls & Uwe Jarling for our beautiful cover.



  Dr. Jennifer Jordon lay awake beside the woman with whom she had made her life for the last ten years. A woman who had grown cold and distant. The only time Carlie smiled or laughed was when she was around Leah Redman. She knew her lover would leave her in a heartbeat for Leah.

  Jennifer understood the appeal of Leah Redman. She was perhaps the most gorgeous creature she had ever laid eyes on. Dark and sensuous, the actress was a genius. Jennifer was continually amazed at how accomplished the star was. She spoke several different languages. Played the piano as if it were an extension of her own fingers. She was extremely computer literate, incredibly funny and playful. She gave a completely new meaning to sexuality. She was also desperately in love with her wife, Mika. Leah was committed to her God, her wife, and her children.

  Jennifer knew that Leah would never get involved with Carlie, but it hurt her to realize her wife would throw her out like yesterday’s garbage for the gorgeous actress.

  Jennifer’s mind went to Sara Cross, Leah’s daughter. Like her mother, she spoke several languages, played the piano, and loved computers. At twenty-five, she was already considered one of the top geneticists in her field. She was dedicated and incredibly brilliant. She didn’t just grasp ideas; she could see their ultimate resolution. Like her mother, she was funny, exciting, and devastatingly passionate about her God, those she loved, her career, and life in general.

  It disturbed the thirty-two-year-old doctor that she couldn’t get the younger woman out of her mind.


  Leah propped herself on her elbow as she watched her wife breathe. “Honey,” her voice was low and sweet, “are you still awake?”

  “I am,” Mika responded, pulling her closer. “Do you need me for something?”

  “I need to discuss something with you.” Leah laid her cheek on Mika’s breast.

  “As always, you have my complete attention.” Mika sat up, taking Leah with her, and leaned against the headboard. Leah turned to face her, leaning back against Mika’s pulled-up knees.

  “I am very concerned that Detective Carlyle is trying to tie you to the Catholic Murders.” Leah’s voice was dark and serious.

  “I am very aware that she is trying to,” Mika agreed. “I also know she in no way believes I am guilty of murder. I know she wishes I were so she could get me out of the way. With me in prison, she thinks she will have you. She is obsessed with you.”

  “Surely she knows how I would loathe her if she hurt you in any way.” Leah rasped. “Sometimes friends are more dangerous than strangers.”

  “On some level, I’m certain she does.” Mika readjusted Leah against her legs to give her more support. “I know you have had a couple of talks with her, but maybe you should have a real, hard, sit-down discussion about our commitment to each other.”

  “The real shame is that Jennifer is a truly fine person.” Leah worried her bottom lip. “She deserves someone who loves her as you love me.”

  “Maybe now is a good time to introduce our children to Texas,” Mika suggested. “You only have two more episodes to finish. By then the children will be out of school. We can spend the summer at our ranch.”


  Carlie was late for her meeting with Leah, Stiles, and the writers. “I am sorry,” she apologized as she slid into the chair next to Leah. Her fight with Jennifer had left her in a foul mood.

  The actress smiled briefly then turned her attention to Stiles.

  “Carlie, the writers are getting ready to start writing for the next season.” Stiles held up his hand for comments to wait until he finished. “Leah is taking a three-month vacation, so she will be gone all summer. I need to know for certain you will be available while she is gone.”

  “Yeah, I’ll be here,” Carlie huffed. She tried to catch the actress’s eye to find out what the hell was going on. This was the first she’d heard of a three-month vacation. Hell, who takes a three-month vacation?

  “I will need you to work closely with the writers to make the next season as accurate as possible,” Stiles continued. “As the writers finish the scripts, they will be sent to Leah for her approval. If she has any questions or needs any direction from you on a scene, she will call you.” Stiles looked around the table to see if anyone had questions then nodded. The meeting was over.

  Everyone stood to leave but Leah. She fidgeted with her notebook.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you were leaving for three months?” Carlie demanded, taking the actress’s arm and turning her to look at her.

  “Mika and I decided last night,” Leah answered stoically, pulling her arm from Carlie’s grip. “We want to get the children out of New York. Mika wants to get away from the politics of the church.”

  “What about you?” Carlie was angry that the beautiful actress could just plan a three-month hiatus without even discussing it with her.

  “I just want some time with my wife,” Leah replied. “I just want to get away from,” she moved her arm to encompass everything around them, “all this.”

  “And me,” Carlie added for her.

  “I think you need some time away from me.” Leah sighed. “You need to get over the crush you have on me. You need to stop trying to connect my wife to fantasy crimes in your mind. Frankly, I am concerned about your mental health.”

  Carlie stared at her. How can she know I fantasize about finding the priest guilty of some heinous crime and Leah running to me for comfort? The detective bowed her head, afraid to look into those deep brown eyes that could delve into one’s soul.

  “You need to concentrate on Jennifer and saving your marriage,” Leah continued. “She’s a warm, wonderful, intelligent, and caring person. You’re lucky to have her.”

  “Yeah,” growled Carlie. “Only I don’t have her anymore.”

  “What do you mean?” Leah was almost grief stricken.

  “I mean she left me the day after we all went to Coney Island,” Carlie said. “She said there must be someone out there who would love her as you love the priest.”

She’s right, you know.” Leah grimaced. “Perhaps it’s not too late. You can woo her back with me gone.”

  “No.” Carlie shook her head. “She’s right. She deserves more than she is getting from me.”

  “Surely you’re not considering a divorce,” Leah gasped.

  “She’s already filed.” Carlie grimaced.


  Monsignor Yiannis Abusir looked at the list of names he had scribbled on his notepad. Ten names of dead men. Ten men who had been his most powerful supporters within the Curia. The Pope had personally taken charge of finding replacements for the ten men. Abusir knew they would be men of God.

  Abusir knew his power within the Catholic hierarchy was greatly diminished. He disagreed vehemently with the Pope on so many matters. It was imperative the Pope be replaced. Unfortunately, he was one of the most popular popes in history.

  The Pope wanted to visit the United States and Peru to assure the Catholics in those countries that all was good in the Catholic Church. The embarrassment caused by Archbishop Pelosi, with his indecent exposure of himself at the Catholic fundraiser, had been abominable. The three deaths in Peru from drug overdose were a low blow to the church’s reputation. The assassinations in Iran had sparked an uprising of Christians against Muslims. The unfortunate poisoning of the four clergymen in Santa Fe by some local psychopath was unbelievable.

  Abusir mulled the fact that all ten men were members of the Seekers, a secret society within the Catholic Church. Fifty men who were now more representative of Satan than God. Now there were only forty. Abusir had spent most of his time since arriving at the Vatican establishing the society. Now it was being threatened. He didn’t know by whom.

  He hadn’t intended the Seekers to become corrupt. It had been his intent to establish a society that would hold fast to ancient rituals and laws, a society of enforcers. They were intended to seek the truths. A society that wouldn’t change for popularity’s sake. Abusir believed it was the church’s duty to enforce the laws of God. To force man to be moral. To punish those who weren’t. There could be no leniency—no forgiveness—for sinners.

  Somewhere in the decades of growth, the Seekers had become the very definition of evil. They had become greedy and sinful in all matters. They protected one another. Abusir had no choice but to lead them or be crushed by them.

  Then he found himself with a Pope of the people. A Pope who loved all people. A Pope who took the teachings of Jesus to heart and lived by them. A Pope he had to destroy and perhaps—at the same time—cause a bit of destruction in America.

  Abusir had sent Latimore Cruzar to New York to lay the groundwork for the Pope’s visit. No Pope had ever been assassinated in America. Abusir grinned as he thought of how he would rid himself of the Pope and his golden priest, Priest Mika Cross.

  Cruzar thought he was working for the Catholic Church. Not that it mattered. All he really cared about was the money that appeared in his account after every job.


  Watcher’s phone chimed. He rarely received a call from the number that appeared on the face of his phone. He answered. He listened silently. “I will take care of it, Father.”

  Watcher went to his knees and prayed. He knew what was coming, what was expected of him. His phone dinged again. It was a photo of Latimore Cruzar. He saved the photo quickly before the snapchat disappeared. Watcher knew of Cruzar. He was deadly. An assassin for hire, he had no loyalty to anyone.

  His phone dinged again and a complete profile on Cruzar appeared. He quickly sent it to his air printer and the message disappeared.

  He read Cruzar’s description. Like Watcher, he was over six feet tall, slender, and handsome. He had dark hair and brown eyes. Of course, Watcher knew how easily one could change any of those things.

  Cruzar was already in New York. Watcher began the impossible job of locating him.


  Mika sprayed on the perfume her wife loved and started for the elevator when Nana called her. “Mika, we’re taking the children to see Beauty and the Beast, but Luke is running a fever and doesn’t feel well. He asked if he could stay with you and his mother tonight.”

  “Of course,” Mika answered.

  The elevator doors opened and her youngest ran into the room. He leaped into Mika’s arms. “I sick, Mika.”

  “Ooh, you are running a fever,” Mika could feel the heat of his small body even through his clothes. “You run along with the others, Nana. I can take care of this.”

  Nana nodded and waved goodbye to her youngest charge.

  “Let me see,” Mika laughed, “Ah, here’s the problem. You have a quarter stuck in your ear.”

  “Let me see,” squealed Luke. He giggled uncontrollably as Mika dropped a quarter in his little outstretched hand. “There more?” he asked as he felt behind his ear.

  Mika placed her hand on her son’s forehead and the fever disappeared. “I don’t know,” she said with a laugh, “let’s check behind the other ear.”

  The boy giggled as Mika touched his ear as if searching for something. “Ah, here it is.” Mika miraculously produced another quarter.

  Luke held out his tiny hand for the coin. “How do you feel now?” Mika asked.

  “Wonderful!” the child exclaimed. “Where Queen Mommy?”

  “I was just about to join her for dinner. Want to go with me?” Mika grinned at her son, already knowing the answer.

  “Yes! Yes!” Luke bounced up and down in Mika’s arms, all signs of fever and ill health gone.

  “Okay, here is what you have to do.” Mika directed her son. “You will be my wingman. When we get to the restaurant, you walk in alone, in front of me. Pretend you don’t know mommy and we will see if we can get her to talk to us. Okay. Got it?”

  “Got it.” Luke wiggled, anxious to see his mother.

  As they rode down the elevator, Mika dressed her son in a tiny replica of the exact same priest outfit she was wearing. They looked identical.

  Leah sat at the bar, sipping the wine Joe had placed in front of her. “Haven’t seen you in a while,” Joe commented. She simply nodded, watching the mirror to catch any movement behind her.

  The door opened and a tiny Mika walked in. Joe couldn’t believe his eyes. The priest was about two feet tall. Who shrunk her? Joe thought.

  Leah did a double take as she looked at the tiny replica of her wife. “What the…”

  “Queen Mommy, Queen Mommy,” three-year-old Luke squealed as he ran to his mother, arms open wide, “I Mika’s wingman. We take you to dinner.”

  Leah threw back her head and her laughter filled the air. Joe knew for certain even angels couldn’t match the joy in the woman’s laughter. She scooped up the tiny twin to her wife and looked past him for Mika.

  Mika had been watching her son from the doorway. She smiled broadly as she approached her wife. “We made you laugh out loud.” She beamed. “I win.” Mika slipped her arm around Leah’s waist and leaned down for a silky, soft kiss.

  “Mommy, I sick. Mika made me all better. We eat with you.” Luke was so excited to be alone with his parents. He knew he would have their full attention.

  “Yes.” She smiled. “Mika always makes things better.”

  Joe thought he had never seen her face so beautiful, so full of happiness and love, a mother’s love. She was gloriously beautiful.


  “I wish you could have seen your face.” Mika laughed as she pulled her wife onto the bed. “You looked so shocked.”

  “I was,” Leah giggled. “I thought someone had shrunk you. He is the identical image of you, only four feet shorter. We do make magnificent children together.”

  Mika rolled over, pulling Leah on top of her. Leah lightly brushed Mika’s lips with hers. Mika’s lips followed Leah’s as she pulled her lips away from Mika’s. Mika placed her hand on the back of Leah’s head and gently pushed her lips back down on hers. “Umm,” she moaned. “I have wanted to do this all day.”

  She moved her soft, full lips lan
guidly against Mika’s. Her tongue traced a light line across Mika’s sensuous lower lip. Mika parted her lips, inviting Leah to enter, and she did. A shudder went through Mika’s body as their clothes disappeared and Mika could feel Leah’s softness against her. Leah’s body was smooth and silky to her touch. “I love you so much,” she murmured against Mika’s lips.


  “And this is our cafeteria,” Dr. Terry Tillman, head of the research department, said to the blonde doctor following her into the room.

  “Sara,” a voice called from behind her. “Sara Cross.”

  Sara turned to see Dr. Jennifer Jordon approaching her.

  “Dr. Jordon, what are you doing here?” Sara was glad to see the other woman. She hadn’t seen her since Coney Island and had enjoyed talking with her.

  “I work here.” Jennifer smiled. “Cardiology.”

  “Dr. Jordon is being modest,” Dr. Tillman said. “She is head of cardiology. Just one of the many examples of how we recruit the most brilliant and talented people for our hospital.”

  “What are you doing here?” Jennifer asked.

  “We have offered Dr. Cross a position in our genetic research department.” Dr. Tillman raised an eyebrow. “Perhaps you can convince her to accept it.”

  “I think Dr. Cross is very capable of making her own decisions without any influence from me.” Jennifer grinned, “But I would be delighted to give her the tour of the cafeteria.”

  “Actually, we have finished our tour,” Dr. Tillman said, “but if you are free for lunch, I’d like to—”

  “Dr. Tillman, please report to research immediately,” a loudspeaker blared. “Dr. Tillman, please report to research immediately.”

  “I am sorry.” Dr. Tillman smiled at Jennifer. “A raincheck?” She scurried toward the elevator.

  “Have lunch with me.” Jennifer smiled at Sara. “I have just finished my rounds and have the rest of the day off.”

  “I would like that.” Sara nodded as she walked toward the lunch trays stacked at the end of the buffet.


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