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A Touch of Murder

Page 19

by Donna Raider

  She collected the sketch of Welch, the photos of Crocket, and a sketch of Tate and headed for the archbishop’s office.


  “Detective Carlyle.” Lawrence Cantrell rose to meet her as she entered his office. “Do you have some news for me?”

  “I have some sketches and photos I want you to see.” Carlie spread out the gallery before the archbishop. “Do any of these men look familiar?”

  “Obviously, that is Martin Tate,” Cantrell noted. “Isn’t this the Federal Marshall that saved Sara Cross’s life aboard that flight?” He shuffled through the photos of Lincoln Crockett.

  “I’ve never seen this man before.” He frowned as if trying to recall a memory. “No, I don’t know him. Who is he?”

  “His name is Byron Welch,” Carlie said. “He passes himself off as an author.”

  “Byron Welch.” Cantrell shook his head. “Byron Welch. Of course, he was at a fundraiser Janet and I attended in the Hamptons just before her accident. She introduced him to me, and they danced. I don’t know how she knew him. He didn’t have dark hair. He was blond.”

  “Where was the event held?” Carlie asked. She knew she was getting closer to the person that was killing Catholic priests.

  After scrolling through his cell phone, Cantrell wrote a name and phone number on his notepad. “It was held in their home,” he said.


  “Rick,” Carlie spoke to the detective supervising the sketch bureau, “I need someone who can work magic with the sketch computers.”

  “I’m free right now.” Rick smiled. He liked working with the intuitive detective. He could tell by the glint in her eye she was on to something.

  “Great.” Carlie smiled. “I know you are the best. Can you pull up the sketch you did on Byron Welch?”

  Rick quickly opened the sketch and studied it. He looked questioningly at Carlie.

  “Make the hair short-cropped really close—and gray.” Carlie watched as the sketch began to change. “Now lose forty pounds. Now add black-rimmed glasses.”

  She stared at the sketch. “Now pull up the sketch of Martin Tate beside it.”

  “I’ll be damned,” Rick cursed softly. “They’re identical.”

  “Go to the database and pull up a photo of Lincoln Crockett.” The detective’s skin tingled as it always did when she was getting close to fitting the pieces of the puzzle together.

  Crockett’s photo appeared on the screen next to Welch and Tate. “Take jowls off this one,” Carlie directed. “Add the same gray hair. No, there is something not right about the face. It is too full. Make his cheekbones prominent and slim down his jowls. Add the black-rimmed glasses.”

  Carlie and the artist stared at the photo gallery before them. All three men were Martin Tate. Which one is real? Carlie thought.

  “Obviously we are dealing with a chameleon serial killer,” Carlie mumbled. She wondered what her killer really looked like.

  Carlie carried the printouts to her desk. She called the number in the Hamptons. “This is New York Detective Carlie Carlyle. . . Yes, that Detective Carlyle.” She grinned. Thanks to Marked for Murder, she was regarded as something of a superhero. “I wondered if you have security video from the night of your fundraiser for the Catholic Charities. You do? May I borrow the videos?”


  “Sure, I can meet you at six tonight.” Watcher stroked Jax as he spoke with Lat. “Same place as always. Yeah,” he said with a laugh, “we really should get out of our rut, but I love their burgers and wings. Okay, see you there.”

  Jax nudged Watcher’s leg. “Time for your exercise, big guy.” The man caught the dog’s head between his hands. “You are my favorite being in the whole wide world.” He hugged the dog.

  Watcher clipped the leash onto Jax’s collar and walked him to the park. They strolled around the park, sometimes running, and sometimes walking. When they had gone deep into the woods, Watcher unleased the German Shepherd and let him run to his heart’s content.

  After an hour, Watcher knew he had to get ready to meet Lat. A shrill whistle brought Jax to his side immediately. He let the dog walk freely at his side, stopping occasionally to pet him and give him his favorite treat. He wondered when Jax had become such an important part of his life. It felt good to have someone in his life that depended on him, and at the same time protected him. He realized he loved the dog.

  “Come, Jax.” He bent down and clipped the leash to his dog’s collar.

  Lat had just ordered their beers when Watcher entered the sports bar. Cruzar had taken a table in the corner of the room so he could see everyone in the bar.

  Lat ordered a second beer for them then casually suggested that Sean go on vacation with him for the summer.

  “I would love to,” Sean said, smiling, “but unfortunately, my publisher has set up a grueling book tour to promote my new book. I must be in a different town every three days. Fly to a city in the early morning, do two book signings, then an evening reading. Three book signings and a reception the next day and catch the redeye out that night. Then the whole business starts all over again in a new town or country.

  “I will visit nine countries over the next three months.”

  “That is grueling,” Lat said. Disappointment was obvious in his voice. “I had hoped to have some rest and recreation and a lot of ladies.”

  “I’m so sorry,” Watcher lied. “Your idea of a vacation is so much better than my tour.”

  “I guess I will have to fend for myself.” Lat grinned. He had wanted the other man’s company because Sean’s blond good looks always seemed to attract the women.

  “When are you leaving?” Watcher asked.

  “I have an evening flight on May first,” Lat answered casually.

  Right after Sara and Adam’s wedding, Watcher thought.


  Carlie Carlyle had been riding with Scarlett King for almost three weeks. To her surprise, Scarlett had taken her mind off Leah Redman. Funny and beautiful, Scarlett teased and flirted with Carlie constantly. The detective knew that was just Scarlett’s way. She did the same thing to Trey Slater and everyone else with whom she came in contact. Nevertheless, her friendship with Scarlett took her mind off Leah and Jennifer’s upcoming marriage to Sara.

  She and Scarlett could often be found dancing or dining at some of New York’s finest establishments. They had been linked more than once by the gossip columnists.

  She was still waiting for the security videos from the Hamptons. She was scowling into her desk drawer, trying to locate where she had put the piece of paper the bishop had given her, when a shadow fell across her desk. She raised her head to look directly into the eyes of her former lover.

  “Dr. Jordon.” Carlie’s eyes narrowed. “What are you doing here?”

  “I wanted to talk with you.” Jennifer’s gaze didn’t falter. “We’ve been friends and lovers for a long time. I don’t want to have bad feelings between us.”

  Carlie wasn’t surprised by Jennifer’s direct approach to their relationship. She nodded.

  “I bear you no ill will,” the detective said slowly. “I have only myself to blame for our breakup. God knows you tried to keep us together.

  “I truly wish you and Sara all the happiness in the world. I hope you know that you are marrying a woman that is as much a workaholic as you and I.”

  Jennifer shook her head, smiling slightly. “I am figuring that out.” Sometimes days would pass without seeing Sara. The brilliant researcher would lock herself in her lab and work until she proved or disproved a hypothesis.

  “I came to invite you to the wedding,” Jennifer said softly. “You can bring Scarlett, if you’d like.”

  Carlie studied her former lover for a few moments. “I am honored that you have invited me.” She smiled slightly. She walked around the desk and hugged Dr. Jennifer Jordon for the last time.


  “I spoke with Carlie today,” Jennifer told Sara as they dressed for dinner with Leah a
nd Mika. “She agreed to come to the wedding.”

  “I’m glad.” Sara smiled. “That will make Mom happy too. She really likes Carlie and respects her. She’s a great detective.”

  “She has a crush on Scarlett King right now,” Jennifer said, grinning, “so she won’t be panting after your mother.”


  Leah knew she controlled Mika with just two words. Those two words had many different meanings in their relationship. She put them to use to persuade Mika to let her put on her makeup so they would be on time for dinner. “Please, baby,” she purred. She hated to be late for the meeting with their children.

  Mika dropped her hands from Leah’s waist and looked up at her through long lashes, her cute smile deepening her dimples and dancing in her sky-blue eyes. God, she is beautiful, Leah thought, trying to pull her mind back to her makeup.

  “If I can’t kiss you,” Mika said with a pout, “I am going to be out on the terrace watching the sailboats.”

  “I will just be a minute,” Leah promised. It took all the willpower she had to keep from joining Mika on the bed. She was glad Mika was leaving their bedroom.

  Mika’s phone rang and Leah could hear her talking with Adam. “Why don’t you and Amber join us? Don’t be silly. Sara will love to see you.” She looked up as Leah walked into the room. “Your mother and I are on our way down now.

  “You look gorgeous.” Mika smiled, pleased to be her escort. “You truly are the fairest in all the land.”

  Leah rose on her tiptoes to kiss Mika lightly then brushed the trace of lipstick from Mika’s lips with her thumb. She inhaled deeply as she slowly ran her thumb back across Mika’s lips. “Later,” Leah promised.

  Mika called Sara to let her know they were coming down in the elevator. They stopped on her floor. The girls joined them. “Adam and Amber are joining us,” Mika told them.


  “Mom and Dad will be here tomorrow,” Jennifer informed them as Joe poured their wine.

  “That is wonderful, dear.” Leah forced a smile as she sipped her water. “Everything is set for the rehearsal dinner. Your dresses and the men’s tuxedos should be ready tomorrow.”

  “What are you wearing, Queen Mommy?” Sara smiled affectionately at her mother.

  “Something subdued. I promise.” Leah grinned. She had spent hours searching for just the right dress that would look wonderful, but not upstage the brides. “I have picked up all of your sisters’ dresses and the tuxedos for your brothers.”

  “Four more days.” Adam ducked his head shyly. “It seems as if May first has taken a lifetime to get here.”

  Leah glanced at Mika, recalling her anxiety during their wedding. They had shared so much in thirty-five years, yet it seemed like only yesterday.

  A slow dance song started on the jukebox. “Shall we?” Jennifer held out her hand to Sara. As the women moved toward the dance floor, Amber excused herself and headed to the ladies’ room, leaving Adam alone with his parents.

  “Mika.” Adam gulped. “Amber and I just finished couple’s counseling at the church, but I feel that I need more advice than I received.”

  “Advice about what, Son?” Mika looked concerned. A sharp shock of electricity made her jerk involuntarily. Leah gripped Mika’s leg, grinning at her wickedly.

  “Oh! That.” Mika blushed. “I guess we need to have the final relationship talk.”

  Adam nodded. Leah smiled smugly.

  “Amber would like to talk with you, Mom,” Adam continued. “She has no mother with whom to discuss these things.”

  “Me!” Leah gasped, her hand going to her throat.

  Mika grinned revengefully at her wife. “Yes, you, dear.”

  Amber returned to join them. “Would you like to dance, darling?” she asked Adam. Adam rose and followed his fiancée to the dance floor.

  “You are so smug sometimes.” Mika laughed out loud. “You should have seen your face when Adam asked you to counsel Amber.”

  “I don’t want to discuss this right now.” Leah glared. “We will talk about it tonight.”

  Another slow song started to play. “Want to dance, Your Majesty?” Mika smirked.

  There was no feeling in the world like holding Leah in her arms. Whether it was the feel of her softness through her silk blouse or skin against skin, it always thrilled Mika and jarred her senses.

  Leah melted into Mika as they danced. Her mind was racing. What would she tell Amber? Of course she knew how to please Mika, but she didn’t want to discuss that with her future daughter-in-law. She knew they didn’t want to hear about honesty, fidelity, and love. They had heard that in couple’s counseling. They wanted to discuss sex.

  She groaned against Mika’s breast.

  “Why do I get the feeling that sound has nothing to do with me, holding you in my arms, and everything to do with the children’s desire for in-depth sex education?” Mika grinned down at her.


  Mika leaned back against the pillows propped against their headboard. She watched Leah as she prepared for bed. Leah had been distracted all evening. Finally, she settled beside Mika, leaning back against Mika’s legs that were raised to form a backrest for her.

  “You and your children are so innocent sometimes.” She scowled, half-smiling.

  “I believe they are your children too,” Mika reminded her.

  “Sara wants to talk to me too. Our oldest son wasn’t this difficult.” She bowed her head.

  “Of course not.” Mika smiled. “You made me do all the talking.”

  “You’re a priest,” Leah whined. “You’re trained to have these talks with people who are getting married.”

  Mika leaned forward and kissed her gently. “Just give them three or four pointers on the things you do that please me so much. Adam and I are going for a run in the morning. We will talk then. He will know what to do.”

  “You’re not going to tell him about…” Her voice trailed off as her face turned a darker red.

  “No.” Mika grinned. “He and Amber have the same powers I have. They will figure it out.”

  “Isn’t there a video or something we can buy for them?” She squirmed, just thinking about discussing such intimate things with anyone but Mika.

  “We’re their parents, darling. We need to give them the best advice we can.” Mika softly kissed her again.

  “Yes, of course.” Leah inhaled deeply, loving the scent of Mika, then sighed as she exhaled.


  “Baby, do you know where I put the…” Jennifer Jordon sucked in her breath. “God, you’re beautiful.”

  “Thank you.” A blushing Sara Cross surveyed the wonderful woman in front of her. “You are a bit of a heart stopper yourself.”

  Sara turned her back to her fiancée. “Would you help me with this zipper? I think I have gotten material caught in it.”

  “That depends on whether you want me to zip it up or down.” Jennifer’s green eyes danced in merriment as she kissed the nape of Sara’s neck.

  Sara turned in the other woman’s arms and kissed her slowly, intentionally building a fire in Jennifer’s stomach. She pulled Jennifer tight against her and marveled at how soft and fragrant she was. “If you want to be late for the rehearsal dinner, I’m okay with that,” she said hoarsely.

  Jennifer pulled her in tighter and kissed her passionately. “I would love that,” she whispered against her ear. “What would Queen Mommy say?” She released Sara and spun her around to zip up her dress.

  “Like they are going to be on time.” Sara giggled. “Did you see the way Mika looked at her this afternoon?”

  “Mika always looks at her that way.” Jennifer laughed. “I am surprised you don’t have fifty brothers and sisters.”

  Sara joined in the laughter. “Mika is pretty taken with her, isn’t she?”

  “Leah teases Mika all the time,” Jennifer noted. “She flirts with Mika like a teenage girl trying to get a date to the prom.”

  “I guess it works.” Sa
ra grinned. “I am pretty certain Mika would take her anywhere she wanted to go.

  “Speaking of going, did you get everything cleared with the hospital for next week?”

  “Absolutely.” Jennifer smiled. “I have the next ten days off. How about you? Are you going to be able to leave your research for ten days?”

  “Yes.” Sara breathed as she slipped her arms around Jennifer’s waist. “Tomorrow, we will be on a yacht somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic. I told Adam to steer clear of our coordinates.”

  “I think he and Amber are more nervous than we are.” Jennifer smiled. “It must feel strange to marry someone you have known your entire life.”

  “They are perfect for each other.” Sara smiled slightly. “I can remember when he was sixteen; he used to whine to me about how he couldn’t live without her.

  At the time, we thought she was thirty-four. He used to sit for hours with a pad and pencil adding numbers, trying to figure out how old she would be when he was old enough to marry. He told me once that if she would marry him when he was eighteen, she would only be fifty-four. He said fifty-four wasn’t too old.

  “Now they are almost the same age,” Sara finished her story.

  “Any luck with the new DNA sample you received from Adam?” Jennifer changed the subject. She had found her fiancée’s research fascinating and wanted to keep up with what was going on.

  “Same as the DNA from the ossuary we thought was Mary’s.” Sara frowned. “There is only mitochondrial DNA. We can trace mitochondrial DNA back four hundred thousand years. We call it the Eve gene.

  “Only mothers pass down their DNA to their daughter, which goes to their granddaughters and great-granddaughters, etc. Males don’t pass down DNA more than one generation.”


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